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News > "Connect" 2012 Seminar

"Connect" 2012 Seminar

Presentations from the 2011 Seminar can be found in the Reference Library or by searching for “2011 Connect Seminar” using the Search feature at the top of the page.

The DTMO regrets to announce the cancellation of the 2012 Connect Seminar. Although we recognize the value in hosting such an event, we know that today's environment demands that organizations be fiscally conservative, especially with travel funds.  Therefore, after soliciting feedback from Service and
Agency senior leadership it was decided that this is the best decision based on the current fiscal environment.

We realize that many of you used the annual Seminars as an opportunity to learn skills to help you manage your travel programs and also as a means of staying informed about the world of Defense travel.  DTMO is pleased to offer a variety of resources and virtual training opportunities that can be launched right from your desktop.  Search for the right resource through the Training Resource Lookup Tool or visit the “Training” section in TraX.  Resources include:

  • Distance Learning Courses – Interactive combination of PowerPoint presentations and live demonstrations with a live instructor via Defense Connect Online.  Distance learning courses give you the opportunity to ask questions and network with other DTAs through a live environment.  To view the schedule of upcoming distance learning courses, go to
  • Web-based Training – Self-paced, on-demand instruction from desktop.
  • Demonstrations – Online simulations of DTS functions such as creating travel documents, creating a voucher, local voucher or authorization, and CBA reconciliation.

Other resources to help you stay abreast of the latest in Defense travel include: 

  • Defense Travel Dispatch – DTMO’s quarterly newsletter that covers travel news, events, and training information. Click here to subscribe.  
  • Travel Assistance Center Outreach Calls – Held twice a month, the call covers a variety of topics relevant to travel administrators. Visit the “Announcements” section in TraX for information on how to participate. 

Thank you for your making the past Connect Seminars a success and we look forward to holding similar events in the future.




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