Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  1. I am planning to visit Arlington National Cemetery but I’ve never been to a national cemetery before. What do I need to know?
    Arlington National Cemetery is first and foremost an active cemetery conducting an average of 27 funerals a day. Funerals are conducted from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All visitors to the cemetery are expected to observe proper standards of decorum and decency while within the cemetery grounds. Visitor’s rules for the cemetery are outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations for Army National Cemeteries (32 CFR 553.22 Visitors' rules for the Arlington National Cemetery).

    A first stop on a trip to the cemetery should include the Visitors Center where maps, guidebooks, exhibits, information services (to include grave locations), a bookstore and restrooms can be found. You will need to provide your own wheelchairs or strollers if you require them. Only bottled water is permitted on cemetery grounds. Water fountains are located in the Visitors Center, near the JFK gravesite and the Tomb of the Unknowns. Bottled water is available for purchase at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial.

  2. May I take pictures at the cemetery?
    Photography is permitted within the cemetery. We ask that you be respectful of funerals being conducted in the cemetery and families visiting the gravesites of loved ones.
  3. Can I ride a bicycle in Arlington National Cemetery?
    Bicycles are only permitted within Cemetery grounds on Meigs Drive, Sherman Drive and Schley Drive traveling in one direction from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (JBMHH) towards Memorial Drive or as otherwise authorized by the Executive Director. Bicyclists may use the route indicated above during the hours of 8 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. from April 1 to September 30 and 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. from October 1 to March 31. Exceptions for bicycle touring groups may be requested in advance and authorized in writing by the Executive Director. Any individual who has an original, permanent family pass may visit a gravesite by bicycle, provided they have the requisite safety equipment (helmet, etc.) and the pass in their possession at the time of the visit. For your convenience, bike racks are located near the Visitors Center.
  4. Can pets be buried at ANC?
  5. What is the policy for pets?
    Pets can be taken to cemetery but they must be on a leash or hand held.
  6. If a family wants to make a monetary donation to the Chaplains fund who does this get directed to?
    It should be directed to the branch chaplain for the service that it is going to.

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