CNSS Report

In accordance with NSD-42, "National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems", dated 5 July 1990, the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) is to provide an annual report on the security status of national security systems with respect to established objectives and priorities.  These objectives and goals are developed each year by the CNSS and its Members and Observers. The input for these reports is received from the various accomplishments of the CNSS working groups, as well as from the individual CNSS Committee Members and Observers. The report is forwarded through the CNSS Chair to the National Security Council and eventually to the President of the U.S.

The goal of the reports is to identify the key issues and challenges being focused on by the CNSS and the rest of the National Security Community, the progress being made to address these issues within the National Security Community, and identify additional challenges and priorities that the National Security Community should consider addressing in the next year.

These reports are available for download from the CNSS website in PDF format. PDF files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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CNSS Report: Progress Against 2008 Priorities
Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Report: Progress Against 2008 Priorities, dtd April 2009
CNSS Report: An Agenda for Safeguarding National Security Systems
2007/2008 Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Report: An Agenda for Safeguarding National Security Systems, dated Mar 2008

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