USA Trade® Online
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Depending on the report type you selected on the Data Source Selection screen, you will see a combination of the available measures, namely value, quantity, and unit price in your report. Importantly, value data are provided at all digit levels, but quantity and price values are only provided at the ten-digit HS level. For port-level data, the measures are Total Value, Vessel Value, Vessel SWT, Air Value, Air SWT, Containerized Vessel Value, and Containerized Vessel SWT. If the default options of the report you selected do not fit your research needs, you can select and/or de-select the default options (more on this below).

Measures for HS district-level data

Measures for port-level and state data

Measures for NACIS district-level data

Navigating the Measures Selections

From the Measures Selection screen, select the measure(s) you want to include in your report by clicking the empty box in front of the one(s) you're interested in. To select all of the measures, click each empty box individually, or click the Green check icon to select them all. You may clear all selections by clicking on the red Red x icon icon.

Figure A: State Export Data - Measures Selection Screen
State Export Data measures selection screen

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