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Feedback Forum

The purpose of the IPD Feedback Forum is to provide a conduit for collecting input on products developed by the Office of Innovative Program Delivery (OIPD). The products posted here will include reports and tools intended for training, education and outreach. Your feedback is important to us.

This page provides brief descriptions of the documents now available for review, links to the material, and the opportunity to submit comments. As new products become available they will be added below.

If you wish to provide feedback on any of the documents listed below, please select the corresponding "submit comments" link. This will open an e-mail message to our office that you may use to submit your comments.

While it is not mandatory, we ask that when submitting comments you provide your name, company name, business contact information and business e-mail address so that we can follow up as needed.

Challenges and Opportunities Series: Public Private Partnerships in Transportation Delivery

FHWA has developed a draft report highlighting the opportunities and challenges associated with public-private partnerships. FHWA would like to make this report as valuable as possible to policy makers and practitioners by drawing in the wide range of public and private sector experience in the US and around the world. We are especially interested in comments that:

  • Identify additional issues not covered in the issue paper;
  • Correct technical and factual material;
  • Provide examples from actual transactions or projects; and
  • Identify research and educational needs for public and private sector participants in P3 project development.

FHWA plans to finalize the report in the summer of 2012, after which it will be distributed more broadly. In addition, the report will provide important input to a roadmap that our office is developing to help guide our efforts in supporting the community of transportation professionals as they work to explore this important project delivery tool. We expect that a draft of the OIPD P3 Roadmap will be posted on this site in the summer 2012 timeframe.

Review and Comment on the Draft Report

HTML version of Draft Report (May 11, 2012)

PDF version of Draft Report (May 11, 2012)

Submit your comments