General SPēD-related FAQs

Assessment/Exam FAQs

Component/Agency FAQs

Industry FAQs

General SPēD-related FAQs

What is certification?

Certification is a credential acknowledging an individual has demonstrated a specific level of knowledge or competence, as defined by a professional standards-setting organization.

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What is the difference between a certificate and a certification program?

A certification program is more than a certificate program. Certification programs focus on testing, whereas certificate programs focus on learning. The latter typically results in a certificate of attendance or completion and is not always based on testing of learning. Certification results in a credential that provides assurance that those who have achieved certification can demonstrate the required competencies.

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What is the SPēD Certification Program?

The SPēD Certification Program is based on functions performed and requirements developed under PDF icon DoDI 3305.13 and the subsequent manual that defined the required skill standards. It is not based on occupational titles or specific jobs.

The SPēD Certification Program is legally defensible and certifies that the individual satisfies standards approved by the Department of Defense Security Training Council (DSTC), an advisory body on DoD on security training.

The SPēD Certification Program is aligned with Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 610, Annex R – Security Competencies.

The SPēD Certification Program has four core certifications. SPēD certification begins at Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC) and progresses to Security Enterprise Professional Certification (SEPC) as the scope, responsibility, and complexity of the security role increases. All candidates for SPēD certification must take the Security Fundamentals examination. See chart below for details.

Certifications Acronym Certification Description
Security Fundamentals Professional Certification SFPC The individual understands foundational security concepts, principles, and practices.
Security Asset Protection Professional Certification SAPPC The individual applies foundational security concepts, principles, and practices.
Security Program Integration Professional Certification SPIPC The individual understands and applies risk assessment and security program management based on security concepts, principles, and practices (to be released in FY 2013).
Security Enterprise Professional Certification SEPC The individual understands and applies concepts, principles, and practices for managing enterprise-wide security (under development).

SPēD certification candidates will be tested using security standards for knowledge, skills, and competencies.

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When will the SPēD Certification Program be implemented?

Please check with your SPēD Program Office for your Component as each DoD Component will have a different implementation schedule. Below lists when each of the certifications will be available for the DoD Components to implement.

  • Security Fundamentals Professional Certification, Initial Operational Capability was February 2011.
  • Security Asset Protection Professional Certification, Initial Operational Capability FY2012
  • Security Program Integration Professional Certification, FY2013

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How do I get started in the SPēD Certification Program?

STEP 1 arrow Component must identify you as an applicant or you may volunteer based on your Component's SPēD Candidate policy.
STEP 2 arrow Log in to https://stepp.dss.mil/SelfRegistration/Login.aspx. You must have an active and up-to-date STEPP User ID and password to register for and to take the certification assessment. If your account is current, proceed to Step 3.
STEP 3 arrow In the catalog section under "Certification Programs," click on "Security Professional Education Development." Select the “Security Fundamentals Professional Certification Assessment Placeholder (SPED030.SP)" and then select "Register."
STEP 4 arrow A list of available dates, times, and locations will appear. Highlight the radio button on the date, time, and location you would like to take the assessment; scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Submit." You will be placed on "pending approval" status. Once approved, you will receive an email notification of your approval with detailed information.
STEP 5 arrow Coordinate with your Component SPēD POC/Program Management Office, providing your supervisor with your scheduled test date and time.

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How do I find out my test results?

All SPēD certification test results will be available 15 days after the testing event via the candidate's STEPP account. Candidates can access their results by logging into their STEPP account at https://stepp.dss.mil/SelfRegistration/Login.aspx. On the STEPP home page, select "Learn," select "Training Schedule," and select "View Completed Registrations." The last column to the right of your Certification assessment, “Status,” will indicate the results of your assessment. Candidate questions can be directed to the DSS SPēD Program Management Office at SPeD@dss.mil.

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When do I receive my certificate?

DSS formally submits the names of all SPēD candidates who achieved a passing score to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSD(I)) for conferral, in accordance with DoD 3305.13-M, every 21 days. From the date of testing, it takes approximately 90 days for a conferred candidate to receive a SPēD certificate and lapel pin.

For Industry, certificates are shipped via express mail to the address listed in your STEPP account. For all others, SPēD certificates and lapel pins are sent to the candidate’s owning DoD Component for distribution.

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How do I maintain or renew my SPēD Certification?

