Joint Chiefs of Staff

Chairman's Key Themes

  • Achieve our national objectives in the current conflicts
  • Develop Joint Force 2020
  • Renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms
  • Keep faith with our Military Family

Chairman's Strategic Direction
to the Joint Force

CJCS Letter to the
Joint Force

JCS Speech

Bookmark and Share 18th Annual Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) National Military Survivor Seminar & Good Grief Camp

As Delivered by Gen. Martin E. Dempsey , Arlington, VA - Friday, May 25, 2012

            GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Thanks, you're very kind, but we're here to honor you this weekend, as we do or try to do every day of the year. 
            I want to thank the vice president and Dr. Biden for being here. We get to share the stage with them at -- on many occasions, many events like this for families of the aggrieved, of wounded warriors. And I can tell you that their heart is exactly where you'd want it to be on these issues, and so it's an honor to share the stage with the two of you again.
            JILL BIDEN: Thank you.
            GEN. DEMPSEY: I like to always tell folks a little bit about this day in history because it helps us connect to our past. So on this day in history, in 1986, you might recall the phrase "Hands Across America," because 6.5 million people linked hands from Battery Park in New York City to Long Beach, California, and they were doing it in the name of homelessness and hunger.
            But I think about that in terms of what TAPS does, because what TAPS is doing for us is linking hearts across America. And I would like -- I know you have a special place in your heart for TAPS; we have a special place in our heart for the founder of TAPS, who 18 years ago decided to link hearts across America. And how about we give a round of applause to Bonnie -- (inaudible). (Cheers, applause.)
            You know, most Americans have not had the life-altering experience of being handed a folded flag, but those of you in this room have. And it -- in many ways, you are the face of our two wars over the past decade, but even prior to that. So what we want to tell you today is that your example truly does inspire us, that we understand and honor your sacrifice and your -- and what you've done for your nation and promise you that we will never forget it.
            I just had the privilege to go and spend some time with your children. And by the way, they're -- unbelievable bunch. They're great-looking kids. And now I know why they're so good-looking, I guess. (Laughter.) But -- and they're in there with -- I know there are some mentors in the room here. And each of them, as you know, has a soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guard or veteran mentor. And it's just really -- it's the -- it's the highlight of my year.
            I was here last year, and I'm back again. And I told Bonnie I won't miss another one of these for as long as she continues to invite me, so -- (applause) -- so we're with you. I promise you that.
            And ladies and gentlemen, I now have the privilege and the honor to introduce a man who epitomizes service, sacrifice and support for our military families, the vice president of the United States, Joe Biden. (Applause.)

Chairman's Quote