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Student Testimonials

The testimonials below have been selected from various student comments made on anonymous end-of-course evaluations.  These comments will be updated every month.

“The course was appropriately paced and the content helped me understand the foundational aspects of Enterprise Architecture for me as a manager.  I can take what I learned here and apply it immediately to where I serve.”

“The faculty embellished the book learning with personal reflections, adding texture and interest to the course.  I like the fact that even during the class both professors would bring us articles fresh off the press.  There is no doubt in my mind that they were incorporating  all the most recent material in our subject area.”

“The faculty [in the course] were very professional, very knowledgeable about the subject.  Excellent teachers, encouraged the students to think and engage in the subject.”

“Thank you so much!  It is refreshing to take a class and actually learn something that can be applied to one's job.  Your candid comments throughout the class helped to bring about understanding.”

“OK now that that’s over, it’s time for some feedback. The course that is most responsible for literally change the way I think  has been yours. Thank you for opening up a whole new world and way of thinking to me.  Your enthusiasm, passion, and expertise is unparalleled.”

“The instructor provided an environment in which learning took place from the inside: self thought and self assessment...I will retain this and apply this knowledge in the future and forever. Thanks.”

“I want to thank you the faculty for an informative course.  You made it easy for me to understand the technology involved, keeping it at a high level for me to understand, and making sure I keep it at a high level for senior management at DIA to understand the importance.”

“The professor facilitated a highly effective distance learning environment for learning.  His personalized approach was very much appreciated, especially the feedback.”

“Every course I’ve taken along the CIO Certification route have been meaningful and have provided me with a level of understanding and insights that my peers do not have.  It has given me a definite advantage in my current capacity.” 

“The course completes my CIO/IA Certificate programs with IRMC.  Across all nine courses, the entire experience was rewarding, academically beneficial and will propel me further in my IT career.  Great job to all”


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