U.S. Department of Commerce

Industry and Occupation

Census 2000 Alphabetical Index of Occupations
Sack cleaner   53-7062   962
Sack filler   53-7062   962
Sack lifter   53-7062   962
Sack maker 3221 51-9196 187 893
Sack maker 313, 314, 3151 51-6031 147-167 832
Sack sewer   51-6031   832
Sacker 111, 115 45-2092 018, 029 605
Sacker Exc. 111, 115 53-7062 Exc. 018, 029 962
Sacristan #8131 21-2099 #916 206
Saddle cutter   51-9032 (179) 871
Saddle maker (8114) 51-6041 (888) 833
Saddle stitching machine operator   51-5011   823
Saddle tree stitcher   51-6031   832
Saddler   51-9032 (179) 871
Safe deposit attendant   43-4199   542
Safe deposit clerk   43-4199   542
Safe expert (8113) 49-9094 (887) 754
Safety agent   53-6051   941
Safety analyst 212, 213 17-2151 038-049 150
Safety analyst Exc. 212, 213 17-2111 Exc. 038-049 143
Safety belt installer   49-3023   720
Safety coordinator   11-9199   043
Safety deposit clerk   43-4199   542
Safety director \ Any not listed 11-9199 \ Any not listed 043
Safety director 211 11-9041 037 030
Safety director 212, 213 17-2151 038-049 150
Safety director 481-488 53-6051 607-639 941
Safety equipment tester (2211) 51-9061 (057) 874
Safety fire boss 21 51-9061 037-049 874
Safety glass installer 3366 51-2099 368 775
Safety glass installer 33641 51-2011 358, 359 771
Safety lamp keeper 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Safety patrol officer   33-3051   385
Safety person 48 53-6051 608-629 941
Safety person Exc. 48 29-9012 Exc. 608-629 354
Safety pin assembling machine operator   51-4199   822
Sagger maker   51-9195   892
Sagger preparer   51-9021   865
Sail cutter   51-9031   871
Sail lay out worker   51-6099   846
Sail maker   51-6099   846
Sailing master #483 53-5021 #609 931
Sailing officer #483 53-5021 #609 931
Sailor (483) 53-5011 (609) 930
Salad chef (722) 35-1011 (868) 400
Salad counter attendant (722) 35-3021 (868) 405
Salad maker (722) 35-2021 (868) 403
Salary and wage administrator GOV 13-1072 GOV 062
Salary and wage administrator PR 11-3041 PR 013
Sales Support   41-9099   496
Sales \ any commodity n.e.c., driver-sales   53-3031   913
Sales \ any commodity n.e.c., exc. driver-sales 4451 41-2011 497 472
Sales \ any commodity n.e.c., exc. driver-sales 111, 1133, 21, 31 exc. 311811, 32 exc. 3231, 331-333, 3352, 336 exc. 3364, 339 exc. 3391, 42 exc. 4216 41-4012 017, 027, 037-049, 107-118, 127-189, 207-329, 347, 357, 367-389, 397-418, 426-459 485
Sales \ any commodity n.e.c., exc. driver-sales 115, 22, 23, 3231, 483, 484, 486, 488, 49, 5112, 5122, 5133, 5141, 5142, 532 exc. 53223, 533, 5414, 5415,
5416, 5419, 561 exc. 5615, 562, 6231, 8111-8114, 8121, 8122, 8129, 814
41-3099 029, 057-077, 199, 609, 617, 627, 629-639, 649, 659, 668-679, 708, 718, 719, 737-739, 749-759, 768-779,
867, 877-899, 908, 909, 929
Sales \ any commodity n.e.c., exc. driver-sales 311811; 44 exc. 4451 & 4471; 45, 6114-6117, 711, 713, 722 41-2031 119, 467-489, 498-508, 517-579, 788, 789, 856, 858, 859, 868, 869 476
Sales \ any commodity n.e.c., exc. driver-sales 334, 3351, 3353, 3359, 3364, 3391, 4216 41-4011 336-339, 349, 358, 359, 396, 419 485
Sales \ n.s. 45439, 72233 41-9091 569 495
Sales \ n.s. 524 41-3021 699 481
Sales \ n.s. \ Any not listed 41-9099 \ Any not listed 496
Sales \ n.s. 111, 1133, 21, 31 exc. 311811, 32 exc. 3231, 331-333, 3352, 336 exc. 3364, 339 exc. 3391, 42 exc. 4216 41-4012 017, 027, 037-049, 107-118, 127-189, 207-329, 347, 357, 367-389, 397-418, 426-459 485
Sales \ n.s. 115, 22, 23, 3231, 483, 484, 486, 488, 49, 5112, 5122, 5133, 5141, 5142, 532 exc. 53223, 533, 5414, 5415,
5416, 5419, 561 exc. 5615, 562, 6231, 8111-8114, 8121, 8122, 8129, 814
41-3099 029, 057-077, 199, 609, 617, 627, 629-639, 649, 659, 668-679, 708, 718, 719, 737-739, 749-759, 768-779,
867, 877-899, 908, 909, 929
Sales \ n.s. 311811; 44 exc. 4451, 4471 & auto parts; 45 exc. 45439 41-2031 119, 467-489 exc. auto parts, 498-508, 517-568, 579 476
Sales \ n.s. 334, 3351, 3353, 3359, 3364, 3391, 4216 41-4011 336-339, 349, 358, 359, 396, 419 485
Sales \ n.s. 4451, 4853, 5121, 711, 713 exc. 71395, 722 exc. 72233 41-2011 497, 619, 657, 856, 859, 868, 869 472
Sales \ n.s. 481, 482, 485 exc. 4853, 487, 5615, 7211 43-4181 607, 608, 618, 628, 767, 866 541
Sales \ n.s. 511 exc. 5112, 5131, 5132, 5418 41-3011 647, 648, 667, 747 480
Sales \ n.s. 521-523, 525 41-3031 687-697 482
Sales \ n.s. 531 exc. memorials 41-9022 707 exc. memorials 492
Sales \ n.s. 53223, 71395, 8123 41-2021 717, 858, 907 474
Sales \ n.s. Auto parts 4411, 4413 41-2022 Auto parts 467, 469 475
Sales \ n.s. Bakery route 3118 53-3031 Bakery route 127 913
Sales \ n.s. Memorials 531 41-9099 Memorials 707 496
Sales \ n.s. Milk route 3115 53-3031 Milk route 117 913
Sales \ n.s. OWN 4471 41-1011 OWN 509 470
Sales \ n.s. PR 4471 53-6031 PR 509 936
Sales, EDP   41-4011   485
Sales, abrasives   41-4012   485
Sales, accounting service   41-3099   484
Sales, advertising   41-3011   480
Sales, adviser   13-1111   071
Sales, agent \ n.s. 524 41-3021 699 481
Sales, agent \ n.s. 531 41-9022 707 492
Sales, agent, advertising   41-3011   480
Sales, agent, business services   41-3099   484
Sales, agent, commodities   41-3031   482
Sales, agent, financial services   41-3031   482
Sales, agent, insurance   41-3021   481
Sales, agent, pest control service   41-3099   484
Sales, agent, psychological tests   41-3099   484
Sales, agent, real estate   41-9022   492
Sales, agent, securities   41-3031   482
Sales, air conditioning equipment 42 41-4011 407-459 485
Sales, air conditioning equipment 4441 41-2031 487, 488 476
Sales, aircraft   41-4011   485
Sales, aircraft equipment and parts   41-4011   485
Sales, analyst   13-1111   071
Sales, analyzer   13-1111   071
Sales, animal feed products   41-4012   485
Sales, apparel trimmings   41-4012   485
Sales, apparel, exc. shoes   41-2031   476
Sales, appliances   41-2031   476
Sales, architectural and engineering supplies   41-4011   485
Sales, art objects   41-2031   476
Sales, associate   41-2031   476
Sales, athletic goods   41-4012   485
Sales, attendant 4471 53-6031 509 936
Sales, attendant Exc. 4471 41-2031 Exc. 509 476
Sales, audiovisual program   41-3099   484
Sales, auditor   43-3031   512
Sales, auto accessories and supplies, exc. parts   41-2031   476
Sales, auto parts   41-2022   475
Sales, automobile accessories   41-2031   476
Sales, automobile club membership   41-3099   484
Sales, automobile leasing   41-3099   484
Sales, automobile rental   41-2021   474
Sales, automobiles, new or used 4211 41-4012 407 485
Sales, automobiles, new or used 4411 41-2031 467 476
Sales, barber supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, barn operator   41-1011   470
Sales, batteries   41-2031   476
Sales, beauty supplies 45439 41-9091 569 495
Sales, beauty supplies 42 41-4012 407-459 485
Sales, beauty supplies 44, 45 exc. 45439 41-2031 467-568, 579 476
Sales, boats (4412) 41-2031 (468) 476
Sales, bond   41-3031 (697) 482
Sales, bookkeeping service   41-3099   484
Sales, books 45439 41-9091 569 495
Sales, books \ Any not listed 41-2031 \ Any not listed 476
Sales, books 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, bottles and bottling equipment   41-4012   485
Sales, building equipment and supplies 31-33, 42 41-4011 107-459 485
Sales, building supplies 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, buildings   41-9022   492
Sales, burial needs   41-3099   484
Sales, buyer, any commodity 45 exc. 4224 & 4225 13-1022 407-439, 449-579 052
Sales, buyer, any commodity 4224, 4225 13-1021 447, 448 051
Sales, cable television   41-3099 (667) 484
Sales, canvas products   41-4012   485
Sales, carpet and floor coverings   41-2031   476
Sales, cars, new or used 4211 41-4012 407 485
Sales, cars, new or used 4411 41-2031 467 476
Sales, cashier, any commodity   41-2011   472
Sales, catalogue sales   43-4151   535
Sales, cemetery plots   41-9099   496
Sales, check out   41-2011   472
Sales, check writer   41-9099   496
Sales, chemicals   41-4011   485
Sales, china and silverware   41-2031   476
Sales, church furniture   41-4012   485
Sales, circulation   41-4012   485
Sales, clerk   41-2031   476
Sales, clothing 4223 41-4012 439 485
Sales, clothing 44, 45, 8144 41-2031 467-579, 888 476
Sales, commercial equipment   41-4012   485
Sales, commodities   41-3031   482
Sales, communication equipment and services   41-4011   485
Sales, computer and computer hardware 31-33, 42 41-4011 107-459 485
Sales, computer and computer hardware 4431 41-2031 478, 479 476
Sales, computer software 31-33, 42, 5112, 5142, 5415 41-4011 107-459, 649, 679, 738 485
Sales, computer software 4431, 45112, 45121, 45321, 45411 41-2031 478, 479, 527, 537, 548, 559 476
Sales, computer time   41-3099   484
Sales, concession stand   35-3022   406
Sales, construction machinery   41-4011   485
Sales, consultant   13-1111   071
Sales, containers   41-4012   485
Sales, convention services (7211) 41-3099 (866) 484
Sales, coordinator   11-2022   005
Sales, cordage   41-4012   485
Sales, correspondent   43-4021   521
Sales, corsets   41-2031   476
Sales, cosmetics 45439 41-9091 569 495
Sales, cosmetics and toiletries 44, 45 exc. 45439 41-2031 467-568, 579 476
Sales, curtains and draperies   41-2031   476
Sales, dairy route (3115) 53-3031 (117) 913
Sales, dairy supplies   41-4011   485
Sales, dancing instructions   41-3099   484
Sales, data processing   41-3099   484
Sales, deliverer, any commodity   53-3031   913
Sales, demonstrator   41-9011   490
Sales, dental and medical   41-4011   485
Sales, director   11-2022   005
Sales, display   41-3011   480
Sales, door to door, any commodity (45439) 41-9091 (569) 495
Sales, driver   53-3031   913
Sales, drugs   41-4011   485
Sales, dry goods   41-2031   476
Sales, education courses   41-3099   484
Sales, electric motors   41-4011   485
Sales, electricity (2211) 43-4051 (057) 524
Sales, electronic equipment, exc. parts   41-2031   476
Sales, electronic parts   41-2022   475
Sales, electronics   41-4011   485
Sales, electroplating   41-4011   485
Sales, elevators and escalators   41-4011   485
Sales, encyclopedia, door to door (45439) 41-9091 (569) 495
Sales, encyclopedia, exc. door to door   41-2031   476
Sales, engineering supplies   41-4011   485
Sales, environmental testing equipment   41-4011   485
Sales, equipment rental   41-3099 (719) 484
Sales, executive   11-2022   005
Sales, exhibitor   41-9011   490
Sales, exterminating services   41-3099   484
Sales, farm and garden equipment and supplies 31-33, 42 41-4011 107-459 485
Sales, farm and garden equipment and supplies 44, 45, 8112, 8113 41-2031 467-579, 879, 887 476
Sales, financial services   41-3031   482
Sales, flatware   41-4012   485
Sales, floor coverings   41-2031   476
Sales, floral designer   27-1023   263
Sales, florist supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, flowers, design and street sales   41-9091   495
Sales, flowers, exc. design and street sales   41-2031   476
Sales, flying squad   41-2031   476
Sales, food products 4451 41-2011 497 472
Sales, food products 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, food products 311811, 4452, 4529 41-2031 119, 498, 539 476
Sales, food service, takes and fills orders   35-3022   406
Sales, footwear   41-2031   476
Sales, foundry and machine shop products   41-4011   485
Sales, franchise   41-3099   484
Sales, freight   41-3099   484
Sales, fuels   41-4012   485
Sales, furniture 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, furniture 44, 45, 8114 41-2031 467-579, 888 476
Sales, furs   41-2031   476
Sales, garden supplies   41-2031   476
Sales, gas station \ n.s. PR 4471 53-6031 PR 509 936
Sales, gas station \ specified or n.s. OWN 4471 41-1011 OWN 509 470
Sales, gas station, cashier PR 4471 41-2011 PR 509 472
Sales, gas station, exc. cashier PR 4471 53-6031 PR 509 936
Sales, gas utility   43-4051   524
Sales, general hardware   41-2031   476
Sales, general merchandise 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, general merchandise 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, glass products   41-4012   485
Sales, graphic art   41-3011   480
Sales, hardware 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, hardware 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, health spa   41-3099   484
Sales, hearing aids   41-2031   476
Sales, heating equipment and supplies 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, heating equipment and supplies 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, herbicide service   41-3099   484
Sales, hobbies and crafts   41-4012   485
Sales, home furnishings   41-2031   476
Sales, home improvement 23 41-3099 077 484
Sales, home improvement Exc. 23 41-2031 Exc. 077 476
Sales, home planning consultant   41-2031   476
Sales, horticultural and nursery   41-2031   476
Sales, hotel services (7211) 41-3099 (866) 484
Sales, hotel supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, house to house (45439) 41-9091 (569) 495
Sales, household appliances   41-2031   476
Sales, houses   41-9022   492
Sales, housewares   41-2031   476
Sales, ice   41-2031   476
Sales, industrial machinery   41-4011   485
Sales, industrial rubber goods   41-4012   485
Sales, infants' and children's wear   41-2031   476
Sales, insurance (524) 41-3021 (699) 481
Sales, investment   41-3031 (697) 482
Sales, jewelry 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, jewelry 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, leasing services   41-3099 (719) 484
Sales, leather and suede 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, leather goods 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, lei (45439) 41-9091 (569) 495
Sales, linen or laundry service (8123) 41-3099 (907) 484
Sales, livestock   41-4012   485
Sales, lubricating equipment   41-4011   485
Sales, lumber   41-4012   485
Sales, malt liquors   41-4012   485
Sales, marine equipment and supplies 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, marine equipment and supplies 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, material handling equipment   41-4011   485
Sales, meat 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, meat 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, medical and surgical instruments   41-4011   485
Sales, memorials (531) 41-9099 (707) 496
Sales, men's and boys' clothing 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, men's and boys' clothing 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, men's furnishings   41-2031   476
Sales, metal   41-4011   485
Sales, milking machines   41-4011   485
Sales, millinery   41-2031   476
Sales, mobile homes 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, mobile homes 44, 45, 8111 41-2031 467-579, 877 476
Sales, mortician supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, motor vehicles and supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, motorcycles 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, motorcycles 44, 45, 8111 41-2031 467-579, 877 476
Sales, moving services   41-3099   484
Sales, musical instruments 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, musical instruments and accessories 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, mutual fund   41-3031 (697) 482
Sales, negotiator   41-4012   485
Sales, newspaper   41-9091   495
Sales, novelties   41-4012   485
Sales, nursery and garden supplies   41-2031   476
Sales, office machines   41-4012   485
Sales, oil field supplies and equipment   41-4011   485
Sales, ophthalmic frames and lenses 31-33, 42 41-4011 107-459 485
Sales, optical goods 31-33, 42 41-4011 107-459 485
Sales, optical goods 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, ordnance   41-4011   485
Sales, organizer   41-1012   471
Sales, orthopedic shoes   41-2031   476
Sales, paint   41-2031   476
Sales, paper and paper products   41-4012   485
Sales, parts   41-2022   475
Sales, party (45439) 41-9011 (569) 490
Sales, party plans (45439) 41-9011 (569) 490
Sales, paving and roofing materials   41-4012   485
Sales, petroleum products   41-4012   485
Sales, pets and pet supplies   41-2031   476
Sales, phonograph records and tape recordings   41-2031   476
Sales, photographic supplies and equipment   41-2022   475
Sales, pianos and organs   41-2031   476
Sales, plastic products   41-4012   485
Sales, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, poultry equipment and supplies   41-4011   485
Sales, precision instruments   41-4011   485
Sales, pressure-sensitive tape   41-4012   485
Sales, printing and publishing   41-3099   484
Sales, printing services   41-3099   484
Sales, printing supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, program time   41-3011   480
Sales, promotion   41-3011   480
Sales, public relations work   27-3031   282
Sales, public utilities   41-3099   484
Sales, publications   41-4012   485
Sales, radio and television 5131, 5132, 5418 41-3011 667, 747 480
Sales, radio time   41-3011 (667) 480
Sales, radiographic inspection equipment and services   41-4011   485
Sales, radios 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, railroad equipment and supplies   41-4011   485
Sales, real estate (531) 41-9022 (707) 492
Sales, record clerk   43-9111   592
Sales, recreation and sporting equipment 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, recreation and sporting equipment 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, religious supples   41-4012   485
Sales, research work   13-1111   071
Sales, restaurant supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, retail   41-2031   476
Sales, reviewer (524) 13-2053 (699) 086
Sales, route   53-3031   913
Sales, route driver   53-3031   913
Sales, rubber products   41-4012   485
Sales, safety apparel and equipment   41-4012   485
Sales, sanitary services   41-3099   484
Sales, school equipment and supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, securities   41-3031   482
Sales, security systems   41-3099   484
Sales, service promoter   27-3031   282
Sales, service station \ any activity OWN 4471 41-1011 OWN 509 470
Sales, service station \ n.s. PR 4471 53-6031 PR 509 936
Sales, service station, cashier PR 4471 41-2011 PR 509 472
Sales, service station, exc. cashier PR 4471 53-6031 PR 509 936
Sales, sewing machines   41-2031   476
Sales, sheet music   41-2031   476
Sales, shipping services   41-3099   484
Sales, shoe leather and repairing supplies   41-4012   485
Sales, shoe repair   41-2021   474
Sales, shoes   41-2031   476
Sales, signs and displays   41-3011   480
Sales, smoking supplies 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, smoking supplies 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, snack bar   35-3022   406
Sales, sporting goods   41-2031   476
Sales, stamps or coins   41-2031   476
Sales, steel ingots   41-4011   485
Sales, stereo equipment   41-2031   476
Sales, stocks and bonds   41-3031 (697) 482
Sales, subscriptions   41-9091   495
Sales, supervisory   41-1011   470
Sales, surgical appliances   41-4011   485
Sales, technical   41-4011   485
Sales, telephone 44311, 44312, 4539 41-2031 478, 479, 558 476
Sales, telephone Exc. 44311, 44312, 4539 41-9041 Exc. 478, 479, 558 494
Sales, telephone services (51331) 41-3099 (668) 484
Sales, television cable   41-3099   484
Sales, televisions   41-2031   476
Sales, terrazzo tiles   41-4012   485
Sales, textile designs   41-4012   485
Sales, textile machinery   41-4011   485
Sales, textiles   41-4012   485
Sales, ticket   41-2011   472
Sales, tile floor   41-2031   476
Sales, time   41-3011 (667) 480
Sales, tires 4211 41-4011 407 485
Sales, tires 44, 45, 8111 41-2031 467-579, 877 476
Sales, tobacco products 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, tobacco products 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, toilet preparations   41-2031   476
Sales, toy trains and accessories   41-2031   476
Sales, trailers and motor homes   41-2031   476
Sales, traveling 21, 31-33, 42 41-4011 037-049, 107-459 485
Sales, traveling 22 41-3099 057-069 484
Sales, truck (4411) 41-2031 (467) 476
Sales, truck driver   53-3031   913
Sales, ultrasonic equipment   41-4011   485
Sales, uniforms   41-4012   485
Sales, upholstery and furniture repair   41-3099   484
Sales, used car (4411) 41-2031 (467) 476
Sales, utilities   43-4051   524
Sales, vacuum cleaners   41-2031   476
Sales, variety store (4529) 41-2031 (539) 476
Sales, vending and coin machines   41-4012   485
Sales, veneer   41-4012   485
Sales, veterinarian supplies   41-4011   485
Sales, video rental   41-2021   474
Sales, videotape   41-2031   476
Sales, wagon driver   53-3031   913
Sales, wallpaper and wall coverings   41-2031   476
Sales, water softening equipment   41-4012   485
Sales, water treatment equipment   41-4011   485
Sales, weather forecasting   41-3099   484
Sales, weighing and and measuring instruments   41-4011   485
Sales, welding equipment   41-4011   485
Sales, wigs   41-2031   476
Sales, wire rope   41-4011   485
Sales, women's and girls' apparel 31-33, 42 41-4012 107-459 485
Sales, women's apparel and accessories 44, 45 41-2031 467-579 476
Sales, writing and marking pens   41-4012   485
Sales, yard goods   41-2031   476
Sales, yellow pages (511) 41-3011 (648) 480
Sales, zone   41-4011 (357) 485
Saloonkeeper #7224 11-9051 #869 031
Salt boiler   51-9051 (229) 873
Salt grinder   51-9021 (229) 865
Salt lifter   53-7062 (229) 962
Salt machine operator   51-9011 (229) 864
Salt maker   51-9011 (229) 864
Salt plant operator   51-9011 (229) 864
Salt refiner   51-9011 (229) 864
Salt washer   51-9021   865
Salter, hand   51-9199   896
Salvage determiner (524) 13-1031 (699) 054
Salvage machine operator   51-9199   896
Salvage worker 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9061 267-369, 608, 887 874
Salvage worker Exc. 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7062 Exc. 267-369, 608, 887 962
Salvager 32411 49-9012 207 730
Salvager 2211, 2212 49-9043 057-059 735
Salvager 33299, 3364 51-9061 297, 358, 359 874
Salvationist #6242 21-2099 #838 206
Sample body builder   51-4199   822
Sample book maker   51-9032   871
Sample box maker   51-9032   871
Sample card maker   51-2099   775
Sample checker   43-5111   563
Sample clerk, paper   43-5111   563
Sample collector   51-9061   874
Sample color maker   51-9061   874
Sample cutter   51-9032   871
Sample distributor   43-5021   551
Sample dye mixer 313, 314, 3151 51-6061 147-167 836
Sample examiner   51-9061   874
Sample finisher (31411) 51-9199 (157) 896
Sample grader 111, 115, 4224, 4225, 42291 45-2041 017, 029, 447, 448, 457 604
Sample grader Exc. 111, 115, 4224, 4225, 42291 51-9061 Exc. 017, 029, 447, 448, 457 874
Sample grinder 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Sample hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6063 147-167 841
Sample maker \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9061 \ Any not listed 874
Sample maker \ n.s. 3152 exc. suit or coat 51-6031 168 exc. suit or coat 832
Sample maker \ n.s. 33991 51-9071 Jewelry 398 875
Sample maker \ n.s. Suit or coat 3152 51-6052 Suit or coat 168 835
Sample maker, appliances (3352) 51-4061 (347) 806
Sample maker, veneer   51-9031   871
Sample mounter   51-2099   775
Sample paster   51-2099   775
Sample selector   51-9061   874
Sample stitcher 3162 51-6042 177 834
Sample stitcher 31-33 exc. 3162 51-6031 107-169, 179-399 832
Sample stitcher Exc. 31-33 51-6052 Exc. 107-399 835
Sample taker operator (211) 47-5031 (037) 683
Sample tester   51-9061   874
Sample washer (211) 51-9061 (037) 874
Sample weaver 313, 314, 3151 51-6063 147-167 841
Sample wrapper   53-7064   964
Sampler \ n.s. 3221 43-5111 187 563
Sampler \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9061 \ Any not listed 874
Sampler \ n.s. 3113, 3118 53-7064 108, 119, 127 964
Sampler \ n.s. 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sampler and test preparer   51-9061   874
Sampler, head   51-1011   770
Sampling expert   15-2041   123
Sand analyst   17-2041   135
Sand bobber   51-4033   800
Sand buffer   51-4033   800
Sand car worker   53-7062   962
Sand carrier   53-7062   962
Sand conditioner 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9023 267-369, 608, 887 865
Sand control worker 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9023 267-369, 608, 887 865
Sand cutter 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4071 267-369, 608, 887 810
Sand cutter operator 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4071 267-369, 608, 887 810
Sand digger (2123) 47-5099 (047) 694
Sand drier 2123 51-9051 047 873
Sand drier Exc. 2123 53-7062 Exc. 047 962
Sand filler   47-5099   694
Sand hauler   53-3032   913
Sand hog (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Sand mill grinder (3255) 51-9021 (227) 865
Sand mill operator   51-9023   865
Sand miller   51-9023   865
Sand mixer \ n.s.   53-7062   962
Sand mixer, machine   51-9023   865
Sand molder 3273-3279, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4071 257-369, 608, 887 810
Sand operator   51-9023   865
Sand plant attendant   51-8099   863
Sand polisher   51-4033   800
Sand screener 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Sand screener Exc. 21 53-7062 Exc. 037-049 962
Sand shoveler 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Sand shoveler Exc. 21 53-7062 Exc. 037-049 962
Sand sifter 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9023 267-369, 608, 887 865
Sand slinger 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4072 237, 267-369, 608, 887 810
Sand slinger operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4072 237, 267-369, 608, 887 810
Sand technologist   17-2041   135
Sand temperer 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 896
Sand wheeler   53-7062   962
Sand worker 32712, 32713 51-9199 248 896
Sandblast operator 23 47-2061 077 626
Sandblast operator 31-33 51-9021 107-399 865
Sandblaster 48, 8111 53-7061 608-629, 877 961
Sandblaster 23 47-2061 077 626
Sandblaster 31-33 51-9021 107-399 865
Sander \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9021 \ Any not listed 865
Sander \ n.s. 111-113, 115, 321, 337 51-7042 017-027, 029, 377-389 854
Sander \ n.s. 23 47-2073 077 632
Sander \ n.s. 8111 49-9098 877, 878 761
Sander \ n.s. 339999 51-9022 Mannequin 398 865
Sander and buffer   51-9022   865
Sander operator   51-4033   800
Sander, stoneworking   53-7063   963
Sander, woodworking, hand   51-7099   855
Sander, woodworking, machine   51-7042   854
Sandfill operator 212, 213 47-5099 038-049 694
Sanding machine buffer 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Sanding machine operator or tender 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Sanding machine operator or tender Exc. 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-7042 Exc. 237, 267-369, 608, 887 854
Sandwich and drink cart operator (45439) 41-9091 (569) 495
Sandwich counter attendant (722) 35-3022 (868) 406
Sandwich machine operator 3115, 3117, 3119 51-9041 117, 128 872
Sandwich maker 3115, 3117-3119 51-3092 117, 127, 128 784
