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Section 232. All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)

Brief Summary

Section 232 makes the current voluntary standard for four-wheel all terrain vehicles or ATVs (ANSI/SVIA 09109-2007) mandatory consumer product safety standard. Once the mandatory standard becomes effective new ATVs must comply with the standard and must also have an “ATV Action Plan” approved by the Commission setting safety requirements on issues such as training. Each ATV must have a label certifying compliance with this ATV action plan.

Section 232 also prohibits three-wheel ATVs from being imported into or distributed in the U.S. beginning September 13, 2008 until there is a mandatory standard for three-wheeled ATVs.

The GAO must conduct a study of the utility, recreational and other benefits of ATVs and the costs associated with accidents and injuries related to ATVs.

The Commission must also issue a final rule in its ongoing ATV rulemaking proceeding.

Effective Date: Three wheeled ATVs cannot be imported or distributed in the United States beginning on September 13, 2008. Within 90 days of enactment (by November 12, 2008), the Commission must publish in the Federal Register as a consumer product safety standard the ANSI/SVIA standard for four wheel ATVs (ANSI/SVIA 09109-2007). The standard takes effect 150 days after publication by the Commission.

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Requirements and Guidelines

Companies that either filed ATV Action Plans and/or Letters of Undertaking with the CPSC prior to August 14, 2008 or filed ATV Action Plans on or after August 14, 2008 that have been approved by the Commission.

Section 232 All-Terrain Vehicle Standard: Submission of ATV Action Plans Required Under Section 232

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Records of Commission Action, Ballot Votes, and Staff Briefing Packages

Stay of Enforcement of the Lead Content Limits for Certain Youth Motorized Recreational Vehicles, May 1, 2009 (Record of Commission Action) [PDF]

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Requests for Exclusions

Request from ATV Companies for Exclusion from Lead Content Limits under Section 101(b)(1) of the CPSIA, April 1, 2009 [PDF]

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Public Meetings

All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), March 11, 2009

All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), October 16, 2008

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Federal Register Notices

Notice of Stay of Enforcement Pertaining to Youth Motorized Recreational Vehicles, May 12, 2009 [TEXT] [PDF]

Stay of Enforcement of the Lead Content Limits for Certain Youth Motorized Recreational Vehicles, April 28, 2009 [PDF]

Final Rule: Standard for All Terrain Vehicles – 16 CFR Part 1420, November 14, 2008 [TEXT] [PDF]

Section 232 All-Terrain Vehicle Standard: Submission of ATV Action Plans Required Under Section 232

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When does the mandatory standard go into effect?

When is the deadline for manufacturers or distributors of ATVs to have an action plan on file with the Commission?

Are ATVs subject to the requirements for general conformity certification under section 102(a)(1)?

Are youth ATVs subject to the third party testing requirements of section 102(a)(2)? And if so, when?

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For more information on the CPSIA contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission at http://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/newleg.aspx.

This document is an unofficial description of one of the sections of the CPSIA and does not replace or supersede the statutory requirements of the new legislation. The dates used follow the legislation. Some may be subject to change based on final Commission action. These summaries are those of the CPSC staff and have not been reviewed or approved by, and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission.