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Indoor Air

IAQ Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM)

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The documents on this server contain hypertext pointers (exiting EPA) to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. Please be aware that we do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Further, the inclusion of pointers to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed or products or services offered by the author.


E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Environmental Energies Technologies Division
Buildings Energy Efficiency
Indoor and Outdoor Energy Efficiency
Phone: (510) 486-6784
Fax: (510) 486-5394

EPA's Radiation and Indoor Environments (R&IE) National Laboratory - Center for Indoor Environments (CIE)
Phone: (702) 798-2340
Website: www.epa.gov/greeningepa/facilities/lasvegas.htm

Provides information on the center's capabilities to assess indoor environments and building systems utilizing the EPA's Building Assessment Evaluation (BASE) protocols. The site offers information and links to other programs concerned with air quality.

Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Phone: (847) 272-8800
Fax: (847) 272-8129
Email: northbrook@us.ul.com
Website: www.ul.com/ exiting EPA

Provides a search engine for numerous information sources including industry standards. UL has five laboratory facilities and numerous Local Engineering Services offices, wholly owned affiliates, international liaison and representative offices.

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Government Sites

EPA's Indoor Air Quality Homepage www.epa.gov/iaq

Offers a links to information concerning IAQ in Large Buildings including BAQ Guide, BAQ Action Plan, and BASE Study. Informative and provides lots of research options to analyze indoor air problems and the ways to institute good IAQ management practices.

California Air Resources Board
For general inquiries, call (800) 363-7664 (in California) or (800) 242-4450 (outside California)
Email: helpline@arb.ca.gov
Website: www.arb.ca.gov/homepage.htm exiting EPA

Furnishes information on air quality in the state of California, Provides software options, IAQ guidelines and IAQ programs.

California Department of Health Services
Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control,
Environmental Health Laboratory Branch
Indoor Air Quality Program
IAQ Assistance Line: (510) 540-2476
DHS - IAQ Program
Fax: (510) 540-3022
Contacts: www.cal-iaq.org/contact-us exiting EPA
Website: www.cal-iaq.org/ exiting EPA

Conducts and coordinates research, investigations, experiments, demonstrations, surveys, and studies related to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, and control of indoor pollution in California. Provides IAQ Info Sheets, reports, other websites, current activities, and link to the California Interagency Working Group on Indoor Air Quality.

U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Website: www.eere.energy.gov/

Offers information, case studies, software tools for energy-efficient buildings. Provides research results for intelligent building systems and the human factors involved in making smart decisions.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Division of Air Resource Management (DARM)

Phone: (850) 488-1554
Fax: (850) 488-7093
Email: depwebmaster@dep.state.fl.us
Website: www.dep.state.fl.us/air/ exiting EPA

Furnishes information concerning regulations, publications, programs, forms, and permitting information for the state of Florida. Conducting a search on IAQ-related topics is possible as well as other air resource issues.

Maine Indoor Air Quality Council
Phone: (207) 626-8115
Fax: (207) 626-9015
Email: miaqc@gwi.net
Website: www.miaqc.org/ exiting EPA

Promotes better quality of life through improved indoor air quality for the state of Maine. Provides details concerning forums, activities, case studies, databases, education, membership, etc.

National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)
NIST program questions, Public Inquiries Unit: (301) 975-NIST (6478)
TTY: (301) 975-8295
Email: webmaster@nist.gov
Website: www.nist.gov/

Works with the industry to develop technology, measurements and standards. Provides links to Standards Laboratories and access to articles on Building Systems and Indoor Air Quality.

U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)

Phone: (202) 693-1999
Website: www.osha.gov/

Users can look up federal standards regarding occupational safety and their interpretations as well as statistic data and technical links.

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American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
Phone: (513) 742-6163
Fax: (513) 742-3355
Email: mail@acgih.org
Website: www.acgih.org exiting EPA

Offers a number of publications of interest related to indoor air quality and health.

American Indoor Air Quality Council (AmIAQC)
Phone: (800) 942-0832 / (623) 582-0832 (Phoenix Area)
Fax: (623) 581-6270
Email: info@iaqcouncil.org
Website: http://iaqcouncil.org/ exiting EPA

Promotes awareness, education and certification of IAQ. Certification Courses offered for CIAQC, CIAQI, CMRS, CMI, CMC, CIAQM and CMCA, and workshops offered : Basic & Advanced Strategies for Conducting Meaningful Microbial IAQ Investigations and HVAC and Indoor Environment.

The American Lung Association (ALA)
Phone: (212) 315-8700
Email: webmaster@lungusa.org
Website: www.lungusa.org exiting EPA

Users can conduct research pertinent to the topic of lung cancer and its various causes. A search on Sick Building Syndrome provides numerous results including information on the symptoms, causes, pollutants such as volatile organic compounds, and some solutions to SBS.

