U.S. Department of Justice

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Motivational Interviewing in Corrections: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing MI in Corrections
By Bogue, Bradford; Nandi, Anjali. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guide explains how to implement motivational interviewing (MI) in correctional settings. Motivational Interviewing is a counseling technique that enables people to get beyond their reluctance to change problem behaviors. MI is directive (focused on goals), client-centered, and non-confrontational. The first four chapters of this guide “address background and fundamental issues related to agency or systemwide implementation of MI … [while the last two chapters] address agency issues, such as... Read More
84 pages
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Motivational Interviewing in Corrections-National Institute of Corrections-DC Public Safety Radio
By Bogue, Brad; Nandi, Anjali. DC Public Safety (Washington, DC).
"The program interviews Bradford Bogue, Director of Justice System, Assessment and Training and a motivational interviewer trainer since 1993 and Anjali Nandi, Program Director of the Center for Change. She has been a member of the International Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers since 2003. Both coauthored a document for the National Institute of Corrections titled Motivational Interviewing in Corrections: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing MI in Corrections at http://nicic.gov/L... Read More
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Exercises for Developing MI Skills in Corrections
By Bogue, Bradford; Nandi, Anjali. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Motivational interviewing (MI) helps clients become less ambivalent about altering their maladaptive behaviors. This publication presents “scenarios that agents commonly encounter in their efforts to monitor and reinforce court/parole/institutional conditions and address clients’ central eight criminogenic needs. This book also considers the learning tasks of MI in relation to the eight principles for effective interventions outlined in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Correctio... Read More
65 pages
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Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Sexual Abusers: An Introduction
By Prescott, David S..
This article is very good introduction to the use of motivational interviewing (MI), “a person-centered approach in which the practitioner uses a guiding style to enable the client to build and strengthen his or her own motivation for change,” with sex offenders. In fact, you can use this as a quick primer on MI. Topics discussed include: style and spirit; good listening; ambivalence; four principles; basic skills; recognizing and reinforcing change talk; commitment talk; providing feedback; and... Read More
12 pages
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Motivational Interviewing (with a Criminal Justice Focus)
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Motivational Interviewing (MI) was introduced to the field of corrections in the 1990s through the Evidence-based Practices (EBP) Model as a method for enhancing intrinsic motivation. Since that time, agencies throughout the U.S., in all criminal justice settings, have—to a greater or lesser degree—explored if, when, and how to implement this approach to communicating, building rapport, and tapping into the internal motivation of the clients and staff members they work with. This annotated bi... Read More
15 pages
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Motivational Interviewing for Incarcerated Adolescents: Effects of Depressive Symptoms on Reducing Alcohol and Marijuana Use After Release
By Stein, L.A.R.; Lebeau, Rebecca; Colby, Suzanne M.; Barnett, Nancy P.; Golembeske, Charles; Monti, Peter M..
“This study evaluates the efficacy of MI [motivational interviewing] versus RT [relaxation training] in reducing substance use outcomes for incarcerated adolescents and examines the role of depressive symptoms in moderating outcomes.” While MI is shown to be effective in reducing the use of alcohol in adolescents with low and high levels of depression and marijuana use in individuals with low levels of depression, it appears RT is better suited to marijuana-involved adolescents with high depress... Read More
10 pages
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A Brief Motivational Interviewing Intervention with Prisoners: When You Lead a Horse to Water, Can It Drink for Itself?
By Anstiss, Brendan; Polaschek, Devon L.L.; Wilson, Marc.
“This study evaluated the effects of a brief offending-focused motivational interviewing (MI) intervention on reconviction in male prisoners servicing sentences for diverse crimes” in New Zealand (p. 1). Results are given for: effect of MI intervention on recidivism; interactions between the MI intervention and completion of criminogenic programs; validation stage of change ratings; prediction of recidivism outcomes using stage of change and other variables; and stage of change and post-MI refer... Read More
22 pages
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Motivational Interviewing
National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY).
This overview of motivational interviewing (MI) explains: its aims “to increase a person’s motivation for behavior change and to strengthen that commitment to change” (p. 1); the four principles that guide it; measures of assessment; the evidence base it draws upon; and implications for its use. The observation is made that no studies about its use with mentally ill individuals involved with the criminal justice system have yet been published.... Read More
3 pages
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Motivational Interviewing as a Supervision Strategy in Probation: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial
By Walters, Scott T.; Vader, Amanda M.; Nguyen, Norma; Harris, T. Robert; Eells, Jennifer.
“This study was designed to evaluate the effect of a modest MI [motivational interviewing] training program on probation officer skill, on client outcome, and the overall relationship between officer skill and client outcome” (p. 318). This training program increased some MI skills that were maintained over six months, had no effect on some key probationer outcomes, and had little relationship between MI practice and offender outcome.... Read More
15 pages
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The Motivational Interviewing Page: Resources for Clinicians, Researchers, and Trainers
By Wagner, Christopher C.; Conners, Wayne. Motivational Interviewing Resources, LLC (N.P.); Mid-Atlantic Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Richmond, VA); Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) (N.P.).
Information about motivational interviewing can be found at this website. “Motivational interviewing is a client-centered, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence.” These are the points of entry to this resource: introduction and clinical issues—overview, special populations, and group approaches; The Library—abstracts, bibliography, ongoing work, Minuet Newsletter, and links; and training—upcoming training, MINT Trainers, and training... Read More
5 p.
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Implementing Motivational Interviewing in Correctional Settings: An Interview with Dr. William Miller
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
This presentation is an extended interview with Dr. William Miller regarding the utilization of motivational interviewing (MI) in correctional settings. Topics discussed include:
  • Background of MI
  • MI in corrections
  • How MI works
  • The spirit of MI
  • Implementing MI
  • MI applications and assessment
  • Brief and one-time MI
  • Essentials of MI
  • MI roll-out and training
  • The supervisor’s role
  • MI research
  • And implications for policy makers, supervis... Read More

