U.S. Department of Justice

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Four (4) Types of Correctional Violence
By Barnhart, Tracey E.. corrections.com (Quincy, MA).
The types of violence an offender exhibits and strategies for scaling down the conflict are described. The following four types of violence are covered—fear, fury, tantrum, and extortion.... Read More
5 p.
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The Ultimate Use of Force Report
By Barnhart, Tracy. corrections.com (Quincy, MA).
The “Use of Force Documentation Checklist” is the highlight of this article. Other topics discussed include: five reasons for reporting use of force as accurately as possible; how force is evaluated; levels of resistance; and risk management questions.... Read More
7 p.
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Use of Restraints [Policy Regarding Use of Restraints during Labor and Delivery]
Association of State Correctional Administrators (N.P.).
Policies from 15 states and the Federal Bureau of Prisons are available at this website.... Read More
1 p.
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Moving Away From Hardware: The JDAI Standards on Fixed Restraint
By Burrell, Sue. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative (JDAI) (Baltimore, MD).
The need to prohibit the use of fixed restraints on juveniles is explained. Sections of this report include: introduction; prevalence of fixed restraint use (40% of responding agencies do not use them); harm associated with used or fixed restraint; legal standards; professional standards; on the ground observations; rationales for use—perception that these devices are necessary equipment, to prevent injury to staff or youth, mental health rationale, and for punishment; how to move away from usin... Read More
16 p.
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Unconventional Delivery of Deadly Force in a Correctional Facility
By Barnhardt, Tracey E.; Klugiewicz, Gary T.. corrections.com (Quincy, MA).
This article discusses “how and when to use deadly force in a correctional facility and most importantly how to defend your actions” (p.1). Topics covered include: while taking a life is very rare, at times it must be done; the “unbeatable attitude”; survival in a life threatening situation; three types of force response that can be justified; the “Totality of the Circumstances” and justification the ones use of force; and the bottom line— correctional officers should never personally put themse... Read More
4 p.
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The Shackling of Juvenile Offenders: The Debate in Juvenile Justice Policy
By Banks, Emily; Cowan, Anna; Fasig, Lauren G.. University of Florida. Levin College of Law. Center on Children and Families (Gainesville, FL).
A review of juvenile offender shackling practices and related policies is presented. This report includes the following sections: introduction; the evolution of juvenile unshackling efforts in Florida; current juvenile shackling practices in Florida; shackling in Alachua County (8th Circuit) Juvenile Court proceedings; and an overview of national juvenile shackling practices.... Read More
14 p.
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Large Jail Network Meeting, September 24-26, 2007, Aurora, Colorado
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Aurora, CO).
Contents of these proceedings are: introduction; key themes; session highlights; opening remarks; open forum; reentry partnerships; reentry programs in jails; excited delirium/acute behavioral disturbance (ED/ABD); women offender issues; the continuing evolution of the Large Jail Network (LJN); final meeting agenda; participant list; and index of past LJN meeting topics.... Read More
74 p.
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Application and Use of Restraints in Custody: Reducing the Risk
  • [Videoconference Held April 19, 2000]
  • National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This presentation will increase the user's understanding of the risks associated with the use of restraints, tools to reduce risk, and the proper way to use restraints in custody. Issues discussed include:
    • Potential problems and concerns with the use of restraints;
    • Terminology, physiology, and medical risks associated with the application and use of restraints;
    • Planned and unplanned use of force;
    • The need for policy development, training, and monitoring;
    • Tools to reduce th... Read More

    1 DVD (162 min.)
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    Safety Awareness Workbook: Anticipating, Identifying, and Resolving the Potential Victimization of Probation and Parole Officers
    By Kipp, Richard A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Lehigh County Adult Probation and Parole (Allentown, PA).
    This workbook discusses worker safety issues in probation and parole. Officers' mental attitudes and use of force are addressed. General indications of drug use by clients, signs of aggression, possible resistance or attack, discussion of mental health issues, and general warning signs related to sex offenders are discussed. Finally, safety tactics, such as light conditions, building design, and vehicle considerations are discussed as they relate to officer safety.... Read More
    88 p.
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    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 12-14, 1992 [Denver, Colorado]
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This meeting featured a series of presentations on: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA); Writing and negotiating contracts for food service and medical care; Use of force; The National Pretrial Reporting Program; and The employee disciplinary process. There are nearly 70 large jail systems in the United States and the Large Jail Network provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information that are relevant to the operation of large jails.... Read More
    32 p.
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    RISC Management (Apprehension and Defensive Tactics): A Training Guide for Probation and Parole Agents
    By Colby, Marc H.; Krahn, Adelaide B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Wisconsin Division of Corrections (Madison, WI).
    Objectives of this training guide include explaining the RISC Management confrontational continuum, explaining how to implement RISC Management, demonstrating pat down and search techniques, and defining deadly force. Designed for probation and parole agents, this basic course requires 16 hours of instruction. The guide is available in a loose-leaf format.... Read More
    57 p.

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