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NIST Special Publications in the 260 Series

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Rev. 2012 
Certification of SRM 2492: Bingham Paste Mixture for Rheological Measurements Ferraris, C.F.; Stutzman, P.; Winpigler, J; Guthrie, W.F.
260-173 SRM 1450d, Fibrous-Glass Board, for Thermal Conductivity from 280 K to 340 K Harris, Amanda C., Leigh, Stefan D., Roller, John F., Zarr, Robert R
260-172 Certification of Three NIST Renewal Soil Standard Reference Materials for Element Content: SRM 2709a San Joaquin Soil, SRM 2710a Montana Soil I, and SRM 2711a Montana Soil II Mackey, E.A., Christopher, S.J., Lindstrom, R.M., Long, S.E., Marlow, A.F., Murphy, K.E., Paul, R.L., Popelka-Filcoff, R.S., Rabb, S.A., Sieber, J.R., Spatz, R.O., Tomlin, B.E., Wood, L.J., Yen, J.H., Yu, L.L., Zeisler, R., Wilson, S.A., Adams, M.G., Brown, Z.A., Lamothe, P.L., Taggart, J.E., Jones, C., Nebelsick, J.
260-169 Ferraris, Chiara F., Guthrie, William, Peltz, Max, Haupt, Robin Certification of SRM 46H


To request SP260-167 DVD (includes videos)click here:srm_tech@nist.gov

Kelly, W. Robert, MacDonald, Bruce S., Leigh, Stefan D. A Method for the Preparation of NIST Traceable Fossil Fuel Standards with Concentrations Intermediate to SRM Values
260-166 Ferraris, Chiara F., Guthrie, William, Avilés, Ana Ivelisse, Haupt, Robin, and MacDonald, Bruce S. Certification of SRM 114q Part II
 260-162    Long, Stephen E., Murphy, Karen, E., Compilation of Higher-Order Methods for the Determination of Electrolytes in Clinical Materials
260-161 Ferraris, Chiara F., Guthrie, William, Avilés, Ana Ivelisse, Haupt, Robin, and MacDonald, Bruce S. Certification of SRM 114q Part I
260-157   Strouse, Gregory F., Standard Reference Material 1751: Gallium Melting-Point Standard
260-156 Mackey, E.A., Becker, D.A., Spatz, R.O., Paul, R.L., Greenberg, R.R., Lindstrom, R.M., Yu, L.L., Wood, L.J., Long, S.E., Kelly, W.R., Mann, J.L., MacDonald, B.S., Wilson, S.A., Brown, Z.A., Briggs, P.H. and Budhan J., Certification of NIST Standard Reference Material 1575a Pine Needles and Results of an International Laboratory Comparison
260-155 Barbara C. Levin, Diane K. Hancock, Koren A. Holland, Haiyan Cheng and Kristy L. Richie "Human Mitochondrial DNA - Amplification and Sequencing Standard Reference Materials - SRM 2392 and SRM 2392-1
260-152 Guttman, C.M., Blair, W.R., Fanconi, B.M., Goldschmidt, R.J., Wallace W.E., Wetzel, S.J. and VanderHart, D.L., Certification of a Polystyrene Synthetic Polymer, SRM 2888
260-150 Rasberry, Stanley D., Standard Reference Materials - The First Century
260-149 Verkouteren, M.R. and Klinedinst, D.B., Value Assignment and Uncertainty Estimation of Selected Light Stable Isotope Reference Materials: RMs 8543-8545, RMs 8562-8564, and RM 8566
260-148 Maurey, J.R., Flynn, K.M. and Guttman, C.M., Certification of Standard Reference Material 1474a, A Polyethylene Resin
260-147 Schultheisz, C.R., Flynn, K.M. and Leigh, S.D., Certification of the Rheological Behavior of SRM 2491, Polydimethylsiloxane
260-146 Gilbert, S.L. and Swann, W.C., Carbon Monoxide Absorption References for 1560 nm to 1630 nm Wavelength Calibration - SRM 2514 (12C16O) and SRM 2515 (13C16O)
260-145 Williams, P.A., Etzel, S.M., Kofler, J.P., and Wang, C-M, Standard Reference Material 2538 for Polarization-Mode Dispersion (Non-Mode-Coupled)
260-144 Maurey, J.R., Schultheisz, C.R., Blair, W.R., and Guttman, C.M., Certification of Standard Reference Material 1473b, Low Density Polyethylene Resin
260-143 Schultheisz, C.R. and Leigh, S.D., Certification of the Rheological Behavior of SRM 2490, Polyisobutylene Dissolved in 2,6,10,14-Tetramethylpentadecane (2002).
