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DFS Adult Protection Report Featured in UW’s 12th Annual Consumer Issues Conference

posted Oct 4, 2012 10:59 AM by Tony Lewis   [ updated Oct 4, 2012 1:16 PM by DFS Web ]
A report completed last year on the cost of adult abuse in the State will feature prominently in Wyoming’s 12th Annual Consumer Issues Conference at the University of Wyoming. The financial report is available at Cost of Adult Exploitation.

Lori Stiegel, Senior Attorney with the Commission on Law and Aging American Bar Association from Washington DC will be presenting on the report’s findings when she comes to UW for the conference on October 3-5. The report, which focuses on financial abuse, was completed last year by Dorothy Thomas in the DFS Adult Protection Program. Stiegel will also be a keynote speaker at the conference.

This year’s theme for the 12th Consumer Issues Conference  has the theme of “Consumer Financial Protection Who's in Charge?"  It will also feature other speakers on a variety of consumer financial protection issues across three tracks: Banking & Payment Issues, Regulatory/Legal Issues, and Investing Issues.

In explaining the theme for this year’s event, conference organizers said the financial crisis of 2008 continues to affect consumers today. That crisis led to several new laws, including the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, as well as the Credit CARD Reform Act of 2009. A new federal consumer protection agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, was launched in 2011, specifically to look out for consumers’ interests in the banking and financial sectors. Concurrent with the legal developments have been rapid advances in technology, especially in the banking area, where payments and money transfers are more likely to be made by electronic or digital means, than by cash or check.
Tony Lewis,
Oct 4, 2012 10:59 AM
DFS Web,
Oct 4, 2012 1:15 PM