Diabetes Education in Tribal Schools

Instructional Content

K – 4 Content 5 – 8 Content 9 – 12 Content
Students will:
  • develop a concept of health through balance in life;
  • identify how making healthy food choices and being physically active every day can prevent diabetes;
  • explore the concepts of balance and imbalance through learning activities and visual aids and apply these concepts to maintaining health; and
  • explore four areas of their lives-body, mind, feelings, and the world-that work together in harmony to promote good health.
*Please note that all K-4 units are interdisciplinary curriculum units emphasizing health science with strong language arts components, and that the kindergarten units are suitable for both K and pre-K levels.
Students using the social studies unit will:
  • describe lifestyle in terms of dietary patterns, physical activity levels, and personal choices; and
  • identify environmental changes that can be made to improve or maintain personal health and the health of families and communities.
Students using the science unit will:
  • understand as the result of scientific investigation and the accumulation of evidence, that disease develops slowly across time; and
  • understand that diabetes is a disease in which a person's body is not able to use glucose properly.
Students using the science unit will:
  • learn through analyzing case studies how the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person's life are affected when someone has diabetes and how to use those aspects of life plus input from the community to regain balance and health;
  • understand by using models how the hormones insulin and glucagons regulate blood glucose levels and maintain homeostasis; and
  • understand how problems with the body's use of insulin disrupt the homeostatic regulation of blood glucose and lead to diabetes.
Students using the health unit will:
  • learn by conducting interviews with community members what others know about diabetes and what misconceptions about diabetes are common;
  • participate in role playing to learn about careers in health professions that deal with diabetes;
  • learn about the risk factors for type 2 diabetes including which can be controlled through personal behavior and which cannot; and
  • learn that people can reduce their chances of getting type 2 diabetes by making lifestyle changes.
Diabetes Education in Tribal Schools