ACAP On-Line the Army's Official Transition Web Site. Start your transition process with Preseparation Counseling.


The Interview

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Performing well in the interview and selling your skills and experience to an employer is what will ensure you receive a job offer. Your ACAP Counselor and this website can teach you important interview tips and even perform mock interviews with you to help you prepare. ACAP is equipped to give you the resources you require and help you to succeed. You can find the ACAP Center nearest you by selecting the ACAP Centers link on this webpage. If you are located too far from a listed ACAP Center, you can use ACAP On-Line Practice Interviews to hone your skills. You also may visit a military transition center at any other nearby military installation regardless of the branch of service. Contact the Transition Assistance Office on the installation for more information.

By selecting from the interview options listed, you can learn all about the elements of the interview process, to include dressing the part and evaluating/negotiating job offers. Each article provides information key to performing well and preparing for the interview. This information will help you get started, but it's no substitute for the individualized help your ACAP Counselor can give you.