Associate of Arts Degree FAQ

1. Am I eligible to apply for the AA Degree?
Applicants must be an active member (or dependent of a member) of the U.S. Military on Active Duty, Active Reserve, National Guard, or a U.S. Federal Government service employee upon completion of degree requirements, which includes having applied for and submitted the application, LES and transcripts prior to leaving Active Duty or Federal service in order to be eligible for the AA Degree. (IRR and contractor status are not eligible.)

The AA Degree is based on the successful completion of studies in the foreign language major in residence at DLIFLC (Monterey, CA). Also required is the completion of specific general education requirements; which may be earned through testing or coursework at other accredited institutions.

Students who graduated from a resident DLIFLC Basic language program with a class start date after 1 October 1991 may apply. Students who graduated from a resident DLIFLC Intermediate language program with a class start date after 1 February 1998 may apply. Advanced and DTRA programs are not eligible.

At some point at or after graduation, Basic program students must achieve a minimum DLPT score of L2/R2/S1+. Intermediate program students must achieve a minimum DLPT score of L2+/R2+/S2. A cumulative grade point average of a “C” (2.0) or higher is required for DLIFLC coursework. Final DLIFLC grades below a D- are not acceptable.

Students must have completed 45 semester credits at DLIFLC plus 18 semester credits in general education. Intermediate program students who did not complete the Critical Thinking requirement of the Basic program must take an additional general education course.

2. What forms do I need to submit to apply for the DLIFLC AA Degree?
The first form to submit is the two-page application, found on this website, and a copy of your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). Qualified family member applications must include a copy of their Dependent ID and sponsor’s LES. Mail, fax, or scan/email these documents BEFORE sending transcripts or score reports. These documents are required to be on file before transcripts/test scores are evaluated. A copy of your military ID card (front and back) or current military orders may be accepted in lieu of the LES. Faxed ID cards not accepted. For instructions on completing the AA Degree, please read the AA Degree Checklist found under the AA Degree Office link on the left side menu of this web page.

3. How long after graduation may I apply for and complete my General Education(GE) requirements for the DLIFLC AA Degree?
There is no time limit on applying for and obtaining the AA Degree as long as you still hold an appropriate status (see Question 1 for eligibility). The Technology requirement must be completed within five years prior to the conferral of the AA Degree; however, other GE requirements do not have a time limit.

4. How many General Education (GE) credits are required to be transferred to the DLIFLC AA Degree program in order to be eligible for the AA Degree?

  • If you are a graduate from a Basic program you will be need to transfer 18 semester credits in the required GE coursework.
  • If you are a graduate of the Intermediate program and did not take the Basic course, you will need 18 semester credits in the required GE course work plus a three semester credit Critical Thinking course, totaling 21 semester credits.
  • Family members and civilians taking the basic course who have no prior military service must have an additional three semester credits in Physical Education.
  • For more information on GE please see the AA Degree Checklist or contact the AA Degree office.

5. My general education course work is more than 10 years old. Can I still use them to transfer credit to DLIFLC?
Yes; however, the technology is the only GE requirement with a time limitation. The Technology requirement must be completed within five years prior to the conferral of the AA Degree.

6. In my military career, I have had experience with computers. Do I have to take a college course such as “Introduction to Computers” to satisfy the Technology requirement?
Military experience will be considered for the Technology requirement if: it has been evaluated by American College on Education (ACE), is three (3) semester college credits (Freshman level or higher), is listed on your AARTS, SMART or CCAF transcript and is still within the five year requirement. CLEP, DANTES, AP, and/or IB examinations will also be considered to satisfy this requirement.

7. Can my high school Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) scores be used to satisfy any of the General Education requirements?
AP scores of three (3) or higher and Higher Level IB scores of five (5) or higher will be evaluated in the required subjects. See the AA Degree Checklist on this website for additional information. When ordering AP Scores the DLIFLC institution code is 1963.

8. What are the DLIFLC codes for CLEP and DANTES tests?
The DLIFLC code for CLEP test is 8431 and DANTES is 8744. You must specify on your test answer sheet these codes in order to have results of your CLEP or DANTES tests sent to the DLIFLC AA Degree program office. In the case of computerized testing, DLIFLC name may be in a drop down menu.

