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October 12, 2012 - National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) working with the Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) Infrastructure Development in Indian country

For more information, please contact Ms. Zeynep Guven at the Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) by email at zguven@tc-america.org

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December 5, 2012 - Cal/EPA Applications for Community Small Grants

Contact Malinda Dumisani, EJ Small Grants Program, P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812-2815 (916) 445-9480; Malinda.Dumisani@calepa.ca.gov

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December 31, 2012 - Pacific Power RFP

Pacific Power RFP Exit Disclaimerseeking new renewable energy projects or project additions located in the Pacific Power service area. Projects must be locally owned and commercial scale, with capacity less than 10 MW. Preference is given to local projects with a strong educational component that bring a broader understanding of renewable energy development and generation, and/or further research and development of new renewable energy-generation technologies. Contact: blueskyprojects@pacificpower.net

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December 31, 2012 - Rocky Mountain Power RFP

Rocky Mountain Power RFP Exit Disclaimerseeking new renewable energy projects or project additions located in the Rocky Mountain Power service area. Projects must be locally owned and commercial scale, with capacity less than 10 MW. Preference is given to local projects with a strong educational component that bring a broader understanding of renewable energy development and generation, and/or further research and development of new renewable energy-generation technologies. Contact: blueskyprojects@rockymountainpower.net

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February 15, 2013 - New York City Economic Development Corporation RFP

New York City Economic Development Corporation RFP Exit Disclaimerseeking proposals for the long-term lease of approximately 75 acres of land on and adjacent to the former Fresh Kills Landfill for the ownership, design, construction, and operation of utility-scale installations of solar and wind energy facilities. Contact: renewablerfp@nycedc.com

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Archived events

February 18, 2011 - EPA's Office of Children's Health Protection Solicitation for Grant Proposals to Address Children's Environmental Health

EPA's Office of Children's Health Protection is pleased to announce the release of a solicitation for grant proposals to address children's environmental health in underserved communities by building capacity for these communities to reduce environmental exposures in child-occupied settings (e.g. homes, schools and child care centers). Funds available for award are expected to total approximately $1.5 million, and EPA intends to award approximately 15-20 awards, each for an amount not to exceed $100,000. The due date for initial proposals is February 18, 2011.

Assistance under this competition is available to:

For complete information regarding this Request for Initial Proposals, see: http://yosemite.epa.gov/ochp/ochpweb.nsf/content/grants.htm.

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February 23, 2011 - HUD Announces Availability of $25.75 Million in Rural Innovation Funding

The Rural Innovation Fund Program, a successor to the defunct Rural Housing and Economic Development (RHED) program, sets aside $25.75 million from the Community Development Block Grant Program for grants to tribes, state housing finance agencies, state community and/or economic development agencies, local rural nonprofits, and community development corporations to address the problems of concentrated rural housing distress and community poverty.

Out of the total $25 million appropriated, $5 million is reserved "to promote economic development and entrepreneurship for federally recognized Indian tribes, through activities including the capitalization of revolving loan programs and business planning and development" and for "technical assistance to increase capacity through training and outreach activities."

For more information, visit the HUD Web site or contact Robert Duncan, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development, Office of Community Planning and Development at 202-402-4681 or 1-877-787-2526 (toll-free number).

Applications are due February 23, 2011. For details, visit Grants.gov

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February 23, 2011- Webcast to Assist Applicants with Applications Process for Environmental Community Grants (CARE)

EPA is making approximately $2 million available in 2011 to reduce pollution at the local level through the Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) program. CARE is a community-based program that works with county and local governments, tribes, non-profit organizations and universities to help the public understand and reduce toxic risks from numerous sources. Since 2005, CARE has reached 78 communities in several states and territories. A recent evaluation by the National Association of Public Administration (NAPA) recognized the CARE program as a solid tested framework for engaging communities and other stakeholders.

EPA will award CARE cooperative agreements in two levels. Level I awards range from $75,000 to $100,000 each and will help establish community-based partnerships to develop local environmental priorities. Level II awards range from $150,000 to $300,000 each and will support communities that have established broad-based partnerships, have identified the priority toxic risks in the community, and are prepared to measure results, implement risk-reduction activities and become self-sustaining.

Please note that due to appropriation law concerns, until Congress provides separate authorization, EPA can only award CARE Level II cooperative agreements to applicants that have already received CARE Level I cooperative agreements.

Applications for the CARE assistance agreements are due by March 22, 2011, 4 p.m. EST. EPA will conduct three Webcasts to answer questions from prospective applicants about the application process on February 8 and 23, and March 2 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

For more information about the CARE assistance agreements visit: http://www.epa.gov/care/

For the 2011 CARE Request for Proposals (RFP) visit:

News release:

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February 23, 2011 - EPA Offers Proven Solutions to Support Sustainable Community Goals Accepting Applications

For more information on the event visit EPA Newsroom.

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March 2, 2011 - Webcast to Assist Applicants with Applications Process for Environmental Community Grants (CARE)

EPA is making approximately $2 million available in 2011 to reduce pollution at the local level through the Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) program. CARE is a community-based program that works with county and local governments, tribes, non-profit organizations and universities to help the public understand and reduce toxic risks from numerous sources. Since 2005, CARE has reached 78 communities in several states and territories. A recent evaluation by the National Association of Public Administration (NAPA) recognized the CARE program as a solid tested framework for engaging communities and other stakeholders.

EPA will award CARE cooperative agreements in two levels. Level I awards range from $75,000 to $100,000 each and will help establish community-based partnerships to develop local environmental priorities. Level II awards range from $150,000 to $300,000 each and will support communities that have established broad-based partnerships, have identified the priority toxic risks in the community, and are prepared to measure results, implement risk-reduction activities and become self-sustaining.

Please note that due to appropriation law concerns, until Congress provides separate authorization, EPA can only award CARE Level II cooperative agreements to applicants that have already received CARE Level I cooperative agreements.

Applications for the CARE assistance agreements are due by March 22, 2011, 4 p.m. EST. EPA will conduct three Webcasts to answer questions from prospective applicants about the application process on February 8 and 23, and March 2 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

For more information about the CARE assistance agreements visit: http://www.epa.gov/care/

For the 2011 CARE Request for Proposals (RFP) visit:

News release:

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March 2, 2011 - Emerging Energy Technology Demonstrations - Alaska

The Alaska Energy Authority requests proposals for the Emerging Energy Technology Fund Grant Program. Through this RFP, AEA seeks to expand Alaskan's access to reliable and affordable energy sources through funding demonstration projects of technologies that have a reasonable expectation to be commercially viable in the next five years. Technology priorities include: Energy Production (including renewables); Storage, Distribution, and Controls; and Energy Efficiency and Conservation. Subcategories of interest include, but are not limited to: Energy efficiency and conservation, biomass, wind, geothermal, micro-CHP, and solar. Project abstracts due 3/2/11.

For more info, contact Butch White at EETF@aidea.org or go to: http://www.akenergyauthority.org/EETFundGrantProgram.html Exit Disclaimer

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March 3, 2011 - DOE Funding Opportunity for First Steps Toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands

For More information: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/tribalenergy/government_grants.cfm#Tribal

Press Release: http://www.energy.gov/news/9978.htm

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March 3, 2011 - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands

The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for First Steps Toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands. Areas of interest include: Strategic planning, energy options analysis, energy organization development, and human capacity building, related to sustainable energy efficiency implementation and/or renewable energy development. Up to $1.5 million expected to be available, up to 20 awards anticipated. Responses due 3/3/11.

For more info, contact Paige Smith at paige.smith@go.doe.gov or go to: https://www.fedconnect.net/FedConnect/?doc=DE-FOA-0000422&agency=DOE. Exit Disclaimer
Refer to Sol# DE-FOA-0000422

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March 4, 2011 - HUD Sustainable Communities Research Grants - $1.5 million

Application due: March 4, 2011 (due date extended)
Eligible entities: Nationally recognized and accredited institutions of higher education; nonprofit foundations, think tanks, research consortia or policy institutes, and for-profit organizations located in the United States.

HUD request proposals for the Transformation Initiative: Sustainable Communities Research Grant Program. Through this RFP, HUD is interested primarily in sponsoring cutting-edge research in affordable housing development and preservation, transportation-related issues, economic development and job creation, land use planning and urban design, green and sustainable energy practices, and a range of issues related to sustainability. Up to $1.5 million is expected to be available; individual awards will not exceed $500,000. For more information, see the synopsis of this opportunity on Grants.gov.

