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Write the Proposal

A grant proposal is a formal, written request for funds to support a specific program or project. Although the exact content of a grant proposal is determined by the funding agency’s guidelines, most grant proposals explain (1) why the funds are needed, (2) what the funds will be used for, and (3) how the funds will be managed.

Although both and GMS require you to submit application packages online, which includes filling out several online forms, you will still need to write the bulk of your proposal in a word processing application. Please note, there are file extensions that OJP does not accept, including: ".com," ".bat," ".exe," ".vbs," ".cfg," ".dat," ".db," ".dbf," ".dll," ".ini," ".log," ".ora," ".sys," and ".zip."

This section reviews the written portion of your application package, including tips on how to—

  • Develop ideas for the proposal.
  • Collaborate with your community.
  • Develop a budget.
  • Identify your project’s strategic plan.
  • Select someone to write the proposal.
  • Write the proposal.