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
Phone: (703) 849-8888
Fax: (703) 207-3561
Email: infonet@aiha.org
Website: www.aiha.org/ exiting EPA

Source of information on occupational and environmental health and safety issues. Services include the AIHA Journal and other scientific links to technical committees and public policy comments on the industrial hygiene.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Phone: (202) 293-8020
Fax: (202) 293.9287
Email: ansionline@ansi.org
Website: www.ansi.org/ exiting EPA

Administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. The Institute's mission is to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity.

Air Conditioning Contractors of America, Inc. (ACCA)
Phone: (703) 575-4477
Fax: (703) 575-4449
Email: info@ms.acca.org
Website: www.acca.org/ exiting EPA

Includes product catalogs, information concerning upcoming conferences, events, and certification programs for air conditioning contractors. Additional information and support is provided for the interaction between HVACR contractors, U.S. Congress, and other regulatory agencies.

Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute (ARI)
Phone: (703) 524-8800
Fax: (703) 528-3816
Email: ari@ari.org
Website: www.lightindustries.com/ARI/ exiting EPA

Provides information ranging from international activities to legislative and regulatory affairs for the air-conditioning and refrigeration manufacturing industry. Includes links to certification programs, consumer information and new releases/articles concerned with HVAC industry.

Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. (AMCA)
Phone: (847) 394-0150
Fax: (847) 253-0088
Email: amca@amca.org

Trade association of manufacturers of air movement and control equipment including fans, louvers, dampers, and related air systems equipment. Provides member services, publications, technical specifications, seminars and meetings.

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE)
Phone: (404) 636-8400
Fax: (404) 321-5478
Website: www.ashrae.org/ exiting EPA

Provides information about the organization itself and the services provided; as well as links to technical resources for conducting research pertinent to heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration. Members of ASHRAE can access the members only link to gain support and member benefits from the organization.

Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM)
Phone: (202) 872-5955
Fax: (202) 872-9354
Website: www.aham.org/ exiting EPA

Provides a trade menu that supplies informative links to search publications, standards, and statistics. Provides quick excerpts on the latest news in the appliance industry and associated topics.
AHAM also provides information on air cleaners on their AHAM-certified Clean Air Delivery Rate site at www.cadr.org exiting EPA

Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA)
Phone: (202) 408-2662
Fax: (202) 371-0181/Fax on Demand: (732) 544-2515
Email: webmaster@boma.org
Website: www.boma.org/ exiting EPA

Provides access to "how-to" guidebooks and information-packed publications along with membership options and industry research and office building performance data. Provides links to special interest groups and information concerning BOMA events like The Office Building Show.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors, British Columbia Branch (CIPHI)
Phone: 1-888-245-8180
Email: webmaster@ciphi.ca
Website: www.ciphi.ca/exiting EPA

Info/links to ISIAQ, IAQ/IEQ information links, Indoor Environment Division EPA, Lawrence Berkely Laboratory research programs, CMHC, CMHC Discussion Group, BOMA, ASHRAE proposed standards, and CPSC.

Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI)
Phone: (800) 267-2231 or (905) 602-4700
Fax: (905) 602-1197
Email: hraimail@hrai.ca
Website: www.hrai.ca/ exiting EPA

Indoor Air Quality Association, Inc. (IAQA)
Phone: (301) 962-3805
Fax: (301) 962-3806
Email: iaqa@aol.com
Website: www.iaqa.org/exiting EPA

Promotes exchange of indoor environmental information through education and research. Lists events, offers IAQ courses and certification, and information concerning the organization and its members.

International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)
c/o Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Phone: +358 9 4355 5612 Fax: +358 9 4355 5655
Email: info@isiaq.org
Website: www.isiaq.org/ exiting EPA

An organization of international scientists and practitioners that "support the creation of healthy, comfortable, and productivity-encouraging indoor environments". Provides information about ISIAQ, its members, activities, news and meetings concerning IAQ, available publications, events, and other links.

The Mid Atlantic Environmental Hygiene Resource Center (MEHRC)
Phone: (215) 966-6191 Fax: (215) 387-6321

Indoor environmental quality training on topics such as mold remediation Go to http://www.mgi.org/n_mehrc.shtml exiting EPA for a list of MEHRC course listings.

National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA)
Phone: (202) 737-2926
Fax: (202) 347-8847
Email: nadca@aol.com
Website: www.nadca.com/ exiting EPA

Furnishes technical seminars and download capabilities such as Commercial Specifications for the Air Duct Cleaners Industry. Access to NADCA publications and equipment suppliers are available.

The National Air Filtration Association (NAFA)
Phone:(202) 628-5328
Fax: (202) 638-4833
Email: nafahq@aol.com

Provides information related to the sale, service, and manufacture of air filtration products. Search engines provides the opportunity to search for topics specific to air filtration.

