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Cyber Defense Partnerships Lead to Lasting Relationships

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In late March, I made my first visit to the charming and friendly city of Tirana, Albania. A highlight of my trip was meeting with senior leadership from EUCOM and the Albanian Ministry of Defense and Chief of Defense to discuss opportunities to preserving partnership capacity in cyber defense by strengthening collective International cyber security postures and cooperation. The meeting emphasized the nation’s cyber program -- the importance of Albania’s cyber defense capability to protect and defend its information systems and infrastructure to obtain funding and resources to support their military.

Meetings with Col. Chesk Millja, Albania J6, and his staff provided us with an opportunity to map out our future military-to-military cyber engagements between Albania, EUCOM, and the New Jersey National Guard through the State Partnership Program. The EUCOM International Cyber Engagement team leverages and integrates the capabilities of the SPP to augment and support their programs.

Increasing our partners’ cyber defense postures to protect and defend against threats and vulnerabilities which disrupt free use of the global information grid is a top priority here at  EUCOM where we are committed to building enduring cyber defense partnerships with Albania and other NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) countries. We are working to strengthen our collective cyber defense and improving deployment readiness with interoperable and secure command, control, communications and computer systems that make us more ready to meet the global challenge of securing cyberspace in a multinational forum and participate as equal partners in a coalition cyber environment.

Albania is committed to this cyber partnership and plans to host a Cyber Endeavor Seminar in spring 2013. Cyber Endeavor is EUCOM’s cyber defense collaboration and familiarization venue designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacity through seminars, events, and exercise support. 

We look forward to strengthening and sustaining our cyber partnership with Albania.

For further information on cyber military issues, contact the International Cyber Engagement (ICE) team at

Stephanie A. Dantzler
International Cyber Engagement Chief

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Cyber Endeavor 2012 – Building Cyber Defense Capacity in our Partner Nations

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Trojans, Malware and Botnets got you down…?

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October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

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The clock is winding down to the start of Cyber Endeavor 2011

In my previous blog, I told you what Cyber Endeavor was all about. In this post, I’ll go over where we are at with CyE, who is providing seminars at the event, and the topics those seminars are going to cover. At this latest planning conference, we spent our time finalizing the schedule and agenda, as well as recruiting more participants from all of the nations in attendance. The conference was a success and we are on target to have an even better CyE than last year.

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Protecting our Cyber Ecosystem

On April 22, we celebrate Earth Day, a day intended to reflect appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. You are probably thinking, “How can we apply the concept of ecosystems to the man-made domain of cyberspace?” A recently published Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whitepaper, “Enabling Distributed Security in Cyberspace,” describes the need for a healthy and resilient cyber ecosystem. Similar to natural ecosystems, cyber ecosystems have a variety of diverse participants, including private firms, non-profits, governments, individuals, processes, and cyber devices. These cyber species interact at machine speed and can have a positive and a negative impact on the cyber ecosystem.

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CYBER ENDEAVOR 2011 Mid Planning Conference in Lisbon, Portugal

Last week, William Poole and I (EUCOM Cyber Defense Division International Information Assurance Branch) wrapped up the Cyber Endeavor portion of the Combined Endeavor 2011 mid-planning conference. Let me give you a little background on Cyber Endeavor. Educators and technical professionals from governmental organizations, industry, and academia, provide cyber defense familiarization to audiences from an estimated 40 countries. Cyber Endeavor is the premier forum for international military, industry and academic professionals to collaborate and improve partnerships with the end goal of strengthening collective cyber defense capabilities.

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Cyber Defense is a Team Sport

The theme of this conference was “Empowering a Cyber Defense Workforce" and included over one hundred participants with 40 partner cyber defenders from 18 countries, NATO, and other international organizations. The cheer squad came from USEUCOM's components, DoD agencies and industry.

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Switzerland takes part in Combined Endeavor for the 11th time

As you have read previously in this blog, Combined Endeavor is the world’s largest international Command, Control, Communications & Computers (C4) exercise. Participants of CE09 include nations within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Partnership for Peace (PfP) or other International Organisations. In recent years most NATO and PfP Nations have been taking part in Peace Supporting Operations (PSOs). Over 1000 participants from more than 40 nations take part in two weeks of intensive technical testing.

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What is the South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG)?

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Excellence in Action: Combined Endeavor’s Regional Site in Denmark

This past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting the national delegations at Combined Endeavor 2009’s regional site at Bülows Kaserne, Fredericia, Denmark. Delegations at this site are from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Slovenia and Sweden with additional support personnel from the United States, Austria and Germany.

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Prepping for CE09

Tomorrow, I'll be gathering my gear and moving into my temporary home at Banja Luca, Bosnia-Herzegovina to do my part within EUCOM's Combined Endeavor 09 exercise.

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Connecting Stuttgart to BiH

Well, the Tandbergs worked between here and Stuttgart! What's a Tandberg? It is a point-to-point (or multipoint) teleconferencing tool used by many commercial firms as well as by many nations. The screen looks like a portrait-sized computer screen (in other words, a normal computer screen turned 90 degrees) and there's a camera embedded into the top of the screen. With this tool, individuals can sit at their desk and communicate with any number of others for video conferences.

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Transforming the Main Operating Base

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Combined Endeavor 2009

CE – Combined Endeavor – is a large telecommunications exercise sponsored by EUCOM but planned and executed by our partner nations. This year, 2009, we are moving the exercise out of Germany for the first time in our 14 year history to Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a big enough challenge planning this exercise, but this year we add the challenge of building a new infrastructure to support the exercise.

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