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Geospatial Platform

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What is the Geospatial Platform? 

The  Geospatial Platform is a managed portfolio of common geospatial data, services, and applications contributed and administered by trusted sources and hosted on a shared infrastructure, for use by government agencies and partners to meet their mission needs and the broader needs of the Nation.  

Benefits of the Geospatial Platform

The Geospatial Platform improves access to and management of geospatial resources through: 

  • Shared Leadership
  • Business Perspective
  • Open Government
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Addressing Administration Policies

Geospatial Platform Features

The Geospatial Platform offers a wide variety of features, with more to come later this year. Current features include:

  • Map Viewer
  • Trusted Federal Datasets
  • Multiple Basemaps
  • Collaborative Groups
  • Editable Layers

Geospatial Platform Timeline

 Note: Click on the graphic to enlarge.


Key Geospatial Platform Deliverables and Accomplishments (in alphabetical order): 

 A full list of Geospatial Platform deliverables and accomplishments is available in the Resource Center


Last Updated: Aug 13, 2012 03:11 PM
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