ACCESS Florida Food, Medical Assistance and Cash

There have been reports of web sites hosting fake online application assistance. The sites are using ads on the internet, sometimes on the side of legitimate articles, offering help filling out applications for public assistance benefits.

The Department of Children and Families, its employees or service providers, will never ask for credit card information. Do NOT provide this information for application assistance. This may allow others to make unauthorized purchases on your credit card, access your bank accounts, or steal your identity. If you see an ad on the internet offering application assistance for public assistance with a link, do NOT click on it.

If you have already fallen victim to this or a similar scam, contact your credit card company and financial institution immediately. You may also choose to file a police report. For more information on identity theft, please visit:

ACCESS Alert Messages

ACCESS Messages

Assistance with Technical Problems With the Website

Information and answers to questions that you provide to DCF will be confirmed by DCF so they must be true, complete and correct. You may be accused of a crime if you provide false answers, or if you do not provide complete and accurate information for the purpose of getting benefits.

This may result in fines of up to $250,000, a prison term or both, if you are convicted of public assistance fraud. In addition you will not be able to get benefits for 12 months the first time, 24 months the second time, and permanently the third time that you provide false or inaccurate information.