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Presidential Directives (PD)
Presidential Review Memoranda (PRM)

During the Carter Administration, the National Security Council (NSC) created Presidential Review Memoranda and Presidential Directives as part of the foreign policy development process. The names of these documents, which indicate stages in the decision-making process, were changed, although the mechanics of NSC review remained similar to previous administrations. The PRM replaced the National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM), and the PD supplanted the National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM). PRMs identified topics to be researched by the NSC, defined the problem to be analyzed, set a deadline for the completion of the study, and assigned responsibility for it to one of the two NSC committees. If the selected committee were the Policy Review Committee (PRC), a member was designated to serve as study chairman. The study chairman assigned an ad hoc working group to complete the study, which was ultimately reviewed by the responsible committee (either the PRC or Special Coordination Committee). When the committee was satisfied that the study had incorporated meaningful options and supporting arguments, the study's conclusions went to the President in a 2- or 3-page memorandum, which in turn formed the basis for a Presidential Directive.

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Asterisk key:
     - 0 asterisk - the document has been declassified and released in full
  * - 1 asterisk - the document has been declassified and released in part
** - 2 asterisks - the document has not been reviewed for release or release has been denied in full


Document Title


PD 1 Establishment of Presidential Review and Directive Series/NSC 20 Jan 77
PD 2 The National Security Council System 20 Jan 77
PD 3 Disposition of National Security Decision Memoranda 11 Feb 77
PD 4 The Law of the Sea Policy Review re PRM/NSC 18 08 Mar 77
PD 5 Southern Africa 09 Mar 77
PD 6 Cuba 15 Mar 77
PD 7* SALT Negotiations 24 Mar 77
PD 8 Nuclear Non-proliferation 24 Mar 77
PD 9* Army Special Operations Field Office in Berlin 30 Mar 77
PD 10* Instructions for Tenth Session of Standing Consultative Commission 20 Apr 77
PD 11 Micronesian Status Negotiations 05 May 77
PD 12* US Policy in Korea 05 May 77
PD 13 Conventional Arms Transfer Policy 13 May 77
PD 14* Disposition of National Security Action Memoranda and National Security Decision Memoranda 10 Jun 77
PD 15 Chemical Warfare 16 Jun 77
PD 16 Law of the Sea Guidance 16 Jun 77
PD 17 Reorganization of the Intelligence Community 04 Aug 77
PD 18* US National Strategy 24 Aug 77
PD 19 Electronic Surveillance Abroad and Physical Searches for Foreign Intelligence Purposes 25 Aug 77
PD 20* US SALT Position 09 Sep 77
PD 21 Policy Toward Eastern Europe 13 Sep 77
PD 22 ABM Treaty Review 07 Oct 77
PD 23 Standing Consultative Commission 10 Nov 77
PD 24* Telecommunications Protection Policy 16 Nov 77
PD 25 Scientific or Technological Experiments with Possible Large-scale Adverse Environmental Effects and Launch of Nuclear Systems into Space 14 Dec 77
PD 26* FY 1978 - 1980 Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Plan 27 Dec 77
PD 27 Procedures for Dealing with Non-military Incidents 19 Jan 78
PD 28* US Policy on Chemical Warfare Program and Bacteriological / Biological Research Program 25 Jan 78
PD 29* Nuclear Weapons Deployment Authorization for FY 1978-1979 31 Jan 78
PD 30 Human Rights 17 Feb 78
PD 31** Technical Surveillance for Foreign Intelligence Purposes 24 Feb 78
PD 32 Horn of Africa 24 Feb 78
PD 33 Arms Control for Anti-satellite Systems - ASAT 10 Mar 78
PD 34* Micronesian Status Negotiations 07 Apr 78
PD 35 Section 1-1403 of Executive Order 12036 19 Apr 78
PD 36 US - USSR Talks on Conventional Arms Restraint 28 Apr 78
PD 37* National Space Policy 11 May 78
PD 38 Comprehensive Test Ban 20 May 78
PD 39 Instructions to US Delegation to ASAT Talks with the Soviets Commencing on June 8 in Helsinki 06 Jun 78
PD 40 US - USSR Talks on Conventional Arms Restraint 15 Jul 78
PD 41 US Civil Defense Policy 29 Sep 78
PD 42* Civil and Further National Space Policy 10 Oct 78
PD 43 US - China Scientific and Technological Relationships 03 Nov 78
PD 44* FY 1979 - 1981 Nuclear Weapons Stockpile 05 Jan 79
PD 45 Instructions to the US Delegation to the ASAT Talks with the Soviets Commencing January 23 in Bern 22 Jan 79
PD 46 US / Foreign Programs of Cooperation Involving Nuclear Weapons 28 Mar 79
PD 47 US / Foreign Programs of Cooperation Involving Nuclear Weapons 27 Mar 79
PD 48* Ballistic Missile Submarine Commitments to NATO 04 Apr 79
PD 49 Micronesian Status Negotiations 06 Jun 79
PD 50 Arms Control Decision Process 14 Aug 79
PD 51* Nuclear Weapons Deployment Plan 10 Sep 79
PD 52* US Policy to Cuba 04 Oct 79
PD 53 National Security Telecommunications Policy 15 Nov 79
PD 54* Civil Operational Remote Sensing 16 Nov 79
PD 55* Intelligence Special Access Programs - Establishment of Apex Program 10 Jan 80
PD 56* FY 1980 - 1982 Nuclear Weapons Stockpile 27 Feb 80
PD 57* Mobilization Planning 03 Mar 80
PD 58** Continuity of Government 30 Jun 80
PD 59* Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy 25 Jul 80
PD 60* Nuclear Weapons Deployments 26 Sep 80
PD 61* FY 1981 - 1983 Nuclear Weapons Stockpile 24 Oct 80
PD 62* Modifications in US National Strategy 15 Jan 81
PD 63* Persian Gulf Security Framework 15 Jan 81

Presidential Review Memorandums (PRM)

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