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March 10, 2011 - DOC Request for Proposals for Economic Development Administration Public Works, Economic Adjustment, and Global Climate Change Mitigation Programs Opportunity - Likely ~$25 million

Application due: Depends on funding cycle; next funding cycle is due March 10, 2011
Eligible entities: State and local governments, federally recognized tribes, nonprofits, private institutes of higher education

DOC's Economic Development Administration (EDA) helps distressed communities establish a foundation for durable regional economies throughout the United States. EDA generally allocates funds for the Global Climate Change Mitigation Incentive Fund (GCCMIF) to support projects that foster economic competitiveness while enhancing environmental quality. EDA anticipates that these funds will be used to advance the green economy by supporting projects that create jobs and increase private capital investment in initiatives to limit the nation's dependence on fossil fuels, enhance energy efficiency, curb greenhouse gas emissions, and protect natural systems. While the amount of funding available through this opportunity is dependent on FY2011 appropriations and is not yet known, EDA allocated $25 million for the GCCMIF in 2010. The average size of a GCCMIF investment was approximately $840,000. For more information, including regional contacts, see the synopsis of this funding opportunity on Grants.gov.

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March 14, 2011EPA Awards $600,000 Targeted Watershed Grant to River Network

EPA Awards $600,000 Targeted Watershed Grant to River Network

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded $600,000 to River Network to engage communities and increase citizen connection, understanding, and stewardship of urban waterways. This award was made through the Targeted Watershed Grants Program and is an Urban Waters Capacity Building Grant. Under the grant, River NetworkExit Disclaimer will form a partnership with Groundwork USAExit Disclaimer to establish and manage a competitive urban watershed subaward program.

River Network will select five to seven subawardees competitively to receive funding (ranging from $30,000 to $70,000) and up to 400 hours of technical assistance for projects designed to strengthen their organization. As part of the grant, River Network will also provide a wider peer-learning network for other organizations working on urban water issues.

The goal is to support a new urban waters movement by building highly capable organizations that are self-sustaining and can carry out programs to protect human health and the environment. The urban waterways in many communities are compromised landscapes, impacted by various sources of pollution and often neglected and ignored. These capacity-building subgrants will provide local organizations, tribal and local governmental with skills and techniques to protect their urban waterways and promote more vibrant, economically sustainable communities. All subawardees will attend the National River Rally in North Charleston, South Carolina on June 3-6, 2011. (http://www.rivernetwork.org/events/national-river-rally-2010).

For additional information on applying to River Network for funding, please contact Diana Toledo (dtoledo@rivernetwork.org) or visit the River Network Urban Waters Capacity Building Grants Request for ProposalsExit Disclaimer. Applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, March 14th, 2011.

EPA initiated the Targeted Watersheds Grant Program in 2002 to encourage successful community-based approaches to protect and restore the nation's watersheds. Watershed health is important to providing clean, safe water where Americans live, work and play. Since 2003, more than $50 million has been provided to 61 organizations through EPA Targeted Watersheds Grants.

Learn more about what EPA is doing to protect Urban Waters.

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March 15, 2011 - Transit Workforce Development

The U.S. Department of Transportation requests proposals for the Innovative Transit Workforce Development Program. This RFP will support projects that demonstrate innovative workforce development practices and programs occurring in public transportation. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, worker training and retention, pre-employment training, and new innovative programs. $1 million expected to be available, individual awards NTE $500K. Responses due 3/15/11.

For more info, contact Jarrett Stoltzfus at jarrett.stoltzfus@dot.gov or go to: http://www.fta.dot.gov/funding/grants_financing_7829.html.
Refer to Sol# FTA-2011-009-TRI.(Grants.gov 1/6/11)

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March 16, 2011 - Energy Efficiency in Indian Country

The U.S. Department of Energy requests proposals for Energy Efficiency Development and Deployment in Indian Country. Areas of interest include: 1) Feasibility studies to assess and determine the technical and economic feasibility of energy efficiency improvements to existing Tribally-owned buildings, and 2) Installation of energy efficiency improvements at existing Tribally-owned buildings. Up to $4 million expected to be available, up to 20 awards anticipated. Responses due 3/16/11.

For more info, contact Kasey Koch at kasey.koch@go.doe.gov or go to: https://www.fedconnect.net/FedConnect/?doc=DE-FOA-0000423&agency=DOE. Exit Disclaimer
Refer to Sol# DEFOA-0000423.

