United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Electronic Submittals

Electronic Submittal
System Notices

The NRC has deployed a new Criminal History submissions application to support enhanced security requirements and improve information flow between submitters and the NRC. The new application will require installation of an Active X plugin to enable digital signing of submissions. Instructions on how to install it are available in the Criminal History Quick Start Guide.  There is also a Criminal History Users available at this location: Criminal History Users’ Guide. Users will not be prompted for installation on subsequent log-ins. Please direct questions to the NRC Help Desk at: 866-672-7640.

The electronic submittals systems are scheduled to undergo routine system maintenance on Monday evenings from 6:30pm until 9:30pm EST. The periods may be deferred or cancelled if they might interfere with filing deadlines for comment periods or adjudicatory proceedings.  

The Electronic Submittals application allows electronic transmission of information to the NRC pertaining to licensing actions, associated hearings, and other regulatory matters. The application ensures that information sent to us via the Internet is secure and unaltered during transmission.  For other communications with the Agency, see our Contact Us page.

The electronic submittals system operates 24 hours daily except when the system must be taken down for scheduled maintenance. System operators will post a notice on the esubmittals home page whenever a scheduled outage is planned.

Users new to the EIE System or in need of instructions should select the link below before accessing their preferred workflow:

Electronic Submission Systems

The Electronic Submittals application supports five separate systems. Users may access their preferred workflow by selecting from among the following links:

  • Adjudicatory submissions – Used for filings made to the Commission or Atomic Safety and Licensing Board proceedings

  • Criminal History – The NRC has deployed a new Criminal History submissions application to support enhanced security requirements and improve information flow between submitters and the NRC. The new application will require installation of an Active X plug in to enable digital signing of submissions. Instructions on how to install it are available in the Criminal History Quick Start Guide. There is also a Criminal History Users available at this location: Criminal History Users' Guide.

  • General submissions – Used for transmitting reports or other electronic filings to the NRC.  Licensees who wish to use electronic submissions to satisfy 10 CFR Part 26 reporting requirements (Fitness for Duty) should use the General submissions portal. Before submitting FFD reports, please read the FFD reporting information at: Answers about FFD

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, September 10, 2012