260-142 PB2000-103854 SN003-003-03637-4 Shreiner, R.H., and Pratt, K.W., Primary Standards and Standard Reference Materials for Electrolytic Conductivity (2004).
260-141 PB2000-102109 SN003-003-03638-2 McCowan, .C.N., Siewert, T.A., Vigliotti, D.P., and Wang, C.M., Secondary Ferrite Number Reference Materials Gage Calibration and Assignment of Values (2000).
260-140 PB2000-103299 SN003-003-03625-1 Travis, J.C., Smith, M.V., Rasberry, S.D., and Kramer, G.W., Technical Specifications for Certification of Spectrophotometric NTRMs (2000),
260-139 (no PB number identified yet) SN003-003-03720-6 Tew, W.L. and Strouse, G.F., Strouse, Standard Reference Material 1750: Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers, 13.8033 K to 429.7485 K
260-138 PB99-164089 SN003-003-03611-1 Strouse, G.F. and Moiseeva, N.P., Tin Freezing-Point Standard - SRM 741a (1999).
260-137 PB99-111544 Hydrogen Cyanide H 13C 14N Absorption Reference for 1530 nm to 1560 nm Wavelength Calibration -- SRM 2519 (2005).
260-136 PB2000-102879 May, W.E., Parris, R.M., Beck, C.M., Fassett, J.D., Greenberg, R.R., Guenther, F.R., Kramer, G.W., Wise, S.A., Gills, T.E., Colbert, J.C., Gettings, R.J., and MacDonald, B.R., Definitions of Terms and Modes Used at NIST for Value-Assignment of Reference Materials for Chemical Measurements (2000).
260-135 PB99-103632 Standard Reference Materials: Film Step Tablet Standards of Diffuse Visual Transmission Density -- SRM 1001 and SRM 1008 (1998).
260-134 Standard Reference Material 1749: Au/Pt Thermolcouple Thermometer Ripple, D.C. and Burns, G.W.
260-133 (2001 ed) SN003-003-03681-1 (GPO #) Gilbert, S.L., and Swann, W.C., Acetylene 12C2H2 Absorption Reference for 1510 nm to 1540 nm Wavelength Calibration - SRM 2517a (2001).
260-131 PB98-113731 Ehrstein, J.R., and Croarkin, M.C., The Certification of 100 mm Diameter Silicon Resistivity SRMs 2541 through 2547 Using Dual-Configuration Four-Point Probe Measurements, 2006 Edition).
260-130 PB97-177166 Zarr, R. R., Standard Reference Materials: Glass Fiberboard, SRM 1450c, for Thermal Resistance from 280K to 340K (1997).
260-129 PB97-151922 Potzick, J. E., Antireflecting-Chromium Linewidth Standard, SRM 473, for Calibration of Optical Microscope Linewidth Measuring Systems (1997).
260-128 PB99-117160 Transmission Filters With Measured Optical Density at 1064 nm Wavelength--SRMs 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, and 2051 (1998).
260-127 PB98-13723 Strouse, G.F., NIST and Ahmet, A.T., NMI, Standard Reference Material 1747: Tin Freezing-Point and Standard Reference Material 1748: Zinc Freezing Point Cell (1997).
260-126 PB96-210786 Guenther, F., Dorko, W. D., Miller, W., Rhoderick, G., The NIST NTRM Program for Gas Standards (1997).
260-125 PB96-210877 Schiller, S. B., Statistical Aspects of the Certification of Chemical Batch SRMs (1997).
260-122 Gupta, D., Wang, L., Hanssen, L.M., Hsia, J.J., Datla, R.U., Polystyrene Films for Calibrating the Wavelength Scale of Infrared Spectrophotometers - SRM 1921


PB96-122668 Rennex, B. G., Standard Reference Materials: Certification of a Standard Reference Material for the Determination of Interstitial Oxygen Concentration in Semiconductor Silicon by Infrared Spectrophotometry (1994).
260-120 PB94-206109 Caskey, G. W., Philips, S. D., Borchardt, et al., Standard Reference Materials: A Users' Guide to NIST SRM 2084: CMM Probe Performance Standard (1994).