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March 18, 2011 - EPA FY11 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant - $4 million

Application due: March 18, 2011
Eligible entities: State and local governments, tribes, nonprofit organizations, other

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals from eligible entities, including nonprofit organizations, to deliver environmental workforce development and job training programs focused on hazardous and solid waste management, assessment, and cleanup-associated activities. While Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants focus on hazardous and solid waste remediation and health and safety, including required core training in HAZWOPER, applicants may design their own curriculums by choosing what types of supplemental environmental training they want to provide. Learn more on the EPA Web site.

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March 22, 2011 - EPA Seeks Applications for Community-Based Environmental Grants (CARE)

For more information: http://www.epa.gov/care/agreements.htm#request

Press Release: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/d0cf6618525a9efb85257359003fb69d/55003c3dbc151cd98525781e0064080f!OpenDocument

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March 29, 2011 - EPA FY 2011 Pollution Prevention Grant Program - $4.1 million

Application due: March 29, 2011
Eligible entities: States, state agencies, federally recognized tribes and intertribal consortia, others

EPA's Pollution Prevention (P2) grant program supports state and tribal technical assistance programs to help businesses identify better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing or eliminating waste at the source. EPA Regions will award P2 grants and/or cooperative agreements to support state and tribal technical assistance programs that address the reduction or elimination of pollution by businesses across all environmental media: air, water, and land. Under this year's competition, proposals must describe activities that address one or more of the national focus areas: greenhouse gas reduction, toxic and hazardous materials reduction, resource conservation, business efficiency, and P2 integration. To complement the five national focus areas identified above, each EPA Region has developed a set of priorities that highlight specific environmental issues, projects, and/or programs that are of significant interest to the Region. Applicants must address at least of the priorities from the EPA Region in which the project will take place. For more information, contact Michelle Amhaz at 202-564-8857 or see the synopsis of this opportunity on Grants.gov.

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March 31, 2011 - EPA Seeks Applicants for $1.2 Millionin Environmental Justice Grants to Address Local Health and Environmental Issues

For More information: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/d0cf6618525a9efb85257359003fb69d/1fdb1db66729c5ca85257826005be42c!OpenDocument

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April 11, 2011 - EPA seeks Applications to Support the National Tribal Water Council

EPA seeks applications to support the National Tribal Water Council to facilitate tribal participation and build tribal capacity to address water quality and drinking water issues.

Release date: 02/14/2011
EPA anticipates making approximately $880,000 available through a cooperative agreement to provide support for the National Tribal Water Council (NTWC). The NTWC was established in 2006 through a cooperative agreement with EPA, and during the last four years has operated to increase tribal awareness and expertise on a wide variety of issues related to the quality of tribal water resources, watersheds, drinking water, and the health of tribal communities. The NTWC, comprised of tribal government co-regulators with water program expertise, provides a unique platform to facilitate and enhance tribal participation, input, training and information exchange among tribes, and between tribes and EPA, on water resources and quality.

EPA anticipates awarding a cooperative agreement to continue support to the NTWC for another four years, and assist in developing and completing products in coordination with the NTWC on issues related to ground, surface, and drinking water quality from a tribal perspective.

Elements of the Request for Applications (RFA) are expected to have numerous benefits, including:

Questions from prospective applicants about the competitive opportunity must be received before March 28, 2011, and applications must be received by April 11, 2011.

More information about the announcement: http://water.epa.gov/grants_funding/tribal

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April 13, 2011 - DOE Funding Opportunity for Energy Efficiency Development and Deployment in Indian Country

For More information: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/tribalenergy/government_grants.cfm#Tribal

Press Release: http://www.energy.gov/news/9978.htm

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April 18, 2011 - EPA Extreme Event Impacts on Air Quality and Water Quality with a Changing Global Climate - $6 million

Applications due: April 18, 2011
Eligible entities: Public nonprofit institutions/organizations, private nonprofit institutions/organizations, state and local governments, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, and U.S. territories or possessions

EPA requests proposals for Impacts on Air Quality and Water Quality with a Changing Global Climate. Through this RFP, EPA seeks projects focused on the development of assessments, tools and techniques, and demonstration of innovative technologies for providing information and capacity to adequately prepare for climate-induced changes in extreme events in the context of air and water quality management. $6 million expected to be available; up to six awards anticipated. For more information, contact Bryan Bloomer or visit the EPA website.

