Acquisition Resources

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MDA Contract Clauses

This PDF document lists the clauses the Missile Defense Agency currently uses in its solicitations and contracts. These clauses provide information and direction for a myriad of subject areas relative to contract formation and performance in support of the MDA. Each clause has a prescription, guidance that indicates how and when the clause or provision is used.

A thorough understanding of the terms and conditions contained in these clauses will be helpful for any contractor doing business with MDA.

An awareness of the following clauses is particularly useful:

  • G-05 Submission of Payment Requests Using Wide Area Work Flow – Receipt And Acceptance (Wawf-Ra)
  • H-03 Delivery/Task Orders
  • H-08 Public Release of Information
  • H-09 Organizational Conflicts Of Interest
  • H-20 Sensitive Information Technology Work
  • H-27 Foreign Persons


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