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Resource Evaluation Program
Regulation of Prelease Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Exploration
Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Data Acquisition
Resource Assessment

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Fair Market Value
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Geological & Geophysical Data Acquisition and Analysis
bullet Overview
bullet Geophysical Surveys
bullet Geological Surveys
bullet Maps of Surveys in the Gulf of Mexico
bullet G&G Publications


The main objective of the acquisition and analysis of G&G data is the development of maps identifying areas favorable for the accumulation of hydrocarbons. This is done by incorporating the data acquired through G&G surveys plus analyzing technical information to develop a basic knowledge of the geologic history of an area and its effects on hydrocarbon or strategic/critical minerals generation, distribution, and accumulation within the planning area.

The primary source of the G&G data and information used by the Resource Evaluation Program is the oil and gas industry, which conducts exploration, development, and production activities on OCS lands. The MMS issues permits to industry for collecting pre-lease as well as post-lease G&G data. Resource Evaluation Program approves the permits of pre-lease data acquisition, while other MMS programs (e.g. Offshore Regulatory Program) issue permits for post-lease data collection. Permittees, as well as lessees, and operators are required by regulations to provide certain G&G data and information to MMS. The MMS selectively obtains copies of data acquired in these pre-lease activities. Permittees and lessees are normally reimbursed by MMS for only the cost of data reproduction. However, if industry has collected data in areas not under MMS jurisdiction, e.g., State waters or adjacent foreign waters, and MMS selects such data, MMS pays the significantly higher "market price" for obtaining copies of such data. The extensive amount of data and information acquired by MMS is used by RE geologists, geophysicists, petroleum engineers, modelers and IT specialists  to perform a variety of analyses leading to resource evaluation, reserve inventory as well as determining fair market value of the auctioned tracts.

Last Updated: 11/12/2010, 11:23 AM Central Time