260-119 PB93-116424 Vezzetti, C. F., Varner, R. N., and Potzick, Standard Reference Materials: Antireflecting-Chromium Linewidth Standard, SRM 473, for Calibration of Optical Microscope Linewidth Measuring System (September 1992).
260-118 PB92-226281 Williamson, M. P., Standard Reference Material 3202 for 18-Track, Parallel, and 36-Track, Parallel Serpentine, 12.65 mm (0.5 in), 1491 cpmm (37871 cpi), Magnetic Tape Cartrdige (July 1992).
260-117 PB92-149798 Vezzetti, C. F., Varner, R. N., and Potzick, J. E., Standard Reference Materials: Antireflecting-Chromium Linewidth Standard, SRM 475, for Calibration of Optical Microscope Linewdith Measuring Systems (January 1992).
260-116 PB94-188844/AS Mavrodineanu, R., Burke, R. W., Baldwin, J. R., et al., Standard Reference Materials: Glass Filters as a Standard Reference Material for Spectrophotometry Selection, Preparation, Certification and Use of SRM 930 and SRM 1930 (March 1994).
260-115 PB91-187542 Williamson, M. P., Willman, N. E., Grubb, D. S., Standard Reference Materials: Calibration of NIST Standard Reference Material 3201 for 0.5 inch [12.65 mm] Serial Serpentine Magnetic Tape Cartridge (February 1991).
260-114 PB91-167163 Vezzetti, C. F., Varner, R. N., Potzick, J. E., Standard Reference Materials: Bright-Chromium Standard Reference Material, SRM 476, for Calibration of Optical Microscope Linewidth Measuring Systems (January 1991).
260-113 PB90-257643 Mangum, B. W., Wise, J. A., Standard Reference Materials: Description and Use of a Precision Thermometer for the Clinical Laboratory, SRM 934 (June 1990).
260-112 PB90-215807 Marinenko, R. B., Blackburn, D. H., Bodkin, J. B., Standard Reference Materials: Glasses for Microanalysis: SRMs 1871 1875 (February 1990).
260-111 PB88-156708 Gladney, E. S., O'Malley, B. T., Roelandts, I., Gills, T. E., Standard Reference Materials: Compilation of Elemental Concentration Data for NBS Clinical, Biological, Geological, and Environmental Standard Reference Materials (November 1987).
260-110 PB88-193347 Kirby, R. K., and Kanare, H. M., Standard Reference Materials: Portland Cement Chemical Composition Standards (Blending, Packaging, and Testing) (February 1988).
260-109 PB89-133573 Candela, G. A., Chandler-Horowitz, D., Novotny, D. B., Marchiando, J. F., and Belzer, B. J., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Certification of an Ellipsometrically Derived Thickness and Refractive Index Standard of a Silicon Dioxide Film (SRM 2530) (October 1988).
260-108 PB87-209953 Mavrodineanu, R., and Gills, T. E., Standard Reference Materials: Summary of Gas Cylinder and Permeation Tube Standard Reference Materials Issued by the National Bureau of Standards (May 1987).
260-107 PB89-153704 Hartman, A. W., McKenzie, R. L., Standard Reference Materials: SRM 1965, Microsphere Slide (10 | um Polystyrene Spheres) (November 1988).
260-106 PB86-247483 Koch, W. F., ed., Standard Reference Materials: Methods and Procedures Used at the National Bureau of Standards to Prepare, Analyze, and Certify SRM 2694, Simulated Rainwater, and Recommendations for Use (July 1986).
260-105 PB86-204005 Mavrodineanu, R., and Rasberry, S. D., Standard Reference Materials: Summary of the Environmental Research Analysis, and Control Standards Issued by the National Bureau of Standards (March 1986).
260-104 PB86-155561 Mavrodineanu, R., and Alvarez, R., Standard Reference Materials: Summary of the Biological and Botanical Standards Issued by the National Bureau of Standards (November 1985).
260-103 PB86- 109949 Hust, J. G., Standard Reference Materials: Glass Fiberblanket SRM for Thermal Resistance (September 1985).
260-102 PB86-245727 Weidner, V. R., Mavrodineau, R., Mielenz, K. D., Velapoldi, R. A., Eck-erle, K. L., and Adams, B., Standard Reference Materials: Holmium Oxide Solution Wavelength Standard from 240 650 nm, SRM 2034 (July 1986).
260-101 PB86-197100 Mangum, B. W., Standard Reference Materials: SRM 1970, Succinonitrile Triple-Point Standard: A Temperature Reference Standard Near 58.08 °C (March 1986).
