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  Recurring Challenges in Key Aspects of Contingency Contracting Process (From DoDIG Report D-2010-059)". Chart is optimized for 11"x17".
  Fraud Indicators and Poor Practices in Relation to the Contracting Process (From DoD IG Report D-2010-059)

OCO Article Archive

Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)
FY 2013 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia Issued

Image of the FY 2013 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest AsiaSeptember 28, 2012 - The Department of Defense Inspector General and the Southwest Asia Joint Planning Group have issued the FY 2013 update to the Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia. To view the FY 2013 update, click here.

The Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia incorporates planned and ongoing oversight by members of the Southwest Asia Joint Planning Group. The plan update also includes ongoing oversight efforts related to Southwest Asia by the Government Accountability Office.

New this year is the inclusion of an overall strategic oversight plan for Afghanistan. The strategic oversight plan was developed for Afghanistan because most of the ongoing and planned oversight work in Southwest Asia occurs in Afghanistan or is related to Afghanistan. This plan is presented in two parts: (1) reconstruction, and (2) other than reconstruction. (more)

Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations Ambassador Kenneth Moorefield Testifies on Afghan National Security Forces and Security Lead Transition: The Assessment Process, Metrics and Efforts to Build Capability

Photo of Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations Ambassador Kenneth MoorefieldJuly 24, 2012 - Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations Ambassador Kenneth Moorefield testified before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Armed Services Committee on "Afghan National Security Forces and Security Lead Transition: The Assessment Process, Metrics and Efforts to Build Capability."

Moorefield discussed command and control processes and procedures in the development of the Afghan National Security Force. He detailed challenges in building a sustainable personnel system within the Afghan National Security Forces to include promotions and assignments, literacy rates and the career-long professional education and training. Moorefield also discussed the importance of a sustainable medical operation to the combat effectiveness. The National Military Hospital faces many challenges to include personnel shortages within the pharmacy and nursing departments, an insufficient level of security and accountability of controlled pharmaceutical substances and a lack of administrative process to track and transfer equipment.

Anthony Cordesman, Arleigh A. Burke chair in strategy, Center for Strategic and International Studies; retired Army Col. Joseph Felter, senior research scholar with the Center for International Security and Cooperation; and Charles M. Johnson, Jr., director of international affairs and trade, U.S. Government Accountability Office, testified on the panel with Moorefield.

To view a copy of the prepared statement, click here.

Deputy Inspector General Daniel Blair Testifies at a hearing titled "Dawood National Military Hospital, Afghanistan: What Happened and What Went Wrong?"
Photo of Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations Ambassador Kenneth MoorefieldJuly 24, 2012 - Deputy Inspector General for Auditing Daniel Blair testified today before the Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee at a hearing titled "Dawood National Military Hospital, Afghanistan: What Happened and What Went Wrong?"

Blair discussed a report on improving pharmaceutical distribution in the Afghan National Army (ANA), issued by the Department of Defense Inspector General in May. He noted that while there has been some progress in the pharmaceutical distribution process, the ANA will be unable to develop reliable pharmaceutical requirements, and the pharmaceutical distribution process is at risk of mismanagement, theft and waste of U.S.-funded pharmaceuticals until ANA officials and the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan make additional improvements.

Retired Air Force Col. Schuyler K. Geller, Army Col. Mark F. Fassl, Army Col. Gerald N. Carozza Jr., and Coast Guard Capt. Steven Anderson also testified on the panel with Blair.

To view a copy of the prepared statement, click here.

Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations Testifies on Accountability and Reform Efforts at the Afghan National Military Hospital
Photo of Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations Ambassador Kenneth MoorefieldJuly 10, 2012 - Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations Ambassador Kenneth Moorefield testified today before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Armed Services Committee on “Accountability and Reform Efforts at the Afghan National Military Hospital.”

Moorefield discussed notable progress in the development of the Afghan National Security Force health care system. However, he also stressed that the building process is incomplete and that significant challenges remain. U.S. military and coalition efforts must address personnel shortages in pharmacy and nursing departments; a lack of administrative procedures to transfer equipment from clinical areas to areas in need; tighter security of controlled pharmaceutical substances; and a refined plan for the medical mentoring mission beyond 2013.

Moorefield concluded by stating that the Department of Defense Inspector General will continue to provide oversight of U.S. military and coalition efforts to support further improvements in the health care system.

David S. Sedney, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, testified on the panel with Moorefield.

To view a copy of the prepared statement, click here.

