
Photo: Microland Scanning WorkstationECBC has worked in the detection arena since its inception in 1917, standardizing the first chemical agent alarm as early as 1924. Today, ECBC develops a myriad of products, including chemical and biological agent detectors and sampling kits. As U.S. involvement in the Middle East escalated during the Gulf War, so did ECBC's efforts and technical advancements in nuclear, chemical and biological (NBC) detection. For example, work begun and transitioned out of ECBC led to development of NBC reconnaissance systems that served during Operation Desert Storm/Shield as portable detection, warning, communication and intelligence systems. Leading the development and deployment of modern detection technology, ECBC can investigate, develop or enhance technologies for vapor, aerosol and surface detection, identification, quantification, ranging, reconnaissance mapping and decontamination evaluation.

Service Overview

Near Real-Time Monitoring

  • Automated continuous monitoring systems providing near real-time detection of airborne contaminants to ensure worker safety
  • GC based instruments coupled with flame photometric or halogen specific detection
  • Up to 32 monitoring systems linkage capability, remotely controlled by computer
  • Deployment of mobile and fixed configurations designed and fabricated to satisfy site-specific requirements.

Confirmation/Historical Monitoring

  • Solid sorbent technology used to collect target compounds in air
  • Analytes thermally desorbed for analysis
  • Low-level parts per billion analysis capability
  • Detection confirmation by near real-time instruments as well as provision of historical area monitoring documentation using results from GC/MS analyses

Perimeter Monitoring

  • Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy used to perform down-wind perimeter monitoring using infrared energy to identify and quantify target compounds in air.
  • Analyte detection and quantification along a path length of up to 400 meters.
  • Detection of more than 250 compounds including chemical warfare agents.

Current Initiatives

  • Integrated chemical/biological point detection
  • Fully automated biological identification
  • Water/food contaminant detection
  • Reagent development
  • Joint Biological Standoff Detection System Blk I
  • Joint Biological Standoff Detection System Blk II
  • Joint Service Agent Water Monitor
  • Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer Blk III
  • JCSD
  • LISA
  • Wide Spectrometry
  • Hyperspectral Imaging
  • Integrated Detection


Homeland Defense

Homeland Defense


ECBC Overview Video

ECBC Overview Video


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