260-100 PB93-183796 Taylor, J. K., Standard Reference Materials: Handbook for SRM Users (February 1993).
260-99 PB86-106747 Callanan, J. E., Sullivan, S. A., and Vecchia, D. F., Standard Reference Materials: Feasibility Study for the Development of Standards Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (August 1985).
260-98 PB86-107430 Hust, J. G., Standard Reference Materials: Glass Fiberboard SRM for Thermal Resistance (August 1985).
260-97 PB86-110830 Mavrodineanu, R., and Gills, T. E., Standard Reference Materials: Summary of the Coal, Ore, Mineral, Rock, and Refractory Standards Issued by the National Bureau of Standards (September 1985).
260-96 PB87-108544 Carpenter, B. S., Gramlich, J. W., Greenberg, R. R., Machlan, L. A., DeBievre, P., Eschbach, H. L., Meyer, H., Van Andenhove, J., Connelly, V. E., Trahey, N. M., and Zook, A. C., Standard Reference aterials: Uranium 235 Isotopic Abundance Standard Reference Materials for Gamma Spectrometry Measurements (September 1986).
260-95 PB86-113693 Mulholland, G. W., Hartman, A. W., Hembree, G. G., Marx, E., and Lettieri, T. R., Standard Reference Materials: Development of a 1 | um Diameter Particle Size Standard, SRM 1690 (May 1985).
260-94 PB85- 65900 Gills, T. E., Koch, W. F., Stolz, J. W., Kelly, W. R., Paulsen, P. J., Colbert, J. C., Kirklin, D. R., Pei, P. T. S., Weeks, S., Lindstrom, R. M., Fleming, R. F., Greenberg, R. R., and Paule, R. C., Standard Reference Materials: Methods and Procedures Used at the National Bureau of Standards to Certify Sulfur in Coal RM's for Sulfur Content, Calorific Value, Ash Content (December 1984).
260-93 PB85-177921 Ehrstein, J., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Certification of Standard Reference Materials for Calibration of Spreading Resistance Probes (January 1985).
260-92 PB85-113025 Carpenter, B. S., Standard Reference Materials: Calibrated Glass Standards for Fission Track Use (Supplement to 260-49). (September 1984).
260-91 PB85- 118594 Goodrich, L. F., Vecchia D. F., Pittman, E. S., Ekin, J. W. and Clark, A. F., Standard Reference Materials: Critical Current Measurements on an NbTi Superconducting Wire Standard Reference Material (September 1984).
260-90 PB85-115814 Hust, J. G., and Lankford, A. B., Standard Reference Materials: Update of Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity of Electrolytic Iron, Tungsten, and Stainless Steel (September 1984).
260-89 PB85-112886 Hust, J. G., Standard Reference Materials: A Fine-Grained, Isotropic Graphite for Use as NBS Thermo-physical Property RM's from 5 to 2500 K (September 1984).
260-88 PB84-218338 Gladney, E. S., Burns, C. E., Perrin, D. R., et al., Standard Reference Materials: 1982 Compilation of Elemental Concentration Data for NBS Biological, Geological, and Environmental Standard Reference Materials (March 1984).
260-87 PB84-149996 Mangum, B. W., Standard Reference Materials: SRM 1969: Rubidium Triple-Point A Temperature Reference Standard Near 39. 30 °C (December 1983).
260-86 PB84-43296 Hicho, G. E., and Eaton, E. E., Standard Reference Materials: A Standard Reference Material Containing Two andOne-Half Percent Austenite, SRM 488 (December 1983).
260-85 PB84-112648 Swyt, D. A., Standard Reference Materials: A Look at Techniques for the Dimensional Calibration of Standard Microscopic Particles (September 1983).
260-84 PB84-109552 Gills, T. E., Seward, R. W., Collins, R. J., and Webster, W. C., Standard Reference Materials: Sampling, Materials Handling, Processing, and Packaging of NBS Sulfur in Coal Standard Reference Materials 682, 2683, 2684, and 2685 (August 1983).
260-83 PB83-239509 Bowers, G. N., Jr., Alvarez, R., Cali, J. P., Eberhardt, K. R., Reeder, D. J., Schaffer, R., and Uriano, G. A., Standard Reference Materials: The Measurement of the Catalytic (Activity) Concentration of Seven Enzymes in NBS Human Serum SRM 909 (June 1983).