Special Deputy IG for Southwest Asia Testifies on Transition from Military to Civilian-Led Iraq Mission
Photo of Special Deputy Inspector General for Southwest Asia J.T. Mickey McDermottJune 28, 2012 - Special Deputy Inspector General for Southwest Asia J.T. Mickey McDermott testified at a hearing on “Assessment of the Transition from a Military to a Civilian-Led Mission in Iraq” June 28 before the Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Testifying with McDermott in the second panel were Government Accountability Office, Department of State Inspector General, Agency for International Development IG and Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction representatives.

To view a copy of the prepared statement, click here.

DoD IG Engineers Inspect U.S.-Occupied Facilities in Afghanistan

Photo of DoD IG Engineers Inspect U.S.-Occupied Facilities in AfghanistanMay 2012 – A team of engineers from Policy and Oversight’s Technical AssessmentDirectorate are in Kandahar, Afghanistan, until the end of May inspecting U.S.-occupied military facilities for fire safety and electrical system code compliance. While on-site, the engineers are working with DCIS and Audit personnel to support ongoing investigations and audits. This is the first of three electrical and fire protection compliance assessment segments which will include Bagram and Kabul later this year.

Acting IG Travels to Afghanistan

April 20, 2012 - In the second week of April 2012, Acting Inspector General Lynne Halbrooks traveled to Afghanistan with Mr. Dan Blair, Deputy Inspector General for Audit; Mr. "Mickey" McDermott, Special Deputy Inspector General for Southwest Asia, and Lt Col Le Zimmerman, Military Assistant to the IG. During the week-long trip, Ms. Halbrooks met with theater commanders to discuss ongoing U.S. and coalition operations, as well as DoD IG oversight work. In Kabul, Ms. Halbrooks held meetings with senior military leaders including General John Allen (Commander, International Security Assistance Force – Afghanistan) and LTG Dan Bolger (Commander, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan/Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan). Both commanders expressed their appreciation for the work of the DoD IG and stated their commitment to transparency and safety within their commands.

Ms. Halbrooks also traveled to Kandahar, the headquarters of Regional Command South. During her meeting with the Commanding General, 82nd Airborne Division/RC-South, MG Jim Huggins spoke about the integral role of the IG in assisting warfighters and commanders at all levels.

Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Holds Hearing on The Comprehensive Contingency Contracting Reform Act of 2012

Ms. Halbrooks Testifies TestifiesApril 17, 2012 - Acting Inspector General Lynne Halbrooks testified today before the Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, at a hearing on The Comprehensive Contingency Contracting Reform Act of 2012 (S.2139). The hearing examined how S.2139 addresses systemic problems in contracting during overseas military contingencies.

Also testifying at the hearing were: Harold Geisel, Deputy Inspector General, U.S. Department of State; Michael Carroll, Acting Inspector General, U.S. Agency for International Development; Senator Jim Webb; Richard Ginman, Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, U.S. Department of Defense; the Honorable Patrick Kennedy, Under Secretary for Management, U.S. Department of State: and Angelique Crumbly, Acting Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau for Management, U.S. Agency for International Development.

Click here to read Ms. Halbrooks' testimony.

Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform Holds Hearing on Human Trafficking

Ambassador Moorefield TestifiesMarch 27, 2012 - Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans & Operations, Ambassador Kenneth Moorefield testified today before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, on "Labor Abuses, Human Trafficking, and Government Contracts: Is the Government Doing Enough to Protect Vulnerable Workers?"

Also appearing with Ambassador Moorefield were; U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut; U.S. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio; The Honorable Luis CdeBaca, Ambassador at Large, U.S. Department of State; Ms. Cathy J. Read, Director, Office of Acquisitions Management, U.S. Department of State; Ms. Evelyn R. Klemstine, Assistant Inspector General for Audits, U.S. Department of State; Mr. Richard T. Ginman, Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, U.S. Department of Defense; Ms. Sharon Cooper, Director, Defense Human Resources Activity, U.S. Department of Defense.

Click here to read Ambassador Moorefield's testimony to the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform Holds Hearing on Human Trafficking.

SPO Assessment Team Conducts Combating Trafficking in Persons Evaluation in Afghanistan
February 21, 2012 - A Special Plans and Operations Assessment Team from the DoD Office of Inspector General recently conducted fieldwork at U.S. and NATO Installations throughout Afghanistan regarding the Combating Trafficking in Persons Program. The team conducted over 100 interviews with command staff, contracting officials, and contractors responsible for contract performance and execution in Kabul, Bagram, Kandahar, Camp Leatherneck and Shindand.  The team briefed their preliminary observations to senior contracting officials in Kabul. 

The field work was part of the evaluation responding to requirements in Public Law 110- 457, "William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008," and Department of Defense Instruction 2200.01, "Combating Trafficking in Persons," September 15, 2010.

OCO Article Archive Last updated: July 25, 2012
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