
Who we are: The Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM) is located in the Office of the Secretary under the direction of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management, and Budget. The office reports to Debra E. Sonderman, the Department of the Interior's Senior Procurement Executive.

We provide executive level leadership in the areas of acquisition and Federal assistance (grants and cooperative agreements); real, museum and personal property; government furnished quarters; space management; energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy programs; motor vehicle fleet management; alternative fueled vehicles; integrated charge card program; and electronic commerce and related automated systems. The Office coordinates policy development and promotes business professionalism through program evaluation and guidance, support to capital planning, and through advocacy and support for program and bureau operations in all of its functional areas.  

As described in the Department Manual, we are responsible for all policy aspects of Departmentwide functions related to acquisition and Federal assistance [grants and cooperative agreements]; real, museum and personal property; space management; energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy programs; motor vehicle fleet management; alternative fueled vehicles; capital asset planning and related automated systems.

U.S. Department of the Interior
This is an Official Government Website
Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM)
Web Administrator
Last Updated on 02/16/10