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May 2, 2011 - EPA Environmental Education Regional Grants - $1.9 million

Applications due: May 2, 2011
Eligible entities: Local education agencies, colleges or universities, state education or environmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and noncommercial educational broadcasting entities

EPA is seeking grant proposals from eligible applicants to support environmental education projects that promote environmental stewardship and help develop knowledgeable and responsible students, teachers, and citizens. This grant program provides financial support for projects that design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques as described in this notice. Under this solicitation, EPA expects to award environmental education grants from the 10 EPA Regional offices. EPA expects approximately $1,943,000 to be available for grants in amounts of a minimum of $15,000 and a maximum of $100,000. Each of EPA's 10 Regions anticipates funding a minimum of two grants, resulting in a minimum of approximately 20 grants being issued nationwide. For more information, contact Karen Scott at EEgrants@epa.gov or read the full solicitation on the EPA website.

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May 9, 2011 - DOT Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks Program - $25 million

Applications due: May 9, 2011
Eligible entities: Federal land management agencies, as well as state, tribal, and local governments acting with the consent of a federal land management agency

DOT requests proposals for the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks Program. This program funds capital and planning expenses for alternative transportation systems such as buses, trams, and nonmotorized systems in, and in the vicinity of, federally managed parks and public lands. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, projects that introduce innovative technologies, prevent or mitigate adverse impact on a natural resource, and reduce congestion and pollution. $25 million expected to be available; up to 45 awards anticipated. For more information, contact Patrick Centolanzi or visit the Federal Transit Administration website (refer to Sol# FTA-2011-013-TPM-TRIP).

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May 11, 2011 - DOE Funding Opportunity for Renewable Energy Development and Deployment in Indian Country

For More information: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/tribalenergy/government_grants.cfm#Tribal

Press Release: http://www.energy.gov/news/9978.htm

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May 20, 2011 - EPA Siting Renewable Energy on Potentially Contaminated Land and Mine Sites

Applications due: May 20, 2011
Eligible entities: State and local governments, federally recognized tribes, regional governments, and communities

Through its RE-Powering America's Land: Siting Renewable Energy on Potentially Contaminated Land and Mine Sites initiative, EPA is soliciting applications from states, tribes, regional governments, and communities that want to evaluate the potential development of renewable energy on potentially or formerly contaminated properties. This evaluation will be in the form of a feasibility study conducted by DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory that will determine the best renewable energy technology for the site, optimal location for placement of the renewable energy technology, potential energy-generating capacity, return on investment, and economic feasibility of the renewable energy projects. The purpose of the technical assistance is to reuse sites, improve communities, create jobs, develop partnerships, decrease the use of green space for siting renewable energy, and increase the amount of renewable energy generated. Proposals are due to EPA Friday May 20 and may be submitted to Lura matthews (matthews.lura@epa.gov). More information on the RE-Powering initiative and the request for applications can be found on the EPA website

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May 20, 2011 - EPA's Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies on Contaminated Properties

EPA is soliciting applications from states, tribes, regional governments, and communities that want to evaluate the potential development of renewable energy on potentially or formerly contaminated properties. This evaluation will be in the form of a feasibility study conducted by DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory that will determine the best renewable energy technology for the site, optimal location for placement of the renewable energy technology, potential energy-generating capacity, return on investment, and economic feasibility of the renewable energy projects. Proposals are due to EPA Friday, May 20. For more, see http://www.epa.gov/oswercpa/docs/repowering_epa_nrel_2011_rfa.pdf (PDF,  About PDF).

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May 26, 2011 - DOC Green Economies - $6 million

Applications due: May 26, 2011
Eligible entities: District organizations (as defined in 13 C.F.R. § 304.2), federally recognized tribes, state or local governments, institutes of higher education, public or private nonprofit organizations, and associations acting in cooperation with officials of a political subdivision of a state

The DOC's Economic Development Administration (EDA) requests proposals for i6 Green. This multi-agency competition focuses on the nexus between economic development and environmental quality, spotlighting the best ideas that contribute to a vibrant, innovative, clean economy. Applicants must address a persistent problem or an unaddressed opportunity with a sense of urgency and demonstrate how an i6 Green Proof of Concept Center will avoid duplication of existing efforts, remove roadblocks, and spark sustainable economic opportunities in the applicant's region. $6 million expected to be available; up to six awards anticipated. Letters of Intent are required and are due 5/2/11; final proposals due 5/26/11. For more information, including regional contacts, visit the EDA's website (refer to Sol# I6GREENEDA031011).