Security professionals conferred the SFPC or the SAPPC must accrue 100 Professional Development Units (PDUs) within a 2-year cycle. At least 50% of the 100 PDUs must be fulfilled through approved professional development activities focusing on security topic areas. The remaining PDUs must be fulfilled through approved professional development activities focusing on core academic topic areas. A catalog of approved professional development activities is available.

The certification renewal clock for SFPC and SAPPC is on hold pending the SPēD PMO's implementation of technology systems for managing PDUs. Further information will be provided as it is forthcoming.

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What about other certifications? Will the SPēD Program recognize them?

The SPēD Certification Program does not recognize equivalents and can not confer a SPēD certification(s) based on other credentials achieved by an individual. Each SPēD certification, by USD(I) policy, will be nationally accredited by an external accreditation organization. The standards for accreditation of the certification program prevent equivalencies and grandfathering except in narrow and predefined scenarios. For renewals of certification by holders, the SPēD Program Office will recognize other credentials and professional development events. The points per event will be determined by the Department of Defense Security Training Council (DSTC).

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What if I have a question about Registration?

For queries related to participation in the SPēD Certification Program, please contact your Component's SPēD Program Office. After approval, if you have registration questions, please send an email to SPeD@dss.mil.

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Who do I contact if I have a question regarding SPēD?

Your question regarding SPēD should be found on the website; however, if you can't find it there, feel free to email your question(s) to SPeD@dss.mil.

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How do I designate my SPēD credential?
Those who have been conferred the Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC) are authorized to use the SFPC designation on business cards, resumes, and signature lines. SFPC credential holders may use this designation as long as they maintain active status.

The designation "SFPC" should appear in all capital letters after a comma following the credential holder's name. An example follows:

Amanda Rosales, SFPC

Those conferred the Security Asset Protection Professional Certification (SAPPC) credential are authorized to use the SAPPC designation in the same manner as described above for using the SFPC. Because the SFPC must be earned to obtain the SAPPC, holders need only list SAPPC.

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Assessment/Exam FAQs

How do I find the next location and date for testing?

The listings for the upcoming test locations may be accessed at http://www.dss.mil/seta/sped/test-sites.html.

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How do I prepare for the SFPC Assessment or the SAPPC Assessment?

  • Review the SFPC Candidate Handbook. The SFPC Candidate Handbook lists the topic areas tested on the SFPC assessment.
  • Familiarize yourself with courses addressing the topic areas. The following courses have been helpful to many preparing for the assessment:
    • Introduction to Industrial Security Course IS011.16
    • Introduction to Information Security Course IF011.16
    • Introduction to Physical Security Course PY011.16
    • Introduction to Personnel Security Course PS113.16
    • Introduction to DoD Personnel Security Adjudication Course PS001.18
    • Special Access Program (SAP) Overview Course SA001.16
  • Access "Resources for SPēD" through STEPP. Use the diagnostics to help gauge your level of knowledge in the various security topic areas. Based on your results, download and review the appropriate recommended resources to increase your proficiency.  Please note: the diagnostic tools merely help you to gauge your level of understanding in the security topic areas covered on the assessment.  The diagnostic tool does NOT contain the actual assessment questions.

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What are some study suggestions?

  • Recognize that the material cannot be memorized; use memory techniques only to help recall key points
  • Focus on the application of accepted principles, practices, and theories, not on memorizing facts, dates, and names
  • Consider studying in pairs or starting or joining a virtual study group
  • Review sample test questions

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Are there any test taking tips I should employ?

  • Do what is needed to feel comfortable and relaxed before the test. Check out the location in advance, get enough rest, eat a good meal, etc.
  • Arrive early—at least 20 minutes before the scheduled test time.
  • Trust first impressions; do not over-analyze answers.
  • If uncertain about a question, return to it later, and if you are still uncertain, make an educated guess.
  • Do not look for answer patterns.
  • Do not select an answer based on length; it may be a false clue.
  • Do not rush. Consider each choice before selecting the best one.
  • Use time well. Extra points are not awarded for finishing early.

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Do the SFPC and the SAPPC Assessments have a time limit?

Yes, the time limit is two hours.

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What is a beta assessment?

As part of the Department of Defense initiative to professionalize the security workforce, the beta assessment was developed using standards reviewed and approved by the Department of Defense Security Training Council. The Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC) Assessment consisted of 360 items. After candidates took the assessment, an analysis determined which items were too difficult, had unclear and/or vague options, and could be interpreted in multiple ways. After completing the analysis of the SFPC beta assessment, over 70% of the items were eliminated. The current SFPC assessment contains 112 items.