Sandwich maker Exc. 3115, 3117-3119 35-2021 Exc. 117, 127, 128 403
Sandwich man 5418 41-9011 747 490
Sandwich peddler (45439) 41-9091 (569) 495
Sandwich wrapper (722) 53-7064 (868) 964
Sandwich-board carrier   41-9011   490
Sanforizer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sanforizing machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sanipractic physician (6213) 29-1199 (808) 326
Sanitarian 2213, 562, 6215-6219, 622, 92 29-9011 067, 068, 779, 817-819, 937-959 354
Sanitarian Exc. 2213, 562, 6215-6219, 622, 92 51-1011 Exc. 067, 068, 779, 817-819, 937-959 770
Sanitarian aide   31-9093   365
Sanitary aide   31-9093   365
Sanitary landfill operator (562) 47-2073 (779) 632
Sanitation officer   29-9011   354
Sanitation worker \ n.s. 3115 53-7061 117 961
Sanitation worker \ n.s. 3116 37-2011 118 422
Sanitation worker \ n.s. Exc. 3115, 3116 53-7081 Exc. 117, 118 972
Sanitation worker, cleaning equipment   53-7061   961
Sanitation worker, cleaning machinery   53-7061   961
Sanitation worker, hosing docks and pens   53-7061   961
Sanitation worker, hosing machinery   53-7061   961
Santa claus (45211) 41-9011 (538) 490
Sap gatherer   45-4011 (019) 612
Sapphire stylus grinder   51-4194   821
Sash finisher   51-2099   775
Sash installer (23) 47-2031 (077) 623
Sash maker   51-2099   775
Sash sticker   51-7099   855
Satellite dish installer   49-2097   712
Satin finisher   51-4033   800
Saturator   51-9012   864
Saturator operator   51-9012   864
Sausage canner (3116) 51-9111 (118) 880
Sausage cooker (3116) 51-3093 (118) 785
Sausage cutter (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Sausage grinder (3116) 51-3092 (118) 784
Sausage linker (3116) 53-7064 (118) 964
Sausage machine operator (3116) 51-3092 (118) 784
Sausage maker   51-3023   781
Sausage meat trimmer (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Sausage mixer (3116) 51-3092 (118) 784
Sausage smoker (3116) 51-3091 (118) 783
Sausage stringer (3116) 53-7064 (118) 964
Sausage stuffer (3116) 51-9111 (118) 880
Sausage tier (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Sausage wrapper (3116) 53-7064 (118) 964
Save all operator   51-9021 (189) 865
Savings teller   43-3071   516
Saw boss (1133) 45-1011 (027) 600
Saw cleaner   53-7061   961
Saw feeder   53-7063   963
Saw filer   51-4194   821
Saw fitter   51-4194   821
Saw grinder   51-4033   800
Saw maker (3322) 51-4111 (279) 813
Saw operator 3116 51-3023 118 781
Saw operator \ Any not listed 51-9032 \ Any not listed 871
Saw operator 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Saw operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Saw runner   51-7041   853
Saw setter   51-4033   800
Saw sharpener   51-4033   800
Saw straightener (3322) 51-4194 (279) 821
Saw tailer   53-7063   963
Sawing machine operator 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Sawmill hand (3211) 51-7041 (377) 853
Sawmill tally clerk   43-5111   563
Sawmill worker (3211) 51-7041 (377) 853
Sawsmith (3322) 51-4111 (279) 813
Sawyer 3116 51-3023 118 781
Sawyer 3279 53-7063 259 963
Sawyer \ Any not listed 51-7041 \ Any not listed 853
Sawyer 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Scabbler (3279) 51-9032 (259) 871
Scaffold builder   47-2031   623
Scalder 3116 51-3093 118 785
Scalder Exc. 3116 51-9192 Exc. 118 886
Scale adjuster   49-9069   743
Scale agent   43-5111   563
Scale attendant   43-5111   563
Scale balancer   51-9061   874
Scale clerk   43-5111   563
Scale expert   49-9069   743
Scale installer   49-9012   730
Scale operator 3251, 3259 51-9061 229 874
Scale operator Exc. 3251, 3259 43-5111 Exc. 229 563
Scale reclamation tender   51-9021   865
Scale shooter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 822
Scale tester 3333 51-9061 309 874
Scale tester Exc. 3333 49-9069 Exc. 309 743
Scaleman   43-5111   563
Scaler 483 53-5011 609 930
Scaler \ Any not listed 43-5111 \ Any not listed 563
Scaler 1133, 321, 3221, 337 45-4023 027, 187, 377-389 613
Scaler 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 896
Scaling-machine operator (3118) 51-9199 (127) 896
Scallop binder (3159) 51-6062 (169) 840
Scallop cutter 313-315 51-6062 147-169 840
Scallop dredger (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Scalloper 3162 51-6042 177 834
Scalloper 114 45-3011 028 610
Scalloper Exc. 114, 3162 51-6062 Exc. 028, 177 840
Scalp treatment operator (8129) 39-5093 (909) 452
Scalper 1133 45-4029 027 613
Scalper 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4035 237, 267-369, 608, 887 802
Scalper 5121, 711, 713 41-9099 657, 856, 859 496
Scalper operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4035 237, 267-369, 608, 887 802
Scalping machine operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4035 237, 267-369, 608, 887 802
Scanner 2211 17-3029 057 155
Scanner 3231, 511 51-5022 199, 647, 648 825
Scanner operator   51-5022   825
Scarfer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Scarfer 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Scarifier operator (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Scarrer   51-9031 (179) 871
Scavenger 1133 45-4029 027 613
Scavenger Exc. 1133 53-7062 Exc. 027 962
Scenario writer (4121) 27-3043 (657) 285
Scene painter   27-1013   260
Scene shifter   53-7062   962
Scenery builder   47-2031   623
Scenic artist   27-1013   260
Schedule announcer   43-4171   540
Schedule checker   43-5061   560
Schedule clerk   43-5061   560
Schedule hanger   43-9199   593
Schedule maker   43-5061   560
Scheduler \ n.s.   43-5061   560
Scheduler, maintenance   43-5032   552
School boat driver #483 53-5021 #609 931
School bus attendant   39-9011   460
School bus driver   53-3022   912
School bus monitor   39-9011   460
School bus operator   53-3022   912
School commissioner   11-1011   001
School cook   35-2012   402
School counselor   21-1012   200
School crossing guard   33-9091 (947) 394
School custodian   37-2011   422
School guidance counselor   21-1012   200
School library media specialist   25-4021   243
School nurse   29-1111   313
School patrol   33-9091 #947 394
School photographer   27-4021   291
School plant consultant   17-1011   130
School principal #6111 11-9032 #786 023
School psychologist   19-3031   182
School psychology specialist   19-3031   182
School psychometrist   19-3031   182
School secretary   43-6014   570
School social worker   21-1021   201
School superintendent (6111) 11-1011 (786) 001
School traffic guard   33-9091 #947 394
Scientific aide   19-4099   196
Scientific artist   27-1013   260
Scientific illustrator   27-1013   260
Scientific linguist   19-3099   186
Scientific photographer   27-4021   291
Scientific programmer   15-1021   101
Scientific publications editor   27-3041   283
Scientific systems analyst   15-1051   100
Scientific writer   27-3042   284
Scientist \ N.S., associate degree or higher   19-2099   176
Scientist \ N.S., less than associate degree   19-4099   196
Scissors grinder (8114) 51-4033 (888) 800
Scissors sharpener (8114) 51-4033 (888) 800
Scleroscope tester   17-3029   155
Scoop driver   53-7032   952
Scoop filler (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Scoop operator   53-7032   952
Scooping machine tender   51-7042   854
Score caller   39-3091   443
Scoreboard operator (711) 39-3091 (856) 443
Scorekeeper (711) 39-3091 (856) 443
Scorer \ n.s.   51-9199   896
Scorer, athletic events 71395 39-3091 858 443
Scorer, athletic events Exc. 71395 27-2023 Exc. 858 272
Scorer, cut off operator   51-9032   871
Scoring machine operator (32221) 51-9199 (188) 896
Scourer   51-9199   896
Scouring machine tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Scout 711 27-2022 856 272
Scout 1131, 1132 33-2022 019 375
Scout 211 19-4041 037 193
Scout executive #81341 11-9151 #917 042
Scout leaser (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Scow captain (483) 53-5021 (609) 931
Scowman (483) 53-5011 (609) 930
Scrap baler   51-9041   872
Scrap baller 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 822
Scrap boy   51-9199   896
Scrap breaker   51-9199   896
Scrap burner 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4121 237, 267-369, 608, 887 814
Scrap carrier   53-7062   962
Scrap charger 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Scrap collector   53-7062   962
Scrap cutter 42193 51-4121 428 814
Scrap cutter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Scrap dealer (42193) 41-4012 (428) 485
Scrap drop crane operator   53-7021   951
Scrap drop operator   53-7021   951
Scrap handler   51-4199   822
Scrap hoist operator   53-7041   956
Scrap hooker   51-9199   896
Scrap iron cutter (42193) 51-4121 (428) 814
Scrap iron loader (4215) 53-7062 (418) 962
Scrap kettle tender 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Scrap metal burner (42193) 51-4121 (428) 814
Scrap metal collector (42193) 53-7081 (428) 972
Scrap picker   53-7062   962
Scrap piler   51-9199   896
Scrap separator   51-9061   874
Scrap sorter 3162 51-9199 177 896
Scrap sorter 331 53-7063 267-277 963
Scrap sorter Exc. 3162, 331 51-9061 Exc. 177, 267-277 874
Scrape gatherer   45-4011 (019) 612
Scraper 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Scraper 31-33 53-7061 107-399 961
Scraper loader operator 212-213 53-7041 038-049 956
Scraper operator 21, 23 47-2073 037-049, 077 632
Scratch brusher   51-4033   800
Scratch finisher 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Scratcher   51-9199   896
Screen cleaner   53-7061   961
Screen door maker   51-2099   775
Screen examiner (5121) 51-9131 (657) 883
Screen handler (3221) 51-9041 (187) 872
Screen maker \ n.s.   51-9131   883
Screen maker, textile   51-6099   846
Screen operator   51-9012   864
Screen printer   51-5023   826
Screen printing equipment setter   51-5023   826
Screen printing machine operator   51-5023   826
Screen printing machine setter/set-up operator   51-5023   826
Screen room operator (3221) 51-9012 (187) 864
Screen tender 3113 51-9199 108 896
Screen tender 3221 51-9121 187 881
Screen tender Exc. 3113, 3221 51-9012 Exc. 108, 187 864
Screen writer   27-3043   285
Screener 32712, 32713 51-9199 248 896
Screener \ Any not listed 51-9012 \ Any not listed 864
Screener 22132, 562 53-7062 068, 779 962
Screener and blender 3311, 3312 51-9023 267 865
Screener operator   51-9012   864
Screener perfumer   51-9199   896
Screw cutter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Screw down 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Screw driver operator   51-2099   775
Screw machine hand   51-4034   801
Screw machine operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4034 237, 267-369, 608, 887 801
Screw machine set up operator   51-4034   801
Screw machine setter   51-4034   801
Screwhead polisher   49-9064 (339) 743
Screwmaker, automatic   51-4034   801
Screwmaker, photographic press   51-9131   883
Scriber 3116 51-3023 118 781
Scribing machine operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4035 237, 267-369, 608, 887 802
Script editor   27-3041   283
Script girl (5121) 43-9022 (657) 582
Script reader   27-3041   283
Script writer   27-3043 (667) 285
Scroll machine operator   51-4023   794
Scroll shear operator   51-9032   871
Scrub nurse   29-1111   313
Scrub wheel operator   51-9192 (179) 886
Scrub woman 814 37-2012 929 423
Scrub woman Exc. 814 37-2011 Exc. 929 422
Scrubber   37-2011   422
Scrubbing machine operator   51-6061   836
Scruff worker 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Scuba diver   49-9092   752
Scudder, hand   51-9199 (179) 896
Scullion   35-9021   414
Sculptor (5414) 27-1013 (737) 260
Scutcher 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Scutcher tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sea captain #483 53-5021 #609 931
Sea shell gatherer #114 45-3011 #028 610
Seafood fisherman (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Seafood preparer   35-2021   403
Seal extrusion operator   51-9111   880
Seal mixer   51-9023   865
Sealer 482 43-9199 608 593
Sealer \ Any not listed 51-9191 \ Any not listed 885
Sealer 114 45-3021 028 611
Sealer 3113-3119, 3121 51-9111 108-128 880
Sealer of weights and measures   13-1041   056
Sealer operator 3113-3119, 3121 51-9111 108-128 880
Sealer operator Exc. 3113-3119, 3121 51-9191 Exc. 108-128 885
Sealing and canceling machine operator   43-9051   585
Sealing machine operator 3113-3119, 3121 51-9111 108-128 880
Sealing machine operator Exc. 3113-3119, 3121 51-9191 Exc. 108-128 885
Seam closer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Seam feller (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Seam finisher (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Seam presser   51-6021   831
Seam rubber (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Seam sewer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Seam sewer Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Seam stayer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Seam steamer (3152) 51-9199 (168) 896
Seaman 114 45-3011 028 610
Seaman Exc. 114 53-5011 Exc. 028 930
Seamer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Seamer 31324, 315 51-6031 167-169 832
Seamer Exc. 31324, 315, 3162 51-9199 Exc. 167-177 896
Seamer operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Seamer operator Exc. 3162 51-9199 Exc. 177 896
Seamless tube drawer   51-4021   792
Seamless tube roller 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Seamstress \ Any not listed 51-6052 \ Any not listed 835
Seamstress 31-33, 482, 51412, 5411, 61, 6215-6219, 623, 624, 712, 7211, 813 51-6031 107-399, 608, 677, 727, 786-789, 817, 818, 827-857, 866, 888, 907, 916-919 832
Searcher 3122 51-9199 139 896
Searcher Exc. 3122 23-2093 Exc. 139 215
Searchlight operator   47-2111   635
Seasoner   51-9199   896
Seasoning mixer   51-3092   784
Seat builder   51-2099   775
Seat cover cutter   51-6093   845
Seat cover installer 3361-3363 51-2099 357 775
Seat cover installer Exc. 3361-3363 51-6093 Exc. 357 845
Seat cover maker   51-6031   832
Seat coverer 3361-3363 51-2099 357 775
Seat coverer Exc. 3361-3363 51-6093 Exc. 357 845
Seat installer   51-2099   775
Seat joiner (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Seat maker   51-2099   775
Seat mender   49-9093   762
Seat nailer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Seater grinder   51-4033   800
Seaweed harvester #114 45-3011 #028 610
Second   27-2011   270
Second baller   51-6099   846
Second cook and baker   35-2012   402
Second crusher   51-9199   896
Second hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Second mate 114 45-3011 028 610
Second mate Exc. 114 53-5021 Exc. 028 931
Second miller   51-9021 (107) 865
Second officer 114 45-3011 028 610
Second officer Exc. 114 53-5021 Exc. 028 931
Second steward (483) 39-6032 (609) 455
Second time worker   51-6099   846
Second worker (2121) 47-5099 (038) 694
Secret code expert (922) 15-2099 (947) 124
Secret service agent #922 33-3021 #947 382
Secretary \ any other activity   43-6014   570
Secretary \ n.s.   43-6014   570
Secretary of police 922 43-1011 947 500
Secretary of state   11-1011   001
Secretary, bookkeeper   43-6014   570
Secretary, legal   43-6012   570
Secretary, press   27-3031   282
Secretary, receptionist   43-6014   570
Secretary, stenographer   43-6014   570
Secretary, typing   43-6014   570
Section boss 21, 23 47-1011 037-049, 077 620
Section chief   43-1011   500
Section cutter (3159) 51-6062 (169) 840
Section gang (482) 47-4061 (608) 674
Section hand \ Any not listed 47-4061 \ Any not listed 674
Section hand 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Section hand 31-33 exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-9199 107-139, 168-399 896
Section hand 313, 314, 3151 49-1011 147-167 700
Section housekeeper   37-2012   423
Section laborer (482) 47-4061 (608) 674
Section leader and machine setter   49-9041   733
Sectionizer   51-9111   880
Securities adviser   41-3031 (697) 482
Securities analyst   13-2051   084
Securities clerk 521-522 43-3021 687-689 511
Securities clerk Exc. 521-522 43-3031 Exc. 687-689 512
Securities consultant 521, 52211, 52219 13-2051 687 084
Securities consultant Exc. 521, 52211, 52219 13-2052 Exc. 687 085
Securities counselor   13-2052 (697) 085
Securities research analyst   13-2051   084
Securities teller   43-3071   516
Securities trader   41-3031   482
Security checker   33-9032   392
Security chief, museum (712) 33-1099 (857) 373
Security consultant   33-9021   391
Security director   33-1099   373
Security dispatcher (5616) 43-5032 (768) 552
Security guard \ Any not listed 33-9032 \ Any not listed 392
Security guard Correctional institution 922140 33-3012 Correctional institution 947 380
Security guard 72112, 7132 33-9031 Gaming 859, 866, 868 392
Security officer \ Any not listed 33-9032 \ Any not listed 392
Security officer Correctional institution 922140 33-3012 Correctional institution 947 380
Security officer 72112, 7132 33-9031 Gaming 859, 866, 868 392
Security police 922 33-3051 947 385
Security police Exc. 922 33-9032 Exc. 947 392
Sedimentationist   19-2042   174
Seed analyst   19-4011   190
Seed buyer   13-1021 (128) 051
Seed cleaner (42291) 51-9012 (457) 864
Seed cutter 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Seed expert   19-4011   190
Seed grower GOV,OBI or PR 111 11-9011 GOV,OBI or PR 017 020
Seed grower OBNI 111 11-9012 OBNI 017 021
Seed packer   53-7064   964
Seed potato arranger 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Seed potato cutter Potato warehouse 49313 51-9032 Potato warehouse 639 871
Seed sorter (42291) 45-2041 (457) 604
Seed specialist   19-4011   190
Seed tester   19-4011   190
Seed trucker   53-7062 (128) 962
Seed yeast operator   51-9021   865
Seedling puller 1131, 1132 45-4011 019 612
Seedling sorter 1131, 1132 45-4011 019 612
Seeing eye dog trainer   39-2011   434
Segment block layer #23 47-2021 #077 622
Segmental paver-installer   47-4091   676
Seismic computer (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Seismic interpreter (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Seismic observer (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Seismic plotter (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Seismic prospecting observer   19-4041   193
Seismograph chief #211 19-4041 #037 193
Seismograph computer #211 19-4041 #037 193
Seismograph observer #211 19-4041 #037 193
Seismograph operator #211 19-4041 #037 193
Seismograph recorder #211 19-4041 #037 193
Seismograph shooter (211) 47-5031 (037) 683
Seismographer #211 19-4041 #037 193
Seismologist   19-2042   174
Seismometer operator (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Selectman   11-1031 (937) 003
Selector 42, 4451 53-7062 407-459, 497 962
Selector Exc. 42, 4451 51-9061 Exc. 407-459, 497 874
Self service laundry and dry cleaning attendant (8123) 41-2021 (907) 474
Selvage machine operator   51-6064   842
Semaphore operator (482) 53-4099 (608) 926
Semi truck driver   53-3032   913
Semiconductor processor (334413) 51-9141 (339) 884
Senator   11-1031 (937) 003
Senior programmer   15-1021   101
Senior reservations agent (481) 43-1011 (607) 500
Sensitized paper tester   51-9061   874
Sensitizer   51-9121 (229) 881
Sensitometrist (5121) 19-4041 (657) 193
Separating and filtering machine operator   51-9012   864
Separator \ n.s. 8123 51-6011 907 830
Separator \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9012 \ Any not listed 864
Separator \ n.s. 1133, 321, 337 51-9061 027, 377-389 874
Separator operator   51-9012   864
Septic tank cleaner   47-4071   675
Septic tank installer   53-7032   952
Septic tank setter   53-7032   952
Sequins spooler (3261) 53-7063 (237) 963
Sequins stringer (3162) 51-9199 (177) 896
Sergeant 482, 485111 33-3052 608, 618 386
Sergeant Fire department 922160 33-1021 Fire department 947 372
Sergeant Police department 922120 33-1012 Police department 947 371
Sergeant at arms Court 922110 33-3011 Court 947 380
Serger   51-6031   832
Serging machine operator   51-6031   832
Sericulturist   19-1011   160
Serologist   19-1042   165
Servant   39-9099   465
Server, computer   15-1071   110
Server, food Exc. 722 35-3041 Exc. 868, 869 412
Server, food 722 35-3031 868, 869 411
Server, network   15-1071   110
Server, web   15-1071   110
Service advisor, any activity   51-9061   874
Service aide (6243) 21-1093 (839) 202
Service attendant \ n.s. 45211 53-7062 538 962
Service attendant \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Service attendant \ n.s. 4471, 8111 53-6031 509, 877, 878 936
Service attendant, food service (7211) 35-3041 (866) 412
Service attendant, sleeping car   39-6032   455
Service attendant, valet services (7211) 39-6011 (866) 453
Service captain, supervising bellhops   39-1021   432
Service car driver   53-3033 (877) 913
Service clerk   43-5032   552
Service control operator   43-5061   560
Service counselor   49-3023 (357) 720
Service crew leader (2211) 49-9051 (057) 741
Service director   11-9199   043
Service dispatcher   43-5032   552
Service establishment attendant   41-2021   474
Service girl   51-9199   896
Service liaison representative   43-5061   560
Service line layer (2212) 47-2061 (058) 626
Service observer 51331 43-2021 668 502
Service observer Exc. 51331 43-2099 Exc. 668 503
Service observer, chief   43-1011   500
Service officer Veterans organization 813311 21-1099 Veterans organization 917 202
Service order clerk   43-4151   535
Service representative 524 41-3021 699 481
Service representative 5141, 5142, 523, 525, 5412-5419, 5614, 7211 41-3099 678, 679, 697, 728-749, 759, 866 484
Service representative \ Any not listed 43-4051 \ Any not listed 524
Service representative 3254, 4222, 4226 41-4011 219, 438 485
Service restorer, emergency (482) 47-4061 (608) 674
Service station attendant   53-6031   936
Service station operator (4471) 53-1031 (509) 900
Service superintendent (7211) 37-1011 (866) 420
Service tester   49-9021   731
Service unit operator, oil well 21, 32411 47-5013 037-049, 207 680
Service worker   53-7063   963
Service writer   51-9061   874
Servicer \ n.s. 4471 53-6031 509 936
Servicer \ n.s. Septic tanks 562991 47-4071 Septic tanks 779 675
Servicer, exc. repair 4227, 45431 53-3033 449, 568 913
Servicer, furniture   51-9199   896
Servicer, gas line   47-2152   644
Servicer, housetrailer   49-9095   755
Servicer, machine filler Vending machine sales 42421 49-9091 Vending machine sales 567 751
Servicer, repair 4227, 45431 49-9021 449, 568 731
Services clerk (483) 43-3021 (609) 511
Servicing cars, pumping gas, etc.   53-6031   936
Set builder (5121) 47-2031 (657) 623
Set decorator   27-1027   263
Set designer   27-1027   263
Set painter (5121) 47-2141 (657) 642
Set rider (2121) 53-4021 (038) 923
Set up attendant, dining room tables   35-9011   413
Set up worker \ Any not listed 49-9041 \ Any not listed 733
Set up worker 3231, 511 51-5022 199, 647, 648 825
Set up worker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 822
Set up worker 321 51-7042 377-387 854
Set up worker Farm machinery 42182, 44413 49-3041 Farm machinery 427, 488 722
Set-O-type operator   43-9071   590
Setter \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Setter \ n.s. 3399, 4219, 4229, 4483, 8113, 8114 51-9071 398, 429, 457, 458, 519, 887, 888 875
Setter \ n.s. Monuments 327991 47-2021 Monuments 259 622
Setter on (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Setter out   51-6099 (179) 846
Setter up   51-7042 (387) 854
Setter, automatic spinning lathe   51-4034   801
Setter, induction heating equipment   51-4121   814
Setting out plants 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Settlement clerk   43-9199   593
Settlement worker   21-1029   201
Severity of illness coordinator   29-2071   351
Sewage plant operator   51-8031 (669) 862
Sewage screen operator   47-4071   675
Sewage treatment plant operator   51-8031   862
Sewer builder (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Sewer cleaner   47-4071 (669) 675
Sewer connector (23) 47-2151 (077) 644
Sewer contractor (OWN 23) 11-9021 (OWN 077) 022
Sewer digger (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Sewer pipe cleaner   47-4071   675
Sewer pipe layer   47-2151   644
Sewer, hand   51-6051   835
Sewing 3162 51-6042 177 834
Sewing 8144 51-6052 888 835
Sewing \ Any not listed 51-6031 \ Any not listed 832
Sewing demonstrator   41-9011 (679) 490
Sewing machine adjuster 31-33 49-9041 107-399 733
Sewing machine adjuster Exc. 31-33 49-2092 Exc. 107-399 704
Sewing machine operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Sewing machine operator \ Any not listed 51-6052 \ Any not listed 835
Sewing machine operator 3111-3161, 3169-3399 51-6031 107-169, 179-399 832
Sewing machine tester   51-9061   874
Sewing room worker (7211) 51-6031 (866) 832
Sexton Cemetery 81222 37-3011 Cemetery 908 425
Sexton Exc. cemetery 81222 37-2011 Exc. cemetery 908 422
Shackler (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Shactor   51-3023   781
Shade bander   51-2099   775
Shade cloth finisher (337) 51-9199 (389) 896
Shade cutter   51-9032   871
Shade hanger   47-4099   676
Shade maker   51-6099   846
Shade matcher 313, 314, 3151 51-9061 147-167 874
Shader 337 51-9123 389 881
Shader Exc. 337 51-9061 Exc. 389 874
Shadowgraph operator   51-9061   874
Shaft headman 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Shaft sinker 21 47-5031 037-049 683
Shaft tender 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Shafter 313, 314, 3151 49-9043 147-167 735
Shafting worker 313, 314, 3151 49-9043 147-167 735
Shag Exc. golf course 713910 53-6021 Exc. golf course 859 935
Shag Golf course 713910 39-3091 Golf course 859 443
Shagger Golf course 713910 39-3091 Golf course 859 443
Shake backboard notcher 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Shake cutter 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shake cutter OWN 1133 45-4029 OWN 027 613
Shake loader 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Shake maker 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shake out worker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 896
Shake packer 321, 337 53-7064 377-389 964
Shake sawyer 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shake splitter 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shake table operator (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Shaker 3111-3112 51-9021 107 865
Shaker 8123 51-6011 907 830
Shaker \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Shaker 212-213 51-9012 038-049 864
Shaker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Shaker out   51-9199   896
Shaker tender   51-9012   864
Shaker washer   53-7061 (107) 961
Shale miner, blasting (2123) 47-5031 (047) 683
Shale miner, exc. blasting (2123) 47-5042 (047) 684
Shale planer operator (2123) 47-5042 (047) 684
Shallot cleaner 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Shallot packer 111, 115, 4224, 4225, 42291 45-2092 017, 029, 447, 448, 457 605
Shallot packer Exc. 111, 115, 4224, 4225, 42291 53-7064 Exc. 017, 029, 447, 448, 457 964
Shampooer 8121 39-5093 897-899 452