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June 10, 2011 - DOC Economic Development Administration Public Works, Economic Adjustment, and Global Climate Change Mitigation Programs Opportunity - Likely ~$25 million

Applications due: Depends on funding cycle; next funding cycle is due June 10, 2011
Eligible entities: State and local governments, federally recognized tribes, nonprofits, private institutes of higher education

DOC's EDA helps distressed communities establish a foundation for durable regional economies throughout the United States. EDA generally allocates funds for the Global Climate Change Mitigation Incentive Fund (GCCMIF) to support projects that foster economic competitiveness while enhancing environmental quality. EDA anticipates that these funds will be used to advance the green economy by supporting projects that create jobs through and increase private capital investment in initiatives to limit the nation's dependence on fossil fuels, enhance energy efficiency, curb greenhouse gas emissions, and protect natural systems. While the amount of funding available through this opportunity is dependent on FY2011 appropriations and is not yet known, EDA allocated $25 million for the GCCMIF in 2010. The average size of a GCCMIF investment was approximately $840,000. For more information, including regional contacts, visit the Grants.gov website

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June 30, 2011 - USDA Rural Energy Assistance Program Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance ? Estimated $2.8 million

Eligible applicants: Units of state, tribal, or local government and their instrumentalities, institutions of higher education, rural electric cooperatives, and public power entities

The Rural Energy Assistance Program Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance grant program is designed to assist farmers, ranchers, and rural small businesses; the program provides grants for energy audits and renewable energy development assistance.

For more information, visit the Grants.gov Website. Refer to Sol# RDBCP-11-REAP-ENERGYAUDIT.

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July 6 - 7, 2011 - EPA to Hold Teleconference Calls to Discuss FY 2012 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice

In preparation for the FY 2012 Exchange Network Grant application process, EPA will hold two stakeholder conference calls to review the draft FY 2012 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice and answer questions from the Exchange Network community. EPA will release the draft Notice by June 29, 2011.

The first call will be held on July 6, 2011, at 3:00 PM EDT.

The second call will be held on July 7, 2011, at 11:00 AM EDT.

To participate in either call, please dial: 1-866-299-3188, access code 2025661680#

EPA will accept written comments on the draft Notice until 5:00 PM EDT, July 14, 2011. Written comments should be emailed to Ryan Humrighouse at humrighouse.ryan@epa.gov.

EPA plans to issue the final EN Grant Solicitation Notice by July 31, 2011.

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July 15, 2011 - CDC Community Transformation Grant – Estimated $900 million

Eligible applicants: State and local government agencies, state and local nonprofit organizations, federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska native villages, tribal organizations, urban Indian health programs.

The purpose of this program is to create healthier communities by 1) building capacity to implement broad evidence- and practice-based policy, environmental, programmatic and infrastructure changes, as appropriate, in large counties, and in states, tribes, and territories, including in rural and frontier areas; and 2) supporting implementation of such interventions in five strategic areas aligning with Healthy People 2020 focus areas and achieving demonstrated progress in the following five performance measures outlined in the Affordable Care Act: 1) changes in weight, 2) changes in proper nutrition, 3) changes in physical activity, 4) changes in tobacco use prevalence, and 5) changes in emotional well-being and overall mental health, as well as other program-specific measures.

For more information, including the full funding opportunity announcement and application, visit  the Grants.gov Website.

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August 5, 2011 - Soliciting Applications for the Healthy People 2020 Community Innovation Awards

For more information and to download the RFP, please go to www.healthypeople.gov.

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August 22, 2011 - USDA Housing Preservation Grant

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announces the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Housing Preservation Grant Program. This program is available for residents of rural areas whose incomes fall into the low and very low income categories and who need assistance to repair or rehabilitate their homes. An area is considered rural if it is populated with 20,000 people or less. Urban area residents would not be eligible for the program. Nonprofits, local governments, and Native American tribes can receive the grant funding to repair the properties of these residents. Grant funding is not provided to individuals. The deadline to submit the pre-application is August 22, 2011.