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What is a “cut score”?
The passing score, also known as a “cut score,” represents a standard of passing performance established by experts in the security field using professionally-recognized psychometric methodology for standard-setting. In accordance with several other professional certification programs, SPēD Assessment cut scores will not be released to the security community.

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What if I do not pass the Certification exam?

If a successful score is not obtained on the exam, the certification exam can be retaken by the applicant after 90 days. Please contact your DoD component SPēD Certification Office for specific guidance on allowance for number of retakes.

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When does the Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC) expire?

The certification renewal clock for SFPC and SAPPC is on hold pending the SPēD PMO's implementation of technology systems for managing PDUs. This delay will be effective until October 1, 2012, at which time the renewal policy will be reviewed.

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What is the Security Asset Protection Professional Certification (SAPPC)?

The Security Asset Protection Professional Certification (SAPPC) serves as a valid indicator of a security practitioner's ability to apply foundational security concepts, principles, and practices the DoD community deems critical to successfully perform functions, implement programs, and pursue missions necessary to manage risks to and protect DoD assets. The SAPPC requires application of Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC) knowledge and is open to SFPC conferees only.

The SAPPC launched in February 2012. For times and dates of assessments, please check the assessment schedule.

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Component/Agency FAQs

How does SPēD Certification help me, my agency, and the nation?

For the Security Practitioner:

  • Provides a DoD level credential recognizing successful demonstration of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by a security professional as defined by the Department of Defense Security Training Council
  • Provides a clear pathway for security professionals to aim for in developing their career milestones
  • Outlines DoD expectations of the knowledge, skill, and abilities required for a security professional


  • Promotes a common and shared understanding of security functional tasks and the knowledge and skills associated with the competencies required to perform those functions
  • Promotes an interoperable DoD security workforce
  • Facilitates professional development and training
  • Provides for a recognized credential for security professionals
  • Facilitates transfer of security professionals among Component Agencies

For the Nation:

  • Defines standards for security practitioners and drives professional accountability
  • Meets DoD and National Security Plans and Objectives for developing the workforce

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What positions will be certified?

DoD Components and Agencies will designate the military and civilian positions to the appropriate certification(s) for that position.

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What instruction do I follow, so that I may complete a SPēD implementation plan?

Each DoD Component is responsible for developing an implementation plan in accordance with DoD Manual 3305.13-M. DSS CDSE SPēD PMO recommends a single Point of Contact is established to interface with DSS for the development of their implementation plan. DSS has developed templates to support component implementation plan development. Please contact Michael.Peterson@dss.mil for the latest materials and DSS guidance in the development of your Component's Implementation Plan.

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What policy do I follow, so that I may complete a SPēD implementation plan?

The policy (the how) to follow is obtained from the DoD Manual 3305.13-M, "DoD Security Accreditation and Certification," March 14, 2011. DoD Security Accreditation and Certification Manual implements the policy in DoDI 3305.13 and establishes roles and assigns responsibilities for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the DoD Security Professional Education Development (SPēD) Certification Program. This establishes the official framework for the program and now requires the Military components and Defense Agencies to develop implementation plans to move their employees into the program.

Access the DoD 3305.13-M, "DoD Security Accreditation and Certification" at
PDF icon http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/330513m.pdf.

The DSS SPēD PMO is providing additional guidance; send inquires to the SPēD PMO Mailbox at SPEDPMO@dss.mil.

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Industry FAQs

Is SPēD available to contractors?

SPēD is available to contractors if they are performing security duties on behalf of the DoD. (If you are a DoD contractor, please indicate "CTR" as your organization in STEPP. For example, Jane.Doe.ctr@any.af.mil would select "CTR" rather than "Air Force.")

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When will the SPēD program be offered to industry?

DSS began offering SFPC assessments for Industry Security Professionals at DSS CDSE Linthicum starting 1 September 2011.

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Can Facility Security Officers (FSOs) or National Industry Security Program(NISP) affiliated security professionals at contractor facilities participate in the SPēD Program?

Yes. As of September 1, 2011 FSOs and NISP related security professionals can participate in Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC). Please note: SPēD Certification Program is not based on the NISP Operating Manual but is designed to measure the knowledge, skills, and abilities based on the definition of work performed by security practitioners on behalf of the DoD.

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Where can industry personnel take a SPēD test?

As of September 1, 2011, testing is offered at the DSS CDSE Linthicum and select conference events. During FY12, some Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) instructor-led courses will offer testing. If you are interested in certification testing and would like to receive further information, please e-mail SPeDcert.registration@dss.mil.

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