Fellowships & Awards

Application Info

Applications including a curriculum vitae, a selected publication list, and a statement of research interests should be addressed to

Mary E. Tolian (preferred)


Directorate, Fermilab, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, U.S.A.

In addition, the applicant should arrange to have at least 3 letters of reference sent to the same address.

Applications will be accepted through May 15th each year.

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CDF Experiment
DZero Experiment
ILC at Fermilab
All Fellowships & Awards

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) invites outstanding Ph.D. students, post-doctoral researchers, and senior researchers from non-US institutions to apply for International Fellowships.

This Fellowship program provides an opportunity for research and training in experimental physics for the most promising young physicists world-wide. Young scientists will gain scientific experience by participating in research at Fermilab, and working with outstanding scientists at the forefront of particle, astro-particle and accelerator physics. In addition, this program provides opportunities to scientists and engineers to be involved in current Fermilab experiments or the world's next major accelerator facilities that are being considered for construction at Fermilab.

Fellowships will be available to physicists who are interested in working on the Tevatron collider experiments and future neutrino and precision experiments at the Intensity Frontier, and to scientists and engineers who are interested in developing accelerator and detector technology and test facilities for the International Linear Collider.

1. Student Fellows

  • Term : up to 3 years
  • Financial Support: $25k per year
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program at a non-US institution. The student’s institution agrees that the student’s research at Fermilab, if successfully carried out, will be in partial fulfillment of the student’s Ph.D. thesis. A Fermilab scientist or faculty member from a collaborating institution will be assigned as a co-advisor to supervise each student.

2. Post-doctoral Fellows

  • Term: up to 3 years
  • Financial Support: up to $25k per year in the form of stipend
  • Candidates must be employed by a non-US institution, to which they will be expected to return, following the term of the Fellowship..

3. Scientist Fellows

  • Term: 1 year, but renewable annually up to total 3 years
  • Financial Support: $40k per year
  • The financial support is meant to be used for extra costs necessitated by the temporary relocation at Fermilab. For teaching faculty, the stipend can also be used to buy off their teaching time. Candidates must be employed by a non-US institution, to which they will be expected to return, following the term of the Fellowship. They must also have a salary paid by the non-US institution.

In addition, each fellow will receive financial support for presentation of a paper at a conference per year.

last modified 05/15/2012    email Fermilab