
Philippines Compact

The Philippines Compact is helping reduce transportation costs through road rehabilitation, as well as bringing efficiencies to tax collection and investing in small-scale, community-driven development projects.

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Philippines Threshold Program

The program focused on addressing improved revenue administration and anti-corruption efforts. MCC helped reduce opportunities for corruption by training Office of the Ombudsman employees and establishing information management, investigation and surveillance c

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Photos & Video

  • Compact Signing Ceremony with the Philippines
    Video, 9/24/2010

    Compact Signing Ceremony with the Philippines



    On Sept. 23, 2010, MCC Chief Executive Officer Daniel Yohannes and Philippine Secretary of Finance Cesar Purisima signed a five-year economic development compact granting $434 million to the Philippines for investments in roads, community development projects, and improvements to the country’s Bureau of Internal Revenue.  U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and President of the Philippines Benigno Aquino III presided at the signing held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City.

  • MCC in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific
    Slideshow, 8/03/2010

    MCC in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific



    An overview of MCC’s programs in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific.