Rulemaking Report

Reports on the Effects of Rulemakings

Information About Reports on the Effects of DOT Rulemakings

There is a separate report for each of 21 possible, different effects for DOT's current rulemakings.  The information in the reports is not intended to commit DOT to specific conclusions or actions.  For example, after further analysis, DOT may change its position on the effects of a rulemaking on the list or one that is not on the list.  Further information on the meaning of each of the effects in the Report can be obtained by clicking here.

Access Reports

There are separate reports for each "effect."  You may review the individual effects reports by title.  To view a summary description of the rulemaking, you can use the RIN number to search the Department's semi-annual Regulatory Agenda for the rulemaking. Use the docket number, where one is provided, to gain access to the public docket for the rulemaking at (The public rulemaking docket contains agency issued documents, supporting documents, public comments, and other related material.)  Note that there may be entries on the reports for which rulemaking dockets have not been opened yet.

Please select the "effect" report:

Effects Glossary

To access a glossary of key terms related to the effects of rulemaking, click here.

Purpose of the Report

The DOT is providing this information as way to inform the public regarding its regulatory activities. This information can be used in conjunction with a number of tools already available to the public. For instance, DOT's rulemaking dockets are maintained in the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS),which electronically stores all DOT-issued documents, supporting documents, public comments, and related documents regarding a particular rulemaking.  Click on the docket number shown in the reports to access the particular docket.  Once in the docket, you may sign up to receive an email notification when particular documents are placed in the docket.  You may also access our "Report on Significant Rulemakings" -- a monthly report that provides detailed information on each current DOT significant rulemaking.  In addition, our semi-annual Regulatory Agenda -- which provides information on our significant and nonsignificant rulemakings -- or our annual Regulatory Plan -- which provides detailed information on some of our most important rulemakings -- may be accessed via, which provides the Unified Agenda and Regulatory Plan for the Federal Government.


If you have substantive questions regarding a particular rulemaking, you may contact the responsible office directly by looking up the regulation in the semi-annual DOT Regulatory Agenda and obtaining the contact information for that office.

Updated: Tuesday, September 25, 2012