Shampooer Exc. 8121 51-6011 Exc. 897-899 830
Shank archer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank breaker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank burnisher (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank carrier (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Shank cutter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank faker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank maker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank pinner (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Shank rander (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank scourer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank skinner (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Shank stapler (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shank taper (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shanker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shanker out (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shaper \ n.s. 3279 51-9021 259 865
Shaper \ n.s. 33299 51-7099 297 855
Shaper \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Shaper \ n.s. Artificial flowers 3399 51-9031 Artificial flowers 398 871
Shaper \ n.s. Baseball gloves 33992 51-9195 Baseball gloves 397 892
Shaper operator 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Shaper operator Exc. 321, 337 51-4035 Exc. 377-389 802
Shaper set up operator   51-4035   802
Shaper, hand 321, 337 51-9195 377-389 892
Shaping machine operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4035 237, 267-369, 608, 887 802
Shaping machine operator Exc. machine shop 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9032 Exc. machine shop 237, 267-369, 608, 887 871
Share cropper #OBNI 111 11-9012 #OBNI 017 021
Share worker OBNI 111 11-9012 OBNI 017 021
Sharpener   51-4194   821
Shaver 8123 53-7062 907 962
Shaver Exc. 8123 51-9199 Exc. 907 896
Shaving machine operator   51-9032 (179) 871
Shear grinder operator   51-6062   840
Shear operator   51-9032   871
Shear scrapman 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 896
Shear setter   51-9032   871
Shear tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6062 147-167 840
Shearer   51-9032   871
Shearing machine feeder   51-6062   840
Shearing machine operator   51-9032   871
Shearing machine tender   51-9032   871
Sheather (23) 47-2031 (077) 623
Shed hand \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Shed hand 111, 115, 4224 45-2092 017, 029, 447 605
Sheep herder GOV or PR 112 45-2093 GOV or PR 018 605
Sheep herder OBI 112 11-9011 OBI 018 020
Sheep herder OBNI 112 11-9012 OBNI 018 021
Sheep killer (3116) 51-3023 (118) 781
Sheep shearer 112, 115 45-2093 018, 029 605
Sheep sorter   53-7062   962
Sheet catcher 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7063 237, 267-369, 608, 887 963
Sheet finisher (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Sheet folder (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Sheet heater 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4191 237, 267-369, 608, 887 815
Sheet ironworker   47-2221   653
Sheet layer   51-5022   825
Sheet metal contractor, administration or general management (23) 11-9021 (077) 022
Sheet metal contractor, exc. administrator or general manager (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Sheet metal duct installer   47-2211   652
Sheet metal erector   47-2211   652
Sheet metal fabricator   47-2211   652
Sheet metal former   47-2211   652
Sheet metal installer   47-2211   652
Sheet metal lay out worker   47-2211   652
Sheet metal operator   47-2211   652
Sheet metal smith   47-2211   652
Sheet metal welder   51-4121   814
Sheet metal worker   47-2211   652
Sheet rock applicator   47-2081   633
Sheet rock applier   47-2081   633
Sheet rock finisher   47-2081   633
Sheet rock hanger   47-2081   633
Sheet rock installer   47-2081   633
Sheet rock layer   47-2081   633
Sheet rock nailer   47-2081   633
Sheet rock sander   47-2081   633
Sheet rock taper   47-2082   633
Sheet rock worker   47-2081   633
Sheet rocker   47-2081   633
Sheet roller operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Sheet sorter (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Sheet tailer 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Sheet taker (3221) 51-9032 (187) 871
Sheet tester 331-336, 482, 8113 17-3029 267-369, 608, 887 155
Sheet turner   51-2099   775
Sheet writer Exc. 711, 713, 7211 43-5071 Exc. gaming 856, 859, 866 561
Sheet writer 711, 713, 7211 39-3012 Gaming 856, 859, 866 440
Sheeter (32621) 51-9197 (238) 894
Sheeter operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Sheeter operator Exc. 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9032 Exc. 237, 267-369, 608, 887 871
Shelf stocker   43-5081   562
Shell craft designer   27-1027 (398) 263
Shell fisherman #114 45-3011 #028 610
Shell grader   51-9061   874
Shell machine operator   51-9196   893
Shell mold bonding machine operator   51-4072   810
Shell molder   51-4072   810
Shell molding-bonding machine operator   51-4072   810
Shell molding-roller blast operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4072 237, 267-369, 608, 887 810
Shell plater   51-4193   820
Shell worker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Shellfish dredge operator   45-3011   610
Shellfish grower GOV,OBI or PR 112 11-9011 GOV,OBI or PR 018 020
Shellfish grower OBNI 112 11-9012 OBNI 018 021
Shellfish processing machine tender   51-9192   886
Shelving books   25-4031   244
Shepherd 112, 115 45-2093 018, 029 605
Sheriff \ n.s. 54191, 922 33-3051 749, 947 385
Sheriff, deputy   33-3051   385
Sheriff, deputy chief   33-1012   371
Shield cleaner 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7061 267-369, 608, 887 961
Shield installer   51-2011   771
Shield operator   47-5049   684
Shield runner   47-5049   684
Shift boss 21 47-1011 037-049 620
Shift leader Exc. 722 51-1011 Exc. 868, 869 770
Shift leader 722 35-1012 868, 869 401
Shift superintendent \ n.s.   11-1021   002
Shift superintendent, agricultural chemicals (3253) 51-1011 (218) 770
Shifter   47-1011   620
Shiftman (2122) 47-1011 (039) 620
Shill #7132 39-3019 #859 440
Shim plug cutter 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shine boy (81143) 39-9099 (889) 465
Shingle bolt cutter (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Shingle carrier   53-7062   962
Shingle catcher 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Shingle cutter 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shingle grader 321, 337 51-9061 377-389 874
Shingle packer   53-7064   964
Shingle sawyer 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shingle shearing machine operator (3279) 53-7063 (259) 963
Shingle trimmer 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Shingle weaver 321, 337 53-7064 377-389 964
Shingler (23) 47-2031 (077) 623
Ship carpenter (3366) 47-2031 (368) 623
Ship ceiler (3366) 47-2031 (368) 623
Ship cleaner (483) 53-7061 (609) 961
Ship erector (3366) 51-4192 (368) 816
Ship fastener (483) 53-7062 (609) 962
Ship joiner (3366) 47-2031 (368) 623
Ship keeper #483 33-9032 #609 392
Ship liner #3366 51-2099 #368 775
Ship loader (483) 53-7199 (609) 975
Ship purser (483) 13-1199 (609) 073
Ship rigger   49-9096   756
Ship runner (483) 43-5071 (609) 561
Ship scaler (3366) 51-9199 (368) 896
Ship scraper (3366) 51-9199 (368) 896
Ship steward   39-6032   455
Ship surveyor   17-2121   144
Ship washer (483) 53-7061 (609) 961
Ship wirer (3366) 47-2111 (368) 635
Ship worker (3366) 51-9199 (368) 896
Ship's cook (483) 35-2012 (609) 402
Shipfitter (3366) 51-4192 (368) 816
Shipmaster (483) 53-5021 (609) 931
Shipper 4224, 4225 13-1021 447, 448 051
Shipper Exc. 4224, 4225 43-5071 Exc. 447, 448 561
Shipping agent   43-5011   550
Shipping and receiving clerk   43-5071   561
Shipping checker   43-5111   563
Shipping clerk \ n.s.   43-5071   561
Shipping clerk, crating   53-7064   964
Shipping clerk, packing   53-7064   964
Shipping order clerk   43-5071   561
Shipping packer   43-5071   561
Shipping processor (481) 43-5011 (607) 550
Shipsmith #3366 49-9099 #368 762
Shipwright (3366) 47-2031 (368) 623
Shirrer (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Shirring machine operator (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Shirt bander (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Shirt cleaner (3152) 51-6011 (168) 830
Shirt closer (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Shirt finisher (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Shirt folder 8123 51-6011 907 830
Shirt folder Exc. 8123 51-6021 Exc. 907 831
Shirt hemmer   51-6031   832
Shirt ironer   51-6021   831
Shirt line operator (8123) 51-6021 (907) 831
Shirt maker (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Shirt operator 8123 51-6011 907 830
Shirt operator Exc. 8123 51-6031 Exc. 907 832
Shirt presser   51-6021   831
Shirt sewer (8123) 51-6031 (907) 832
Shirt trimmer (3152) 51-9031 (168) 871
Shochet   21-2099   206
Shock absorber installer   51-2099 (357) 775
Shoddy mill worker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Shoe caser (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe cementer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe cleaner (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe clerk 81143 41-2021 889 474
Shoe clerk \ Any not listed 41-2031 \ Any not listed 476
Shoe clerk Bowling alley 71395 41-2021 Bowling alley 858 474
Shoe cobbler   51-6041   833
Shoe coverer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe cutter (3162) 51-6041 (177) 833
Shoe dresser (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe dyer (81143) 51-6041 (889) 833
Shoe fitter 3162 51-6042 177 834
Shoe fitter Exc. 3162 41-2031 Exc. 177 476
Shoe folder (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe lacer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe laster (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe lining fitter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe packer (3162) 53-7064 (177) 964
Shoe patternmaker   51-6092   844
Shoe puller (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe reconditioner 3162 51-6042 177 834
Shoe reconditioner Exc. 3162 51-6041 Exc. 177 833
Shoe sewing machine operator and tender   51-6042   834
Shoe shanker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe sprayer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe stainer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Shoe stainer Exc. 3162 51-6041 Exc. 177 833
Shoe stamper (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe stitcher 3162 51-6042 177 834
Shoe stitcher Exc. 3162 51-6041 Exc. 177 833
Shoe treer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe trimmer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe turner (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoe worker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Shoeblack (81143) 39-9099 (889) 465
Shoemaker   51-6041   833
Shoeshiner (81143) 39-9099 (889) 465
Shohet   21-2099   206
Shook machine operator 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Shooter (211) 47-5031 (037) 683
Shop clerk \ n.s. Exc. 311811, 42-45 43-5061 Exc. 119, 407-579 560
Shop cooper   49-9099   762
Shop estimator   51-9061   874
Shop firer/fireman (482) 53-4012 (608) 920
Shop girl   41-2031   476
Shop router   43-5061   560
Shop steward, exc. supervising, inspecting, monitoring #81393 13-1079 #918 062
Shop superintendent GOV, PR 11-1021 GOV, PR 002
Shop tailor   51-6052   835
Shop worker 482-487 53-6099 608-628 942
Shop worker Exc. 482-487 51-9199 Exc. 608-628 896
Shopper 5616 33-9099 768 395
Shopper Exc. 5616 41-9099 Exc. 768 496
Shore hand, dredge or barge 212-213, 23 53-7199 038-049, 077 975
Shore man (2122) 47-5099 (039) 694
Shorer (23) 47-4099 (077) 676
Short order cook (722) 35-2015 (868) 402
Short story writer   27-3043   285
Shorthand reporter   43-9199   593
Shot bagger   53-7064   964
Shot blast equipment operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 865
Shot coat tender   51-9121 (257) 881
Shot core drill operator   47-5021   682
Shot dropper   51-4072   810
Shot examiner (2121) 51-9061 (038) 874
Shot fireman   47-5031   683
Shot firer   47-5031   683
Shot grinder operator   51-4033   800
Shot hole driller 211 47-5012 037 680
Shot hole shooter (211) 47-5031 (037) 683
Shot lighter   47-5031   683
Shot man 21 47-5031 037-049 683
Shot peening operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4011 237, 267-369, 608, 887 790
Shot polisher   51-4033   800
Shotblast operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 865
Shotblaster 21 47-5031 037-049 683
Shotblaster Exc. 21 51-9021 Exc. 037-049 865
Shotgun shell loading machine operator   51-9199   896
Shotweld operator   51-4121   814
Shoulder joiner (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Shove up 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Shovel oiler   49-9043   735
Shovel operator   53-7032   952
Shoveler 23 47-2061 077 626
Shoveler Exc. 23 53-7062 Exc. 077 962
Shover (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Show card letterer   51-9194   891
Show card writer   51-9194   891
Show director, party plan sales (45439) 41-9011 (569) 490
Show dog trainer (711) 39-2011 (856) 434
Show girl (5121) 27-2099 (657) 276
Show horse driver   39-2011   434
Show host or hostess   27-3011 (667) 280
Showcase maker (337) 51-7099 (389) 855
Showcase trimmer   27-1026   263
Shower attendant   39-3093   443
Shower maid   37-2012   423
Showman (5121) 27-2099 (657) 276
Shredded filler hopper feeder (3122) 53-7063 (139) 963
Shredder   51-9032   871
Shredder tender   51-9032   871
Shredding floor equipment operator (3162) 51-9021 (177) 865
Shrimp cleaner   51-3022   781
Shrimp header   51-3022   781
Shrimp packer   53-7064   964
Shrimp peeler   51-3022   781
Shrimp peeling machine operator   51-9199   896
Shrimp picker   51-3022   781
Shrimp pond laborer   45-2093   605
Shrimp trawler #114 45-3011 #028 610
Shrimper #114 45-3011 #028 610
Shrinker 313-315 51-6061 147-169 836
Shrinking machine operator 313, 314, 3151, 3159, 51111 51-6061 147-169, 647 836
Shrinking machine operator Exc. 313, 314, 3151, 3159, 51111 51-9199 Exc. 147-169, 647 896
Shroud maker   51-6031 (398) 832
Shrouder (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Shroudman 3364 51-2011 358, 359 771
Shrub planter   37-3011   425
Shuffle board operator   39-3091   443
Shut off man   49-9012   730
Shuttle buggy operator 212-213 53-7111 038-049 973
Shuttle car operator 212-213 53-7111 038-049 973
Shuttle filler 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Shuttle fixer 313, 314, 3151 49-9041 147-167 733
Shuttle hand 313, 314, 3151 53-7063 147-167 963
Shuttle maker   51-9199   896
Shuttle operator 21 53-7111 037-049 973
Shuttle spotter 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Shuttler (3159) 49-9043 (169) 735
Side door man   51-9199   896
Side laster (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Side sawyer 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Side seam machine operator   51-9196 (189) 893
Side stitching machine operator   51-5011   823
Sider 3116 51-3022 118 781
Sider Exc. 3116 47-2031 Exc. 118 623
Siderographer   51-9194 (648) 891
Siderographist   51-9194 (648) 891
Siding applicator (23) 47-2031 (077) 623
Siene maker   49-9041   733
Sieve grader tender   51-9012   864
Sifter 3111, 3112 51-9021 107 865
Sifter Exc. 3111, 3112 51-9199 Exc. 107 896
Sifting operator   51-9012   864
Sight effects specialist   49-9099   762
Sight mounter   51-9061   874
Sightseeing guide   39-6021   454
Sign artist   51-9123   881
Sign board erector   47-2221   653
Sign builder   47-2221   653
Sign carpenter   47-2031   623
Sign designer   27-1021   263
Sign erector   47-2221   653
Sign hanger   47-2221   653
Sign installer   47-2221   653
Sign letterer   51-9123   881
Sign machine operator, printing   43-9071   590
Sign maintenance   47-4099   676
Sign maker   51-2099 (398) 775
Sign out clerk   43-3051   514
Sign painter   51-9123   881
Sign poster posting (5418) 47-2142 (747) 643
Sign poster, exc. posting   53-7062   962
Sign wirer   47-2111   635
Sign writer, hand   51-9123   881
Sign writer, letterer, or painter   51-9123   881
Sign writer, machine   51-5023   826
Signal constructor (482) 49-3043 (608) 722
Signal fitter (482) 49-3043 (608) 722
Signal maintainer 482-487 49-9097 608-628 760
Signal operator 482, 4851, 4852, 4854-4859, 487 53-4099 608, 618, 628 926
Signal operator Burglar alarm service 561621 43-5032 Burglar alarm service 768 552
Signal operator 92216 33-2011 Fire department 947 374
Signal operator Police department 922120 33-3051 Police department 947 385
Signal tester (482) 51-9061 (608) 874
Signal timer (5616) 43-5032 (768) 552
Signal tower director (482) 53-4099 (608) 926
Signal tower operator 482 53-4099 608 926
Signal tower operator Exc. 482 53-2021 Exc. 608 904
Signal wirer (482) 47-2111 (608) 635
Signaler \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Signaler 1133 45-4029 027 613
Signaler 2123 47-5099 047 694
Signaler 23 47-2061 077 626
Signaler 92216 33-2011 Fire department 947 374
Silica filter operator   51-9012   864
Silica spray mixer   51-9023   865
Silicator   51-9123 (229) 881
Silk blocker (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Silk conditioner   51-6061   836
Silk finisher 8123 51-6011 907 830
Silk finisher Exc. 8123 51-6061 Exc. 907 836
Silk hanger   51-6099   846
Silk opener   51-9199   896
Silk presser   51-6021   831
Silk printer   51-5023   826
Silk screen cutter   51-9031   871
Silk screen etcher   51-9194   891
Silk screen operator   51-5023   826
Silk screen printer   51-5023   826
Silk screen processor \ Any not listed 51-9194 \ Any not listed 891
Silk screen processor 313, 314, 3151, 3231, 511 51-5023 147-167, 199, 648 826
Silk screener   51-5023   826
Silk snapper 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Silk soaker   51-6099   846
Silk spooler   51-6064   842
Silk spotter (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Silk spreader 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Silk trimmer   51-6062   840
Silk washing machine operator   51-6061   836
Silk weaver   51-6063   841
Silk winding machine operator   51-6064   842
Silk worker   51-6099   846
Silker Cloth gloves 31521 51-6062 Cloth gloves 168 840
Silker Mfg. exc. cloth gloves 31521 51-9199 Mfg. exc. cloth gloves 168 896
Sill worker (3314) 51-9199 (269) 896
Silo erector (23) 47-2021 (077) 622
Silo filler 111, 112, 115 45-2093 017, 018, 029 605
Silo man   53-7199 (257) 975
Silo operator (3122) 53-7199 (139) 975
Silo painter (23) 47-2141 (077) 642
Silo tender   53-7199 (257) 975
Silver brazer   51-4121   814
Silver buffer   51-4033 (398) 800
Silver chaser   51-9071   875
Silver cleaner   35-9021   414
Silver designer   27-1021 (398) 263
Silver lap machine tender   51-6064   842
Silver miner, blasting (2122) 47-5031 (039) 683
Silver miner, exc. blasting #2122 47-5049 #039 684
Silver plater   51-4193   820
Silver solderer   51-4121   814
Silver solution mixer   51-9023   865
Silver spray worker   51-4193   820
Silver steward (7211) 35-9011 (866) 413
Silver stripper machine   51-9192   886
Silver wrapper   35-9011   413
Silverer (3272) 51-9123 (249) 881
Silvering applicator   51-4193   820
Silversmith   51-9071 (398) 875
Silverware buffer   51-4033 (398) 800
Silverware cleaner 339912 51-4033 398 800
Silverware cleaner Exc. 339912 35-9021 Exc. 398 414
Silviculturist   19-1032 (019) 164
Simonizer   53-7061   961
Simplex operator   43-9021 (669) 581
Simplex printer installer   49-2022 (669) 702
Singe machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Singer (burning) (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Singer (vocalist)   27-2042   275
Singer, hand   53-7064   964
Singing messenger   43-5021   551
Singing waiter or waitress   35-3031   411
Single needle operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Single needle operator Exc. 3162 51-6031 Exc. 177 832
Single spindle drill press set up operator   51-4032   796
Single stayer operator   51-9199   896
Sink maker   51-9199   896
Sinker winder   51-9199 (397) 896
Sinter feeder   51-4191 (267) 815
Sinter machine operator 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Sinter press operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Siphon operator (3391) 51-9199 (396) 896
Sister \ n.s. (8131) 21-2099 (916) 206
Sister superior (8131) 21-2099 (916) 206
Site leasing agent   41-3011   480
Site planner   17-1012   130
Site promotion agent   41-3011   480
Sitter, child care (814) 39-9011 (929) 460
Sitter, dog or animal   39-2021   435
Sitter, exc. animal or child care   39-9021   461
Size changer   49-9043 (167) 735
Size maker   51-9023   865
Size marker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Size mixer   51-9023   865
Size painter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Size roller operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Size stamper   51-9199   896
Size worker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Size worker Exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-9023 Exc. 147-167 865
Sizer \ n.s. 8123 51-6011 907 830
Sizer \ n.s. Exc. 8123 51-6099 Exc. 907 846
Sizer, hand (3152) 51-6099 (168) 846
Sizing machine operator 33299 51-4031 297 795
Sizing machine operator 3391 51-4033 396 800
Sizing machine operator Exc. 33299, 3391 51-9121 Exc. 297, 396 881
Skate hop   39-3091   443
Skate maker   51-6041 (397) 833
Skate shop attendant (713) 41-2021 (859) 474
Skater (713) 27-2021 (859) 272
Skatesman   53-4021   923
Skeet operator (713) 39-3091 (859) 443
Skein bander 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Skein bleacher (3252) 51-6061 (217) 836
Skein drier 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Skein dyer 313, 314, 3151 51-6061 147-167 836
Skein spooler 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Skein straightener 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Skein tier 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Skein washer 313, 314, 3151 51-6061 147-167 836
Skein winder 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Skein yard drier 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Skein yarn dyer   51-6061   836
Skeiner 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Sketch artist   27-1013   260
Sketch maker   51-9123   881
Sketcher   51-9123   881
Skewer up (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Ski base trimmer   51-9195 (397) 892
Ski lift attendant (487) 39-3091 (628) 443
Ski maker, exc. wood   51-2091   775
Ski maker, wood   51-7099 (397) 855
Ski patrol   33-9092   395
Ski topper   51-9191 (397) 885
Ski tow operator (487) 39-3091 (628) 443
Skiagrapher   29-2034   332
Skid adzer (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Skid man   51-9199   896
Skid road man (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Skid strapper   53-7062   962
Skid wrapper   53-7062   962
Skidder   45-4029   613
Skidder driver Exc. 1133 53-7051 Exc. 027 960
Skidder driver 1133 45-4029 027 613
Skidder lever operator   53-7051   960
Skidder loader   53-7051   960
Skidder operator Exc. 1133 53-7051 Exc. 027 960
Skidder operator 1133 45-4029 027 613
Skidder runner   53-7051   960
Skidway man   45-4029   613
Skier #71392 27-2021 #859 272
Skiff operator 114 45-3011 028 610
Skilled laborer 23 47-2061 077 626
Skilled laborer Exc. 23 51-9199 Exc. 077 896
Skimmer 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Skin diver   49-9092   752
Skin drier 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Skin fitter   51-2011   771
Skin former   51-9199   896
Skin grader   51-9061   874
Skin installer   51-2011   771
Skin pass operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Skin piler   53-7062   962
Skin specialist   39-5094   452
Skin tanner   51-6061 (398) 836
Skin toggler   51-9199 (179) 896
Skin washer   51-6042 (179) 834
Skinner \ n.s. 1133 45-4029 027 613
Skinner \ n.s. Exc. 1133 51-9031 Exc. 027 871
Skinner, pelts 112 45-3021 018 611
Skinning machine feeder (3116) 53-7063 (118) 963
Skip hoist operator   53-7041   956
Skip load driver (23) 53-7051 (077) 960
Skip loader 212-213 53-7199 038-049 975
Skip locator   33-9021   391
Skip miner, blasting (2121) 47-5031 (038) 683
Skip miner, exc. blasting (2121) 47-5049 (038) 684
Skip operator 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7051 267-369, 608, 887 960
Skip pitman 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9199 267-369, 608, 887 896
Skip tender 23 47-2061 077 626
Skip tender Exc. 23 53-7199 Exc. 077 975
Skip tracer   33-9021   391
Skipper   53-5021   931
Skirt maker (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Skirt trimmer (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Skiver 3162 51-6042 177 834
Skiver Exc. 3162 51-7042 Exc. 177 854
Skiving machine operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Skiving machine operator Exc. 3162 51-7042 Exc. 177 854
Skoog machine operator   51-7042   854
Skoog operator   51-7042   854
Skoog patching machine operator   51-7042   854
Skull chopper (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Skull grinder (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Skull splitter (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Skycap (481) 39-6011 (607) 453
Slab depiler operator   51-4191   815
Slab grinder   51-9021   865
Slab puller   53-7063   963
Slab stripper   53-7063   963
Slab tripper   51-7042   854
Slab worker 3113 51-9195 108 892
Slab worker Exc. 3113 53-7063 Exc. 108 963
Slabber (3256) 53-7063 (228) 963
Slack cooper   49-9099 (387) 762
Slacker 3117, 3119 51-9199 128 896
Slackline operator (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Slackman 1133 45-4029 027 613
Slag dumper 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7062 267-369, 608, 887 962
Slag motor operator 331-336, 482, 8113 53-4013 267-369, 608, 887 920
Slag skimmer 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Slag wheeler 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7199 267-369, 608, 887 975
Slag worker 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7062 267-369, 608, 887 962
Slagger 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Slaker   51-9023 (257) 865
Slash trimmer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Slasher 3162 51-9032 177 871
Slasher 3252 51-9032 217 871
Slasher \ Any not listed 51-7041 \ Any not listed 853
Slasher 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Slasher 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Slasher hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Slasher machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Slasher operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Slasher operator Exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-7041 Exc. 147-167 853
Slasher runner 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Slasher tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Slat basket maker   51-7042   854
Slat twister   51-4199   822
