Joint Chiefs of Staff

Chairman's Key Themes

  • Achieve our national objectives in the current conflicts
  • Develop Joint Force 2020
  • Renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms
  • Keep faith with our Military Family

Chairman's Strategic Direction
to the Joint Force

CJCS Letter to the
Joint Force

Warrior and Family Support

Through a grass roots focus and a community based methodology, the Warrior and Family Support Office strengthens our relationship of trust with the Nation by connecting and assisting with communities to support collaborative efforts that help our Service members, returning Veterans, their Families, and the Families of the Fallen with transition and reintegration.
Service Members, Veterans, Military Families, and Families of our Fallen successfully reintegrating / transitioned to civil society with access to proper health care, quality educational opportunities, and meaningful employment. 
Key Tasks
To sustain/improve Quality of Life for Service Members, Veterans, Families, and Families of our Fallen:
• Build Public Awareness
• Encourage Community Involvement
• Promote Community Services
• Enable Warrior and Military Family Care using a community-based approach
Supporting Documents
White Papers
This paper provides a definition of "Our Military Family"; describes its challenges and potential, and articulates ways to keep faith in the achievement of the chairman's key effort.
"Sea of Goodwill: Matching the Donor to the Need" describes a re-integration trinity of education, employment and health care which serve to improve the quality of life for service members and their families.
"Sustaining the Groundswell of Support: Transitioning from Concept to Application" discusses ideas and tasks that will have a meaningful impact on building public awareness, encouraging community involvement, and promoting community services for veterans, their families, and the families of our fallen.
"A Call to Action: Sustaining the Groundswell of Support" provides recommendations intended to act as a catalyst for State and Local government, and are provided with the premise that needs and opportunities exist on a continuum.
Innovative Examples: provides organizations (not endorsed) that are making a difference and are models to look at.
Other Links
Contact Listing

Chairman's Quote