January 10, 2011 Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) Space Weather Data Lists ========================================================================= GOES 15 to replace GOES 11 as Secondary SWPC GOES Satellite for Protons, Electrons, and Magnetometer in late February January 10, 2011 -- GOES 15 will replace GOES 11 as the Secondary SWPC GOES Satellite for Protons, Electrons, and Magnetometer in late February. See details at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/Data/goes.html GOES ascii data files use the file naming convention 'Gs' for Secondary GOES data. This means only the header lines within the ascii file changes. =========================================================================== This directory contains recent space weather data in ascii list formats. There are sub-directories by type of data or by spacecraft. Via Anonymous FTP: ftp.swpc.noaa.gov cd to /pub/lists/ Via the Web: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/lists.html Data lists are updated in near-real-time at the rate the data are received at SWPC. Data is the data lists are on-line within 1 minute of reception at SWPC. By convention, data are time tagged at the beginning of the averaging or collection period. Therefore, data values appear to be older than they actually are. For example, a 5-min data value that is time tagged as 0000UT represents conditions from 0000UT to 0005UT and is on-line by 0006UT. The length of time each type of list is retained on-line is determined by a mix of inputs such as the size of the files, historical conventions, customer requests, and availability of the archived data from other sources. Customers requests to extend retention time are welcome and accommodated if possible. Tables of on-line SWPC data and links to non-SWPC sources for older data: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/Data/ ****************************************************************** ************ IMPORTANT ************ The README files is each directory contain important information about the data, data sources, scientific contacts, limitations SWPC plans, and other data specific comments. ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** ** Please read the SWPC Disclaimer at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ ** ****************************************************************** SWPC provides near-real-time and recent data, solar and geomagnetic indices and solar event reports created from preliminary reports. Preliminary data may contain errors or be revised after further review. The historical products in this SWPC Warehouse are the preliminary reports as originally published. SWPC does not encourage the use of preliminary data for research purposes. Links to archive sites with final data: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/Data/ ****************************************************************** Please send comments and questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov Report problems to SWPC.CustomerSupport@noaa.gov ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Older Notices ========================================================================= GOES 15 Designated Primary X-ray Satellite October 28, 2010 -- GOES 15 replaced GOES 14 as the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite. GOES 14 is being moved into storage. There is no Secondary SWPC GOES X-ray satellite. X-ray ascii data files use the file naming convention 'Gp' for GOES Primary, this means only header lines changes. ========================================================================= At 0000UT OCTOBER 28 GOES 15 Will Replace GOES 14 as Primary Satellite for XRS data October 13, 2010: At 0000 UT October 28 GOES 15 will replace GOES 14 as the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite. GOES 14 is being moved into storage. There is no Secondary SWPC GOES X-ray satellite. Because the X-ray file naming convention uses 'Gp' for GOES Primary, the only data file changes will be in header lines. ========================================================================== GOES 13 Designated Primary Satellite for Proton, Electron and Magnetometer Data April 14, 2010 -- GOES 13 became the Primary SWPC GOES Satellite for the Proton, Electron and Magnetometer instruments and GOES 11 was designated the Secondary Satellite. GOES 12 is being decommissioned. GOES 13 is drifting to the GOES West longitude. It will be at West 75 by April 26, 2010. GOES 13 HEPAD data channels P8 - P11 are temporarily unavailable until calibration issues are resolved. /ftp/pub/lists/pchan or http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/lists/pchan.html Revised Geometrical Factors for GOES 13, 14 and 15 EPEAD Electron Channels /ftp/pub/lists/particle or http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/lists/particle.html