Slate cutter (3279) 51-9032 (259) 871
Slate handler 2121, 2123 47-5099 038, 047 694
Slate mixer (3279) 51-9023 (259) 865
Slate picker 2121, 2123 47-5099 038, 047 694
Slate roofer (23) 47-2181 (077) 651
Slate splitter (3279) 51-9021 (259) 865
Slate trimmer (3279) 51-9032 (259) 871
Slate worker (3279) 51-9199 (259) 896
Slater (23) 47-2181 (077) 651
Slaughterer   51-3023   781
Sled maker   51-7099   855
Sledger   47-2061   626
Sleeping car conductor (482) 53-4031 (608) 924
Sleeping car porter (482) 39-6011 (608) 453
Sleeping car service attendant (482) 39-6032 (608) 455
Sleeve fixer (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Sleeve ironer (8123) 51-6021 (907) 831
Sleeve maker (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Sleeve presser operator (8123) 51-6021 (907) 831
Sleeve setter (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Sleeve sewer (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Sleever 3152 51-6031 168 832
Sleever 8123 51-6021 907 831
Sleever Exc. 3152, 8123 51-9199 Exc. 168, 907 896
Slicer   51-3021   781
Slicing machine operator/tender 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Slicing machine operator/tender Exc. 321, 337 51-9032 Exc. 377-389 871
Slicker   51-9199   896
Slide machine tender Matches 325998 51-9196 Matches 229 893
Slide maker   51-9131   883
Slime plant operator   51-9023   865
Sling operator (483) 53-5021 (609) 931
Slinger (23) 49-9096 (077) 756
Slip box changer 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7062 267-369, 608, 887 962
Slip cover cutter   51-6093   845
Slip cover maker 31-33 51-6031 107-399 832
Slip cover maker Exc. 31-33 51-6052 Exc. 107-399 835
Slip cover operator 31-33 51-6031 107-399 832
Slip cover operator Exc. 31-33 51-6052 Exc. 107-399 835
Slip cover seamstress 31-33 51-6031 107-399 832
Slip cover seamstress Exc. 31-33 51-6052 Exc. 107-399 835
Slip cover sewer 31-33 51-6031 107-399 832
Slip cover sewer Exc. 31-33 51-6052 Exc. 107-399 835
Slip dumper (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Slip feeder   53-7063   963
Slip filler (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Slip maker (32711) 51-9023 (247) 865
Slip mixer 3273, 3274 47-4099 257 676
Slip mixer Exc. 3273, 3274 51-9023 Exc. 257 865
Slip presser (3152) 51-6021 (168) 831
Slip sheeter   51-9199   896
Slip tender   51-9199   896
Slipman 23 47-2061 077 626
Slipman Exc. 23 51-9199 Exc. 077 896
Slipper (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Slipper maker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Slitter \ n.s.   51-9032   871
Slitter cut off operator   51-9032   871
Slitter service and setter   49-9041   733
Slitter, hand 3116 51-3022 118 781
Slitter, hand Exc. 3116 51-9031 Exc. 118 871
Slitter-scorer   51-9032   871
Slitting machine operator \ Any not listed 51-9032 \ Any not listed 871
Slitting machine operator 313-315 51-6062 147-169 840
Slitting machine operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Sliver cutter 313, 314, 3151 51-6062 147-167 840
Sliver lap tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sliver lapper 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sloop captain #483 53-5021 #609 931
Slope runner (2121) 53-7041 (038) 956
Slope tender (2121) 53-7041 (038) 956
Sloper 2121 53-7041 038 956
Sloper Exc. 2121 47-4099 Exc. 038 676
Slot attendant (7132) 41-2012 (859) 472
Slot editor   27-3041   283
Slot floor person (7132) 39-1012 (859) 430
Slot machine floor person (7132) 39-1012 (859) 430
Slot machine key person (7132) 39-1012 (859) 430
Slot router   51-9031   871
Slot tag inserter   43-9051   585
Slotter operator   51-9032   871
Slubber 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Slubber hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Slubber machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Slubber operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Slubber runner 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Slubber tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Sludge mill operator OWN 2122 47-1011 OWN 039 620
Sludge mill operator PR 2122 51-9012 PR 039 864
Slug press operator   51-9041   872
Slugger (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sluice tender 212-213 47-5099 038-049 694
Slumber room attendant   39-9099   465
Slunk skin curer (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Slurry blender   47-4099 (257) 676
Slurry control tender (2122) 51-9023 (039) 865
Slurry man 3273, 3274 47-4099 257 676
Slurry mixer   51-9199   896
Slurry tank operator   47-4099 (257) 676
Slurry tank tender   47-4099 (257) 676
Small engine specialist   49-3053   724
Small gang crew chief 111, 112, 115 45-1011 017, 018, 029 600
Small order cutter (3116) 51-3021 (118) 781
Smash fixer 313, 314, 3151 51-6063 147-167 841
Smash hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6063 147-167 841
Smash piecer 313, 314, 3151 51-6063 147-167 841
Smasher 313, 314, 3151 51-6063 147-167 841
Smasher hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6063 147-167 841
Smelter 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Smelter charger 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Smelter liner 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 47-2021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 622
Smelter operator 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Smocker   51-6031   832
Smoke chaser 1131, 1132 33-2011 019 374
Smoke eater 1131, 1132 33-2011 019 374
Smoke jumper 1131, 1132 33-2011 019 374
Smoke room operator (3152) 51-9199 (168) 896
Smoke tester   19-4099   196
Smoked meat preparer (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Smokehouse worker (3116) 51-3091 (118) 783
Smoker (3116) 51-3091 (118) 783
Smoking pipe liner   51-9199 (398) 896
Smoking pipe maker   51-7099   855
Smoother 3152 51-9195 168 892
Smoother 3272 51-9021 249 865
Smoother Exc. 3152, 3272 51-4033 Exc. 168, 249 800
Smudge pot operator 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Smudger 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Smutter   51-9012 (107) 864
Snack bar attendant   35-3022   406
Snack bar cashier   41-2011   472
Snag grinder 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 267-369, 608, 887 800
Snagger 31324, 3151 51-6099 167 846
Snagger 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 267-369, 608, 887 800
Snailer   51-4033 (339) 800
Snake charmer (711) 39-2011 (856) 434
Snaker, driving horses (1133) 53-7199 (027) 975
Snaker, tractor driver   53-7051 (387) 960
Snap machine operator   51-6031   832
Snap shearer 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Snapper 21 53-4021 037-049 923
Snapper Exc. 21 51-9199 Exc. 037-049 896
Sneller   51-2099 (398) 775
Sniper (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Snout puller (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Snow blower   39-3091   443
Snow fence erector (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Snow maker   39-3091   443
Snow plow operator   47-4051   673
Snow shoveler   53-7062   962
Snubber 1133 45-4029 027 613
Snubber Exc. 1133 53-7062 Exc. 027 962
Snuff grinder (3122) 51-9021 (139) 865
Snuff maker (3122) 51-9021 (139) 865
Soaker   51-6099   846
Soaking pit operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4191 237, 267-369, 608, 887 815
Soaking room operator (3252) 51-9199 (217) 896
Soaking tank worker   51-6099   846
Soap boiler 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Soap boiler Exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-9051 Exc. 147-167 873
Soap chipper (3256) 53-7063 (228) 963
Soap drier tender   51-9051   873
Soap grinder (3256) 51-9021 (228) 865
Soap maker (3256) 51-9051 (228) 873
Soap mixer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Soap tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Soaper 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Soaper Exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-9123 Exc. 147-167 881
Soapstoner (32621) 53-7061 (238) 961
Social Security specialist   13-1199   073
Social contact worker   21-1093   202
Social director   39-9032   462
Social economist   19-3011   180
Social insurance administrator 921-928 11-1021 937-959 002
Social insurance adviser (923) 21-1029 (948) 201
Social insurance analyst (923) 21-1029 (948) 201
Social psychologist   19-3039   182
Social scientist   19-3099   186
Social secretary   43-6014   570
Social service director   11-9151   042
Social service worker   21-1093   202
Social work administrator   11-9151   042
Social worker   21-1029   201
Society editor   27-3041   283
Society reporter   27-3022   281
Sociologist   19-3041   183
Sock boarder   51-6099 (167) 846
Sock liner (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sock mender   51-6031 (167) 832
Sock turner   51-6099 (167) 846
Sod contractor #56173 37-1012 #777 421
Sod cutter 111, 56173 37-3011 017, 777 425
Sod layer (56173) 37-3011 (777) 425
Sod stripper (56173) 37-3011 (777) 425
Soda clerk   35-3022   406
Soda column operator   51-9011   864
Soda dialyzer (3252) 51-9011 (217) 864
Soda dispenser   35-3022   406
Soda fountain clerk   35-3022   406
Soda fountain operator PR 35-3022 PR 406
Soda jerker   35-3022   406
Soda maker   51-9011 (229) 864
Soda room operator 3121 51-9192 137 886
Soda room operator 3252 51-9199 217 896
Soda tester (3221) 17-3026 (187) 155
Sodder (56173) 37-3011 (777) 425
Soft boarder   51-6099 (179) 846
Soft crab shedder   45-2093   605
Soft shoe dancer (5121) 27-2031 (657) 274
Soft tile setter   47-2042   624
Softener   51-6099   846
Software QA tester   15-1031   102
Software applications specialist   15-1031   102
Software consultant \ n.e.c.   15-1051   100
Software consultant, data communications   15-1081   111
Software consultant, databases   15-1061   106
Software consultant, networks   15-1081   111
Software designer   15-1031   102
Software developer   15-1031   102
Software development specialist   15-1031   102
Software installer   15-1031   102
Software specialist, systems   15-1032   102
Software writer   15-1031   102
Soil checker (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Soil chemist   19-2031   172
Soil conservation aide   19-4093 (949) 196
Soil conservationist   19-1031   164
Soil expert (5417) 19-1013 (746) 160
Soil scientist   19-1013   160
Soil specialist (5417) 19-1013 (746) 160
Soil surveyor   19-1031   164
Soil technologist (5417) 19-4093 (746) 196
Soil tester (5417) 19-4093 (746) 196
Solderer Exc. jewelry 339911 51-4121 Exc. jewelry 398 814
Solderer Jewelry 339911 51-9071 Jewelry 398 875
Solderer and brazer   51-4121   814
Solderer dipper   51-4121   814
Soldering machine operator/tender   51-4122   814
Soldering machine setter/set-up operator   51-4122   814
Sole blacker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole buffer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole cementer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole conditioner (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole conforming machine operator (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole cutter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole filler (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole inker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole layer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole leveler (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole molder (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole painter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole polisher (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole ruffer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole scraper (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole seamer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole skiver (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole splitter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole stainer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole tacker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole tier (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sole trimmer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Soler (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Soliciting freight agent   41-3099   484
Solicitor 524 41-3021 699 481
Solicitor 5418 41-3011 747 480
Solicitor 8131 21-2099 916 206
Solicitor \ Any not listed 41-9041 \ Any not listed 494
Solicitor 491, 5411, 921-928 23-1011 637, 727, 937-959 210
Solicitor 624, 8132-8134, 8139 21-1099 837, 838, 917, 919 202
Soloist (5121) 27-2042 (657) 275
Solution maker (3252) 51-9023 (217) 865
Solution mixer   51-9023   865
Solution operator (3162) 51-9023 (177) 865
Solvent mixer (3252) 51-9023 (217) 865
Song and dance performer (5121) 27-2031 (657) 274
Song plugger   41-9099   496
Song writer   27-2041   275
Sonographer   29-2032   332
Sonoscope operator (211) 19-4099 (037) 196
Soot blower   51-9199   896
Sorority mother   39-9041   464
Sorter \ n.s. 488 53-7062 629 962
Sorter \ n.s. 491 43-5053 637 556
Sorter \ n.s. 8123 51-6011 907 830
Sorter \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9061 \ Any not listed 874
Sorter \ n.s. 111, 115, 3114, 3117, 3119, 4224- 4225, 42291 45-2041 017, 029, 109, 128, 129, 447, 448, 457 604
Sorter \ n.s. Delivery service 492210 43-5071 Delivery service 638 561
Sorter and inspector   51-9061 (179) 874
Sorter pricer   43-5071   561
Sorting grapple operator (1133) 53-7021 (027) 951
Sorting machine operator 3114 51-9061 109 874
Sorting machine operator 3121 51-9012 137 864
Sorting machine operator 491 43-5053 637 556
Sorting machine operator \ Any not listed 43-9011 \ Any not listed 580
Sorting machine operator 111, 115, 4224-4225, 42291 45-2041 017, 029, 447, 448, 457 604
Soubrette (5121) 27-2011 (657) 270
Sound controller   27-4012   290
Sound cutter   27-4014   290
Sound editor   27-4014   290
Sound effects person   27-4014   290
Sound mixer 5131, 5132 27-4012 667 290
Sound mixer Exc. 5131, 5132 27-4014 Exc. 667 290
Sound person   27-4012   290
Sound printer (5121) 27-4014 (657) 290
Sound system installer   49-2022   702
Sound tester   51-9061   874
Sound truck operator   27-4014   290
Sounder   47-2061   626
Sounding device operator (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Soup mixer (3114) 51-3092 (109) 784
Soup person (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Sourer (3133) 51-6099 (149) 846
Sous chef   35-1011   400
Space buyer (5418) 41-3011 (747) 480
Space control agent (481) 43-4181 (607) 541
Space controller (481) 43-4181 (607) 541
Space officer 921-928 11-3011 937-959 010
Space physicist   19-2012   170
Space scheduler   43-4171   540
Space scientist   19-2021   171
Spacer   47-2152   644
Spackling drywalls for painting   47-2081   633
Spanish moss picker   45-4011 #019 612
Spanner 313-315 51-6099 147-169 846
Spanner operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Spar cap beveler 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4034 237, 267-369, 608, 887 801
Spar finisher   51-2011   771
Spar machine operator 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Spare fixer   49-9041   733
Spare hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Spare hand Exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-9199 Exc. 147-167 896
Spare person   51-9199   896
Spark plug tester   51-9061   874
Spark tester   51-9061   874
Sparmaker (3366) 47-2031 (368) 623
Speaker mounter   51-2099 (337) 775
Speaker wirer   51-2022   772
Special agent 922 33-3021 947 382
Special agent 482, 485111 33-3052 608, 618 386
Special agent U.S. Internal Revenue Service 92113 13-2081 U.S. Internal Revenue Service 938 093
Special agent in charge 482, 485111 33-3052 608, 618 386
Special agent, exc. sales 524 13-1079 699 062
Special agent, insurance 524 41-3021 699 481
Special agent, sales 524 41-3021 699 481
Special certificate dictator   43-9199   593
Special delivery boy   53-3033   913
Special delivery clerk (491) 43-5051 (637) 554
Special delivery mail carrier #491 43-5052 #637 555
Special delivery messenger (491) 43-5052 (637) 555
Special deputy sheriff #922 33-3051 #947 385
Special diet cook (722) 35-2012 (868) 402
Special duty nurse (5613) 29-1111 (758) 313
Special effects specialist   27-1014   260
Special events coordinator   39-9032   462
Special events driver   53-3031   913
Special investigator 922 33-3021 947 382
Special investigator Exc. 922 33-9021 Exc. 947 391
Special nurse (6216) 29-1111 (817) 313
Special officer 922 33-3021 947 382
Special officer Exc. 922 33-9032 Exc. 947 392
Special patrol 922 33-3051 947 385
Special patrol Exc. 922 33-9032 Exc. 947 392
Special police 922 33-3051 947 385
Special police Exc. 922 33-9032 Exc. 947 392
Special service officer   13-1199   073
Special tester (3122) 51-9061 (139) 874
Special writer   27-3043 (667) 285
Specialist 812112 39-5012 Beauty shop 898 451
Specialist 541213 13-2082 Income tax service 728 094
Specialist 92614 19-1013 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 957 160
Specialty cook   35-2014   402
Specialty materials printing machine setter/set-up operator   51-5023   826
Specialty person (3113) 51-9199 (108) 896
Specifications checker   43-9199   593
Specifications writer   27-3042   284
Speck dyer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Specker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Spectacle truer   51-9083 Optical goods 396 876
Spectrograph operator 331-336, 482, 8113 17-3029 267-369, 608, 887 155
Spectrograph operator Exc. 331-336, 482, 8113 19-4031 Exc. 267-369, 608, 887 192
Spectrographer 331-336, 482, 8113 17-3029 267-369, 608, 887 155
Spectrographer Exc. 331-336, 482, 8113 19-4031 Exc. 267-369, 608, 887 192
Spectroscopist 331-336, 482, 8113 17-3029 267-369, 608, 887 155
Spectroscopist Exc. 331-336, 482, 8113 19-4031 Exc. 267-369, 608, 887 192
Speculator   41-3031   482
Speech clinician   29-1127   323
Speech correction consultant   29-1127   323
Speech pathologist   29-1127   323
Speech therapist   29-1127   323
Speech writer   27-3043   285
Speed belt sander   51-7042   854
Speed operator   51-4023   794
Speed runner 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Speed winder 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Speedboat driver (483) 53-5021 (609) 931
Speedboat operator (483) 53-5022 (609) 931
Speeder frame tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Speeder hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Speeder machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Speeder operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Speeder tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Speeder worker 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spice blender   51-3092   784
Spice cleaner   51-9012   864
Spice fumigator   51-9199   896
Spice grinder   51-9021   865
Spice mixer   51-3092   784
Spieler   39-3091   443
Spike driver (482) 53-7062 (608) 962
Spike machine feeder   53-7063   963
Spike machine heater   53-7063   963
Spike machine operator   51-4022   793
Spike maker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4022 237, 267-369, 608, 887 793
Spiker (482) 53-7062 (608) 962
Spindle carver (337) 51-7042 (389) 854
Spindle maker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 822
Spindle plumber   49-9041   733
Spindle setter 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Spindle tester   51-9061   874
Spinner 3113 51-3092 108 784
Spinner \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Spinner 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinner 3252, 3272 51-6091 217, 249 843
Spinner 33991 51-4034 Jewelry 398 801
Spinner fixer   49-9041   733
Spinner hand 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinner operator 3272 51-9199 249 896
Spinner operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinner tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinneret cleaner   53-7061   961
Spinneret person   51-9199   896
Spinning bath patroller   51-6091   843
Spinning bath person (3252) 51-6091 (217) 843
Spinning doffer 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinning frame cleaner   53-7061   961
Spinning frame tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinning lathe operator   51-4034   801
Spinning machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinning mule operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinning mule tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spinning room worker   51-6064   842
Spiral binder   51-5011   823
Spiral machine operator   51-9199   896
Spiral spring winder   51-4199   822
Spiral weaver   51-4199   822
Spiritual advisor (8131) 21-2099 (916) 206
Spiritualist   27-2099   276
Splash line operator   51-9199   896
Splicer \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Splicer 2211, 2212 49-9051 057-059 741
Splicer 313 51-6063 147-149, 167 841
Splicer 5133 49-9052 668, 669 742
Splicer operator 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Splicing machine operator 313-315 51-6099 147-169 846
Splicing machine operator Tire cord 314 51-9197 Tire cord 159 894
Splitter 1133 45-4029 027 613
Splitter 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 51-7041 337, 378, 379 853
Splitter tender 3279 51-9032 259 871
Splitter tender 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 51-7042 337, 378, 379 854
Splitter, machine (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Splitting machine feeder   53-7063   963
Splitting machine operator 3279 51-9032 259 871
Splitting machine operator 3219 51-7042 387 854
Spoilage worker   51-9061   874
Sponge buffer   51-9021   865
Sponge clipper (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Sponge fisherman (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Sponge hooker (114) 45-3011 (028) 610
Sponge maker   51-3011   780
Sponge press operator   51-9041   872
Sponge setter   51-3011   780
Sponger 3118 51-3011 119, 127 780
Sponger 313, 314, 3151, 3161, 319 51-6099 147-167, 179 846
Sponger 3152, 32711 51-9199 168, 247 896
Sponsor   41-9099   496
Spool boy   53-7199   975
Spool carrier   53-7199   975
Spool cleaner 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Spool fixer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Spool hauler   53-7199   975
Spool maker   51-9191   885
Spool sorter 31-33 51-9061 107-399 874
Spool tender 1133 45-4029 027 613
Spool tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spool winder 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spooler 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spooler operator   53-7063   963
Spooling machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spooling machine operator Exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-9199 Exc. 147-167 896
Spooling operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Spoon maker   51-9199   896
Spooner 111, 112, 115 45-2093 017, 018, 029 605
Spooner 31-33 51-9199 107-399 896
Sports announcer   27-3011   280
Sports book board attendant (7132) 39-3012 (859) 440
Sports book writer (7132) 39-3012 (859) 440
Sports cartoonist   27-1013   260
Sports editor   27-3041   283
Sports psychologist   19-3039   182
Sports writer   27-3043   285
Sportscaster   27-3011   280
Spot billing clerk   43-3021   511
Spot checker   51-9061   874
Spot cleaner 8123 51-6011 907 830
Spot cleaner 313-315 51-6099 147-169 846
Spot facer 31-33 51-4032 107-399 796
Spot man (5121) 39-3031 (657) 442
Spot remover (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Spot welder   51-4121   814
Spotter \ n.s. 3335 51-9071 317 875
Spotter \ n.s. 3391 51-9083 396 876
Spotter \ n.s. 8123 51-6011 907 830
Spotter \ n.s. 1133 45-4029 027 613
Spotter \ n.s. 3231, 3251, 3259, 511, 5121, 5419, 8129 51-9131 199, 229, 647-657, 909 883
Spotter \ n.s. 3272, 484, 4851, 4852, 4854-4859, 487, 492 51-9061 249, 617, 618, 628, 638 874
Spotter, dry-cleaning   51-6011   830
Spotter, parking lot   53-6021   935
Spotter, photography   51-9131   883
Spout liner 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 47-2021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 622
Spout tender 3252, 3251, 3259 53-7121 217, 229 974
Spout worker   51-4072   810
Spouter 3111, 3112 51-9021 107 865
Spouter Grain elevator 4225 51-9021 Grain elevator 448 865
Spouter Sheet metal work 23 47-2211 Sheet metal work 077 652
Spouting installer (23) 47-2211 (077) 652
Spragger 212, 213 47-5099 038-049 694
Spray crew   37-2021   424
Spray drier operator   51-9051   873
Spray gun operator (337) 51-9123 (389) 881
Spray gunner (337) 51-9123 (389) 881
Spray machine loader   53-7063   963
Spray machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Spray machine tender 3314, 3322-3324 51-4193 279, 287 820
Spray maker   27-1023   263
Spray mixer 111, 112, 115 37-3012 017, 018, 029 425
Spray mixer 31-33 51-9023 107-399 865
Spray painter 23 47-2141 077 642
Spray painter Exc. 23 51-9123 Exc. 077 881
Spray pilot   53-2012   903
Spray unit feeder   53-7063   963
Spray worker 22132, 562, 5617 37-2021 068, 769, 779 424
Sprayer \ n.s. 8123 51-6011 907 830
Sprayer \ n.s. 111, 115, 4224 37-3012 017, 029, 447 425
Sprayer \ n.s. 22132, 562, 5617 37-2021 068, 769, 779 424
Sprayer \ n.s. 3161, 319, 3313, 3314 51-9123 179, 268, 269 881
Sprayer \ n.s. 71219 37-3012 Any park 425
Sprayer \ n.s. Waterproofing buildings 23 47-2061 Waterproofing buildings 077 626
Sprayer operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4193 237, 267-369, 608, 887 820
Sprayer, applicator   37-3012   425
Sprayer, hand 111, 112, 115 37-3012 017, 018, 029 425
Spraying machine operator   51-9121   881
Spreader 3116 51-9199 118 896
Spreader Exc. 3116 53-7062 Exc. 118 962
Spreader operator 3122 51-9199 139 896
Spreading machine operator 3251, 3259 51-9121 229 881
Sprigger (3122) 51-9199 (139) 896
Spring coiler   51-4199   822
Spring coiling machine setter   51-4199   822
Spring fitter   51-4022   793
Spring forger   51-4022   793
Spring former \ n.s.   51-4199   822
Spring former, hand   51-4071   810
Spring machine operator (337) 51-4199 (389) 822
Spring maker   51-4199   822
Spring salvage worker   51-4022   793
Spring setter 31-33 51-2099 107-399 775
Spring tester   51-9061   874
Spring winder   51-9199   896
Springer 31-33 51-2099 107-399 775
Springer up (337) 51-2099 (389) 775
Sprinkler 8123 51-6011 907 830
Sprinkler 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Sprinkler driver   53-3032   913
Sprinkler fitter (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Sprinkler installer 56173 37-3011 777 425
Sprinkler installer 23 47-2152 077 644
Sprinkler tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sprinkling system installer (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Sprinkling truck driver   53-3032   913
Spud driller 211 47-5012 037 680
Spud grader   45-2041   604
Spud setter 21 17-3031 037-049 156
Spud sorter   45-2041   604
Spudder (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Spun paste machine operator   51-9199   896
Squadron worker   51-9199   896
Square cutter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Square dance caller (713) 27-2031 (859) 274
