Strong Families/ Healthy Relationships

Healthy marriages and healthy relationships can serve an important role in promoting responsible fatherhood programs. Marriage education, relationship skills classes, and domestic violence prevention are all activities that promote healthy relationships within the context of a promoting responsible fatherhood program.

A healthy marriage is a mutually satisfying relationship that is beneficial to the husband, wife and children (if present) and is a relationship that is committed to ongoing growth, the use of effective communication skills and the use of successful conflict management skills. There are at least two characteristics that all healthy marriages have in common. First, they are mutually enriching, and second, both spouses have a deep respect for each other.

The important role of single and non-custodial parents in promoting the well-being of their children can not be overstated. And yet, research indicates that, on average, children raised in healthy, married two-parent families fare better on a variety of outcomes than children raised in other families. To support the success of couples who choose marriage for themselves, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) launched the Healthy Marriage Initiative (HMI) in 2002.

On this Page a website dedicated to couples and individuals with information on healthy relationships. is filled with helpful advice from relationship experts, tips, and FAQs for couples and individuals from dating, to engaged, to parents. Here are a few resources that can be found on the site:

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Promoting Responsible Fatherhood, Priority Area 5: National Evaluation of the Responsible Fatherhood, Marriage and Family Strengthening Grants for Incarcerated and Re-entering Fathers and their Partners (MSF-IP)

As a part of the National Evaluation of the Responsible Fatherhood, Marriage and Family Strengthening Grants for Incarcerated and Re-entering Fathers and their Partners (MSF-IP), several project activities have strong outreach components. The evaluation itself sits at the nexus of criminal justice and human services policy, and as such interested parties include the National Institute of Justice, the American Corrections Association, the National Association of Welfare Research Statistics, and others. The project is funded by the Office of Family Assistance with additional funding from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE). ASPE manages the project for OFA under an Interagency Agreement. The project is not congressionally mandated.

The publications to date are:

These publications are available on two websites: the HHS website at and the MSF-IP Project website at

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Other Relevant Resources

ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative
The Healthy Marriage Initiative is a program sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families in support of developing and sustaining healthy marriage programs nationwide.

Supporting Healthy Marriages (SHM)
SHM is sponsored by the ACF Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) with the purpose of informing program operators and policymakers of the most effective ways to help couples to strengthen and maintain their marriages.

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NRFC Resources

NRFC Spotlight on Dads
Healthy Relationships : Letting Go of the Past (2009)
Praise with a Purpose : Encouraging Children to Succeed (2009)
A Father's Laughter : Sharing the Fun and Joy of Childhood (2008)

NRFC Quick Statistics
Fathers and Marriage (2007)
Fathers and Cohabitation (2007)
Fathers and Fertility (2007)
Fathers: Attitudes, Values, Expectations, and Motivations (2007)

NRFC Spotlights
Couple Relationship Quality and Coparenting (2008)
Fathers and Domestic Violence (2008)

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White House logo
In response to President Obama’s call for a national conversation on responsible fatherhood and healthy families, learn how you can join the President's Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative.
Información en Español
En respuesta al llamado del presidente Obama para una conversación nacional sobre la paternidad responsable y las familias saludables, aprender cómo usted puede unirse a la Iniciativa Presidencial de Padres y Mentores.