Notice of Funding Availability: Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants for Fiscal Year 2011 (PDF) (7 pp, 313K)

FY 2011 Pre-application for Housing Preservation Grants (PDF) (4 pp, 358K)

The Section 533 HPG Pre-application form may be accessed from this site and submitted electronically. You may also contact the State Office in the state the project is located for hard-copy forms. Hard copy pre-applications and additional materials can be mailed to the State Office with your complete application package.

Content in this E-mail is not produced by EPA. Any opinions or view expressed in this email do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the U.S. EPA.

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November 4, 2011 - EPA Releases FY 2012 Exchange Network Grant Solicitation Notice

Exchange Network Grant Applications Due November 4, 2011

Applicants for the FY 2012 Exchange Network Grant program must submit an application package to EPA by November 4, 2011. In FY 2012, EPA expects to award an estimated $10,000,000 for 40 to 50 grants of up to $350,000. The exact number of grants will depend on the amount of EPA’s appropriation for the grant program, the number of applications submitted to EPA by the deadline, the amount requested to produce the proposed results, and the competitive review of the applications received. The primary outcome expected from the Exchange Network assistance agreements is improved access to, and exchange of, high-quality environmental data from public and private sector sources. With this outcome in mind, applications should demonstrate support for and results toward the EN program priorities. EPA will accept project proposals for National Environmental Information Exchange Network grants in one of two ways: 1) a hardcopy mailed or delivered proposal, including one original and two copies or; 2) a proposal submitted electronically through the grants.gov website. EPA anticipates that it will announce selection decisions in or around March 2012. EPA plans to issue the awards by August 2012. 

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November 8, 2011 - Letters of Intent - USDA Requests Proposals for Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Fellowships

For more information, contact AFRI@nifa.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/afri.html.

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December 31, 2011 - Today's Youth Protecting Tomorrow's Environment! President's Environmental Youth Awards and New EPA Tools for Students

Apply at: http://www.epa.gov/education/peya/index.html.

The EPA has revamped its student website, http://www.epa.gov/students/ with new tools for students, teachers and parents, and created a new environmental blog for students to share what they are doing to protect our environment: http://blog.epa.gov/students/

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December 31, 2011 - The Solid Waste Management Grants Technical Assistance

For more information visit:

USDA Rural Development Website and
The Technical Assistance and Training Grants for Rural Waste Systems

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January 18, 2012 - Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)

For more information, contact americorpsgrants@cnc.gov.

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January 19, 2012 - Final Proposals Due - USDA Requests Proposals for Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Fellowships

For more information, contact AFRI@nifa.usda.gov or go to: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/funding/rfas/afri.html

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January 20, 2012 - USDA Establishes Council for Native American Farming and Ranching

All nominations for advisory board membership should be sent to: Thomas Vilsack, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC, 20250, Attn: Council for Native American Farmers and Ranchers. Send comments to the Office of Tribal Relations, 500A Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington DC 20250.

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Feburary 1, 2012 - Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 106 Water Pollution Control Grant Program for Tribes

Draft proposals are due to WTR-10 Project Officers on February 1, 2012.
For more information, please contact your Clean Water Act Grants Project Officer or Danielle Angeles. Danielle Angeles (415) 972-3441 or angeles.danielle@epa.gov

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February 17, 2012 - Internship at the Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM

For more information, please contact Sandra K. Begay-Campbell, Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 5800, MS-0734 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-0734, (505) 844-5418; skbegay@sandia.gov

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February 29, 2012 - Environment Justice Small Grants 2012 Request for Proposals

Environment Justice Small Grants 2012 Request for Proposals and schedule of pre-application teleconference calls (PDF).

More information on the Environmental Justice Small Grants program and a list of grantees.

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March 1, 2012 - Source Water Assessment and Protection Program (SWAP)

Please contact Jamelya Curtis at (415) 972-3529 or curtis.jamelya@epa.gov for hard copies or more information. Also, go to the following website: http://www.epa.gov/region9/water/tribal/pdf/FY11Guidance.pdf

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March 1, 2012 - CWA Section 319: Nonpoint Pollution Control BASE Funding Grants

If you have any questions regarding submission requirements contact your CWA Project Officer, visit the following website http://www.epa.gov/region09/water/tribal/tribal-cwa.html#npsor contact Tribal NPS Co-Lead, Audrey L. Johnson at johnson.audreyL@epa.gov

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March 15, 2012 - Request for Proposals (RFP) for Wetland Program Development Grants