Square shear operator   51-9032   871
Squaring machine operator (372) 51-4035 (396) 802
Squaring shear operator   51-9032   871
Squeegee operator   51-9199   896
Squeezer   51-7042   854
Squilgeer (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Squirrel man (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Stabber 2211, 2212, 486 53-7062 058, 059, 627 962
Stabilizer operator (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Stable attendant 111, 112, 115 45-2093 017, 018, 029 605
Stable attendant Exc. 111, 112, 115 39-2021 Exc. 017, 018, 029 435
Stable cleaner 111, 112, 115 45-2093 017, 018, 029 605
Stable cleaner Exc. 111, 112, 115 39-2021 Exc. 017, 018, 029 435
Stack attendant (51412) 25-4031 (677) 244
Stacker \ n.s. 51412 25-4031 677 244
Stacker \ n.s. Exc. 51412 53-7062 Exc. 677 962
Stacker driver   53-7051   960
Stacker operator   53-7051   960
Stacker tender 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 51-7042 337, 378, 379 854
Stacker, automatic   53-7063   963
Stacker, machine   53-7199   975
Stacking books (51412) 25-4031 (677) 244
Stacking machine operator   51-9199   896
Stadium attendant   39-3091   443
Stage builder   47-2031   623
Stage driver   53-3021   912
Stage electrician (5121) 47-2111 (657) 635
Stage hand (5121) 53-7062 (657) 962
Stage rigger   49-9096   756
Stage scenery designer (5121) 27-1027 (657) 263
Stage set designer (5121) 27-1027 (657) 263
Stager   51-9123   881
Stain applicator   51-9121   881
Stain maker (3255) 51-9023 (227) 865
Stained glass artist (3272) 27-1013 (249) 260
Stained glass glazier (3272) 47-2121 (249) 636
Stained glass installer (3272) 47-2121 (249) 636
Stained glass joiner (3272) 47-2121 (249) 636
Stained glass painter (3272) 27-1013 (249) 260
Stained glass window designer (3272) 27-1021 (249) 263
Stainer 23 47-2141 077 642
Stainer 3161, 319, 3399 51-9199 179, 398 896
Stainer 3211, 3212, 3219, 337 51-9123 377-389 881
Staining machine operator   51-9121   881
Stair builder   47-2031   623
Stake driver 23, 5413 17-3031 077, 729 156
Stake runner, surveying crew   17-3031   156
Stake setter (5413) 17-3031 (729) 156
Staker \ n.s. 3161, 3169, 319 51-9199 179 896
Staker \ n.s. 3344, 3346 51-2099 339 775
Staker \ n.s. \ Any not listed above 53-7199 \ Any not listed above 975
Staker \ n.s. 5413 17-3031 729 156
Staker, machine   51-9199   896
Stallion keeper GOV, PR or WP 112 45-2093 GOV, PR or WP 018 605
Stallion keeper OBI 112 11-9011 OBI 018 020
Stallion keeper OBNI 112 11-9012 OBNI 018 021
Stamp analyst   41-9099   496
Stamp classifier   41-9099   496
Stamp clerk 491 43-5051 637 554
Stamp clerk Exc. 491 43-5081 Exc. 637 562
Stamp collector   25-4012   240
Stamp machine servicer   49-9091   751
Stamp maker   51-2099   775
Stamp press operator   51-4031   795
Stamp redemption clerk   41-2031   476
Stamper 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stamper 8123 51-6011 907 830
Stamper \ Any not listed 51-9041 \ Any not listed 872
Stamper 2122 51-9021 039 865
Stamper 3152, 3159 51-9199 168, 169 896
Stamping machine operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stamping machine operator Exc. 3162 51-9199 Exc. 177 896
Stamping mill tender (3314) 51-9021 (269) 865
Stamping press operator   51-4031   795
Stand in (5121) 27-2011 (657) 270
Standard machine stitcher   51-6042   834
Standards analyst   15-2031   122
Standpipe tender (3279) 51-9051 (259) 873
Staple cutter 313, 314, 3151 51-6062 147-167 840
Stapler \ n.s. 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Stapler \ n.s. Exc. 321, 337 51-4199 Exc. 377-389 822
Stapler, hand (337) 51-9199 (389) 896
Stapling machine operator 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Stapling machine operator Exc. 321, 337 51-4199 Exc. 377-389 822
Star route mail driver   53-3032   913
Star sewer   51-6031   832
Starch cooker   51-9051   873
Starcher \ n.s. 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Starcher \ n.s. 3152, 8123 51-6011 168, 907 830
Starcher, artificial flowers   51-9199   896
Starchmaker 8123 51-6011 907 830
Starchmaker Exc. 8123 51-9012 Exc. 907 864
Starter 3152 51-6099 168 846
Starter \ Any not listed 43-5032 \ Any not listed 552
Starter 71391 39-3091 Golf course 859 443
State auditor #92113 13-2081 #938 093
State comptroller #92113 11-3031 #938 012
State game protector #92412 33-3031 #949 383
State highway police officer   33-3051   385
State official #92119 11-9199 #939 043
State superintendent of public instruction #923 11-1011 #948 001
State superintendent of schools #923 11-1011 #948 001
State trooper #92212 33-3051 #947 385
Statement clerk   43-3021   511
Statement request clerk   43-4111   531
Static balancer 31-33 51-9061 107-399 874
Station Master   11-3071   016
Station agent, baggage   43-5071   561
Station agent, exc. baggage   43-4181   541
Station attendant \ n.s. 4411-4413, 4471, 8111 53-6031 467-469, 509, 878, 877 936
Station attendant \ n.s. 48, 49, 5615 39-6032 607-639, 767 455
Station attendant, pumping gasoline or servicing cars 4411-4413, 4471, 8111 53-6031 467-469, 509, 878, 877 936
Station captain   41-1012   471
Station cashier   41-2011   472
Station chief 2211, 2212, 486 51-1011 058, 059, 627 770
Station examiner 491 13-1041 U.S. Post Office 637 056
Station gateman 482 33-9032 608 392
Station gateman 481, 483-493, 5615 53-6011 607, 609-639, 767 934
Station installer (51331) 49-2022 (668) 702
Station operator 2211 51-8013 057 860
Station operator 2212 51-8012 058 860
Station porter, baggage   39-6011   453
Station porter, cleaning   37-2011   422
Station superintendent (491) 11-9131 (637) 040
Station tender (2211) 51-8013 (057) 860
Station usher   39-6032   455
Station worker 4471 53-6031 509 936
Station worker 3113, 3117, 3119 51-9199 108, 128 896
Stationary boiler fireman   51-8021   861
Stationary fireman   51-8021   861
Stationer OWN 4442, 45321 41-1011 OWN 489, 537 470
Statistical analyst   15-2041   123
Statistical clerk   43-9111   592
Statistical machine servicer   49-2011   701
Statistical secretary   43-6014   570
Statistical typist   43-9022   582
Statistical work, associate degree or higher   15-2099   124
Statistical work, less than associate degree   43-9111   592
Statistician   15-2041   123
Stator connector   51-2021   772
Stator plate washer   53-7061   961
Stator winder   51-2021   772
Statue carver (3279) 51-9195 (259) 892
Statue maker   27-1013   260
Stave and bolt equalizer   51-7041   853
Stave block roller (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Stave block splitter (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Stave bolt equalizer   51-7041   853
Stave cutter   51-7041   853
Stave grader 321, 337 51-9061 377-389 874
Stave hewer   51-7041   853
Stave jointer (3219) 51-7042 (387) 854
Stave machine tender   51-7042   854
Stave mill hand 321, 337 51-9199 377-389 896
Stave planer tender 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 53-7063 337, 378, 379 963
Stave saw operator   51-7041   853
Stay cutter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stayer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stayer 3131-3159 51-6099 147-169 846
Steak tenderizer, machine (3116) 53-7063 (118) 963
Steam boiler fireman   51-8021   861
Steam box hand (3122) 51-3093 (139) 785
Steam box operator (3219) 51-7042 (387) 854
Steam box tender (3122) 51-3093 (139) 785
Steam cleaner 8123 51-6011 907 830
Steam cleaner Exc. 8123 53-7061 Exc. 907 961
Steam cleaning machine operator (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Steam clothes press operator (8123) 51-6021 (907) 831
Steam conditioning operator (3122) 51-3093 (139) 785
Steam crane operator   53-7021   951
Steam drier tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Steam finisher 31-33 51-6099 107-399 846
Steam fitter (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Steam gigger 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Steam hammer operator   51-4022   793
Steam heating installer (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Steam hoist operator   53-7041   956
Steam locomotive firer/fireman (482) 53-4012 (608) 920
Steam meter reader   43-5041   553
Steam operator (8123) 51-6021 (907) 831
Steam oven operator   51-3093   785
Steam pipe fitter (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Steam plant operator   51-8021   861
Steam press operator 3152, 3159, 8123 51-6021 168, 169, 907 831
Steam press operator Exc. 3152, 3159, 8123 51-9041 Exc. 168, 169, 907 872
Steam presser 3152, 3159, 8123 51-6021 168, 169, 907 831
Steam presser Exc. 3152, 3159, 8123 51-9041 Exc. 168, 169, 907 872
Steam roller operator (23) 47-2071 (077) 630
Steam shovel oiler   49-9043   735
Steam shovel operator (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Steam shovel runner (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Steam shovelman (23) 53-7032 (077) 952
Steam table attendant (722) 35-3022 (868) 406
Steam table worker 722 35-3022 868 406
Steam table worker 3231, 511 51-5023 199, 647, 648 826
Steam tank operator   51-9051   873
Steam tender (3116) 51-3093 (118) 785
Steam trap man (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Steam tunnel feeder 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 53-7063 337, 378, 379 963
Steam turbine operator 2211, 2212, 22133, 51-8013 057-059, 067 860
Steam turbine operator Exc. 2211, 2212, 22133, 51-8021 Exc. 057-059, 067 861
Steamblaster (23) 47-4099 (077) 676
Steamboat captain   53-5021   931
Steamboat pilot   53-5021   931
Steamer 811192 53-7061 878 961
Steamer 8123 51-6021 907 831
Steamer 311-312 51-3093 107-139 785
Steamer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Steamer 3152-33 51-9192 168-399 886
Steamer tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Steaming cabinet tender   51-6021   831
Steamship agent #483 43-4181 #609 541
Steel analyst   17-3029   155
Steel boy   47-5099   694
Steel buffer   51-4033   800
Steel burner   51-4121   814
Steel checker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 822
Steel chipper   51-9199   896
Steel construction worker (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Steel crane operator   53-7021   951
Steel cutter 23 51-4121 077 814
Steel cutter 31-33 51-4031 107-399 795
Steel die engraver   51-9194   891
Steel die press set up operator   51-5023   826
Steel die printer   51-5022   825
Steel engraver   51-9194   891
Steel erecting pusher (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Steel erector (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Steel fabricator, aircraft   49-3011   714
Steel fabricator, structural and ornamental metalwork   51-2041   774
Steel finisher 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Steel fitter   47-2221   653
Steel grinder   51-4033   800
Steel handler   53-7062   962
Steel hanger (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Steel heater   51-4191   815
Steel layer (23411) 47-2061 (077) 626
Steel layout worker   47-2221   653
Steel melter 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Steel molder   51-4072   810
Steel pickler 331-336 51-9199 267-369 896
Steel pickler 482, 8113, 8114 53-7062 608, 887, 888 962
Steel placer (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Steel plate caulker   51-9199   896
Steel plate printer   51-5023   826
Steel post installer   47-2061   626
Steel pourer 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4052 267-369, 608, 887 804
Steel rigger   47-2221   653
Steel rod buster   47-2171   650
Steel rodman (23) 47-2171 (077) 650
Steel roller 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Steel sampler   51-9061   874
Steel shot header operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4022 237, 267-369, 608, 887 793
Steel tester   17-3029   155
Steel tier (23) 47-2171 (077) 650
Steel turner 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Steel unloader   53-7062   962
Steel welder   51-4121   814
Steel wool machine operator   51-4035   802
Steeler   51-6099   846
Steelscope operator   51-9061   874
Steelworker \ n.s., activities such as laying, reinforcing, or tying metal, rebar, rods, or steel 23, 482 47-2171 077, 608 650
Steelworker \ n.s., other activity or none 23, 482 47-2221 077, 608 653
Steelworker \ n.s., other activity or none 331-336, 8113 51-2041 267-369, 887 774
Steep tender (3121) 51-9012 (137) 864
Steeping press operator   51-9041   872
Steersman 483212 53-5011 Canal boat 609 930
Stem crusher (3122) 51-9041 (139) 872
Stem cutter (3122) 51-9032 (139) 871
Stem dryer maintainer   49-9043   735
Stem maker   51-2099   775
Stem processing machine operator   51-9199   896
Stem roller (3122) 51-9041 (139) 872
Stem roller operator (3122) 51-9041 (139) 872
Stem shaper   51-2099   775
Stem sizer   53-7063   963
Stemhole borer 339999 51-7042 Smoking pipe 398 854
Stemmer 32222, 32223, 32229 51-9012 189 864
Stemmer Exc. 32222, 32223, 32229 51-9199 Exc. 189 896
Stemming machine operator (3122) 51-9012 (139) 864
Stencil cutter   51-4062   806
Stencil machine operator   51-5023   826
Stencil maker   51-4062   806
Stencil printer   51-5023   826
Stencil typist   43-9022   582
Stenciler   51-9123   881
Stenocaptioner   23-2091   215
Stenographer   43-9199   593
Stenotype operator   43-9199   593
Stenotypist   43-9199   593
Step and repeat camera operator   51-5022   825
Step and repeat reduction camera operator   51-5022   825
Stereo compiler   17-3031   156
Stereo equipment installer   49-2097   712
Stereo map plotter operator   17-3031   156
Stereoptician (5121) 39-3021 (657) 441
Stereotype caster   51-5023   826
Stereotype finisher (51111) 51-5023 (647) 826
Stereotype molder   51-5023   826
Stereotyper (51111) 51-5023 (647) 826
Sterilization specialist   31-9093   365
Sterilizer 3121 53-7061 137 961
Sterilizer 3111-3119, 3122-33 51-9051 107-129, 139-399 873
Sterilizer 62 31-9093 797-829 365
Sterilizer machine operator 8123 51-6011 907 830
Sterilizer machine operator 3111-3119, 3122-33 51-9051 107-129, 139-399 873
Sterilizer machine operator 62 31-9093 797-829 365
Stevedore, exc. operating material handling equipment (488) 53-7062 (629) 962
Stevedore, operating material handling equipment (488) 53-7199 (629) 975
Steward/stewardess \ n.s. \ Any not listed 35-1012 \ Any not listed 401
Steward/stewardess \ n.s. 481-483, 487 39-6032 607-609, 628 455
Steward/stewardess \ n.s. 711212 27-2023 Racetrack 856 272
Steward/stewardess, banquet 7211, 722 35-1012 866, 868, 869 401
Steward/stewardess, bath   39-6032   455
Steward/stewardess, railroad dining car 482 39-6032 608 455
Steward/stewardess, wine   35-3031   411
Stick puller   51-9199   896
Sticker \ n.s. 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Sticker hand 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Sticker machine operator 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Sticker on   51-9123   881
Sticker operator 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Sticker up   51-2099   775
Sticker, animal   51-3023   781
Stickman 711, 713 39-3091 856, 859 443
Stickman 321, 337 53-7063 377-389 963
Stiff leg operator   53-7041   956
Stiffener   51-9199   896
Stile ripsaw operator 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Still cleaner 31-33 53-7061 107-399 961
Still operator 31-33 51-9012 107-399 864
Stippler 23 47-2141 077 642
Stippler 3231, 511 51-5023 199, 647, 648 826
Stirrer 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Stitch bonding machine operator (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Stitch bonding machine tender 3152 51-6031 168 832
Stitch bonding machine tender 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stitch burnisher (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stitch cleaner (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stitch marker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stitch rubber (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stitch separator (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stitch welder   51-4121   814
Stitch wheeler (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stitcher 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stitcher 3111-3161, 3169-3399 51-6031 107-169, 179-399 832
Stitcher around (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stitching machine feeder or offbearer   53-7063   963
Stitching machine operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stitching machine operator \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Stitching machine operator 313-314, 3151, 3152, 3159, 3161, 3169 51-6031 147-169, 179 832
Stitching machine operator 3231, 511 51-5011 199, 647, 648 823
Stitching machine setter   51-5011   823
Stock boy   43-5081   562
Stock boy and deliverer   43-5081   562
Stock broker   41-3031   482
Stock buyer   13-1021   051
Stock car driver   27-2021   272
Stock chaser   43-5061   560
Stock checker 33299, 33641 51-7099 297, 358, 359 855
Stock checker Exc. 33299, 33641 43-5081 Exc. 297, 358, 359 562
Stock clerk \ n.s. 523, 525 43-4011 697 520
Stock clerk \ n.s. Exc. 523, 525 43-5081 Exc. 697 562
Stock clerk, cashier or checker   41-2011   472
Stock clerk, delivery   43-5081   562
Stock clerk, sales floor   43-5081   562
Stock clerk, stock shelves   43-5081   562
Stock control clerk   43-5081   562
Stock controller   43-5081   562
Stock counter 488 53-7062 629 962
Stock counter Exc. 488 43-5081 Exc. 629 562
Stock cutter \ Any not listed 51-9032 \ Any not listed 871
Stock cutter 1133 45-4029 027 613
Stock cutter 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Stock dealer 42252 13-1021 448 051
Stock digger   51-9199   896
Stock driver 111, 112, 115 45-2093 017, 018, 029 605
Stock driver Exc. 111, 112, 115 53-7062 Exc. 017, 018, 029 962
Stock feeder 111, 112, 115 45-2093 017, 018, 029 605
Stock feeder Exc. 111, 112, 115 39-2021 Exc. 017, 018, 029 435
Stock fitter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stock girl   43-5081   562
Stock handler   53-7062   962
Stock hanger   51-9199   896
Stock house worker   51-9199   896
Stock layer   51-9032   871
Stock letterer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stock lifter   51-9199   896
Stock mover   53-7062   962
Stock parts fabricator (3366) 51-9031 (368) 871
Stock patcher   49-9099   762
Stock picker   43-5081   562
Stock pitcher   51-9199   896
Stock preparer   51-9199   896
Stock puller   53-7062   962
Stock raiser GOV, OBI or PR 112 11-9011 GOV, OBI or PR 018 020
Stock raiser OBNI 112 11-9012 OBNI 018 021
Stock receiver   43-5071   561
Stock roller   51-9191   885
Stock selector   43-5081   562
Stock shelves and deliver 4451 43-5081 497 562
Stock shelves and/or carry out 311811, 441-4543, 722 43-5081 119, 467-579, 868, 869 562
Stock shipper #4225 13-1021 #448 051
Stock sorter 3162, 3221 51-9061 177, 187 874
Stock sorter 488, 5615 43-5081 629, 767 562
Stock speculator #523 41-3031 #697 482
Stock taker   43-5081   562
Stock tracer   43-5081   562
Stock trader 4225 13-1021 448 051
Stock trader 523, 525 41-3031 697 482
Stock transfer clerk \ n.s. 521, 52211-52219, 52222, 5223, 524 43-3031 687-689, 699 512
Stock transfer clerk, head 521, 52211-52219, 52222, 5223, 524 43-1011 687-689, 699 500
Stock unloader   43-5081   562
Stock wetter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stock work and/or carry out 311811, 441-4543, 722 43-5081 119, 467-579, 868, 869 562
Stocker 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stocker Exc. 3162 43-5081 Exc. 177 562
Stockkeeper   43-5081   562
Stockkeeper/clerk   43-5081   562
Stocklayer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stockman 3162 51-6042 177 834
Stockman \ Any not listed 43-5081 \ Any not listed 562
Stockman 3221, 331-332 51-9199 187, 267, 269-289, 298 896
Stockman GOV, OBI or PR 112 11-9011 GOV, OBI or PR 018 020
Stockman OBNI 112 11-9012 OBNI 018 021
Stockroom attendant   43-5081   562
Stockroom clerk   43-5081   562
Stockroom inventory clerk   43-5081   562
Stockroom keeper   43-5081   562
Stockroom selector   43-5081   562
Stockroom worker   43-5081   562
Stogy maker (3122) 51-9195 (139) 892
Stogy roller (3122) 51-9195 (139) 892
Stoker   51-9051   873
Stoker erector   49-9021   731
Stoker installer   49-9021   731
Stone breaker (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Stone carriage operator   51-9051   873
Stone carver   51-9195   892
Stone cleaner (3121) 53-7061 (137) 961
Stone crusher operator (23) 47-4061 (077) 674
Stone cutter (3279) 51-9195 (259) 892
Stone decorator (23) 51-9195 (077) 892
Stone dresser 3111, 3112, 3255 49-9041 107, 227 733
Stone dresser Exc. 3111, 3112, 3255 51-9195 Exc. 107, 227 892
Stone driller (3279) 51-9032 (259) 871
Stone engraver   51-9194   891
Stone grader (3279) 51-9061 (259) 874
Stone lathe operator   51-9021   865
Stone layer (23) 47-2022 (077) 622
Stone mill operator   51-9021   865
Stone paver (23) 47-2022 (077) 622
Stone planer (3279) 51-9021 (259) 865
Stone polisher, hand   51-9022   865
Stone polisher, machine   51-9021   865
Stone rougher   51-9021   865
Stone sawyer (3279) 51-9032 (259) 871
Stone setter 23 47-2022 077 622
Stone setter 33991, 42194, 42291, 4483, 8114 51-9071 398, 429, 457, 519, 888 875
Stone splitter (3279) 51-9032 (259) 871
Stone spreader operator (23) 47-2071 (077) 630
Stone trimmer (3279) 51-9032 (259) 871
Stonecutter 33991, 4483, 45211, 8114 51-9071 398, 519, 538, 888 875
Stonecutter Exc. 33991, 4483, 45211, 8114 51-9195 Exc. 398, 519, 538, 888 892
Stonehand   51-5022   825
Stoneman 2121 47-5099 038 694
Stoneman 3231, 511 51-5022 199, 647, 648 825
Stonemason (23) 47-2022 (077) 622
Stoner \ n.s. (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Stoner \ n.s.   51-6099   846
Stoner out   51-6099   846
Stoner, hand   51-9199   896
Stoneworker (3279) 51-9195 (259) 892
Stoper   47-5021   682
Stopper grinder (3272) 51-9021 (249) 865
Stopper setter 31-33 51-9199 107-399 896
Stopping builder 212, 213 47-2021 038-049 622
Storage battery tester   51-9061   874
Storage facility rental clerk   41-2021   474
Storage worker   51-9199   896
Store boy   43-5021   551
Store clerk \ n.s. 4451, 485, 487 43-5081 497, 618, 619, 628 562
Store clerk \ n.s. 44-45, exc. 4451 41-2031 467-489, 498-579 476
Store clerk, cashiering   41-2011   472
Store clerk, checking   41-2011   472
Store clerk, stocking   43-5081   562
Store detective   33-9021   391
Store hand   43-5081   562
Store shopper   41-9099   496
Storehouse clerk   43-5081   562
Storekeeper \ n.s. 311811, 441-454, 722 41-1011 119, 467-579, 868, 869 470
Storekeeper \ n.s. Exc. 311811, 441-454, 722 43-5081 Exc. 119, 467-579, 868, 869 562
Storekeeper gager 92 13-1041 937-959 056
Storer (482) 53-7199 (608) 975
Storeroom attendant   43-5081   562
Storeroom clerk   43-5081   562
Storeroom keeper   43-5081   562
Stores clerk   43-5081   562
Storm door maker 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 51-2099 377-379 775
Storm sash maker 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 51-2099 377-379 775
Storm window installer (23) 47-2031 (077) 623
Story editor   27-3041   283
Story reader (5121) 27-3041 (657) 283
Story teller (5121) 27-2099 (657) 276
Story writer   27-3043   285
Stove cleaner 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7061 237, 267-369, 608, 887 961
Stove fitter   51-2099   775
Stove installer   49-9031   732
Stove mounter   51-2099   775
Stove polisher   51-4033   800
Stove refinisher   51-9123   881
Stove tender 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4191 237, 267-369, 608, 887 815
Stower 48, 49 53-7199 607-639 975
Stower Exc. 48, 49 51-9199 Exc. 607-639 896
Straddle bug   53-7051   960
Straddle bug driver   53-7051   960
Straddle bug operator   53-7051   960
Straddle carrier operator   53-7051   960
Straddle truck driver   53-7051   960
Straight knife machine cutter   51-9032   871
Straight line edger   51-9021   865
Straight line press setter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Straight pin making machine operator   51-4199   822
Straightedge man (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Straightener 31-33 51-4031 107-399 795
Straightening machine operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Straightening press operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Straightening roll operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Strainer 31-33 51-9199 107-399 896
Strainer tender   51-9012   864
Strand forming machine operator   51-6064   842
Strander   53-7063   963
Stranding machine operator 31-33 51-4199 107-399 822
Stranner   53-7063   963
Strap buckler (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Strap cutting machine operator   51-9032   871
Strap folding machine operator   51-9196   893
Strap machine operator   51-9111   880
Strap maker 3162 51-6042 177 834
Strap maker 3111-3161, 3169-3399 51-6031 107-169, 179-399 832
Strap sewer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Strap sewer 3111-3161, 3169-3399 51-6031 107-169, 179-399 832
Strapping machine operator (3219) 51-9111 (387) 880
Stratigrapher (211) 19-2042 (037) 174
Straw baler   45-2091   605
Straw boss 1133 45-4029 027 613
Straw boss 23 47-2061 077 626
Straw hat brusher   51-9199   896
Straw hat washer operator   51-9199   896
Street cleaner   53-7062   962
Street cleaning equipment operator   53-3099   915
Street commissioner GOV 23 11-1021 GOV 077 002
Street contractor, administration or general management (23) 11-9021 (077) 022
Street contractor, exc. administrator or general manager (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Street flusher driver (562) 53-3032 (779) 913
Street light cleaner   53-7062   962
Street light servicer   47-2111   635
Street photographer #8129 27-4021 #909 291
Street sprinkler (562) 53-3032 (779) 913
Street superintendent (23) 11-1021 (077) 002
Street sweeper (562) 53-7062 (779) 962
Street sweeper operator (562) 53-3099 (779) 915
Street worker (23) 47-4051 (077) 673
Streetcar conductor #485119 39-6032 #618 455
Streetcar dispatcher #485119 43-5032 #618 552
Streetcar motorman #485119 53-4041 #618 926
Streetcar operator #485119 53-4041 #618 926
Streetcar starter #485119 43-5032 #618 552
Stress analyst 336411-336413 17-2011 358 132
Stress analyst 3342-3344, 3346-3359 17-3029 337, 339, 347, 349 155
Stretch box tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Stretch machine operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Stretcher 8123 51-6011 907 830
Stretcher 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Stretcher Exc. 313, 314, 3151, 8123 51-4031 Exc. 147-167, 907 795
Stretcher operator 8123 51-6011 907 830
Stretcher operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Stretcher operator Exc. 313, 314, 3151, 8123 51-4031 Exc. 147-167, 907 795
Stretching machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Strickler attendant   51-5023   826
Strike off machine operator 23 47-2071 077 630
Strike off machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6061 147-167 836
Strike on machine operator   43-9021   581
Strike out machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Striker 483 53-5031 609 933
Striker \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Striker 114 45-3011 028 610
Striker 484, 492, 45431 53-7062 568, 617, 638 962
Striker off   51-9199   896
Striker out   51-6099   846
String laster (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
String top sealer   51-9196   893
Stringer   51-9199   896
Stringing machine operator 3345, 3391 51-9041 338, 396 872
Stringing machine operator Exc. 3345, 3391 51-9199 Exc. 338, 396 896
Strip catcher 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 53-7063 377-379 963
Strip cutter   51-9032   871
Strip cutting machine operator   51-9032   871
Strip machine operator   51-5023   826
Strip mill operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Strip picker 3211, 3212, 321991, 321992 51-9199 377-379 896
Strip polisher   51-9021   865
Strip presser (3162) 51-6021 (177) 831
Strip tank tender   51-4199   822
Strip teaser   27-2031   274
Strip winder   51-6062   840
Stripe marker (23) 47-2061 (077) 626
Stripe matcher   51-6031   832
Striper \ n.s. 322 51-5023 187-189 826
Striper \ n.s. Exc. 322 51-9123 Exc. 187-189 881
Striper, hand   51-9123   881
Striper, machine (3369) 53-7063 (369) 963
Striping machine operator 3231, 511 51-5022 199, 647, 648 825
Stripper \ n.s. 337 51-9123 389 881
Stripper \ n.s. 5121 27-2031 657 274
Stripper \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Stripper \ n.s. 212, 213 47-5099 038-049 694
Stripper \ n.s. 3113, 3114, 3117, 3119 51-9032 108, 109, 128, 129 871
Stripper \ n.s. 3122 51-9012 139 864
Stripper \ n.s. 316, 319 51-6099 177, 179 846
Stripper \ n.s. 322 51-9191 187-189 885
Stripper \ n.s. 511, 3231 51-5022 199, 647, 648 825
Stripper \ n.s. 326 53-7063 237-239 963
Stripper \ n.s. 331-336, 482, 8113 53-7021 267-369, 608, 887 951
Stripper and taper 326 51-9199 237-239 896
Stripper shovel operator   53-7032   952
Stripper, hand   51-9199   896
Stripper, machine (3122) 51-9012 (139) 864
Stripper, photolithographic   51-5022   825
Stripping machine operator   51-9191   885
Stripping shovel oiler   49-9043   735
Stroboscope operator   49-9043   735
Stroke belt sander operator 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Structural drafter   17-3011   154
Structural iron erector (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Structural ironworker (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Structural layout worker   47-2221   653
Structural metal worker   47-2221   653
Structural rigger (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Structural steel erector (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Structural steel fitter   47-2221   653
Structural steel painter (23) 47-2141 (077) 642
Structural steel worker (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Structural worker (23) 47-2221 (077) 653
Stubber   43-5081   562
Stucco mason (23) 47-2161 (077) 646
Stucco worker (23) 47-2161 (077) 646
Student activities director   11-9151   042
Student admissions 6111 43-4199 786 542
Student admissions 6112, 6113 43-4111 787 531
Student admissions clerk 6112, 6113 43-4199 787 542
Student advisor   21-1012   200
Student nurse (622) 31-1012 (819) 360
Student officer 6242 21-1099 Salvation Army 838 202
Student operator (51331) 43-2021 (668) 502
Studio control operator 5131, 5132 27-4012 667 290
Stuffer \ Any not listed 51-9111 \ Any not listed 880
Stuffer 331-336 51-9199 267-369 896
Stuffer 482, 8113, 8114 53-7062 608, 887, 888 962
Stuffer 53221, 53229, 5324, 533, 5414, 5611, 5612, 5614, 5619 43-9199 659, 678, 718, 719, 737, 759, 778 593
Stuffing machine operator 31-33 51-9111 107-399 880
Stull hewer (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Stull installer   47-2031   623
Stummel selector   51-9061   874
Stump blower   47-5031   683
Stump shooter   47-5031   683
Stumper (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Stunt performer   27-2099   276
Style advisor   27-1022   263
Stylist 812112 39-5012 898 451
Stylist Exc. 812112 27-1022 Exc. 898 263
Subassembler 31-33 51-2099 107-399 775
Sublimer   51-9011   864
Submarine diver   49-9092   752
Submaster   11-9032   023
Subpoena server   43-4031   522
Subprior (8131) 21-2099 (916) 206
Subscription agent   41-9091   495
Subscription clerk   43-4151   535
Subscription crew leader   41-1012   471
Substance abuse counselor   21-1011   200
Substation operator   51-8012   860
Substation operator, chief   51-1011   770
Substation superintendent (2211) 11-1021 (057) 002
Subway conductor   39-6032   455
Subway guard #485119 33-9091 #618 394
Subway train driver   53-4041   926
Subway train operator   53-4041   926
Sucker machine operator (3113) 51-9041 (108) 872
Suction plate carrier cleaner (3122) 53-7061 (139) 961
Suction worker (111) 53-7199 (017) 975
Suede brusher (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Suede cleaner (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Sueding machine operator (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Sugar boiler (3113) 51-9012 (108) 864
Sugar cane planter OBI 111 11-9011 OBI 017 020
Sugar cane planter OBNI 111 11-9012 OBNI 017 021
Sugar cane planter, exc. machine operator GOV, PR111, 115 45-2092 GOV, PR 017, 029 605
Sugar cane planter, machine operator GOV, PR111, 115 45-2091 GOV, PR 017, 029 605
Sugar cane planting equipment operator   45-2091   605
Sugar chipper machine operator   51-9021   865
Sugar controller (3113) 51-9199 (108) 896
Sugar drier   51-3091   783
Sugar grinder (3113) 51-9021 (108) 865
Sugar mixer   51-3092   784
Sugar presser   51-9041   872
Sugar refiner (3113) 51-9199 (108) 896
Sugar reprocess operator, head (3113) 51-1011 (108) 770
Sugar sampler 926, 927 45-2011 957 601
Suggestion clerk   43-4199   542
Suit maker   51-6052   835
Sulfate drier machine operator   51-9199   896
Sulky driver (711212) 27-2021 (856) 272
Sulphate tester   17-3029   155
Sumac tanner   51-6099   846
Summons server   43-4031   522
Sunday school missionary   21-2099   206
Supercalender operator   51-9121   881
Supercargo (483) 43-5061 (609) 560
Superintendent \ n.s. 491 11-9131 637 040
Superintendent \ n.s. 51412 25-4021 677 243
Superintendent \ n.s. 531 11-9141 707 041
Superintendent \ n.s. 81311 21-2021 916 205
Superintendent \ n.s. \ Any not listed 11-1021 \ Any not listed 002
Superintendent \ n.s. 11 45-1011 017-029 600
Superintendent \ n.s. 2211, 2212 49-1011 057-059 700
Superintendent \ n.s. 22131, 22133 11-9041 067 030
Superintendent \ n.s. 23 11-9021 077 022
Superintendent \ n.s. 6215, 6216, 6219, 622, 6231 11-9111 807, 817-819 035
Superintendent \ n.s. 92216 33-1021 Fire department 947 372
Superintendent \ n.s. 71391 37-1012 Golf course 859 421
Superintendent \ n.s. Police department 92212 33-1012 Police department 947 371
Superintendent \ n.s. 92214 33-1011 Prison or jail 947 370
Superintendent, building, maintenance   37-2011   422
Superintendent, building, rental   11-9141   041
Superintendent, cold storage (493) 51-1011 (639) 770
Superintendent, construction (23) 11-9021 (077) 022
Superintendent, custodian, janitor, etc.   37-1011   420
Superintendent, distribution   51-1011   770
Superintendent, drilling and production   11-1021   002
Superintendent, fish hatchery (114) 45-1011 (028) 600
Superintendent, golf course   37-1012   421
Superintendent, grain elevator   51-1011   770
Superintendent, greens or grounds   37-1012   421
Superintendent, ground maintenance   37-1012   421
Superintendent, ground operations (481) 53-2022 (607) 904
Superintendent, laundry   11-1021   002
Superintendent, line construction 2211, 51331 11-1021 057, 668 002
Superintendent, local (2211) 49-1011 (057) 700
Superintendent, mail (491) 11-9131 (637) 040
Superintendent, maintenance of equipment   11-1021   002
Superintendent, maintenance, exc. managerial   37-1011   420
Superintendent, maintenance, managerial   11-3011   010
Superintendent, marine oil terminal   11-3071   016
Superintendent, menagerie   45-1011   600
Superintendent, meters   51-1011   770
Superintendent, nurses (622) 11-9111 (819) 035
Superintendent, oil well services (211) 17-2171 (037) 152
Superintendent, postal (491) 11-9131 (637) 040
Superintendent, production 11 45-1011 017-029 600
Superintendent, production 31-33 11-3051 107-399 014
Superintendent, renting, managing   11-9141   041
Superintendent, rig (23) 53-1031 (077) 900
Superintendent, roads GOV 23 11-1021 GOV 077 002
Superintendent, sales   41-9022   492
Superintendent, schools   11-1011   001
Superintendent, service   37-1011   420
Superintendent, special education   11-9032   023
Superintendent, stevedoring (483) 53-1021 (609) 900
Superintendent, tests   51-1011   770
Superintendent, track (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Superior 6111 11-9032 786 023
Superior Convent 8131 21-2099 Convent 916 206
Supervising architect (5413) 17-1011 (729) 130
Supervising children in lunchroom   39-9011   460
Supervising children on playground   39-9011   460
Supervisor \ n.s. 531 11-9141 707 041
Supervisor \ n.s. 5617 exc. 56173 37-1011 769 420
Supervisor \ n.s. 111-115 45-1011 017-029 600
Supervisor \ n.s. 21, 23 47-1011 037-049, 077 620
Supervisor \ n.s. 22, 31-33, 8123 51-1011 057-069,107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 770
Supervisor \ n.s. 311811, 44, 45 41-1011 119, 467-579 470
Supervisor \ n.s. 48, 492, 493, 562 53-1031 607-629, 638, 639, 779 900
Supervisor \ n.s. 491, 521, 522, 54, 55, 5611-5616, 5619 43-1011 637, 687-689, 727-768, 778 500
Supervisor \ n.s. 5133 49-1011 668, 669 700
Supervisor \ n.s. 42, 514, 523-525, 532, 711, 712, 721, 811, 812 41-1012 407-459, 677-679, 697, 699, 708-719, 856, 857, 866, 867, 877-909 471
Supervisor \ n.s. 6111, 62441 11-9032 786, 847 023
Supervisor \ n.s. 6232-6239, 6241-6243 21-1029 829-839 201
Supervisor \ n.s. 722 35-1012 868, 869 401
Supervisor \ n.s. 8132-8139 21-1099 917, 919 202
Supervisor \ n.s. 92 Exc. LGOV 921, 92212, 92214, 92216 43-1011 937 Exc. LGOV, 938, 939 exc. LGOV, 947 exc. fire, police and prisons, 948-959 500
Supervisor \ n.s. 92216 33-1021 Fire department 947 372
Supervisor \ n.s. LGOV 921 11-9199 LGOV 937, 939 043
Supervisor \ n.s. 713 39-9032 859 462
Supervisor \ n.s. 92212 33-1012 Police department 947 371
Supervisor \ n.s. 8131 21-2021 916 205
Supervisor \ n.s. 6112-6117 11-9033 787-789 023
Supervisor \ n.s. 56173 37-1012 777 421
Supervisor \ n.s. 92214 33-1011 Prison or jail 947 370
Supervisor, C D area   51-1011   770
Supervisor, M.V.A.   43-1011   500
Supervisor, P.B.X.   43-1011   500
Supervisor, TNT line   51-1011   770
Supervisor, abattoir   51-1011   770
Supervisor, abrasive and polished products   51-1011   770
Supervisor, accountant   11-3031   012
Supervisor, accounting   43-1011   500
Supervisor, accounting clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, accounts   11-3031   012
Supervisor, accounts payable   43-1011   500
Supervisor, accounts receivable   43-1011   500
Supervisor, acid   51-1011   770
Supervisor, acoustical tile carpenter   47-1011   620
Supervisor, adjustable steel joist setting   47-1011   620
Supervisor, adjustment 7212, 7213 43-1011 867 500
Supervisor, admissions (622) 43-1011 (819) 500
Supervisor, advertising dispatch clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, agency appointments   43-1011   500
Supervisor, aging department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, air cargo handling   53-1011   900
Supervisor, air conditioning   49-1011   700
Supervisor, air traffic 481, 488, 926-928 53-2021 607, 629, 957-959 904
Supervisor, aircraft cleaning   53-1021   900
Supervisor, aircraft maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, airflight attendants   39-1021   432
Supervisor, airfreight loading   53-1011   900
Supervisor, airline \ n.s.   43-1011   500
Supervisor, airline, managerial   11-3071   016
Supervisor, airline, reservations, ticket sales, etc.   43-1011   500
Supervisor, airplane flight attendant   39-1021   432
Supervisor, airplane pilot 481, 926-928 53-1031 607, 957-959 900
Supervisor, alterations, seamstress   51-6052   835
Supervisor, alterations, tailor   51-6052   835
Supervisor, alum plant 3251, 3259 51-1011 229 770
Supervisor, alumina plant 3314 51-1011 269 770
Supervisor, aluminum boat assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, aluminum fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ammunition   51-1011   770
Supervisor, animal cruelty investigation   33-1099   373
Supervisor, anode crew   51-1011   770
Supervisor, appliance service   49-1011   700
Supervisor, area \ Any not listed 41-1011 \ Any not listed 470
Supervisor, area 111, 112, 115 45-1011 017, 018, 029 600
Supervisor, area SGOV 92119 11-9199 SGOV 939 043
Supervisor, art 5419 27-1011 749 260
Supervisor, art Exc. 5419 25-9031 Exc. 749 255
Supervisor, art objects   51-1011   770
Supervisor, artificial breeding ranch   45-1011   600
Supervisor, artificial flowers   51-1011   770
Supervisor, artillery maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, asphalt paving 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, assembly and packing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, assembly dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, assembly line   51-1011   770
Supervisor, assembly room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, assembly stock   43-1011   500
Supervisor, audit clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, auditor   11-3031   012
Supervisor, auto mechanic   49-1011   700
Supervisor, auto rental 5321 41-1011 708 470
Supervisor, automatic machines   51-1011   770
Supervisor, automobile assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, automobile body repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, automobile leasing   41-1011   470
Supervisor, automotive tire testing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, avionics shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, awning hanger   47-1011   620
Supervisor, baggage agent 48-49 43-1011 607-639 500
Supervisor, baggage handling   53-1011   900
Supervisor, bailer operators   47-1011   620
Supervisor, bailer tenders   47-1011   620
Supervisor, bakery (3118) 51-1011 (127) 770
Supervisor, bakery machine mechanic   49-1011   700
Supervisor, beam dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, beater room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, beehive kiln   51-1011   770
Supervisor, belt and link assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, billing   43-1011   500
Supervisor, billposting   47-1011   620
Supervisor, bindery 3231 51-1011 199 770
Supervisor, bit and shank dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, blast furnace   51-1011   770
Supervisor, bleach   51-1011   770
Supervisor, blending   51-1011   770
Supervisor, blood donor recruiter   41-1012   471
Supervisor, blooming mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, blueprinting and photocopy   51-1011   770
Supervisor, board mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, boat cleaning   51-1011   770
Supervisor, boat outfitting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, boatbuilder   51-1011   770
Supervisor, body shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, boiler operators   51-1011   770
Supervisor, boiler repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, boiler tenders   51-1011   770
Supervisor, boilermaking   51-1011   770
Supervisor, bone plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, booking   43-1011   500
Supervisor, bookkeepers   43-1011   500
Supervisor, bookkeeping clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, boots and shoes   51-1011   770
Supervisor, bottle house cleaners   51-1011   770
Supervisor, boxing and pressing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, branch exchange   43-1011   500
Supervisor, brew house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, briar shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, bricklayer 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, brickmason 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, bridges   11-3071   016
Supervisor, brine   51-1011   770
Supervisor, brineyard   51-1011   770
Supervisor, broommaking   51-1011   770
Supervisor, brush fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, building 5617 37-1011 769 420
Supervisor, building 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, building Exc. 23, 5617 11-3071 Exc. 077, 769 016
Supervisor, building cleaning   37-1011   420
Supervisor, building insulation   47-1011   620
Supervisor, bulk plant   41-1012   471
Supervisor, burning   51-1011   770
Supervisor, bus driver   53-1031   900
Supervisor, bus repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, butcher   51-1011   770
Supervisor, byproducts   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cab 4853 53-1031 619 900
Supervisor, cabin equipment   49-1011   700
Supervisor, cabinetmaker   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cable   49-1011   700
Supervisor, caddy/caddie   39-1021   432
Supervisor, cafeteria (722) 35-1012 (868) 401
Supervisor, calendar   51-1011   770
Supervisor, calendering 3221 51-1011 187 770
Supervisor, canal equipment maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, candle making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, candy (3113) 51-1011 (108) 770
Supervisor, canvas goods   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cap and hat production   51-1011   770
Supervisor, car   53-1031   900
Supervisor, car cleaning   53-1021   900
Supervisor, car installations   51-1011   770
Supervisor, car repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, car wash   53-1021   900
Supervisor, carbon electrodes   51-1011   770
Supervisor, carbon paper coating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, carding   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cardroom   39-3091   443
Supervisor, caretaker   37-1012   421
Supervisor, cargo 481 43-1011 607 500
Supervisor, cargo Exc. 481 53-1031 Exc. 607 900
Supervisor, carpenter   47-1011   620
Supervisor, carpenter labor   53-1021   900
Supervisor, cartography   17-1021   131
Supervisor, carton and can supply   51-1011   770
Supervisor, case   21-1029   201
Supervisor, cashiers 311811, 42-45, 7211, 722 41-1011 119, 407-579, 866-869, 907 470
Supervisor, cashiers Exc. 311811, 42-45, 721, 722 43-1011 Exc. 119, 407-579, 866-869, 907 500
Supervisor, casino (7132) 39-1011 (859) 430
Supervisor, casting and pasting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cell efficiency   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cell feed department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cell operation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cell room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cellar   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cement or concrete finishing (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Supervisor, cemetery worker   37-1012   421
Supervisor, central office repairer   49-1011   700
Supervisor, central office telephone operators   43-1011   500
Supervisor, central supply   43-1011   500
Supervisor, central supply technician   43-1011   500
Supervisor, cereal 3112 51-1011 107 770
Supervisor, channel process   51-1011   770
Supervisor, char house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, chemical   51-1011   770
Supervisor, chemical plant operator   51-1011   770
Supervisor, chemical processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, chest painting and sealing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, child care   39-9011   460
Supervisor, chimney brick   47-1011   620
Supervisor, chimney construction   47-1011   620
Supervisor, chocolate and cocoa processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, christmas tree farm   45-1011   600
Supervisor, church #8131 21-2021 #916 205
Supervisor, cigar making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cigar tobacco processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, circus   53-1021   900
Supervisor, circus train   53-1031   900
Supervisor, city LGOV 92114 11-1011 LGOV 937 001
Supervisor, claims (524) 43-1011 (699) 500
Supervisor, claims adjuster   43-1011   500
Supervisor, classified advertising   43-1011   500
Supervisor, clay preparation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, clay shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cleaning 3114, 3115, 3117, 3119, 3121 51-1011 109, 117, 128, 137 770
Supervisor, cleaning Exc. 3114, 3115, 3117, 3119, 3121 37-1011 Exc. 109, 117, 128, 137 420
Supervisor, clearing 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, clerical   43-1011   500
Supervisor, clerk   43-1011   500
Supervisor, cloth grader   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cloth winding   51-1011   770
Supervisor, clothing   39-3092   443
Supervisor, clothing room   39-3093   443
Supervisor, coagulating drying   19-2031   172
Supervisor, coal handling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, coal yard   53-1031   900
Supervisor, coating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, coating mixer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, coding clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, coffee   51-1011   770
Supervisor, coil winding   51-1011   770
Supervisor, coin machine   51-1011   770
Supervisor, coin machine collector   43-1011   500
Supervisor, coke handling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cold rolling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, collection   43-1011   500
Supervisor, color paste mixing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, comfort station (8129) 39-1021 (909) 432
Supervisor, communications electrician   49-1011   700
Supervisor, component assembler   51-1011   770
Supervisor, composing room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, compounding and finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, computer analyst   15-1051   100
Supervisor, computer operations   43-1011   500
Supervisor, computer programming   15-1021   101
Supervisor, concrete batching and mixing plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, concrete block plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, concrete stone fabricating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, concrete stone finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, concreting   47-1011   620
Supervisor, conditioning yard   51-1011   770
Supervisor, construction   47-1011   620
Supervisor, contact and service clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, contingents   43-4111   531
Supervisor, continuous weld pipe mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, control   27-4012   290
Supervisor, converter   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cook house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cook room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cooking, casing and drying   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cooler service   49-1011   700
Supervisor, cooperage shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, corduroy cutting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, core drilling   47-1011   620
Supervisor, coremaker   51-1011   770
Supervisor, corncob pipe   51-1011   770
Supervisor, correction officer   33-1011   370
Supervisor, correspondence section   43-1011   500
Supervisor, cosmetics   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cost and sales record   43-1011   500
Supervisor, costuming   39-3092   443
Supervisor, cottage Exc. reformatory 922 39-9041 Exc. reformatory 947 464
Supervisor, cottage Reformatory 922 33-3012 Reformatory 947 380
Supervisor, counselor   21-1012   200
Supervisor, counter   35-1012   401
Supervisor, county 92111 11-1011 937 001
Supervisor, county U.S. Farmers Home Admin. 5222, 5223 25-9021 U.S. Farmers Home Admin. 689 255
Supervisor, covering and lining   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cranberry bog   45-1011   600
Supervisor, crane crew   53-1031   900
Supervisor, credit and loan collections   43-1011   500
Supervisor, credit office   43-1011   500
Supervisor, crop   13-1021   051
Supervisor, crusher   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cured meat packing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cured meats   51-1011   770
Supervisor, curing room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, custodian   37-1011   420
Supervisor, customer complaint service   43-1011   500
Supervisor, customer facilities   49-1011   700
Supervisor, customer records division   43-1011   500
Supervisor, customer service representative   43-1011   500
Supervisor, customer services   43-1011   500
Supervisor, cutting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cutting and boning   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cutting and sewing dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, cutting and splicing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dairy farm   45-1011   600
Supervisor, dairy processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dance hall PR 33-9032 PR 392
Supervisor, data control clerk   43-1011   500
Supervisor, data entry   43-1011   500
Supervisor, data processing   43-1011   500
Supervisor, day care   39-9011   460
Supervisor, decorating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, defluorinated phosphate production   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dehydrogenation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, delivery \ n.s.   53-1031   900
Supervisor, delivery department   43-1011   500
Supervisor, delivery room   29-1111   313
Supervisor, dental laboratory   51-1011   770
Supervisor, department \ Any not listed 41-1011 \ Any not listed 470
Supervisor, department 31-33 51-1011 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 770
Supervisor, department 521, 522, 524 43-1011 687, 688, 697, 699 500
Supervisor, department 622, 6231 11-9111 819, 827 035
Supervisor, department 6241, 6242 11-9151 837, 838 042
Supervisor, desk clerks \ n.s. 711, 713 41-1012 856, 858, 859 471
Supervisor, desk clerks \ n.s. Exc. 711, 713 43-1011 Exc. 856, 858, 859 500
Supervisor, desk clerks, bowling or skating   41-1012   471
Supervisor, detasseling crew   45-1011   600
Supervisor, detective   33-1012   371
Supervisor, dials   51-1011   770
Supervisor, diamond finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, die casting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, diet, exc. kitchen   29-1031   303
Supervisor, diet, kitchen   35-1012   401
Supervisor, dike   47-1011   620
Supervisor, dimension warehouse   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dining room (7211) 35-1012 (866) 401
Supervisor, dispatcher - trains   53-4031   924
Supervisor, dispatcher - trucks, cabs and buses   53-1031   900
Supervisor, distillery   45-1011   600
Supervisor, distilling department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, distribution   53-1031   900
