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Section 231. Preemption

Brief Summary

This provision does not alter the underlying preemption provisions in the Act enforced by the Commission but prohibits the Commission from modifying the application of preemption provisions in the CPSA, FHSA, PPPA, or FFA by a rule, regulation, or by reference in any preamble, statement of policy, executive branch statements, or other matter associated with the publication of a rule or regulation. This is not intended to prevent the Commission from explaining the scope of Commission rules and standards in order to give guidance to the States and the States’ attorneys general.

The requirements under the Improvement Act and the FHSA are not to be construed to preempt or affect State warning requirements under state laws (e.g., California Proposition 65) that were in effect August 31, 2003 or earlier.

Preemption arises in a number of other sections of the new legislation. The new lead limits for lead paint and lead content preempt state law as do the new provisions on phthalates and ATVs. The provision mandating the voluntary toy standard ASTM F963 as a mandatory consumer product safety standard is also preemptive although there Congress has provided a mechanism to grandfather in certain existing state laws on toy safety. States can submit existing toy safety laws for continued effect by filling out an application form (pdf).

Effective Date: This provision became effective upon enactment, August 14, 2008.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do the new standards in the CPSIA, such as the new limits on lead-containing paint and lead content, phthalates and the like, preempt state laws that address the same risk of injury?

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For more information on the CPSIA contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission at http://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/newleg.aspx.

This document is an unofficial description of one of the sections of the CPSIA and does not replace or supersede the statutory requirements of the new legislation. The dates used follow the legislation. Some may be subject to change based on final Commission action. These summaries are those of the CPSC staff and have not been reviewed or approved by, and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission.