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Alaska Metadata Trainer & Outreach

Award Number G12AC20127, Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance

Alaska is implementing its Geospatial Strategic and Business Plans which are very proscriptive and call for the implementation of standards, best practices and professional training. Properly cataloguing existing and acquired geospatial data is a significant factor in executing the strategic plan and uniform metadata standards training (ISO 19115) across business lines is a significant step in coordinating Alaska oriented geospatial holdings and practices. The outcome of this project will be a uniformly applied metadata standard voluntarily adopted and utilized by the stakeholders. Key to this is training and awareness through outreach. A secondary outcome would be the revision of existing non-compliant metadata and the creation of a unified metadata directory/catalogue to serve as an interim one-stop geospatial portal.

State of Alaska, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities


Nick Mastrodicasa, State of Alaska, DOT/PF-Joint Project Office

Karen Felts, State of Alaska, DOT/PF-Joint Project Office

Last Updated: Apr 23, 2012 10:16 AM
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