1 computer disk; DVD-ROM (142 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Ten Things that Motivational Interviewing Is Not
By Miller, William R.; Rollnick, Stephen.
The authors try to clean away 26 years of accumulated misgivings from what motivational interviewing entails. The ten things MI is not are: the transtheoretical model of change; a way of tricking people into doing what you want them to do; a techniques; decisional balance; assessment feedback; cognitive-behavioral therapy; client-centered therapy; easy to learn; practice as usual; and a panacea (p. 129).... Read More
12 pages
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Motivational Interviewing Training In Criminal Justice: Development of a Model Plan
By Alexander, Melissa; VanBenschoten, Scott W.; Walters, Scott T..
The utilization of motivational interviewing (MI) by probation officers is explained. MI “is a communication style that involves strategic use of questions and statements to help clients find their own reasons for change” (p. 61). Topics discussed include: evidence-based practice; role of the probation officer; MI in criminal justice; the eight stages of learning motivational interviewing; MI training—a model plan; and future directions.... Read More
6 pages
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Eight Tasks in Learning Motivational Interviewing
By Miller, William R.; Moyers, Theresa B.. motivationalinterview.org.
The steps one takes to learn motivational interviewing (MI) are briefly described. This outline is useful for creating a MI training structure and for plotting where the trainee is at in the learning process.... Read More
1 page
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Motivating Offenders to Change: A Guide for Probation and Parole
By Walters, Scott T.; Clark, Michael D.; Gingerich, Ray; Meltzer, Melissa L.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This publication "provides probation and parole officers and other correctional professionals with both a solid grounding in the principles behind MI [motivational interviewing] and a practical guide for applying these principles in their everyday dealings with offenders" (p.2). Seven chapters are contained in this guide: how MI fits in with evidence-based practice; how and why people change; the motivational interviewing style; preparing for change; building motivation for change; navigating th... Read More
100 p.
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Motivational Interviewing: An Introduction [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Hampton-Newport News Criminal Justice Agency (Hampton, VA); Orbis Partners, Inc. (Ottawa, CA).
The use of motivational interviewing during the case management process is covered during this 10-hour course. Modules include: setting the context; motivational interviewing; assess motivation; stage matched motivational strategies; applying motivational interviewing -- effective case work (e.g., case analysis, feedback, prioritize, assess motivation, focusing, and review and update); and enhancing treatment compliance. The accompanying Training the Trainer program is 24-hours long.... Read More
186 p.
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Effective Communication/Motivational Strategies in Assessing and Overcoming Resistance to Change [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]
By Ferns, Ray; Gornik, Mark; Cheney, Deena. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
This 32-hour training program will "provide practitioners, who are working with resistive, chemically dependent or criminal populations, with specific knowledge, skills and techniques to more effectively internalize motivation for change" (p. 1). This course includes eight modules:
  • Introduction to overall course;
  • Offender management;
  • Social learning theory;
  • Overview of "What Works" research;
  • Criminal logic;
  • Introduction to basic communication skills;
  • Why these skills won... Read More
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Motivational Interviewing Training [Lesson Plans]
By Bogue, Brad Nandi, Anjali. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Justice System Assessment & Training (Boulder, CO).
The use of motivational interviewing (MI) with offenders is described during this 12-hour program. MI is an integrated and "complex set of clinical skills and strategies based on the principles of autonomy, collaboration and evocation" (p. i). Sections of this curriculum cover: principles of effective interventions; introduction to MI; active listening; identifying and eliciting change talk; values exploration; working with resistance; acronym model and review; Transtheoretical Model of Change;... Read More
116 p.

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