To view this proposal, go to the following website: http://www.epa.gov/region09/funding/pdfs/wetland_rfp_2012.pdf To view these plans please visit: http://water.epa.gov/type/wetlands/wpp.cfm

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March 30, 2012 - Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements (DITCAs) Source Water Assessment and Protection Program (SWAP)

Please contact Jamelya Curtis at (415) 972-3529 or curtis.jamelya@epa.gov for hard copies or more information go to http://www.epa.gov/region9/water/tribal/pdf/FY12DitcaGuidance.pdf

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April 24, 2012 - EPA Environmental Justice Community Conference Call Overview of Funding Availability for Clean Diesel Projects

Intended Audience: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

When: April 24, 2012

Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time

Purpose: To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA's Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues. This call will provide an:

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May 11, 2012 - Western Area Power Administration RFI

Western Area Power Administration RFI, acting under authority of the EPAct 2005 and at the request of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and Citizens Energy Corporation, is seeking interest from its customers in the Upper Great Plains Region regarding the purchase of renewable energy generated from the proposed 99-MW Tate Topa Wind Energy Project located on the tribal reservation. Contact: Michael Radecki, 406-255-2930

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May 15, 2012 - Alaska Native Education Program Awards

The Department of Education has posted its notice inviting applications for new 2012 Alaska Native Education Program awards. There is approximately $22 million available, and the estimated average size of awards is $500,000.

The Department of Education has announced technical assistance sessions for the FY 2012 ANEP competition. The program staff will host two technical assistance conference calls/webinar sessions. The first call I scheduled for Monday, March 26, 2012 from 2pm-3pm (EST) and the second call will take place on Thursday, April 5, 2012 from 2pm-3pm (EST). If you are interested, please RSVP via email at ANEWebinar@seiservices.com.

For details, please see attached Federal Register notice. If you have question about the application you can contact Almita Reed with the Department (Almita.Reed@ed.gov; 202-260-1979).


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May 24, 2012 - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) RFP

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) RFP Exit Disclaimerseeking qualified parties for power purchase agreements (PPAs) to design, permit, finance, install, own, operate, and maintain solar PV power generation facilities on MBTA properties. The solar installations will be located at the Wonderland Station Parking Garage in Revere, Massachusetts, and at Readville Yard 5, in Dedham, Massachusetts. The minimum annual generating capacity of the PV systems is 200 kW for the Wonderland Garage site, and 2.3 MW for the Readville Yard 5 site. Contact: Phil Jean, 617-482-2525

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June 4, 2012 - Holy Cross Energy (HCE) RFP

Holy Cross Energy (HCE) RFP Exit Disclaimerseeking to purchase energy and renewable energy certificates (RECs) from two solar facilities, each with an AC capacity of 100 to 300 kW. Facilities must be located within HCE's service territory, and only projects with a levelized cost at or below $130/MWh (including RECs) will be considered. Contact: Chris Hildred

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June 18, 2012 - Letter of Intent Community Transformation Grant Funding Opportunity Announcement

The letter of intent deadline is June 18, 2012 and the application deadline is July 31, 2012, 5pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time. To learn more about the Community Transformation Grant program, including a list of the current 68 awardees, please visit http://www.cdc.gov/communitytransformation.

For more information about how the Prevention and Public Health Fund is helping promote prevention in every state, visit http://www.HealthCare.gov/news/factsheets/prevention02092011a.html.

For an overview fact sheet about the Community Transformation Grant program, visit: http://www.healthcare.gov/news/factsheets/2011/09/community09272011a.html

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July 31, 2012 - Application due Community Transformation Grant Funding Opportunity Announcement

The letter of intent deadline is June 18, 2012 and the application deadline is July 31, 2012, 5pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time. To learn more about the Community Transformation Grant program, including a list of the current 68 awardees, please visit http://www.cdc.gov/communitytransformation.

For more information about how the Prevention and Public Health Fund is helping promote prevention in every state, visit http://www.HealthCare.gov/news/factsheets/prevention02092011a.html.

For an overview fact sheet about the Community Transformation Grant program, visit: http://www.healthcare.gov/news/factsheets/2011/09/community09272011a.html

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September 28, 2012 - Renewable Energy RFP NorthWestern Energy

For more information Contact: Steve Lewis, 206-726-3695; Tim Castille, 503-704-4313

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October 5, 2012 - U.S. Army Renewable Energy RFP

For more information Contact: Sarah M. Tierney, 256-895-1219

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