Connecting Stuttgart to BiH

Well, the Tandbergs worked between here and Stuttgart! What's a Tandberg? It is a point-to-point (or multipoint) teleconferencing tool used by many commercial firms as well as by many nations. The screen looks like a portrait-sized computer screen (in other words, a normal computer screen turned 90 degrees) and there's a camera embedded into the top of the screen. With this tool, individuals can sit at their desk and communicate with any number of others for video conferences.

Part of the preparation for this exercise calls for the using such great tools by the staffs on both the EUCOM end in Germany and all three locations of CE this year.

The other accomplishment today thanks to the great work, led by the personnel assigned to the US Army Europe (USAREUR for short), the Combined/Joint Command and Control Center (or "CJ Triple C") is fully wired to support controlling testing activities between Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The CJ-Triple C is where participating nations' leadership can observe and direct the overall exercise activities. Completion of the communications infrastructure in the CJ Triple C means that we're only a few days away from the start of a very complex communications exercise.

There are other important wirings going on today but these are the two biggest.

LtCol Rick Dollesin
Exercise Director, Combined Endeavor

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