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The Country Selection screen allows you to customize your selection according to your market(s) of interest. There are three country groupings to choose from collectively or individually: World Total, All Geographic Regions (World Total), and International Organizations and Trade Agreements. Click on the Expand icon to expand any of these groupings to view sub-groups and/or individual countries.

Figure A: Country Selection Screen
Country Selection Screen

Figure B: All Geographic Regions Expanded to Display India
Country Selection Screen with India highlighted under All Geographic Regions

To select an item(s), click in the empty box in front of the country name. Users may also create their own country groupings using the Custom Groups feature.

Search by Country Name
Enter a country name into the search box. Once you've entered your search term, you may click the Search function search icon or hit ENTER to process your request. In Figure C.1, you see there are 4 results found for "China". There are multiple results because the search engine retrieves every instance "China" was listed amongst the Country Groupings. Each instance has the same value, but if you're interested in viewing the Hierarchy context, click on the Show hierarchy context icon (Figure C.2 displays the results).

Figure C.1 Search Results for "China"
Search results for China

Figure C.2 China Search Results with Hierarchy Context Displayed
Search results for China with hierarchy context displayed

After you've selected a country, you may enter another search term (the system will remember your previous selection), continue through other Report Contents, or click "Show Report" if you're ready to view your data.

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