260-82 PB83-220723 Weidner, V. R., Standard Reference Materials: White Opal Glass Diffuse Spectral Reflectance Standards for the Visible Spectrum (SRM's 2015 and 2016) (April 1983).
260-81 PB83-214536 Burke, R. W., and Mavrodineanu, R., Standard Reference Materials: Accuracy in Analytical Spectrophotometry (April 1983).
260-80 PB84-216894 Schaffer, R., Mandel, J., Sun, T., Cohen, A., and Hertz, H. S., Standard Reference Materials: Evaluation by an ID/MS Method of the AACC Reference Method for Serum Glucose (October 1982).
260-79 PB84-203447 Richmond, J. C., Hsia, J. J., Weidner, V. R., and Wilmering, D. B., Standard Reference Materials: Second Surface Mirror Standards of Specular Spectral Reflectance (SRM's 2023, 2024, 2025) (October 1982).
260-78 PB83-115576 Hicho, G. E., and Eaton, E. E., Standard Reference Materials: Standard Reference Material Containing Nominally Thirty Percent Austenite (SRM 487) (September 1982).
260-77 PB83-117325 Furukawa, G. T., Riddle, J. L., Bigge, W. G., and Pfieffer, E. R., Standard Reference Materials: Application of Some Metal SRM's as Thermometric Fixed Points (August 1982).
260-76 PB83-115568 Hicho, G. E., and Eaton, E. E., Standard Reference Materials: A Standard Reference Material Containing Nominally Five Percent Austenite (SRM 485a) (August 1982).
260-75 PB82-221367 Weidner, V. R., and Hsia, J. J., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Calibration of First Surface Aluminum Mirror Specular Reflectance Standards (SRM 2003a) (May 1982).
260-74 PB82-221300 Marinenko, R. B., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Characterization of K 411 and K 414 Mineral Glasses for Microanalysis: SRM 470 (April 1982).
260-73 PB82-215559 Interrante, C. G., and Hicho, G. E., Standard Reference Materials: A Standard Reference Material Containing Nominally Fifteen Percent Austenite (SRM 486) (January 1982).
260-72 PB81- 220758 Reeder, D. J., Coxon, B., Enagonio, D., Christensen, R. G., Schaffer, R., Howell, B. F., Paule, R. C., and Mandel, J., Standard Reference Materials: SRM 900, Antiepilepsy Drug Level Assay Standard (June 1981).
260-71 PB82-135161 Seward, R. W., and Mavrodineanu, R., Standard Reference Materials: Summary of the Clinical Laboratory Standards Issued by the National Bureau of Standards (November 1981).
260-70 SN003 003 02328 1 Marinenko, R. B., Biancaniello, F., Boyer, P. A., et al., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Characterization of an Iron-Chromium- Nickel Alloy for Microanalysis: SRM 479a (May 1981).
260-69 PB80-20917 Velapoldi, R. A., Paule, R. C., Schaffer, R., Mandel, J., Machlan, L. A., Garner, E. L., and Rains, T. C., Standard Reference Materials: A Reference Method for the Determination of Lithium in Serum (July 1980).
260-68 PB80-197486 Mavrodineanu, R., and Baldwin, J. R., Standard Reference Materials: Metal-On- Quartz Filters as a Standard Reference Material for Spectrophotometry SRM 2031 (April 1980).
260-67 PB80-110117 Velapoldi, R. A., Paule, R. C., Schaffer, R., Mandel, J., Murphy, T. J., and Gramlich, J. W., Standard Reference Materials: A Reference Method for the Determination of Chloride in Serum (November 1979).
260-66 PB80-104961 Venable, W. H., Jr., and Eckerle, K. L., Standard Reference Materials: Didymium Glass Filters for Calibrating the Wavelength Scale of Spectrophotometers SRMs 2009, 2010, 2013 and 2014 (October 1979).
260-65 PB300461 Marinenko, R. B., Heinrich, K. F. J., and Ruegg, F. C., Standard Reference Materials: Micro-Homogeneity Studies of NBS Standard Reference Materials, NBS Research Materials, and Other Related Samples (September 1979).
260-64 PB80-132046 Velapoldi, R. A., and Mielenz, K. D., Standard Reference Materials: A Fluorescence Standard Reference Material Quinine Sulfate Dihydrate (SRM 936) (January 1980).
260-63 PB297207 Velapoldi, R. A., Paule, R. C., Schaffer, R., Mandel, J., Machlan, L. A., and Gramlich, J. W., Standard Reference Materials: A Reference Method for the Determination of Potassium in Serum (May 1979).
260-62 PB294245 Soulen, R. J., and Dove, R. B., Standard Reference Materials: Temperature Reference Standard for Use Below 0.5 K (SRM 768) (April 1979).
260-61 PB289899 Verdier, P. H., and Wagner, H. L., Standard Reference Materials: The Characterization of Linear Polyethylene (SRM 1482, 1483, 1484) (December 1978).
260-60 PB286944 Velapoldi, R. A., Paule, R. C., Schaffer, R., Mandel, J., and Moody, J. R., Standard Reference Materials: A Reference Method for the Determination of Sodium in Serum (August 1978).
260-59 PB292097 Chang, T., and Kahn, A. H., Standard Reference Materials: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Intensity Standard: SRM 2601; Description and Use (August 1978).
260-58 PB297098 Barnes, J. D., and Martin, G. M., Standard Reference Materials: Polyester Film for Oxygen Gas Transmission Measurements SRM 1470 (June 1979).
260-57 PB277173 Cali, J. P., and Plebanski, T., Standard Reference Materials: Guide to United States Reference Materials (February 1978).
260-56 PB277172 Powell, R. L., Sparks, L. L., and Hust, J. G., Standard Reference Materials: Standard Thermocouple Materials, Pt-67: SRM 1967 (February 1978).
260-55 PB272127 Ditmars, D. A., Cezairliyan, A., Ishihara, S., and Douglas, T. B., Standard Reference Materials: Enthalpy and Heat Capacity; Molybdenum SRM 781, from 273 to 2800 K (September 1977).
260-54 PB272168 Burke, R. W., and Mavrodineanu, R., Standard Reference Materials: Certification and Use of Acidic Potassium Dichromate Solutions as an Ultraviolet Absorbance Standard SRM 935 (August 1977).
260-53 Superseded by SP 260-53 Rev. 1988 Edition. PB88- 217427 Durst, R. A., Standard Reference Materials: Standardization of pH Measurements (December 1978).
260-52 COM75 11193 Hust, J. G., and Giarratano, P. J., Standard Reference Materials: Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity Standard Reference Materials 730 and 799, from 4 to 3000 K (September 1975).
260-51 COM75 10339 Mavrodineanu, R., and Baldwin, J. R., Standard Reference Materials: Glass Filters as a Standard Reference Material for Spectrophotometry Selection, Preparation, Certification, Use SRM 930 (November 1975).
260-50 COM75 10698 Hust, J. G., and Giarratano, P. J., Standard Reference Materials: Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity Standard Reference Materials: Electrolytic Iron, SRM's 734 and 797 from 4 to 1000 K (June 1975).
260-49 COM74 51185 Carpenter, B. S., and Reimer, G. M., Standard Reference Materials: Calibrated Glass Standards for Fission Track Use (November 1974).
260-48 Superseded by 260-113. COM74 50533 Mangum, B. W., and Wise, J. A., Standard Reference Materials: Description and Use of Precision Thermometers for the Clinical Laboratory, SRM 933 and SRM 934 (May 1974).
260-47 COM74 50176 Hust, J.G., Standard Reference Materials: Electrical Resistivity of Electrolytic Iron, SRM 797, and Austenitic Stainless Steel, SRM 798, from 5 to 280 K (February 1974).
260-46 COM75 10339 Hust, J. G. and Giarratano, P. J., Standard Reference Materials: Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity Standard Reference Materials: Austenitic Stainless Steel, SRM's 735 and 798, from 4 to 1200 (March 1975).
260-45 COM73 50226 Greifer, B., Maienthal, E. J., Rains, T. C., and Rasberry, S. D., Standard Reference Materials: Powdered Lead-Based Paint, SRM 1579 (March 1973).
260-44 COM73 50037 Schooley, J. F., Soulen, R. J., Jr., and Evans, G. A., Jr., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Use of Superconductive Fixed Point Devices, SRM 767 (December 1972).
260-43 COM73 50760 Yakowitz, H., Ruff, A. W., and Michaelis, R. E., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Homogeneity Characterization of an Austenitic Iron-Chromium-Nickel Alloy (November 1972).
260-42 COM72 50944 Wagner, H. L., and Verdier, P. H., eds., Standard Reference Materials: The Characterization of Linear Polyethylene, SRM 1475 (September 1972).
260-41 COM72 50775 Wood, L. A., and Shouse, P. J., Standard Reference Materials: Use of Standard Light-Sensitive Paper for Calibrating Carbon Arcs Used in Testing Textiles for Colorfastness to Light (August 1972).
260-40 COM72 50776 McAdie, H. G., Garn, P. D., and Menis, O., Standard Reference Materials: Selection of Thermal Analysis Temperature Standards Through a Cooperative Study (SRM 758, 759, 760) (August 1972).
260-39 COM72 50529 Clark, A. F., Denson, V. A., Hust, J. G., and Powell, R. L., Standard Reference Materials: The Eddy Current Decay Method for Resistivity Characterization of High-Purity Metals (May 1972).
260-38 COM72 50528 Richmond, J. C., and Hsia, J. J., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Calibration of Standards of Spectral Specular Reflectance (May 1972).
260-37 COM72 50692 Shultz, J. I., Bell., R. K., Rains, T. C., and Menis, O., Standard Reference Materials: Methods of Analysis of NBS Clay Standards (June 1972).
260-36 COM72 50527 Cali, J. P., Mandel, J., Moore, L. J., and Young, D. S., Standard Reference Materials: A Referee Method for the Determination of Calcium in Serum, NBS SRM 915 (May 1972).
260-35 COM72 50368 Sparks, L. L., and Hust, J. G., Standard Reference Materials: Thermal Conductivity of Austenitic Stainless Steel, SRM 735 from 5 to 280 K (April 1972).
260-34 COM72 50371 Sparks, L. L., and Hust, J. G., Standard Reference Material: Thermoelectric Voltage of Silver-28 Atomic Percent Gold Thermocouple Wire, SRM 733, Verses Common Thermocouple Materials (Between Liquid Helium and Ice Fixed Points) (April 1972).
260-33 COM72 50526 Wagner, H. L., Standard Reference Materials: Comparison of Original and Supplemental SRM 705, Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution Polystyrene (May 1972).
260-32 COM74 50018 Mavrodineanu, R., and Lazar, J. W., Standard Reference Materials: Standard Quartz Cuvettes for High Accuracy Spectrophotometry (December 1973).
260-31 COM71 50563 Hust, J. G., and Sparks, L. L., Standard Reference Materials: Thermal Conductivity of Electrolytic Iron SRM 734 from 4 to 300 K (November 1971).
260-30 COM71 50283 Gorozhanina, R. S., Freedman, A. Y., and Shaievitch, A. B. (translated by M. C. Selby), Standard Reference Materials: Standard Samples Issued in the USSR (A Translation from the Russian) (June 1971).
260-29 COM71 50282 Supersedes Measurement System in SP 260-18. Geller, S. B., Standard Reference Materials: Calibration of NBS Secondary Standard Magnetic Tape (Computer Amplitude Reference) Using the Reference Tape Amplitude Measurement Process A-Model 2 (June 1971).
260-28 COM71 50365 Heinrich, K. F. J., Myklebust, R. L., Rasberry, S. D., and Michaelis, R. E., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation and Evaluation of SRM's 481 and 482 Gold-Silver and Gold-Copper Alloys for Microanalysis (August 1971).
260-27 COM74 11358 Garner, E. L., Machlan, L. A., and Shields, W. R., Standard Reference Materials: Uranium Isotopic Standard Reference Materials (April 1971).
260-26 PB81-176620 Martin, J. F., Standard Reference Materials: National Bureau of Standards-U.S. Steel Corporation Joint Program for Determining Oxygen and Nitrogen in Steel (February 1971).
260-25 COM74 11356 Hicho, G. E., Yakowitz, H., Rasberry, S. D., and Michaelis, R. E., Standard Reference Materials: A Standard Reference Material Containing Nominally Four Percent Austenite (February 1971).
260-24 COM72 50058 Sappenfield, K. M., Marinenko, G., and Hague, J. L., Standard Reference Materials: Comparison of Redox Standards (January 1972).
260-23 COM71 00157 Napolitano, A., and Hawkins, E. G., Standard Reference Materials: Viscosity of a Standard Borosilicate Glass (December 1970).
260-22 COM74 11357 Yakowitz, H., Fiori, C. E., and Michaelis, R. E., Standard Reference Materials: Homogeneity Characterization of Fe 3 Si Alloy (February 1971).