National Safety Council (NSC)
Phone: (630) 285-1121
Fax: (630) 285-1315
Email: customerservice@nsc.org
Website: www.nsc.org/exiting EPA

Provides information concerning occupational safety and health in the workplace, education/training, consulting services, and technical resources. Tools include a bibliographical listing about Sick Buildings.

Occupational Health and Safety Research Institute (IRSST)
Phone: (514) 288-1551
Fax: (514) 288-7636
Website: www.irsst.qc.ca/en/home.html exiting EPA

The Occupational Health and Safety Research Institute (IRSST), located in Montreal (QC), Canada, carries out scientific activities concentrated in seven research fields: accidents, chemical substances and biological agents, musculoskeletal disorders, noise and vibration, protective equipment, occupational rehabilitation, safety of industrial tools, machines and processes. More information about the Institute and its research activities, as well as about 1000 research reports are available for free download.

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Aerias, LLC
Phone: (678) 931-2290
Fax: (770) 980-0072
Email: info@aerias.org
Website: www.aerias.org exiting EPA

Primary mission is to provide information on indoor air quality and health. The site is a virtual interactive library of IAQ information focusing on schools, homes, and office buildings, but has information on other environments.

All HVAC Info
Phone: (416)-834-0156
Email: info@allhvacinfo.com
Website: www.allhvacinfo.com exiting EPA

All HVAC Info is a premier HVAC information source with huge database listings for HVAC consulting engineers, contractors, recruiters, associations, software companies, discussion forums, technical magazines and resources.

Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics,
The Robert L. Preger Intelligent Workplace, Carnegie Mellon University
Phone: (412) 268-2350
Fax: (412) 268-6129
Email: iw@andrew.cmu.edu
Website: www.arc.cmu.edu/cbpd/index.html exiting EPA

Carnegie Mellon University conducts research, demonstration, and teaching in building performance and diagnostics, including the application of technology, for improved energy efficiency, environmental performance, and occupant satisfaction.

The Collaborative for High Performance Schools
Toll Free: (877) 642-CHPS
Email: chps@eley.com
Website: www.chps.net/ exiting EPA

The Collaborative for High Performance Schools facilitates the design of high performance school environments that are not only energy efficient, but also healthy, comfortable, well lit and contain the amenities needed for a quality education. While the focus is on schools, the site contains an extensive guide for best practices with information relevant for all types of buildings.

Contracting Business Interactive
Phone: (216) 696-7000
Fax: (216) 696-7932
Email: acarney@penton.com
Website: www.contractingbusiness.com/ exiting EPA

Contracting Business Magazine. This site is dedicated to the Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Industry (HVACR) as well as to the consuming public.

HVACR Resources
HVACR Resources is provided by HVAC Contract Services
Phone: (905) 634-0811
Fax: (905) 634-0158
Email: hvaccs@wchat.on.ca

Indoor Environment Connections
Phone: (301) 230-9606 Fax: (301) 230-9631
Email: IECnews@aol.com
Website: www.ieconnections.com/index.asp exiting EPA

International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)

This document discusses procedures to quantify energy conservation measure (ECM) performance and energy savings in buildings. An appendix covering indoor environmental issues has also been developed. Download a PDF version of the December 1997 protocols (DOE/EE-0157) (PDF, 192 pp., 647 K, about PDF)

National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI)
Phone: (610) 933-4241
Fax: (650) 429-2057 (fax)
Website: www.nachi.org/ exiting EPA

The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors is a non-profit organization helping home inspectors achieve financial success and maintain inspection excellence.

National HVAC Consultants, Ltd.
Email: lbshvac@attglobal.net

Provides online help for Business Owners recommending system approaches to IAQ. Explores IAQ problems and their solutions through interactive examples.

The New York City Department of Healthand Mental Hygiene
Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments exiting EPA

This document revises and expands the original guidelines to include all fungi (mold). It is based both on a review of the literature regarding fungi and on comments obtained by a review panel consisting of experts in the fields of microbiology and health sciences. It is intended for use by building engineers and management, but is available for general distribution to anyone concerned about fungal contamination, such as environmental consultants, health professionals, or the general public. For further information regarding this document please contact the New York City Department of Health at (212) 788-4290 / 4288.

Research Triangle Institute (RTI)
Phone: (919) 541-6000
Website: www.rti.org exiting EPA

Environmental and Natural Resources - Provides specific links/research concerning Indoor/Ambient Air Quality; and the ability to perform a search on the RTI site. Topics include VOC emissions, surface cleaning research, and asbestos testing.

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Asthma Mold Radon Indoor airPLUS Program IAQ Tools for Schools IAQ Design Tools for Schools Smoke-free Homes and Cars IAQ Tribal Partners Program Cookstoves An Introduction to IAQ IAQ and Climate Readiness IAQ in Homes IAQ in Large Buildings IAQ in Schools IAQ Publications CIAQ Air Cleaners Frequent Questions Español Flood Cleanup

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