
The Department of Family Services' mission is to promote the safety, well-being and self-sufficiency of families through community partnerships.  Local DFS offices around the state can help qualifying families with supplemental nutrition assistance (SNAP), child support enforcement, Medicaid, child care assistance and other needed services in their communities. Our goal is to connect people with time-limited resources that promote healthy, safe, self-sufficient  families so they can contribute to their communities. Our vision is that Wyoming will set the standard as the best in child and family services. 

Latest News

  • DFS Adult Protection Report Featured in UW’s 12th Annual Consumer Issues Conference A report completed last year on the cost of adult abuse in the State will feature prominently in Wyoming’s 12th Annual Consumer Issues Conference at the University of Wyoming ...
    Posted Oct 4, 2012 1:16 PM by DFS Web
  • DFS releases new mandatory reporting guide on abuse and neglect A new guide on mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect in Wyoming is now available online or through the director's office at the Wyoming Department of Family Services. The ...
    Posted Aug 23, 2012 1:39 PM by Tony Lewis
  • DFS Names New Early Child Development Head Jillian Balow, Governor Matt Mead’s policy advisor for human services, has been named as the new Department of Family Services Administrator for Early Child Development, according to a release ...
    Posted Jun 27, 2012 10:30 AM by Tony Lewis
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