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Southwest Power Pool
SPP is a Regional Transmission Organization, mandated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to ensure reliable supplies of power, adequate transmission infrastructure, and competitive wholesale prices of electricity. As a North American Electric Reliability Corporation Regional Entity, SPP oversees compliance enforcement and reliability standards development. SPP has members in nine states. Read more about What We Do or SPP Fast Facts.
New OASIS To Be Implemented June 2009 {posted 2/24/2009}
SPP is planning the implementation of a new OASIS application in early June 2009. Read about the impact on the RTO and ITO.
2008 SPP Transmission Expansion Plan Approved (revised) {posted 2/23/2009}
The SPP Board of Directors approved the 2008 SPP Transmission Expansion Plan (STEP), including recommendations for improving the electric grid of an eight state region. The 2008 STEP evaluates what changes are needed to keep the power system reliable and efficient over a 10-year horizon. It identifies approximately $2.7 billion in transmission upgrades, including 1,753 miles of new line construction and 80 new or upgraded transformers.The Board directed that financial commitments be made within four years for construction of $285 million in reliability projects and enhancements, a third of which are new transmission lines. Read the news release and 2008 STEP report (requires Adobe Reader 8).
ICT Issues Phase 2 of Strategic Transmission Expansion Plan for Entergy {posted 2/13/2009}
SPP, acting as the Independent Coordinator of Transmission (ICT) for Entergy Services, issued phase two of a strategic transmission expansion plan for the Entergy system. Implementation of a long-term transmission expansion plan would enhance electric reliability and prepare for future growth and transmission needs. The ICT will continue to work with stakeholders to encourage broad participation in funding one project in phase two (South LA Bulk) and begin development of phase three of the study. Read more about the ICT, or read the report.
JCSP Study: Billions Needed to Deliver Wind Power to Eastern Interconnection {posted 2/9/2009}
The Joint Coordinated System Plan (JCSP'08), the first step of a transmission and generation system expansion analysis of the majority of the Eastern Interconnection, estimates the electricity sector will need over $80 billion in new transmission infrastructure to obtain 20% of the region's electricity from wind generation. The study represents the collaborative efforts of Midwest ISO, SPP, PJM Interconnection, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP), and participants within SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC). Read the release.
Bruce Rew Appointed as SPP Vice President of Engineering {posted 2/2/2009}
At its January 27 meeting, the SPP Board of Directors elected Bruce Rew as Vice President of Engineering. In this position Rew will manage SPP's engineering functions, including planning for expansion of the electric transmission grid. Rew will also manage SPP's responsibilities as a service provider to other utilities. Read the release.

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