Supervisor, diversified crops   45-1011   600
Supervisor, division   41-1011   470
Supervisor, dock   51-1011   770
Supervisor, documentation   43-1011   500
Supervisor, dog license officer   33-1099   373
Supervisor, doping   47-1011   620
Supervisor, dormitory   39-9041   464
Supervisor, drawing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, drawing kiln   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dredge operator   47-1011   620
Supervisor, dried yeast   51-1011   770
Supervisor, driver   53-1031   900
Supervisor, dry cell assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dry cleaning   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dry paste   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dry starch   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dry wall application   47-1011   620
Supervisor, drying   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dye house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, dyer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, early childhood program   11-9031   023
Supervisor, edging   51-1011   770
Supervisor, education 6111 11-9032 786 023
Supervisor, education Exc. 6111 11-9039 Exc. 786 023
Supervisor, egg processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, electric motor repairing   49-1011   700
Supervisor, electrical   47-1011   620
Supervisor, electrical appliance servicer   49-1011   700
Supervisor, electrical assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, electrical prospecting   19-4041   193
Supervisor, electrical repair and telephone line maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, electrician \ n.s.   47-1011   620
Supervisor, electrician substation   49-1011   700
Supervisor, electronic coils   51-1011   770
Supervisor, electronic computer subassembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, electronic systems maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, electronics   51-1011   770
Supervisor, electrotyping and sterotyping   51-1011   770
Supervisor, elevator   53-7199   975
Supervisor, elevator constructor   49-1011   700
Supervisor, embroidery   51-1011   770
Supervisor, employee benefits   13-1072   062
Supervisor, employment   13-1079   062
Supervisor, endless track vehicle   49-1011   700
Supervisor, engine assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, engine repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, engine testing   49-1011   700
Supervisor, engines, road   53-4031   924
Supervisor, engraving   51-1011   770
Supervisor, equipment maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, erection shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, esters and emulsifiers   51-1011   770
Supervisor, evaporator   51-1011   770
Supervisor, excavating   47-1011   620
Supervisor, expedition   45-3021   611
Supervisor, explosive operator   51-1011   770
Supervisor, extension service   25-9021   255
Supervisor, extermination   37-2021   424
Supervisor, extruding department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, extrusion   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fabric coating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, facepiece line   51-1011   770
Supervisor, factory   51-1011   770
Supervisor, farm   45-1011   600
Supervisor, farm equipment maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, farm management   25-9021   255
Supervisor, fashion   27-1022   263
Supervisor, fast food 722 35-1012 868 401
Supervisor, feed house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, feed mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, felling, bucking   45-1011   600
Supervisor, felt goods needle process   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fence   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fermenting cellars   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ferry terminal   53-5021   931
Supervisor, fertilizer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fiberglass boat assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fiberglass pipe covering   51-1011   770
Supervisor, field \ n.s. 111, 112, 115 45-1011 017, 018, 029 600
Supervisor, field \ n.s. 211 47-1011 037 620
Supervisor, field \ n.s. 521, 522 11-3031 687-689 012
Supervisor, field \ n.s. 6232-6239, 6241, 6242 21-1029 829, 837, 838 201
Supervisor, field \ n.s. 8132, 8133, 8134, 8139 exc. 81391 39-9032 917, 919 exc. Cattle Breeders Association 462
Supervisor, field \ n.s. 81391 11-9199 Cattle Breeders Association 919 043
Supervisor, field assembly, prefabricated homes 23 47-1011 558 620
Supervisor, field assembly, prefabricated homes Exc. 23 51-1011 Exc. 558 770
Supervisor, field crop farming   45-1011   600
Supervisor, field pipe lines   53-1021   900
Supervisor, field seed production   45-1011   600
Supervisor, files   43-1011   500
Supervisor, filing and packing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, filing and polishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, film editor   27-4032   292
Supervisor, film processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, film vault   43-1011   500
Supervisor, filter plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, filtration   51-1011   770
Supervisor, final assembly and packing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, finishing and shipping   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fire fighting and prevention   33-1021   372
Supervisor, firearms assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fireworks assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fish bait processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fish hatchery   45-1011   600
Supervisor, fish processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fitting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fleet maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, flight test   49-1011   700
Supervisor, floor \ n.s. 622 29-1111 819 313
Supervisor, floor \ n.s. 7211 37-1011 866 420
Supervisor, floor \ n.s. \ Any not listed 41-1011 \ Any not listed 470
Supervisor, floor \ n.s. 31-33 51-1011 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 770
Supervisor, floor \ n.s. 7132 39-1011 859 430
Supervisor, floor \ n.s. 722 35-1012 868, 869 401
Supervisor, floor, gambling (7132) 39-1011 (859) 430
Supervisor, food 622 29-1031 819 303
Supervisor, food Exc. 622 35-1012 Exc. 819 401
Supervisor, food checkers and cashiers   41-1011   470
Supervisor, food service   35-1012   401
Supervisor, force adjustment   43-1011   500
Supervisor, forest (1132) 19-1032 (019) 164
Supervisor, forest nursery   45-1011   600
Supervisor, forge shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, forming and assembling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, forming department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, foundry   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fountain   35-1012   401
Supervisor, framing mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, freight loading   53-1021   900
Supervisor, fruit grading   51-1011   770
Supervisor, fuel   43-1011   500
Supervisor, fuel system maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, fur dressing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, furnace process   51-1011   770
Supervisor, furrier shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, gambling (7132) 39-1011 (859) 430
Supervisor, game farm   45-1011   600
Supervisor, gaming (7132) 39-1011 (859) 430
Supervisor, gang \ n.s. \ Any not listed 45-1011 \ Any not listed 600
Supervisor, gang \ n.s. 2122, 2123, 23 47-1011 039, 047, 077 620
Supervisor, gang \ n.s. 482, 483 53-1021 608, 609 900
Supervisor, gang, pipeline   47-1011   620
Supervisor, garage   49-1011   700
Supervisor, garbage collector (562111) 53-1021 (779) 900
Supervisor, gardening   37-1012   421
Supervisor, garment   51-1011   770
Supervisor, gas line installer (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Supervisor, gas pumping station   53-1021   900
Supervisor, gasket   51-1011   770
Supervisor, gate services   43-1011   500
Supervisor, gear repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, gelatin plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, general handling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, geophysical laboratory   19-2042   174
Supervisor, girl's   39-9011   460
Supervisor, glass cut off   51-1011   770
Supervisor, glaze   51-1011   770
Supervisor, glazer   47-1011   620
Supervisor, glazing dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, glue specialty   51-1011   770
Supervisor, glycerin   51-1011   770
Supervisor, grading   53-1021   900
Supervisor, grain and yeast plants   51-1011   770
Supervisor, gravity prospecting   19-4041   193
Supervisor, grease refining   51-1011   770
Supervisor, green end dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, greenhouse   45-1011   600
Supervisor, greenskeeper   37-1012   421
Supervisor, grinding   51-1011   770
Supervisor, grinding and spraying   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ground crew   53-1011   900
Supervisor, ground maintenance   37-1012   421
Supervisor, groundskeeper   37-1012   421
Supervisor, guard 922 33-1011 947 370
Supervisor, guard Exc. 922 33-1099 Exc. 947 373
Supervisor, hairspring fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, hand silvering   51-1011   770
Supervisor, hardboard   51-1011   770
Supervisor, harvest crew   45-1011   600
Supervisor, harvesting   11-9011   020
Supervisor, hatch   53-1021   900
Supervisor, health unit   29-1111   313
Supervisor, heat treat   51-1011   770
Supervisor, heating and blending   51-1011   770
Supervisor, hide house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, highway maintenance GOV 23 47-1011 GOV 077 620
Supervisor, home 5222, 5223 25-9021 689 255
Supervisor, home 6241, 6242 21-1029 837, 838 201
Supervisor, home management   25-9021   255
Supervisor, horticultural services 56173 37-1012 777 421
Supervisor, horticultural specialty farming   45-1011   600
Supervisor, hospital   11-9111   035
Supervisor, hospitality house   39-1021   432
Supervisor, hot dip plating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, hot dip tinning   51-1011   770
Supervisor, hot strip mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, hot wound spring production   51-1011   770
Supervisor, hotel or motel \ any not listed   37-1011   420
Supervisor, hotel or motel, cleaning   37-1011   420
Supervisor, hotel or motel, food service   35-1012   401
Supervisor, hotel or motel, front desk   43-1011   500
Supervisor, hotel or motel, room service   37-1011   420
Supervisor, house cleaner   37-1011   420
Supervisor, house furnishings   51-1011   770
Supervisor, house moving   47-1011   620
Supervisor, housekeeping   37-1011   420
Supervisor, hydrochloric area   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ice house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, identification and communication   33-1012   371
Supervisor, incinerator plant general   51-1011   770
Supervisor, industrial chemicals   51-1011   770
Supervisor, information   43-1011   500
Supervisor, insect and disease inspection   45-2011   601
Supervisor, insecticide   51-1011   770
Supervisor, inspection   51-1011   770
Supervisor, inspection and testing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, instrument maintenance   51-1011   770
Supervisor, instrument mechanics   49-1011   700
Supervisor, instrument repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, instrument shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, insulation 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, insulation Exc. 23 51-1011 Exc. 077 770
Supervisor, insurance agents (524) 41-1012 (699) 471
Supervisor, inventory control   43-1011   500
Supervisor, iron and steel work   47-1011   620
Supervisor, irrigation   45-1011   600
Supervisor, janitor   37-1011   420
Supervisor, janitorial service   37-1011   420
Supervisor, jewel   51-1011   770
Supervisor, jewelry department 3399 51-1011 398 770
Supervisor, jewelry department Exc. 3399 41-1011 Exc. 398 470
Supervisor, job training   13-1079   062
Supervisor, joiner   47-1011   620
Supervisor, keypunch operators   43-1011   500
Supervisor, kitchen   35-1012   401
Supervisor, kitchen work   35-1012   401
Supervisor, knitting 31324, 3151 51-1011 167 770
Supervisor, labor 56173 37-1012 777 421
Supervisor, labor \ Any not listed 53-1021 \ Any not listed 900
Supervisor, labor 11, 3211, 3212 45-1011 017-029, 377, 378 600
Supervisor, labor relations   13-1079   062
Supervisor, laboratory 3332, 3334, 3339 51-1011 319 770
Supervisor, laboratory \ Any not listed 17-3029 \ Any not listed 155
Supervisor, laboratory 311 19-4011 107-118, 127-137 190
Supervisor, laboratory 3241, 3251, 3253, 3255-3259, 3273, 3274 19-4031 207, 209, 218, 227-229, 257 192
Supervisor, laboratory 6112, 6113, 6215-6219, 622, 6231, 29-2011 787, 817-827 330
Supervisor, lace tearing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, lamp shades   51-1011   770
Supervisor, landscaping   37-1012   421
Supervisor, last model dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, lathing   47-1011   620
Supervisor, laundry   51-1011   770
Supervisor, lawn service   37-1012   421
Supervisor, lead burner   51-1011   770
Supervisor, lead refinery   51-1011   770
Supervisor, lead section   51-1011   770
Supervisor, leather products   51-1011   770
Supervisor, library   25-4021   243
Supervisor, library aide   43-1011   500
Supervisor, library assistant   43-1011   500
Supervisor, library clerk   43-1011   500
Supervisor, lime   51-1011   770
Supervisor, line 2211, 51331 49-1011 057, 668, 669 700
Supervisor, line Exc. 2211, 51331 51-1011 Exc. 057, 668, 669 770
Supervisor, line crew   49-1011   700
Supervisor, line dept.   49-1011   700
Supervisor, linen 8123 51-6011 907 830
Supervisor, linen Exc. 8123 37-1011 Exc. 907 420
Supervisor, linen room   37-1011   420
Supervisor, liquefaction and regasification   51-1011   770
Supervisor, liquid yeast   51-1011   770
Supervisor, livestock yard 112, 115 45-1011 018, 029 600
Supervisor, livestock yard Exc. 112, 115 51-1011 Exc. 018, 029 770
Supervisor, load out   53-1021   900
Supervisor, loading and unloading   51-1011   770
Supervisor, loading rack   51-1011   770
Supervisor, loan   13-2072   091
Supervisor, lock maintenance 22, 23, 483, 562 47-1011 057-069, 077, 609, 779 620
Supervisor, lock maintenance Exc. 22, 23, 483, 582 49-1011 Exc. 057-069, 077, 609, 779 700
Supervisor, logging   45-1011   600
Supervisor, loom fixer   49-1011   700
Supervisor, lubrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, lump room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, lunchroom \ n.s.   35-1012   401
Supervisor, lunchroom, food service   35-1012   401
Supervisor, lunchroom, watching children 6111, 62441 39-9011 786, 847 460
Supervisor, machine assembler   51-1011   770
Supervisor, machine records units   43-1011   500
Supervisor, machine setter   51-1011   770
Supervisor, machine shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, machining   51-1011   770
Supervisor, machining and assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, machinist, outside   49-1011   700
Supervisor, magazine   43-1011   500
Supervisor, magnetic prospecting   19-4041   193
Supervisor, maid   37-1011   420
Supervisor, mail carriers 491 43-1011 637 500
Supervisor, mail clerks 491 43-1011 637 500
Supervisor, mail handlers, exc. sorting mail   53-1021   900
Supervisor, mail handlers, sorting mail   43-1011   500
Supervisor, mailroom   43-1011   500
Supervisor, mails   43-1011   500
Supervisor, mains and service   47-1011   620
Supervisor, mainspring fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, maintenance \ n.s. Exc. 23 49-1011 Exc. 077 700
Supervisor, maintenance \ n.s. 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, maintenance and custodian   37-1011   420
Supervisor, maintenance and utilities   47-1011   620
Supervisor, maintenance mechanic   49-1011   700
Supervisor, maintenance of way   47-1011   620
Supervisor, maintenance service   49-1011   700
Supervisor, maintenance, building cleaning   37-1011   420
Supervisor, maintenance, building repair   47-1011   620
Supervisor, maintenance, electronic   49-1011   700
Supervisor, maintenance, fire fighting equipment   49-1011   700
Supervisor, maintenance, groundskeeping   37-1012   421
Supervisor, maintenance, machinery repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, major appliance assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, malt house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, malted milk   51-1011   770
Supervisor, manufactured buildings   51-1011   770
Supervisor, maple products   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mapping   17-1021   131
Supervisor, marble installer   47-1011   620
Supervisor, marking room   43-1011   500
Supervisor, masonry   47-1011   620
Supervisor, material handling crew   53-1021   900
Supervisor, maternity floor   29-1111   313
Supervisor, matrix   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mattress and boxsprings   51-1011   770
Supervisor, meat   51-3021   781
Supervisor, mechanical maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, mechanics   49-1011   700
Supervisor, medical   11-9111   035
Supervisor, melter   51-1011   770
Supervisor, merchant mill rolling and finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, metal cans   51-1011   770
Supervisor, metal fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, metal furniture assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, metal hanging   51-1011   770
Supervisor, metalizing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, meter   49-1011   700
Supervisor, meter and regulator shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, meter readers   43-1011   500
Supervisor, meter repair shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, meter shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, microfilm duplicating unit   51-1011   770
Supervisor, microwave   17-2071   141
Supervisor, milk route   53-1031   900
Supervisor, mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mill house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mill labor   51-1011   770
Supervisor, miller   51-1011   770
Supervisor, milling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, millwright   49-1011   700
Supervisor, mine, administrator   11-1021   002
Supervisor, mine, exc. administrator   47-1011   620
Supervisor, mirror dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mirror fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mixing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mixing place   47-1011   620
Supervisor, model and pattern   51-1011   770
Supervisor, model making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mold cleaning and storage   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mold construction   47-1011   620
Supervisor, mold making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mold making plastics sheets   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mold shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, mold yarn   51-1011   770
Supervisor, money room   43-1011   500
Supervisor, monomer recovery   17-2041   135
Supervisor, motion picture equipment   51-1011   770
Supervisor, motorcycle repair shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, mud analysis   17-2171   152
Supervisor, music 6112, 6113 25-1121 787 220
Supervisor, music 6116, 6117, 6243 25-3021 789, 839 234
Supervisor, music Elementary school 6111 25-2021 Elementary school 786 231
Supervisor, music Exc. 6111-6113, 6116, 6117, 6243 27-2041 Exc. 786, 787, 789, 839 275
Supervisor, music Secondary school 6111 25-2031 Secondary school 786 232
Supervisor, musical instrument   51-1011   770
Supervisor, natural gas field processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, natural gas plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, net making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, newspaper carriers (51111) 41-1012 (647) 471
Supervisor, newspaper distributor (51111) 53-1031 (647) 900
Supervisor, nitroglycerin   51-1011   770
Supervisor, nursery 56173 37-1012 777 421
Supervisor, nursery 111 45-1011 017 600
Supervisor, nursery Exc. 111, 56173 39-9011 Exc. 017, 777 460
Supervisor, nurses (622) 29-1111 (819) 313
Supervisor, nut processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, nutritional yeast   51-1011   770
Supervisor, office, exc. insurance   43-1011   500
Supervisor, office, insurance (524) 41-1012 (699) 471
Supervisor, offset plate preparation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, oil field equipment mechanic   49-1011   700
Supervisor, oil well service   47-1011   620
Supervisor, open hearth stockyard   51-1011   770
Supervisor, operating room (622) 29-1111 (819) 313
Supervisor, operations 22132, 562 51-1011 068, 779 770
Supervisor, operations Exc. 22132, 562 11-1021 Exc. 068, 779 002
Supervisor, optical instrument assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, order department   13-1199   073
Supervisor, order takers   43-1011   500
Supervisor, ordnance truck installation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ornamental ironworking   47-1011   620
Supervisor, ovens   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pack worker   39-1021   432
Supervisor, packaging   51-1011   770
Supervisor, packing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, packing house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, packing room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paint dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paint roller covers   51-1011   770
Supervisor, painting   47-1011   620
Supervisor, painting dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paper coating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paper machine   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paper products   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paper testing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paperhanger   47-1011   620
Supervisor, parachute   51-1011   770
Supervisor, parcel post   43-1011   500
Supervisor, park worker 92 45-1011 937-959 600
Supervisor, park worker Exc. 92 39-1021 Exc. 937-959 432
Supervisor, parking lot (81293) 53-1021 (909) 900
Supervisor, parole   21-1092   202
Supervisor, particle board   51-1011   770
Supervisor, parts dept.   41-1011   470
Supervisor, passenger service   43-1011   500
Supervisor, paste mixing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paste plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paster   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pattern chain maker   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pattern grader   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pattern marking   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pattern shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, paving   47-1011   620
Supervisor, payroll   43-1011   500
Supervisor, permanent mold   51-1011   770
Supervisor, personnel   13-1079   062
Supervisor, personnel clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, petroleum inspector   43-1011   500
Supervisor, pharmaceutical compounding   51-1011   770
Supervisor, phosphatic fertilizer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, phosphoric acid   51-1011   770
Supervisor, phosphorus processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, photoengraving   51-1011   770
Supervisor, photographic   51-1011   770
Supervisor, picking   51-1011   770
Supervisor, picking crew   45-1011   600
Supervisor, pig machine   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pigment making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pile driving   47-1011   620
Supervisor, pilot   53-1031   900
Supervisor, pipe   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pipe and boiler covers   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pipe finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pipe fitter   47-1011   620
Supervisor, pipe joints   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pipe line   47-1011   620
Supervisor, pipe line maintenance   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pit 21, 23 47-1011 037-049, 077 620
Supervisor, pit 32, 33, 482, 8113 51-1011 187-399, 608, 887 770
Supervisor, pit 7132 39-1011 859 430
Supervisor, plant 31-33 51-1011 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 770
Supervisor, plant Exc. 31-33 11-1021 Exc. 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 002
Supervisor, plant protection   33-1099   373
Supervisor, plastering   47-1011   620
Supervisor, plastic sheets   51-1011   770
Supervisor, plastic sheets finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, plastics   51-1011   770
Supervisor, plate heating rolling and finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, platform material handling   53-1021   900
Supervisor, platform mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, plating and point assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, playground   39-9011   460
Supervisor, pleating   51-1011   770
Supervisor, plumber (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Supervisor, poleyard   51-1011   770
Supervisor, police 922 33-1012 947 371
Supervisor, policy change clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, poly area   17-2041   135
Supervisor, polymerization   17-2041   135
Supervisor, pond   51-1011   770
Supervisor, porcelain enameling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, postal 491 43-1011 637 500
Supervisor, pot lining   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pot room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, potato chip processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, poultry farm   45-1011   600
Supervisor, poultry hatchery   45-1011   600
Supervisor, poultry processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, powdered metal   51-1011   770
Supervisor, powdered sugar   51-1011   770
Supervisor, power plant operators   51-1011   770
Supervisor, power reactor   51-1011   770
Supervisor, powerhouse mechanic   49-1011   700
Supervisor, precast and prestressed concrete   51-1011   770
Supervisor, precipitator   51-1011   770
Supervisor, preparation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, preparation dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, preparation plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, press 115 45-1011 029 600
Supervisor, press Exc. 115 51-1011 Exc. 029 770
Supervisor, press hand   51-1011   770
Supervisor, press room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pressing dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pressure   51-1011   770
