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Fuels and Fuel Additives

Fuels and Fuel Additives Reporting Forms

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fuels Programs Registration (6406J)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fuels Programs Registration
Room 647C; 202-343-9038
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Washington, DC 20005

EPA is introducing a Unified Report Form (XLS) (3 pp, 95K, June 2012) that provides templates and basic formatting checks on many of the part 80 report formats. Companies may now use the United Report Form to submit all their quarterly flat file reports. The form may be submitted through the DCFUEL Application in CDX.

The Unified Report Form allows users to either manually enter, or copy and "paste values" into the form for instant feedback on whether the reports are formatted properly. This new form was specifically designed to flag common formatting errors. However, it does not capture every possible mistake. For example, the form does not check math errors, so companies may still receive feedback that there are problems with the form and may be required to resubmit. Use of the form does not substitute for full compliance with the regulations. Companies should still refer to the report form instructions before submitting reports to EPA.

The form works best in Excel 2007 or later. It is OK to use older versions of Excel; however, some of the basic formatting checks may not work. All users, but especially those with older versions of Excel should review the reporting instructions before submitting reports to EPA.

The Unified Report Form has been thoroughly tested, but there may still be unknown issues with the tool. Your use of this tool is strongly encouraged and we invite your feedback. Emails can be sent to support@epamts-support.com.

Most EPA fuels programs require manufacturer and importer registration and/or reporting. Gasoline, diesel fuel (including biodiesel) and fuel additive manufacturers and importers must submit forms to comply with the program requirements. Some forms are used for registration of companies, facilities and products while others are used for compliance reporting.

EPAs Fuels and Fuel Additives Registration

Fuels and Fuel Additives Registration (FFARs) web page

Fuels and fuel additives must be registered by EPA before they can legally be sold or imported into the United States for on road use. This page contains reporting forms and associated instructions for the registration of fuels and fuel additives. To initiate the registration process, producers and importers of gasoline, diesel fuel (including biodiesel) and fuel additives must fill out and submit these forms to the address above.

EPAs Fuels Programs Reporting Forms

Registration for the below programs can be found on the reporting registration page. This page provides information on how to register with the fuels programs via CDX. Fuel programs registration is required in addition to the Fuels and Fuel Additives registration under 40 CFR part 79.

Renewable Fuel Standard Reporting Forms

Gasoline and diesel refiners and importers are required to register and report annually in order to comply with the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. Also, all parties who generate or own Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) are required to register and report quarterly with the RFS program.

Most renewable fuel producers and renewable fuel importers are required to generate or own RINs. This page contains compliance reporting forms and associated instructions for the Renewable Fuel Standard program. These forms may be submitted via EPA's Central Data Exchange.

Additionally, parties who own RINs must submit transactional information to the EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS) within 5 business days. For more information, please visit the EMTS web pages.

Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Reporting Forms

Producers and importers of reformulated gasoline, conventional gasoline, or applicable blendstocks must fill out and submit these forms to EPA. This page contains compliance reporting forms and associated instructions for the Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) and Anti-Dumping program. Some of the forms on the page also serve programs other than RFG and Anti-Dumping, such as Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT).

Tier 2 Gasoline Sulfur Reporting Forms

Gasoline refiners and importers must comply with the Tier 2 Gasoline Sulfur reporting requirements. This page contains compliance reporting forms and associated instructions for the Gasoline Sulfur program. Gasoline batch report forms are required in addition to these forms. Batch report forms can be found on the Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-dumping page.

Diesel Fuel Reporting Forms

Highway diesel fuel refiners and importers must submit reports to comply with the Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur program. This page contains compliance reporting forms and associated instructions for the Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur program.

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, Subparts LL & MM Reporting Forms

In response to the FY2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 2764; Public Law 110161), EPA has issued the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule (70 FR 5620), which requires reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from large sources and suppliers in the United States. The implementation of this rule is referred to as the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP). This page contains compliance reporting forms and associated instructions for Subparts LL and MM under the GHGRP. Please see the GHG Reporting Program web page for more information on the rule.

If you have questions or request information, please contact the appropriate support or help line found on the Support & Help page.

Please visit EPA's Transportation and Air Quality web-based repository of mobile source documents, Document Index System (DIS). This searchable repository contains regulations, Federal Register notices, policy letters, and guidance documents.

Please visit our Related Links page for other fuel related information within EPA, other U.S. Agencies, and other fuel related websites.

This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
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