260-21 COM74 11359 260-20: Unassigned Paule, R. C., and Mandel, J., Standard Reference Materials: Analysis ofInterlaboratory Measurements on the Vapor Pressures of Cadmium and Silver (January 1971).
260-19 PB190071 Paule, R. C., and Mandel, J., Standard Reference Materials: Analysis of Interlaboratory Measurements on the Vapor Pressure of Gold (Certification of Standard Reference Material 745) (January 1970).
260-18 (Superseded by SP 260-29. ) COM71 50277 Geller, S. B., Mantek, P. A., and Cleveland, N. G., Calibration of NBS Secondary Standards Magnetic Tape Computer Amplitude Reference Amplitude Measurement Process A (November 1969).
260-17 PB189457 Catanzaro, E. J., Champion, C. E., Gar-ner, E. L., et al., Standard Reference Materials: Boric Acid; Isotopic, and Assay Standard Reference Materials (February 1970).
260-16 COM74 11062 Superseded by SP 260-41.Yakowitz, H., Michaelis, R. E., and Vieth, D. L., Standard Reference Materials: Homogeneity Characterization of NBS Spectrometric Standards IV: Preparation and Microprobe Characterization of W 20% Mo Alloy Fabricated by Powder Metallurgical Methods (January 1969).
260-15 NBSMISCPUB26015 Passagia, E. and Shouse, P. J., Standard Reference Materials: Recommended Method of Use of Standard Light-Sensitive Paper for Calibrating Carbon Arcs Used in Testing Textiles for Colorfastness to Light (July 1967).
260-14 NBSMISCPUB26015 Menis, O., and Sterling, J. T., Standard Reference Materials: Determination of Oxygen in Ferrous Materials (SRMs 1090, 1091, 1092) (September 1966).
260-13 NBSMP26013 Spijkerman, J. J., Snediker, D. K., Ruegg, F. C., et al., Standard Refereance Materials: Mossbauer Spectroscopy Standard for the Chemical Shift of Iron Compounds (July 1967).
260-12 NBSMISCPUB26012 Yakowitz, H., Vieth, D. L., and Michaelis, R. E., Standard Reference Materials: Homogeneity Characteri-zation of NBS Spectrometric Stan-dards III: White Cast Iron and Stainless Steel Powder Compact (September 1966).
260-11 NBSMISCPUB26011 Napolitano, A., and Hawkins, E. G., Standard Reference Materials: Viscosity of Standard Lead-Silica Glass (November 1966).
260-10 COM74 11064 Yakowitz, H., Vieth, D. L., Heinrich, K. F. J., and Michaelis, R. E., Standard Reference Materials: Homogeneity Characterization of NBS Spectrometric Standards II: Cartridge Brass and Low-Alloy Steel (December 1965).
260-9 COM74 11065 Anspach, S. C., Cavallo, L. M., Garfinkel, S. B., Hutchinson, J. M. R., and Smith, C. N., Standard Reference Materials: Half Lives of Materials Used in the Preparation of Standard Reference Materials of Nineteen Radioactive Nuclides Issued by the National Bureau of Standards (November 1965).
260-8 COM74 11066 Richmond, M. S., Standard Reference Materials: Analysis of Uranium Concentrates at the National Bureau of Standards (December 1965).
260-7 COM74 11067 Bell, R. K., Standard Reference Materials: Methods for the Chemical Analysis of NBS Copper-Base Spectrochemical Standards (October 1965).
260-6 COM74 11068 Shultz, J. I., Standard Reference Materials: Methods for the Chemical Analysis of White Cast Iron Standards (July 1965).
260-5 PB168068 Alvarez, R., and Flitsch, R., Standard Reference Materials: Accuracy of Solution X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis of Copper-Base Alloys (March 1965).
260-4 COM74 11059 Hague, J. L., Mears, T. W., and Michaelis, R. E., Standard Reference Materials: Sources of Information (February 1965).
260-3 COM74 11060 Michaelis, R. E., Yakowitz, H., and Moore, G. A., Standard Reference Materials: Metallographic Characterization of an NBS Spectrometric Low-Alloy Steel Standard (October 1964).
260-2 COM74 11063 Michaelis, R. E., Wyman, L. L., and Flitsch, R., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation of NBS Copper-Base Spectrochemical Standards (October 1964).
260-1 COM74 11061 Michaelis, R. E., and Wyman, L. L., Standard Reference Materials: Preparation of White Cast Iron Spectrochemical Standards (June 1964).