9. Where can I find a list of qualifying CLEP and DANTES tests?
See the AA Degree Check/Test list in the AA Degree link at the menu to the left  for additional information.

10. Is it true that a grade below a D in any of my DLIFLC semester grades makes me ineligible to apply for the AA Degree?
Yes, this is true; an F in a DLIFLC semester grade makes a student ineligible. This credit can not be made up.

11. I already have a college degree. Can I use this to get the DLIFLC AA Degree?
Your previous coursework may be transferable. Once you apply for the AA Degree, have your official transcripts, with the appropriate courses, mailed to the AA Degree office for evaluation to see if they satisfy the DLIFLC AA Degree requirements. The transcript must be from the institution that awarded the course grade; transfer grades from third party transcripts are not accepted. Remember that a previous degree does not mean you have automatically met all of the DLIFLC AA Degree requirements. The Technology requirement must be completed no earlier than five years prior to the conferral of the AA Degree.

12. I graduated from a DLIFLC Washington Basic Language Program or another military location. Do I qualify?
The DLIFLC Washington is a contracted language program and therefore does not qualify for the DLIFLC Monterey AA Degree program. Only the resident Monterey language programs were evaluated by the accrediting agency for the degree program.

13. My college was on the quarter system. How many quarter credits are needed for a three credit semester course?
You will need 4.5 quarter credits to equal three (3) semester credits.

14. Will my AA Degree in Technology from CCAF satisfy the DLIFLC Technology requirement?
The degree itself will not satisfy the Technology requirement. The CCAF transcript must show a minimum of three (3) semester credits for an acceptable computer course at the lower division level within five years of your AA Degree conferral date.

15. I did not obtain the qualifying DLPT scores at graduation but have since improved them. Am I qualified now?
The minimum eligibility requirement is a DLPT of L2/R2/S1+ for the Basic course and L2+/R2+/S2 for the Intermediate program. If you have retested, contact the AA Degree office one week after testing. You will need to provide the date and location of your passing DLPT test.

16. Can I send my DA 330 to provide new DLPT scores?
Scores are required through official channels and can not be accepted directly from students. If you have retested, contact the AA Degree office one week after testing. You will need to provide the date and location of your passing DLPT test.

17. I did not attend DLIFLC, but I am a fluent speaker of Spanish (or another language) and I have satisfied all the General Education requirements. Can I get the degree if I pass the DLPT with the required 2/2/1+?
In order to be eligible to apply for the AA Degree you must have attended a Basic or Intermediate resident course program at the Monterey campus of the DLIFLC.

18. I already have an AA Degree from DLIFLC and am returning for a second language. Can I receive a second AA Degree from DLIFLC in my second language?
Yes, you may receive more than one AA Degree from DLIFLC. You must submit a separate application for each language in which you wish to apply for the degree. Only one set of official, sealed transcripts is required. See Question #1 for eligibility.

19. Does the DTRA (formerly OSIA) program count for the degree?
The DTRA program coursework can not be used for the DLIFLC AA Degree. However, this program may carry academic credit, which may be transferred to other institutions for evaluation.

20. How may I obtain copies of my official DLIFLC transcripts or DLPT Score report?
In the menu to the left, select Registrar Forms to find the Transcript Request form. There is no fee for this service.

21. What organization accredited the language programs and when?
DLIFLC's efforts to achieve academic excellence were formally recognized in 1979 when the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (AACJC/WASC) granted accreditation. The accrediting dates for the AA Degree coursework are 1 October 1991 for the Basic Program and 1 February 1998 for the Intermediate Program.

22. I am a civilian with no government or military affiliation, can I attend DLIFLC?
DLIFLC is only open to active military personnel, their dependants, and some Federal government agencies. See question #1 for eligibility.

23.What changes to the DLIFLC AA Degree program were approved on February 15, 2008?
See the following summary of the AA Degree Program changes.

DLIFLC 1759 Lewis Rd. Bldg 614, Ste. 251 - Presidio of Monterey - Monterey, CA 93944 (831) 242-5119, (DSN-768)