SWPC Anonymous FTP Server
Lists of Solar-Geophysical Data

Top-level directory

text file icon About the Lists of Solar-Geophysical Data Menu
folder icon A/K Indices and GOES Magnetometer
folder icon GOES Energetic Proton and Electron Data
folder icon GOES Proton Channel Data
folder icon GOES X-ray Data
folder icon Solar Radio Flux Data
folder icon Ionospheric Data -- Daily files by Station
folder icon Ionospheric Data -- Monthly files by Station
folder icon Real-time ACE Satellite 1- and 5-minute Data
folder icon Real-time ACE Satellite Hourly Data and Spacecraft Location
folder icon STEREO Real-Time Beacon 1- and 5-minute Data
folder icon NOAA/POES Hemispheric Power Index Data
folder icon NOAA/POES Energetic Particle Belt Indices
folder icon Latest 15-minute Costello Geomagnetic Activity Index
folder icon Latest 15-minute Wing Kp Predicted Geomagnetic Activity Index
folder icon magnetospheric