Supervisor, primer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, printing and stamping   51-1011   770
Supervisor, printing shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, process area   51-1011   770
Supervisor, processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, processing talc and borate   51-1011   770
Supervisor, product inspection   51-1011   770
Supervisor, production \ n.s. 5131, 5132 27-2012 667 271
Supervisor, production \ n.s. 21 47-1011 037-049 620
Supervisor, production clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, production control, exc. managing   43-1011   500
Supervisor, production control, managing   11-3051   014
Supervisor, production dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, production machine shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, production, exc. managing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, production, managing   11-3051   014
Supervisor, program 6112, 6113 11-9033 787 023
Supervisor, program Exc. 6112, 6113 27-2012 Exc. 787 271
Supervisor, programmer   15-1021   101
Supervisor, proof machine operator   43-1011   500
Supervisor, prop making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, properties   51-1011   770
Supervisor, public relations   11-2031   006
Supervisor, publications production   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pulp house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pulp plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, pump service   49-1011   700
Supervisor, pumping   53-1021   900
Supervisor, pumping station   51-1011   770
Supervisor, purchasing and claims   43-1011   500
Supervisor, purification   51-1011   770
Supervisor, puttying and calking   51-1011   770
Supervisor, quality control   51-1011   770
Supervisor, quarry, dimension stone   47-1011   620
Supervisor, quilting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, radio interference   49-1011   700
Supervisor, rag room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, railroad car repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, railroad repair, exc. track   49-1011   700
Supervisor, railroad repair, track   47-1011   620
Supervisor, ramp, refueling   49-1011   700
Supervisor, ranch   45-1011   600
Supervisor, rate   43-1011   500
Supervisor, reactor fueling   53-1021   900
Supervisor, ready-mixed food preparations   51-1011   770
Supervisor, real estate appraiser   13-2021   081
Supervisor, real estate sales   41-1012   471
Supervisor, receiving and processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, reclamation 3314 51-1011 269 770
Supervisor, reclamation 21 47-1011 037-049 620
Supervisor, reclamation Exc. 21, 3314 49-1011 Exc. 037-049, 269 700
Supervisor, record press   51-1011   770
Supervisor, recreation (713) 39-9032 (859) 462
Supervisor, reduction plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, refining   51-1011   770
Supervisor, refrigeration repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, refuse collector (562111) 53-1021 (779) 900
Supervisor, reinforced steel placing   47-1011   620
Supervisor, relay shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, repulping   51-1011   770
Supervisor, reservation   43-1011   500
Supervisor, residence   39-9041   464
Supervisor, restaurant (722) 35-1012 (868) 401
Supervisor, retail 311811, 44, 45 41-1011 119, 467-579 470
Supervisor, retail route   53-1031   900
Supervisor, retread   49-1011   700
Supervisor, reverberatory furnace   51-1011   770
Supervisor, rice milling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ride assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, rides   39-3091   443
Supervisor, rigger 23 53-1021 077 900
Supervisor, rigger Exc. 23 49-1011 Exc. 077 700
Supervisor, right of way, exc. maintenance   11-9141   041
Supervisor, right of way, maintenance   47-1011   620
Supervisor, riprap placing   47-1011   620
Supervisor, road gang (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Supervisor, road, administrator (23) 11-9199 (077) 043
Supervisor, road, exc. administrator and motor vehicle operators (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Supervisor, road, motor vehicle operators   53-1031   900
Supervisor, rocket propellant plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, roll shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, roller printing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, roller shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, roofing 23 47-1011 077 620
Supervisor, roofing plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, room service   35-1012   401
Supervisor, rose grading   45-1011   600
Supervisor, roundhouse   49-1011   700
Supervisor, route delivery   53-1031   900
Supervisor, roving dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, rubber goods   51-1011   770
Supervisor, rubber stamps and dies   51-1011   770
Supervisor, rubber tire and tubes   51-1011   770
Supervisor, rug cleaning   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sack department   43-1011   500
Supervisor, safety 922 33-1012 947 371
Supervisor, safety \ Any not listed 11-9199 \ Any not listed 043
Supervisor, safety 211 17-2111 037 143
Supervisor, safety 212, 213 17-2151 038-049 150
Supervisor, safety deposit   43-1011   500
Supervisor, sales 311811, 44-45, 722 41-1011 119, 467-579, 868, 869 470
Supervisor, sales Exc. 311811, 44-45, 722 41-1012 Exc. 119, 467-579, 868, 869 471
Supervisor, sales clerk   41-1011   470
Supervisor, sales representative   41-1012   471
Supervisor, salvage   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sample   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sample preparation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sample room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sandblasting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sanding   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sanitary landfill   47-1011   620
Supervisor, sanitation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sawmill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, schedule   43-1011   500
Supervisor, school   11-9039   023
Supervisor, scouring pads   51-1011   770
Supervisor, scrap preparation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, screen making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, screen printing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, screw   51-1011   770
Supervisor, script   43-1011   500
Supervisor, section 211, 2123 47-1011 037, 047 620
Supervisor, section Exc. 211, 2123 53-1021 Exc. 037, 047 900
Supervisor, securities vault   43-1011   500
Supervisor, security guard   33-1099   373
Supervisor, segmental paving   47-1011   620
Supervisor, seismic prospecting #211 19-4041 #037 193
Supervisor, seismograph #211 19-4041 #037 193
Supervisor, service 2211, 2212 51-1011 058, 059 770
Supervisor, service Exc. 2211, 2212 49-1011 Exc. 058, 059 700
Supervisor, service and repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, service, leased machinery and equipment   49-1011   700
Supervisor, service, office machine   49-1011   700
Supervisor, sewer maintenance   47-1011   620
Supervisor, sewer system   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sewing dept., room, etc.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shearing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shed worker   45-1011   600
Supervisor, sheet manufacturing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sheet metal worker, duct   47-1011   620
Supervisor, sheet metal worker, exc. duct   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shell shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shellfish farming   45-1011   600
Supervisor, shelving   43-1011   500
Supervisor, shift 31-33 51-1011 107-399 770
Supervisor, shipfitters   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shipping   43-1011   500
Supervisor, shipping and receiving   43-1011   500
Supervisor, shipping department   43-1011   500
Supervisor, shipping track   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shoe repair   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shop \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-1011 \ Any not listed 770
Supervisor, shop \ n.s. 311811, 42-45, 722, 811 49-1011 119, 407-579, 868-888 700
Supervisor, shop \ n.s. 8121 39-1021 897-899 432
Supervisor, shrink pit   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shuttle fitting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shuttle preparation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, shuttle veneering   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sign builder   47-1011   620
Supervisor, sign hanger   47-1011   620
Supervisor, signal 482 47-1011 608 620
Supervisor, signal Exc. 482 43-1011 Exc. 608 500
Supervisor, silk screen cutting and printing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, silvering department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, silverware   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sintering plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ski production   51-1011   770
Supervisor, slab conditioner   51-1011   770
Supervisor, slab lifting   47-4061   674
Supervisor, slate splitting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, slitting and shipping   51-1011   770
Supervisor, slot 72112, 7132 39-1011 Gaming 859, 866, 868 430
Supervisor, small appliance assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, smoke jumper   33-1021   372
Supervisor, snow removing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, soakers   51-1011   770
Supervisor, soaking pits   51-1011   770
Supervisor, soaping department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, social work   21-1023   201
Supervisor, soft sugar   51-1011   770
Supervisor, software engineering   15-1031   102
Supervisor, solder making   51-1011   770
Supervisor, solid waste facility   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sorority   39-9041   464
Supervisor, sorting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, space control   43-1011   500
Supervisor, special assemblies   51-1011   770
Supervisor, special services   21-1012   200
Supervisor, specialty dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, specialty food products   51-1011   770
Supervisor, specialty plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, spikemaking   51-1011   770
Supervisor, spinning   51-1011   770
Supervisor, split and drum room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, split leather dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sports equipment   51-1011   770
Supervisor, spray lawn and tree service 56173 37-1012 777 421
Supervisor, spring production   51-1011   770
Supervisor, spring up   51-1011   770
Supervisor, station   11-3071   016
Supervisor, station installation   49-1011   700
Supervisor, stationary engineer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, steam distribution   47-1011   620
Supervisor, steamfitter (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Supervisor, steel divison   51-1011   770
Supervisor, steel pan form placing   47-1011   620
Supervisor, steel post installer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, steffen house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, steno pool   43-1011   500
Supervisor, stevedoring   53-1021   900
Supervisor, stewardess   39-1021   432
Supervisor, stitching dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, stock 31-33 51-1011 107-399 770
Supervisor, stock Exc. 31-33 43-1011 Exc. 107-399 500
Supervisor, stock control   43-1011   500
Supervisor, stock ranch   45-1011   600
Supervisor, stocking and box shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, stockroom   43-1011   500
Supervisor, stonemason   47-1011   620
Supervisor, stonework   51-1011   770
Supervisor, street GOV 23 11-9021 GOV 077 022
Supervisor, street PR 23 47-1011 PR 077 620
Supervisor, street light servicer   49-1011   700
Supervisor, structural mill   51-1011   770
Supervisor, structural rolling and finishing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, structural steel erection   47-1011   620
Supervisor, study hall   25-9041   254
Supervisor, subway repair, exc. track   49-1011   700
Supervisor, subway repair, track   47-1011   620
Supervisor, suction dredge pipe line placing   47-1011   620
Supervisor, sugar house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sugar refinery   51-1011   770
Supervisor, sulfuric acid plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, supercharge repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, surface   47-1011   620
Supervisor, surgical   29-1111   313
Supervisor, surgical garment assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, survey workers   43-1011   500
Supervisor, switchboard operator 2211, 2212, 325 51-1011 057, 059, 218-229 770
Supervisor, switchboard operator Exc. 2211, 2212, 325 43-1011 Exc. 057, 059, 218-229 500
Supervisor, switchman   53-4031   924
Supervisor, table games (7132) 39-1011 (859) 430
Supervisor, tabulating   43-1011   500
Supervisor, tan room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tank builder   47-1011   620
Supervisor, tank cleaning 483 53-1021 609 900
Supervisor, tank cleaning Exc. 483 51-1011 Exc. 609 770
Supervisor, tank house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tank storage   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tankage   47-1011   620
Supervisor, taping   47-1011   620
Supervisor, tapper   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tar distillation   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tariff   43-1011   500
Supervisor, taxi driver   53-1031   900
Supervisor, tea and spice   51-1011   770
Supervisor, technical 51332-51339 19-4041 669 193
Supervisor, technical 325 17-2041 218-229 135
Supervisor, technical Exc. 325, 51332-51339 49-1011 Exc. 218-229, 669 700
Supervisor, telephone clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, telephone information   43-1011   500
Supervisor, telephone installers and repairers   49-1011   700
Supervisor, telephone operators   43-1011   500
Supervisor, telephone order   43-1011   500
Supervisor, telephone solicitor   43-1011   500
Supervisor, tellers   43-1011   500
Supervisor, terrazzo   47-1011   620
Supervisor, territory   41-1012   471
Supervisor, test   47-1011   620
Supervisor, test deck   49-1011   700
Supervisor, testing and analysis department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, textile   51-1011   770
Supervisor, thermostatic controls   51-1011   770
Supervisor, threshing department   51-1011   770
Supervisor, ticket sales   43-1011   500
Supervisor, tile and mottle   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tile layer   47-1011   620
Supervisor, timekeeping   43-1011   500
Supervisor, tipple   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tire service   49-1011   700
Supervisor, title   23-2093   215
Supervisor, toilet and laundry soap   51-1011   770
Supervisor, toll   43-1011   500
Supervisor, toll collector   43-1011   500
Supervisor, tool   43-5081   562
Supervisor, tool and die   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tool crib   43-1011   500
Supervisor, tool machine shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tower   51-1011   770
Supervisor, township #92114 11-1011 #937 001
Supervisor, toy assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, toy parts former   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tracer bullet section   51-1011   770
Supervisor, track \ n.s. 3111, 3112 53-1031 107 900
Supervisor, track \ n.s. Exc. 3111, 3112 47-1011 Exc. 107 620
Supervisor, track laying   47-1011   620
Supervisor, track repair   47-1011   620
Supervisor, track, inspecting   53-6051   941
Supervisor, traffic 922 33-1012 947 371
Supervisor, traffic Exc. 922 11-3071 Exc. 947 016
Supervisor, traffic maintenance   47-1011   620
Supervisor, traffic personnel   13-1079   062
Supervisor, traffic sign   47-1011   620
Supervisor, training personnel   13-1073   062
Supervisor, transcribing operators   43-1011   500
Supervisor, transformer assembly   51-1011   770
Supervisor, transformer shop   51-1011   770
Supervisor, transmission   49-1011   700
Supervisor, transmission maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, transportation 482 53-4031 608 924
Supervisor, transportation 4851, 4852, 4854-4859 53-3021 618 912
Supervisor, transportation 4853 53-3041 619 914
Supervisor, transportation \ Any not listed 53-1031 \ Any not listed 900
Supervisor, transportation 481, 483 11-3071 607, 609 016
Supervisor, trash collector (562111) 53-1021 (779) 900
Supervisor, travel information center   43-1011   500
Supervisor, treating and pumping   51-1011   770
Supervisor, treating plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tree trimming   37-1012   421
Supervisor, tree, fruit and nut farming   45-1011   600
Supervisor, truck   53-1031   900
Supervisor, truck repair   49-1011   700
Supervisor, trust accounts   43-1011   500
Supervisor, trust evaluation   13-2051   084
Supervisor, tufting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tumblers   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tumbling and rolling   51-1011   770
Supervisor, tunnel heading   47-1011   620
Supervisor, turn   51-1011   770
Supervisor, typesetting   51-1011   770
Supervisor, typing pool   43-1011   500
Supervisor, typists   43-1011   500
Supervisor, umbrella   51-1011   770
Supervisor, underground   47-1011   620
Supervisor, underwriting clerks   43-1011   500
Supervisor, upholstery dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, uranium processing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, utilities and maintenance   49-1011   700
Supervisor, vacuum metalizing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, varnish   51-1011   770
Supervisor, vat house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, vegetable farming   45-1011   600
Supervisor, veneer   51-1011   770
Supervisor, vine fruit farming   45-1011   600
Supervisor, vocational rehabilitation   21-1012   200
Supervisor, wall mirror dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, want ad   43-1011   500
Supervisor, ward 92 33-1011 937-959 370
Supervisor, ward Exc. 92 29-1111 Exc. 937-959 313
Supervisor, ward service   43-1011   500
Supervisor, wardrobe   39-3092   443
Supervisor, warehouse \ n.s.   43-1011   500
Supervisor, warehouse, material handling   53-1021   900
Supervisor, warehouse, traffic   53-1031   900
Supervisor, wash house   51-1011   770
Supervisor, washing and screening plant   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wastewater treatment   51-1011   770
Supervisor, watch mfg.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, water and sewer systems 22 11-1021 067, 069 002
Supervisor, water and sewer systems Exc. 22 47-1011 Exc. 067, 069 620
Supervisor, water control   11-1021   002
Supervisor, water softener service   47-1011   620
Supervisor, waterproofing   47-1011   620
Supervisor, waterworks   11-1021   002
Supervisor, way   47-1011   620
Supervisor, weave room 313, 314, 3151, 3279 51-1011 147-167, 259 770
Supervisor, weaving 313, 314, 3151, 3279 51-1011 147-167, 259 770
Supervisor, webbing   51-1011   770
Supervisor, welding   51-1011   770
Supervisor, welfare   21-1029   201
Supervisor, well point   47-1011   620
Supervisor, well service   47-1011   620
Supervisor, wet end   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wet pour   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wet room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wheel shop   49-1011   700
Supervisor, whipped topping 3115 51-1011 117 770
Supervisor, white sugar 3113 51-1011 108 770
Supervisor, winding and twisting dept.   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wire rope fabrication   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wireworker   49-1011   700
Supervisor, wood crew   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wood room   51-1011   770
Supervisor, wool shearing   45-1011   600
Supervisor, word processing   43-1011   500
Supervisor, wrecking   47-1011   620
Supervisor, yard \ n.s. 482 53-4031 608 924
Supervisor, yard \ n.s. \ Any not listed 43-1011 \ Any not listed 500
Supervisor, yard \ n.s. 3121, 3319, 3221, 3314, 4219, 4229 53-1021 137, 187, 269, 387, 429, 457, 458 900
Supervisor, yard, building materials or lumber   53-1021   900
Supervisor, yard, cotton gin (115) 45-1011 (029) 600
Supervisor, yarding   45-1011   600
Supervisor, yeast   51-1011   770
Supervisory clerk   43-1011   500
Supervisory wastewater treatment plant operator   51-1011   770
Supplies packer   53-7062   962
Supply aide   43-5081   562
Supply cataloguer   43-5081   562
Supply clerk   43-5081   562
Supply controller 3273, 3274 51-9023 257 865
Supply controller Exc. 3273, 3274 11-3071 Exc. 257 016
Supply crib attendant   43-5081   562
Supply officer   11-3071   016
Supply person   43-5081   562
Supply requirements officer   11-3071   016
Supply room clerk   43-5081   562
Suppository molding machine operator   53-7063   963
Suppression crew leader   33-1021   372
Surface boss   47-1011   620
Surface grinder 3251, 3259, 3391 51-9083 229, 396 876
Surface grinder 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Surfacer   51-9083   876
Surgeon (6211) 29-1067 (797) 306
Surgical aide   31-1012   360
Surgical appliance fitter   51-9082   876
Surgical brace maker   51-9082   876
Surgical corsetier   41-2031   476
Surgical elastic knitter   51-6063   841
Surgical garment fitter   51-6052   835
Surgical instrument maker   51-9082   876
Surgical nurse   29-1111   313
Surgical orderly   29-2055   341
Surgical supplies sterilizer   51-9199   896
Surgical technologist   29-2055   341
Surrogate #922 23-1021 #947 211
Surveillance officer Exc. 72112, 7132 33-9032 Exc. gaming 859, 866, 868 392
Surveillance officer 72112, 7132 33-9031 Gaming 859, 866, 868 392
Surveillance system monitor   33-9099   395
Survey crew or survey worker, chain, rod, or ax   17-3031   156
Survey crew or survey worker, opinion polls   43-4111   531
Survey crew, land surveying   17-3031   156
Survey interviewer   43-4111   531
Survey researcher   19-3022   181
Survey rodman   17-3031   156
Survey statistician   15-2041   123
Survey worker, exc. land surveying   43-4111   531
Survey worker, land surveying   17-3031   156
Surveyor \ n.s. 524 13-1031 699 054
Surveyor \ n.s. 92113 13-1041 938 056
Surveyor \ n.s. 1133 17-1022 027 131
Surveyor \ n.s., bachelors degree or higher \ Any not listed 17-1022 \ Any not listed 131
Surveyor \ n.s., less than bachelors degree \ Any not listed 17-3031 \ Any not listed 156
Surveyor, geodetic   17-1022   131
Surveyor, geophysical prospecting   17-1022   131
Surveyor, marine \ any other activity   17-3029   155
Surveyor, marine, inspect ship   17-2121   144
Surveyor, mine   17-1022   131
Surveyor, professional   17-1022   131
Surveyor, registered (public)   17-1022   131
Surveyor, surveying land, bachelors degree or higher   17-1022   131
Surveyor, surveying land, less than bachelors degree   17-3031   156
Suspender maker   51-6031   832
Suture polisher   51-9199   896
Suture winder, hand   51-9199   896
Swabber 21 47-5013 037-049 680
Swabber Exc. 21 51-9199 Exc. 037-049 896
Swage tender 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4031 237, 267-369, 608, 887 795
Swager 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4022 237, 267-369, 608, 887 793
Swager operator   51-4022   793
Swaging machine adjuster   51-4031   795
Swaging machine operator   51-4022   793
Swamper 21 53-4021 037-049 923
Swamper Exc. 21 45-4029 Exc. 037-049 613
Swatch checker   51-9061   874
Swatch clerk   43-5081   562
Swatch cutter 313, 314, 3151 51-6062 147-167 840
Swatch folder 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Swatch maker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Swatch paster   51-2099   775
Swatcher 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Sweat band separator   51-6099   846
Sweat band sewer   51-6031   832
Sweat box attendant   39-3091   443
Sweatband cutting machine operator   53-7063   963
Sweatband flanger   53-7063   963
Sweater operator   51-9012   864
Swedish masseuse (8129) 31-9011 (909) 363
Sweep press operator   51-4031   795
Sweeper \ n.s. 23, 562 53-3099 077, 769 915
Sweeper \ n.s. Exc. 23, 562 37-2011 Exc. 077, 769 422
Sweeper brush maker, machine   51-9199   896
Sweeper-cleaner, industrial   37-2011   422
Sweeper-operator, roads and parking lots   53-3099   915
Sweeping compound blender   51-9023   865
Sweet potato disintegrator   51-9021   865
Sweetbread trimmer   51-3022   781
Swift tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 147-167 842
Swimmer (711) 27-2021 (856) 272
Swimming pool attendant   39-3091   443
Swimming pool installer   47-2051   625
Swimming pool maintenance   49-9099   762
Swimming pool servicer   49-9099   762
Swing grinder   51-4033   800
Swing ride operator   39-3091   443
Swing saw operator   51-7041   853
Swing tender   53-7063   963
Swing type lathe operator 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
Switch box installer   49-2022   702
Switch cleaner   53-7061   961
Switch coupler   53-4021   923
Switch maker   53-7063   963
Switch operator 482, 4851, 488 53-4021 608, 618, 629 923
Switch tender 482, 4851, 488 53-4021 608, 618, 629 923
Switchboard and control room operator   51-8012   860
Switchboard installer 2211 47-2111 057 635
Switchboard installer Exc. 2211 49-2022 Exc. 057 702
Switchboard operator 2211, 2212 51-8012 057, 059 860
Switchboard operator 352 51-8091 218-229 863
Switchboard operator Exc. 2211, 2212, 352 43-2011 Exc. 057, 059, 218-229 501
Switchboard receptionist   43-2011   501
Switchboard trouble shooter   49-2022   702
Switchboard wirer   49-2022   702
Switcher   51-9199   896
Switching clerk 51332-51339 43-2011 669 501
Switching clerk Exc. 51332-51339 43-5071 Exc. 669 561
Switching operator   53-4021   923
Switchman 21, 482 53-4021 037-049, 608 923
Switchman Exc. 21, 482 49-2022 Exc. 037-049, 608 702
Synoptic meteorologist   19-2021   171
Synthetic filament extruder   51-6091   843
Synthetic filament spinner   51-6091   843
Synthetic staple extruder   51-6091   843
Syrup maker 1131, 1132 51-9012 019 864
Syrup maker 3113, 3121 51-3092 108, 137 784
Syrup mixer   51-3092   784
Systems accountant   13-2011   080
Systems administrator   15-1071   110
Systems analyst, computer systems   15-1051   100
Systems analyst, data processing   15-1051   100
Systems analyst, exc. computer systems or data processing   15-2031   122
Systems architect   15-1051   100
Systems integrator   15-1081   111
Systems planner   15-1081   111
Systems programmer   15-1021   101
Systems support   15-1041   104


Contact the Census Call Center at 1-800-923-8282 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: September 30, 2011