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Tribal Set-Aside for Low-Income Weatherization

The Bonneville Power Administration has a long-standing commitment to provide funding for weatherization services to low-income households. In 1999, BPA specifically set aside funding to be targeted towards Native American homes to improve the installation of weatherization measures in both Indian Country and throughout the service territory of its public utility customers.

Since 1999, BPA has met with several tribes who were interested in participating in the Tribal Set-Aside Low-Income Weatherization Program. As a result of these meetings, several improvements to the program were determined to be necessary to ensure the success of the program. Of particular note was the need for BPA to continue to work closely with tribal governments, local community action agencies, states and sometimes the servicing utility to eliminate any obstacles to the equal access to federal programs by the region's Native American population.

  • Direct Tribal involvement: BPA provides direct funding to tribal governments to implement outreach and coordination with tribal members.
  • Funding: Additional funding for installation of measures may be provided if the tribe has a qualified program that can implement auditing, installation and inspection services.
  • Commitment: Tribal government commitment to program participation is essential.
  • Simplicity: Funding grants are simple and developed to meet the specific needs of the tribe.
  • Coordination with local community action agencies: Local community action agencies may need to modify their intake and implementation procedures for outreach to this targeted population. (The agencies BPA has interacted with so far have been very agreeable to making changes in their processes to ensure success.)
  • Partnering with tribal governments in training: BPA is currently partnering with tribal governments and state programs to build the human capacity of their staff to implement their own weatherization programs. View weatherization training photos.

There are several Tribal Set-Aside program success stories. BPA is dedicated to adding to those successes. We encourage tribes who are served by utilities who buy their power from BPA to let us know their interest in this program.

For more information, please contact:
Corrina Ikakoula, BPA Associate Tribal Account Executive,
at 503.230.3719.

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