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Small Business Investment Companies: An Investment Option for Banks – On February 15, 2012, the OCC held a teleseminar that focused on the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program supported by the Small Business Administration (SBA).  The teleseminar program included information on how SBICs operate, their past performance and risk considerations, as well as how banks may receive CRA consideration for their SBIC investments.

How Community Banks Can Finance Small Business Exporters – On October 13, 2010 the OCC held a teleseminar that focused on the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) Working Capital Guarantee Program and the Small Business Administration (SBA) Export Working Capital Program. In support of the National Export Initiative and in order to educate community bankers about these programs to support small business exporters, the OCC brought together experts from the Ex-Im Bank and the SBA and the CEO of a community bank that uses both programs to provide listeners with additional information on how the programs operate.

SBA Lending Programs and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - On September 21, 2009, the OCC held a teleseminar that focused on changes to SBA lending programs resulting from the Recovery Act. These loan programs represent opportunities for banks to provide long-term financing to small business customers. The panelists included Grady B. Hedgespeth, Director, Financial Assistance, SBA; Pat Thomson, President, Growth America Fund, National Development Council; and Barry Wides, Deputy Comptroller for OCC Community Affairs. 

SBA 504 CDC Loan Program – On January 31, 2007, the OCC held a teleseminar that focused on the SBA 504 CDC Loan Program. As a follow-up to the OCC's release of the SBA 504 Loan Program: Small Businesses' Window to Wall Street Insights report, the agency brought together 504 practitioners and an examiner to provide interested listeners with additional information on how the program operates.

OCC's Rural Development - On September 25, 2003 the OCC held a teleseminar on financing rural development. Included presentations by Julie Cripe, President and COO, OMNIBANK, N.A., Texas, William Glover, Assistant Deputy Comptroller, OCC and Karen Tucker, Senior Compliance Specialist, OCC.

OCC Publications

USDA's Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program (PDF) (June 2012) Provides an overview of the USDA's Business and Industry (B&I) Guaranteed Loan Program, which is used to support business lending in rural areas.

Renewing Economic Growth: Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (June 2011) This issue explores three main features of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, describing the programs and provisions and explaining their requirements.

SBA's and Export-Import Bank's Working Capital Loan Guarantee Programs (April 2011) Presents two federal loan guarantee programs that help lenders and business borrowers finance the export of goods and services.

SBA 504 Loan Program: Small Businesses' Window to Wall Street (March 2012) (PDF 395KB) - This edition of Insights examines the Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 loan program.  Through this program, banks partner with certified development companies (CDCs) to finance major fixed assets and promote economic development. This 2012 report updates the original report first published in 2006.

The SBA's 7(a) Loan Program: A Flexible Tool for Commercial Lenders (PDF 311KB)
This edition of Community Development Insights examines the primary bank risks, benefits, and regulatory considerations associated with the Small Business Administration's 7(a) Loan Program.

"New Markets Tax Credits: Unlocking Investment Potential," Community Developments Insights Report, February 2007. This publication examines the primary risks, benefits, and regulatory considerations associated with New Market Tax Credits (NMTCs). The report also discusses the ways in which bank investors have structured and managed these credits effectively. Banks have been active participants in the NMTC program because of the ability to generate competitive economic returns, and the opportunities they present for positive CRA consideration.

Community Development Venture Capital: A Catalyst for Double-Bottom Line Results (Spring 2007) Focuses on community development venture capital and due diligence. PDF version (507KB)

Commercial Lending in Indian Country: Potential Opportunities in an Untapped Market (PDF 243KB) is an OCC Community Developments Insights report that discusses the specific approaches that bankers active in this market have used to accommodate some of the unique business and legal challenges, including the use of several federal programs that are available to manage the risks in tribal commercial and business development.

Growing Markets with Bank-Owned Community Development Corporations (Winter 2004/2005)
Provides a guide for creating and managing bank subsidiary community development corporations and includes case studies PDF version (1.9MB)

Advisory Letter on Capital Access for Minority-Owned Businesses - This is an updated version of the original advisory letter, released in 1998, and identifies activities and practices that assist national banks in supporting the financing needs of minority-owned businesses.

Strengthening America: The Small Business Advantage - This edition of the Community Developments Newsletter looks at what banks and other financial institutions are doing to support small businesses.

Multibank Small Business Mezzanine Funds - Mezzanine financing is a form of investment with risks and returns between those of secured bank loans and equity investments. Traditional mezzanine funds provide subordinated debentures with warrants to purchase stock. Several multibank small business mezzanine funds now provide a similar type of capital for smaller companies - but with changes that are appropriate to their smaller deal sizes.

Fact Sheets