
Employment Services

Welcome to your one stop hub for employment services. We use a broad network of resources and services to find jobs, training and employment opportunities for Service Members and their Family. We understand that Service Members and their Families have unique challenges that demand flexibility when it comes to career development. Frequent relocation and employment changes are common. We work with Service Members and their families to develop opportunities in occupations and industries that are growing or easily transferrable to other geographic areas. The Employment Services program provides local resources and assistance to Service Members and their families who are seeking employment, a transition to a new career or further their education.

Employment Advisors for South Carolina

Our Employment Advisors are case managers assigned to you to counsel, direct and recommend our Service Members for the right career. They work closely with local employers to providing the right Service Member with the right position. They are focused on providing:

  • Personal review of each Service Member Military and Employment History
  • Employment or underemployment Assistance
  • Education assistance
  • Resume review and Mock Interviews
  • Workforce Training or On Job Training
  • Online Job Search and Training
  • Employers know that veterans make great employees. Our skilled Employment advisors are on hand to assist our Military Family Members for re-employment.

Employment Partners

Tips for Employment

Community Partners

Upcoming Events

FRG Level 1
October 13, 2012
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Yellow Ribbon Event
October 13, 2012
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Hiring our Heros US Chamber
October 25, 2012
8:00 am - 1:00 pm

FRG Level 2
November 3, 2012
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

SC Air NG Events
Crowne Plaza - Hilton Head
November 3, 2012
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve

South Carolina ESGR seeks to develop and promote a culture in which all American employers support and value the military service of their employees.

The nation's Reserve components (total Guard and Reserve forces from all branches of the military) comprise approximately 48 percent of our total available military manpower. The current National Defense Strategy indicates that the Guard and Reserve will be full partners in the fully integrated Total Force.

We will develop and promote employer support for Guard and Reserve service by advocating relevant initiatives, recognizing outstanding support, increasing awareness of applicable laws, and resolving conflict between employers and service members.

South Carolina Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve volunteers present ARINC a "Patriot Award" as a result of a nomination from their employee who serves in the Reserves.

South Carolina Law Enforcement Division receives Department of Defense Above and Beyond award for extraordinary support of employees who also serve in the Guard and Reserve.

South Carolina Law Enforcement Division receives Department of Defense “Above and Beyond” award for extraordinary support of employees who also serve in the Guard and Reserve.

Paramount to ESGR's mission is encouraging employment of Guardsmen and Reservists who bring integrity, global perspective and proven leadership to the civilian workforce.

Service members: Please nominate your supportive employer/supervisor to receive a "Patriot Award” by visiting www.esgr.mil/site/Programs/PatriotAward.aspx

If you encounter a conflict with your civilian employer, let us know.We are here to answer questions or provide mediation between you and your employer, based on the USERRA law.

Supportive Employers: Show your support to our Guard and Reserve members in South Carolina by participating in the "Statement of Support” Program! Complete a Statement of Support form.

If you have an inquiry about the law or a potential issue with your employee who is also in the uniformed services, let us know, as we are here to answer questions or to provide assistance between you and your employee, based on the federal USERRA law.

Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/scesgr
SC ESGR: 803.806.2515

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