ACAP On-Line the Army’s Official Transition Web Site. Start your transition process with Preseparation Counseling.


Individual Transition Plan (ITP)

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Your key to success for any education, training or employment objectives you may have is planning. The ITP is your game plan. It is also a framework you can use to set and achieve realistic goals based upon your unique skills, knowledge, experience and abilities. The ITP is something you create for yourself using a checklist and planning sheets available online. Select either Active Component Individual Transition Plan or Reserve Component Individual Transition Plan to select and print your planning sheets. The ITP helps you identify actions and activities associated with your transition then organize those activities into manageable tasks. It also helps you to establish a timeline for completing the activities you select. Because you create your ITP, you can modify it at any time. In addition, your ACAP Counselor can furnish information and emphasize certain points for you to consider.

I already have post-military employment

I plan to go to school and use my VA education benefits

I plan to get a job and start work as soon as possible

I plan to start a business

I plan to retire and not work

I have other plans