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If you have any difficulties in accessing the information given in any of our documents or need further assistance, please contact the DCMA Webmaster

If you are denied access or prompted to enter a login and password, it is because our security system does not recognize you as a .mil or .gov site.   Contact your technical support staff and provide them with the information below.

Instructions For Technical Support:
Our server uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to validate the identity of a user's machine. It performs a DNS lookup to verify a fqdn (fully qualified domain name) in the .mil or .gov domain. If your DNS server responds to our lookups with the correct information, you will be allowed to enter our site. If not, you will be invited to log in with personal information.

If you are in a qualified domain (.mil or .gov) and you still get the invitation to log in, it is because there is a problem resolving your address. This is indicative of one of two problems:
  • Your site's DNS might not be working correctly, or (more probably)
  • Your site's DNS tables do not correctly/completely reflect your machine. Here is a DNS Test Service that you can use to help analyze your situation. If the IP Address that the "DNS Translates To" does not look like the URL to your website (i.e., include a .mil or .gov at the end), the needed translation is not occuring. Contact your technical support.