See the SWPC GOES Satellites web page for details and a list of changed products. http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/Data/goes.html Send comments and questions to SWPC.CustomerSupport@noaa.gov ========================================================================== On April 14, 2010 GOES 13 will be designated Primary Satellite for Proton, Electron and Magnetometer Data April 5, 2010: On Wednesday, 14 April, the GOES 12 satellite will be decommissioned. At that time, GOES 13 will become the Primary SWPC GOES Satellite for the Proton, Electron, and Magnetometer instruments. GOES 11 will become the Secondary Satellite. ========================================================================== GOES 14 Primary Satellite for XRS data No Secondary Satellite for X-rays or Electrons and Protons December 2, 2009: On 01 December, the GOES 10 satellite was decommissioned. GOES 14 became the SWPC Primary GOES X-ray Satellite. There is no Secondary GOES for X-rays, Electrons or Protons. The GOES 10 and GOES 14 XRS instruments have very different electronics and therefore, there are some qualitative changes in the appearance of the data. The main difference will be the level of noise in the data at the lowest values. When the background levels are low (less than 2E-8 W/m2 or A2.0), the GOES 10 data looked flat and the steps were very abrupt. At these low flux levels, the GOES 14 data is quite noisy. As the x-ray flux levels rise up above 2E-8, the noise will decrease and the plots will look very similar to GOES 10. ========================================================================== GOES 10 Decommissioning Dec 1, 2009 GOES 14 Becomes Primary Satellite for XRS data No Secondary Satellite for X-rays or Electrons and Protons November 17, 2009: On Tuesday, 01 December, the GOES 10 satellite will be officially decommissioned. At that time, GOES 14 will replace GOES 10 as the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite. GOES 10 Data Lists End Dec 1, 2009 The SWPC GOES 10 Data Lists will end Dec 1. The older GOES 10 Data Lists will rotate out of the directories over the next 90 days. /lists/xray/G10xr_1m.txt and 'yearmoda'_G10xr_1m.txt /lists/xray/G10xr_5m.txt and 'yearmoda'_G10xr_5m.txt /lists/pchan/G10pchan_5m.txt and 'yearmoda'_G10pchan_5m.txt /lists/particle/G10part_5m.txt and 'yearmoda'_G10part_5m.txt Changes to the GOES XRS Data The GOES 10 and GOES 14 XRS instruments have very different electronics and therefore, there will be some qualitative changes in the appearance of the data. The main difference will be the level of noise in the data at the lowest values. When the background levels are low (less than 2E-8 W/m2 or A2.0), the GOES 10 data looks flat and the steps are very abrupt. At these low flux levels, the GOES 14 data will be quite noisy. As the x-ray flux levels rise up above 2E-8, the noise will decrease and the plots will look very similar to the GOES 10 data. ========================================================================== Boulder-NOAA Magnetometer Data List Discontinued April 15, 2009 February 17, 2009 -- On April 15 the USGS, an acknowledged center of expertise for geomagnetism, will assume full responsibility for the Boulder magnetometer and its data. SWPC will continue to be a user of that data, but will no longer be the point of distribution of raw magnetometer data. Boulder Magnetometer DATA LISTS will no longer be available via SWPC. http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/lists/boumag.html Or within the FTP site cd /pub/lists/boumag/ The SWPC Boulder magnetometer web page will continue unchanged. http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/rt_plots/bou_12h.html Carol Finn, USGS Geomagnetism Group Leader, (cafinn@usgs.gov) is the point of contact for interested parties. Please direct any comments or questions to her. ========================================================================== Boulder-NOAA Magnetometer March 2004: Boulder-NOAA Magnetometer data has been available since mid-2003. There are data list in this directory, and a real-time updating web page at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/rt_plots/bou_12h.html ========================================================================== ACE RTSW EPAM Data Channel Change February 4, 2004: Real-time proton data from the EPAM LEMS30 instrument has been replaced with similar proton data from the LEMS120 sensor. The new proton channels cover the following energy ranges: 47-68 keV, 115-195 keV, 310-580 keV, and 1.06-1.9 MeV. Previous real-time electron (38-53, 175-315 keV) and proton (0.761-1.22 MeV) data from the EPAM CA60 telescope remain unchanged. Plots and Data Lists of 5-minute and 1-hour averaged data were backfilled to January 29, 2004. ==========================================================================