KYF Compass - Stewardship and Local Foods | USDA
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Stewardship and Local Foods

All farms and ranches, regardless of their size or the market they sell to, play a role in protecting our natural resources. Producers of local foods are no exception. Learn more about how USDA helps local and regional producers enhance their resource stewardship in this section of the KYF Compass. Then see examples of stewardship projects on the ground - including USDA support for resource-conserving high tunnels - on our interactive map.

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The Island of Pohnpei Rediscovers its Agroforestry Roots
With support from the Forest Service, Island Food Community of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia have developed Go Local Pohnpei, a project to promote the production and consumption of locally-grown, traditional island food products.
In 2010 and 2011, USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service helped finance the construction of over 4,200 high tunnels-greenhouse-like structures that extend the growing season-around the country.